$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

That is politics today
AFTER you leave office, the public clammors for books, public appearances ....you become a political Rock Star

Perhaps for a couple of years maybe, but when you are making that kind of cash well over a decade since you left office, you are selling much more than your words.
Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You can't have it both ways kaz billy If we've had 74 straight months of 200 thousand+ job gains they must be going somewhere if not big good paying jobs then to small businesses and if small businesses need them isn't that a feather in obamas cap ? or are you going to bash him for everything good and bad?
Those job gains were illegal aliens getting the jobs of citizens who lost their jobs.
Of course not..

But if the rightwing Echo chamber tells you so, you gotta believe it

I've been saying, conservatives don't mind being lied to; a great need for reaffirmation regardless if wrong! It's more than a little pathetic when they harp on Benghazi, the emails, the server, and the CGI! These things have been investigated to death and after millions of dollars and countless hearings, "THEY GOT NOTHING!" Their heads want to explode, so to relieve the pressure they keep on insinuating something's there, it just hasn't been found yet! IDIOTS! :alcoholic: :420:
Oscar de la Renta is K Mart to you?
Hate to say it....but on Laura Bush, Oscar de la Renta looks like K Mart

That's relevant.
The difference is, Trump earned his money.

Bill Clinton rose from poverty, Hillary was middle class
Trump was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple

True. Isn't it interesting how the Clintons became so wealthy after the White House?

A job that paid $200,000 per year at that time...

Nothing like forming a dummy foundation to wash illegal contributions from terrorist-supporting governments.

Yes, you're right, the Clintons did make it for themselves.

The difference is, Trump did it the LEGAL way.:wink_2:
That is politics today
AFTER you leave office, the public clammors for books, public appearances ....you become a political Rock Star

Trump whores his name for profit

Keep telling yourself that.

For the sake of the Democratic Party, America had better believe that too.

Because if they know the truth, she's already finished.

If you think the Clinton's made a fortune from those wanting to hear them speak and publish. Wait till you see Obama

The only outlier is W Bush who left office in disgrace

People forgot Reagan got $2,000,000 for 2 speeches in Japan the minute he left office! They had to catch him while still somewhat lucid! ;-/
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.
Hate to say it....but on Laura Bush, Oscar de la Renta looks like K Mart

That's relevant.
Bill Clinton rose from poverty, Hillary was middle class
Trump was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple

True. Isn't it interesting how the Clintons became so wealthy after the White House?

A job that paid $200,000 per year at that time...

Nothing like forming a dummy foundation to wash illegal contributions from terrorist-supporting governments.

Yes, you're right, the Clintons did make it for themselves.

The difference is, Trump did it the LEGAL way.:wink_2:
That is politics today
AFTER you leave office, the public clammors for books, public appearances ....you become a political Rock Star

Trump whores his name for profit

Keep telling yourself that.

For the sake of the Democratic Party, America had better believe that too.

Because if they know the truth, she's already finished.

If you think the Clinton's made a fortune from those wanting to hear them speak and publish. Wait till you see Obama

The only outlier is W Bush who left office in disgrace

People forgot Reagan got $2,000,000 for 2 speeches in Japan the minute he left office! They had to catch him while still somewhat lucid! ;-/
There are those who think he wasn't lucid his last 4 years in office
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket

So the fuck what? She can afford it. You Right Wingers have to make up your mind about what you believe in because to be honest, you're all becoming a laughing stock.

It isn't Mrs. Tuzla Clinton being mocked it is the liberal rich hating left being mocked by Mrs. Tuzla. She just being hypocritical as usual.
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:

You really should educate yourself about the party YOU support.:rolleyes-41:
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:

You really should educate yourself about the party YOU support.:rolleyes-41:

When you do the same! :banana2: :ahole-1:
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:

You really should educate yourself about the party YOU support.:rolleyes-41:

When you do the same! :banana2: :ahole-1:

You're just another pathetic liberal crying foul when the facts of their shitbag candidate are brought to light.

All because you have no way to deny the truth.

So, you hope your rant distracts from it.
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:

You really should educate yourself about the party YOU support.:rolleyes-41:

When you do the same! :banana2: :ahole-1:

You're just another pathetic liberal crying foul when the facts of their shitbag candidate are brought to light.

All because you have no way to deny the truth.

So, you hope your rant distracts from it.

I'm still waiting for a charge that sticks! Accusations and charges aren't punishable by anything! Maybe you should stop crying foul when you have the biggest shit-bag leading your pathetic party! :anj_stfu: :9: :asshole:
12,400 and the jacket still made her look like crap. If I were Mrs. Tuzla I would ask for my money back.
She is a crook. Her and Bill have sold this country down the river just to enrich themselves and win the White House back.....but we know they are crooked as hell and an Outsider is going to kick their political asses.

Name it; don't spew it! Make a charge and make it stick why don't you? Republicans have been pulling this $#!t for years, throwing out accusations and proving little! Why not go back and hit them on Iran Contra, starting two wars on the big lie of WMD, Katrina disaster, and of course the banking collapse that occurs every time a Republican is in the White House with a Republican Congress? You gotta do better than accuse Bill and Hillary of murder, pocketing money from the CGI, and any other number of BS charges! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :asshole:

You really should educate yourself about the party YOU support.:rolleyes-41:

When you do the same! :banana2: :ahole-1:

You're just another pathetic liberal crying foul when the facts of their shitbag candidate are brought to light.

All because you have no way to deny the truth.

So, you hope your rant distracts from it.

I'm still waiting for a charge that sticks! Accusations and charges aren't punishable by anything! Maybe you should stop crying foul when you have the biggest shit-bag leading your pathetic party! :anj_stfu: :9: :asshole:

There is no help for you.
12,400 and the jacket still made her look like crap. If I were Mrs. Tuzla I would ask for my money back.

If that's the best you got, she'll do fine this Nov.! Thanks so much for proving my point; total frustration and desperation on "the right!" :argue: :9: :blahblah:
True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us!

Of course the world loves us. We have a so-called American President apologizing for all our past actions. He's got the doors at Gitmo wide open. He gave away our top five terrorists in prison for a lowly traitor private. He has an open border attitude and taking in foreigners like they were on sale. He's given Iran a time frame on when they can build nukes and even lied to the American public about who we were negotiating with. No attempts at getting the people responsible for Benghazi.
Damn Ray......you are really striking out big time

You do know we got the guys responsible for Benghazi don't you?
The guys in Gitmo have not been convicted of any offenses...there are things known as human rights
The guys released were far from our top five.....ever hear of Sheik Mohammad? The guy who planned 9-11?
We have fewer illegals today than under Republcan leadership

But you will just repost your lies tomorrow won't you?
They got one guy responsible for Benghazi.
The guys in Gitmo have never been allowed to have a trial........Obama just keeps releasing them.
And if you think the borders are secure, you are frigging insane.
I'm guessing that Hillary is a master criminal, since she has allegedly committed more crimes than Al Capone, but never convicted of anything.....
12,400 and the jacket still made her look like crap. If I were Mrs. Tuzla I would ask for my money back.

If that's the best you got, she'll do fine this Nov.! Thanks so much for proving my point; total frustration and desperation on "the right!" :argue: :9: :blahblah:

you mean the worse we got. but it isn't the worse, I list a 1/2 dozen in my signature line, which I assume you refuse to even look at. I wouldn't if I were you, it will only make you feel badly about yourself.
I'm guessing that Hillary is a master criminal, since she has allegedly committed more crimes than Al Capone, but never convicted of anything.....

Just those who are around her. Like the 15 from the Whitewater investigation. All of them went down except Mrs. Tuzla. Draft indictments were prepared but it was decided she was too big to jail. Now courts are blocking the release of those indictments.

Sad that Mrs. Tuzla is the best the democrats have to offer.

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