$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.

Obama has never been quoted saying he would veto a plan to bring business back. Try again.
Obamatons live in a bubble world ignorant of reality.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday threatened to veto a bipartisan tax deal that would reportedly create permanent tax perks for corporations without advancing key tax breaks for middle- and low-income families.

Right, Obama is pushing business tax reform, not allowing corporate tax inversions.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

I was a mega left winger when I was young. I campaigned for the first Trudeau up here. PET. I was against the draft to the point I convinced my mother to take two young men that I knew from South Carolina and take them to Canada. Both had been drafted and I wanted them to buy some time for them to make sure they knew what they were doing and be able to commit to the war with clear heads.

I went to Angela Davis speeches at UCLA after I hiked to the coast. I supported the original Black Panthers. I supported '68. I supported abortion until I had my first child.

I was left wing. More so than most on this board. I am currently the opposite of what I was then.

I evolved. I have no problem with Trump changing his positions to a more conservative stance.

I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WANTED for crying out loud. To be able to swing independents and D's to the conservative side of life.

This is bullshit you are handing me that OMG Trump changed positions and he can't be trusted. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I guess for you and the other never trumpsters I can't be a true conservative now because at one time in my life I was a liberal.

That's fucking pathetic.
Except I don't care about your past. I also think the term "real" conservative is fucking stupid. You want to expand your base you don't do it by alienating people on the fringes of what you consider conservative.

You're the one bringing up Trump's past and positions. Trump has expanded his base quite well during the primaries. He took out 16 others did he not? With massive wins.

Trump now holds the record for the most votes cast for a R primary candidate in over 30 years. The record. He's done that by being a straight shooter. Rough around the edges for certain but he's drawn more voters than anyone else in a long time.

That's because right wingers wanted a crazy to represent them.
Hey Billy Ever take a look at the DUMP mansions gold trim and all the trappings How many millions you think all his homes are worth??? And think he won't be coining it if he ever gets the most important job IN THE WORLD?

Yes I have. But you know? He's not bullshitting people over income inequality and class warfare like the Golden Girl is.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??
Yes I have. But you know? He's not bullshitting people over income inequality and class warfare like the Golden Girl is.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
I don't know why this propaganda continues to circulate inside the right wing echo chamber about how hard it is to start a small business. I've started several over the past 20 years and had absolutely no problems at all.

Why don't you give us some real time examples of how hard it is. And in the meantime, just ask your average Silicon Valley whiz kid how it's done.

You're meeting with young entrepreneurs this evening. What's your impression of the climate for startups in 2013? Do think you could have started Subway today?

Well, if I had the same knowledge and resources I had back then, I don't think I would have been able to get through the maze that we have today. As a seventeen year old--a seventeen year-old with very little money--I would have been blocked. I'm pretty confident that the lag time to get open, the amount of costs to meet regulations, the rent I would have had to pay while I was burning up time...those things would have put me out of business.

Subway's Fred DeLuca: Nail the Basics, Then Expand
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You can't have it both ways kaz billy If we've had 74 straight months of 200 thousand+ job gains they must be going somewhere if not big good paying jobs then to small businesses and if small businesses need them isn't that a feather in obamas cap ? or are you going to bash him for everything good and bad?
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket

So the fuck what? She can afford it. You Right Wingers have to make up your mind about what you believe in because to be honest, you're all becoming a laughing stock.
Yep......you tools never trashed Sarah Palin over her expensive wardrobe.


Didn't happen.

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image

But wasn't the issue that it was the RNC who paid $290,000 for that? Also there was a birthday dress for Bristol and electronics?
Nope. The issue was simply an attempt to trash Palin any way possible. The wardrobe was all on loan. It was returned after the election. I remember the attempts to trash Mitt when he closed all of his accounts and his campaign staff's checks bounced.

No, Palin had a fit when she discovered that it had to be returned. She was originally told it was hers to keep but later claimed she couldn't find a lot of the stuff to return it. $290,000 for clothes deserved the hit that it got, it was wrong and especially wrong during a campaign.
Bullshit. Total fabrication.

You've been spending too much time on Media Matters.
True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us!

Of course the world loves us. We have a so-called American President apologizing for all our past actions. He's got the doors at Gitmo wide open. He gave away our top five terrorists in prison for a lowly traitor private. He has an open border attitude and taking in foreigners like they were on sale. He's given Iran a time frame on when they can build nukes and even lied to the American public about who we were negotiating with. No attempts at getting the people responsible for Benghazi.
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket
How fucking much does Donald Fucking Trump Pay For His Fucking Suits?

Why hasn't Donald Fucking Trump Released His Fucking Tax Fucking Returns? Bill and Hillary have released over 30+Years of their taxes and Donald Fucking Trump Refuses To Release His...Why? Don't give me any audit crap either, there is no prohibition against releasing tax returns during an audit would be to his benefit. What is Donald Fucking Trump Fucking Hiding?
Last edited:
So the fuck what? She can afford it. You Right Wingers have to make up your mind about what you believe in because to be honest, you're all becoming a laughing stock.
Yep......you tools never trashed Sarah Palin over her expensive wardrobe.


Didn't happen.

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image

But wasn't the issue that it was the RNC who paid $290,000 for that? Also there was a birthday dress for Bristol and electronics?
Nope. The issue was simply an attempt to trash Palin any way possible. The wardrobe was all on loan. It was returned after the election. I remember the attempts to trash Mitt when he closed all of his accounts and his campaign staff's checks bounced.

No, Palin had a fit when she discovered that it had to be returned. She was originally told it was hers to keep but later claimed she couldn't find a lot of the stuff to return it. $290,000 for clothes deserved the hit that it got, it was wrong and especially wrong during a campaign.
Bullshit. Total fabrication.

You've been spending too much time on Media Matters.

The facts were reported and the clothes were returned and reportedly sat in trashbags at the RNC headquarters in Washington. They were supposed to be donated to charity but the RNC refused to detail that information so no record of what happened to those clothes exist. For that amount of money you would think that someone would have tried to explain it but there you go.
Trump wears custom Brioni suit about $4,000. He also likes gold watches Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe. Not sure about shoes but certainly custom.
I know Trump buys expensive watches. I would too if I had the money. But I happen to know he buys his clothes at Kohls because he uses the 30% off coupons along with the $10 Kohls Kash. His shoes come from Payless because of the Buy One/Get One for 50% off. Hate to be busting your bubble, Juana.

Frankly, although Trump does wear expensive suits, he's such a slob that they look bad. He never buttons the jacket and they are somehow shapeless.
You ignorant little cock sucker! The reason Trump doesn't button his suit jacket is because he has to wear a bulletproof vest to hopefully survive been killed by a fucking Hillary supporter.
Trump is now getting a few hundred death threats a day from Hillary supporters.

With that fat gut there isn't any way he can button his coat or wear a bulletproof vest.
You've never offered any intelligent debate on this forum.
Permanent Ignore.
When are you going to ignore yourself for that reason?
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket

How much does Donald Fucking Trump pay for his fucking suits?

A lot more than he pays for hair styling and spray on tans

Tan from a can is cheap. His hair will someday suffer a catastrophic accident. That kind suspension can't last forever.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You say that like Bush did any better.
True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us!

Of course the world loves us. We have a so-called American President apologizing for all our past actions. He's got the doors at Gitmo wide open. He gave away our top five terrorists in prison for a lowly traitor private. He has an open border attitude and taking in foreigners like they were on sale. He's given Iran a time frame on when they can build nukes and even lied to the American public about who we were negotiating with. No attempts at getting the people responsible for Benghazi.
Damn Ray......you are really striking out big time

You do know we got the guys responsible for Benghazi don't you?
The guys in Gitmo have not been convicted of any offenses...there are things known as human rights
The guys released were far from our top five.....ever hear of Sheik Mohammad? The guy who planned 9-11?
We have fewer illegals today than under Republcan leadership

But you will just repost your lies tomorrow won't you?
I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

Well her father was a member of the Communist Party...

Actually I thought she was a gold digger but a lot people say she is bright and articulate...

But if the RW want to gt into what Hillary is wearing Clinton has a simple answer.

'While I want to support the Middle class, ME security and Education standards, they want to discuss fashion tips!!!'

So please continue this thread.

I think it's imperative that our President and First Lady -- and all of the people in public life -- look their absolute best.

Hillary, left to her own devices, is a mess. Very typical of a leftist college student from the 60s. Look at her appearance when SOS -- the lank hair, the sloppy, cheap clothes.

As I said, I think the Armani jacket was good but she's a hypocrite for wearing it for her income inequality speech.

There are lots and lots of levels below that that would look appropriate but aren't screamingly hypocritical.

But as a slob, she wouldn't know.

Hillary's views on income inequality are that the wealthy (including herself) should pay more taxes
Wages need to be increased
We need to do more for education and healthcare

None of which say you can't wear an Armani suit

Why did Jackie have to patronize American designers and even Michelle Obama does, but Hillary gets a pass?

She can have the Italian.

I seem to remember Jackie patronizing French and Italian designers...Michelle too

Laura Bush patronized K Mart

Oscar de la Renta is K Mart to you?
I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

Well her father was a member of the Communist Party...

Actually I thought she was a gold digger but a lot people say she is bright and articulate...

But if the RW want to gt into what Hillary is wearing Clinton has a simple answer.

'While I want to support the Middle class, ME security and Education standards, they want to discuss fashion tips!!!'

So please continue this thread.

I think it's imperative that our President and First Lady -- and all of the people in public life -- look their absolute best.

Hillary, left to her own devices, is a mess. Very typical of a leftist college student from the 60s. Look at her appearance when SOS -- the lank hair, the sloppy, cheap clothes.

As I said, I think the Armani jacket was good but she's a hypocrite for wearing it for her income inequality speech.

There are lots and lots of levels below that that would look appropriate but aren't screamingly hypocritical.

But as a slob, she wouldn't know.

Hillary's views on income inequality are that the wealthy (including herself) should pay more taxes
Wages need to be increased
We need to do more for education and healthcare

None of which say you can't wear an Armani suit

Why did Jackie have to patronize American designers and even Michelle Obama does, but Hillary gets a pass?

She can have the Italian.

I seem to remember Jackie patronizing French and Italian designers...Michelle too

Laura Bush patronized K Mart

The arrangement with Oleg Cassini -- American -- was brokered by Joe Kennedy (Cassini was a Hollywood designer) to assuage the garment unions. It was a successful partnership.

Michelle has worn some non-American designers, but she largely patronizes Jason Wu, who is American.

Laura Bush wore Oscar de la Renta. American, and top notch.
Yep......you tools never trashed Sarah Palin over her expensive wardrobe.


Didn't happen.

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image

But wasn't the issue that it was the RNC who paid $290,000 for that? Also there was a birthday dress for Bristol and electronics?
Nope. The issue was simply an attempt to trash Palin any way possible. The wardrobe was all on loan. It was returned after the election. I remember the attempts to trash Mitt when he closed all of his accounts and his campaign staff's checks bounced.

No, Palin had a fit when she discovered that it had to be returned. She was originally told it was hers to keep but later claimed she couldn't find a lot of the stuff to return it. $290,000 for clothes deserved the hit that it got, it was wrong and especially wrong during a campaign.
Bullshit. Total fabrication.

You've been spending too much time on Media Matters.

The facts were reported and the clothes were returned and reportedly sat in trashbags at the RNC headquarters in Washington. They were supposed to be donated to charity but the RNC refused to detail that information so no record of what happened to those clothes exist. For that amount of money you would think that someone would have tried to explain it but there you go.

OMG!!! LOL!!!

What a load of rubbish.
If you believe that........I have some tickets to Super Bowl 50 I need to sell.
This goes hand and hand with her $12K jacket and talking about INEQUALITY...


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