$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

I know Trump buys expensive watches. I would too if I had the money. But I happen to know he buys his clothes at Kohls because he uses the 30% off coupons along with the $10 Kohls Kash. His shoes come from Payless because of the Buy One/Get One for 50% off. Hate to be busting your bubble, Juana.

Frankly, although Trump does wear expensive suits, he's such a slob that they look bad. He never buttons the jacket and they are somehow shapeless.
You ignorant little cock sucker! The reason Trump doesn't button his suit jacket is because he has to wear a bulletproof vest to hopefully survive been killed by a fucking Hillary supporter.
Trump is now getting a few hundred death threats a day from Hillary supporters.

With that fat gut there isn't any way he can button his coat or wear a bulletproof vest.

Has anyone seen Trump touch his toes?

Why do you think he hangs around with Chris Christie?

Christie makes him look thinner, that's for sure. The taxpayers paid for Christie's lap band surgery. Anybody besides me have a problem with that?

Obesity is a serious matter and I have no problem with how his surgery got paid for, most insurance covers it anyway. My problem with Christie's lap band surgery was it didn't work and the poor man couldn't stop eating. When you overeat after having that surgery you spend all the time in the bathroom, it had to make him miserable and hurt him psychologically because he was hoping to lose weight to make him look more presidential. He wasn't up to the most personal of challenges and I hate to say that doesn't look good for someone who wants to lead by example.
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket
Hey Billy Ever take a look at the DUMP mansions gold trim and all the trappings How many millions you think all his homes are worth??? And think he won't be coining it if he ever gets the most important job IN THE WORLD?

Yes I have. But you know? He's not bullshitting people over income inequality and class warfare like the Golden Girl is.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
Hey Billy Ever take a look at the DUMP mansions gold trim and all the trappings How many millions you think all his homes are worth??? And think he won't be coining it if he ever gets the most important job IN THE WORLD?

Yes I have. But you know? He's not bullshitting people over income inequality and class warfare like the Golden Girl is.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?
Yes I have. But you know? He's not bullshitting people over income inequality and class warfare like the Golden Girl is.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.
Frankly, although Trump does wear expensive suits, he's such a slob that they look bad. He never buttons the jacket and they are somehow shapeless.
You ignorant little cock sucker! The reason Trump doesn't button his suit jacket is because he has to wear a bulletproof vest to hopefully survive been killed by a fucking Hillary supporter.
Trump is now getting a few hundred death threats a day from Hillary supporters.

With that fat gut there isn't any way he can button his coat or wear a bulletproof vest.

Has anyone seen Trump touch his toes?

Why do you think he hangs around with Chris Christie?

Christie makes him look thinner, that's for sure. The taxpayers paid for Christie's lap band surgery. Anybody besides me have a problem with that?

Obesity is a serious matter and I have no problem with how his surgery got paid for, most insurance covers it anyway. My problem with Christie's lap band surgery was it didn't work and the poor man couldn't stop eating. When you overeat after having that surgery you spend all the time in the bathroom, it had to make him miserable and hurt him psychologically because he was hoping to lose weight to make him look more presidential. He wasn't up to the most personal of challenges and I hate to say that doesn't look good for someone who wants to lead by example.

Nobody forced that spoon in to his fat face. And the fact that he didn't stop eating and he's ballooning up again says the money was wasted.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

I don't know why this propaganda continues to circulate inside the right wing echo chamber about how hard it is to start a small business. I've started several over the past 20 years and had absolutely no problems at all.

Why don't you give us some real time examples of how hard it is. And in the meantime, just ask your average Silicon Valley whiz kid how it's done.
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?
But he's going to make america great again? that to my understanding is he thinks,and wants you sheep to think ,things stink now ,,,,and that's pure 100% bullshit

They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

We won't hold our breath. But of course we don't have to, he won't be elected. He's turning into voting booth poison.

Amazing how dense. Not that she should have shown up in a sweater from Goodwill, but if you're going to talk about inequality you would think you'd make sure you wear something pretty spartan.
It's right out of the lefty pukes' playbook.

Recall Johnny Edwards campaigning and wailing about the "two Americas," those being the haves and the have nots. That was right about the time he was moving into his new home, largest in his county was in excess of 28,000 square feet and included indoor b-ball and squash courts, pool, and all sorts of stuff the folks in the "other" America didn't have.

Yes, exactly. It's the preach one thing and do another crowd.
Oh this is too funny !!! :lmao:
From the "do as I say not as I do" department.

Hillary Clinton under fire for wearing $12,495 Armani jacket during inequality speech

In an effort to upgrade the outdated pantsuit uniform, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has had a complete wardrobe overhaul. But her efforts to update her look have backfired a bit this week with the revelation that one of her jackets costs more than most people make in a month.

The garment was worn during during her New York primary victory in April, where Clinton discussed topics like income inequality, retirement security and job creation...all while wearing a Giorgio Armani tweed jacket that retails for $12,495. Twitter outrage ensued, with a flood of sarcastic quips about how relateable the Democratic candidate is.
Hillary Clinton under fire for wearing $12,495 Armani jacket during inequality speech
Nancy Reagan's Fancy Freebies May Cost the Former First Couple a Pretty Penny in Back Taxes : People.com
January 08, 1990

The figures quoted are 1990 dollars
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

You think being a clown that would trash the country is a good quality? Typical.
He trashed the country in your pea brain? Who else is giving liberals a case of vapors?

Didn't say he had. I said he would.
They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

I don't know why this propaganda continues to circulate inside the right wing echo chamber about how hard it is to start a small business. I've started several over the past 20 years and had absolutely no problems at all.

Why don't you give us some real time examples of how hard it is. And in the meantime, just ask your average Silicon Valley whiz kid how it's done.

Any in the past seven?
They stink. The bulk of job growth under Obama has been low pay retail and service jobs, and most of those going to the invaders.

Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.
Manufacturing got shipped overseas before he took office, actually starting when Reagan was in office. So maybe if he was the dictator that everyone says he is, he'd impose a huge tax on American companies who have factories offshore.

Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.

Obama has never been quoted saying he would veto a plan to bring business back. Try again.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

I already know that's what you want, but you really believe he is capable of doing any of that?
Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.

Obama has never been quoted saying he would veto a plan to bring business back. Try again.

He has said he would veto lowering the business tax rate.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

You think being a clown that would trash the country is a good quality? Typical.
He trashed the country in your pea brain? Who else is giving liberals a case of vapors?

Didn't say he had. I said he would.
But you aren't right about anything so he'll be fine.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

That's the crazy party that you call home.
So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.

Obama has never been quoted saying he would veto a plan to bring business back. Try again.

He has said he would veto lowering the business tax rate.

No he said he would veto tax cuts on personal incomes over $250,000. Nothing on business.
Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.

So when is Donald Trump returning his business from Mexico and China?

As soon as he lowers the business tax rates.

Just so you know, he doesn't lower the tax rate, congress does. So what's the holdup?

Obama veto.

Obama has never been quoted saying he would veto a plan to bring business back. Try again.
Obamatons live in a bubble world ignorant of reality.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday threatened to veto a bipartisan tax deal that would reportedly create permanent tax perks for corporations without advancing key tax breaks for middle- and low-income families.

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