12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

They don't just get paid for game time. If a player never plays in a game, he still gets paid. NFL players have to attend practice, team meetings, workout sessions, ect. When they are in uniform and on the field on game-day, they are representing their team and employer.

I think it is ultimately up to the team owner, if he wants to allow it, then I think it is OK. He will lose a lot of revenue because of it, but it is within his rights to allow it.
Otherwise, employees typically don't have a "right" to engage in protests while "on the job". Do you see Best Buy employees protesting while at work? Do you see police officers or government employees protesting while at work? No.

Except Best Buy workers aren't given a public forum. NFL Players are.

Don't whine because you've given these guys a public forum and they say something you don't like.
They are EMPLOYEES. It is NOT their public forum. These imbeciles are nothing more than hired hands. If they cannot represent their employers in a favorable light they'll be canned for being the useless scum they are. Let them take their fking knee at home.
I find it very easy here to demonstrate the hatred you kindergarten Marxists feel for America, for civilization, and for decency. You do it yourself and nobody here has any excuse for not noticing. And usually your lack of education is in evidence...a prerequisite for being marxist by the way. Your gender studies classes just haven't prepared you for anything except an ignorance of nature as well as history.

dude, please. I'm 55 years old, and in college I was one of those idiot Young Conservatives. now I know better. I'm not rich enough to be a Republican and neither are you.

Now, that all being said, let's look at the rest of your silly argument.

All lefties are indoctrinated and taught that America the Beautiful should be the national anthem. You arent very original...just very indoctrinated. In the meantime, like a petulant child, you think you have an excuse to disrespect your country's official national anthem, bitch about the wars we fought and whine about Confederates.

no, i just don't think it's a very good song. It glorifies war, it celebrates a war where America was specifically in the wrong, and no one can actually remember the words to it.

Meanwhile ATB actually talks about what a great and beautiful country we are blessed to live in. It even talks about God. That should make you wingnuts happy.

The United States never invaded Canada until after war was declared. The dispute in the Northwest was a legitimate dispute between two expanding powers which the British finally agreed to settle in our favor (by "our" I mean Americans..not you) as the price of peace. The British were also paying Indians to attack Americans, impressing sailors, blockading ports and seizing our ships which traded with france.
But the most important principle for a brand new nation, a set of ex colonies, was overturning the feudal law of "perpetual allegiance" which led to impressment. "Perpetual allegiance" meant that the United States was illegitimate as a nation. The British were hanging Irishmen under the doctrine until 1922. But not Americans...thanks to the War of 1812. Although we got no treaty to the effect until 1856 Britain immediately released Americans from the doctrine.
Britain also agreed to stop funding Indian raids on American cities in Article IX of the Treaty of Ghent. You didnt mention that did you?

Again, all of which had nothing to do with the fact that we were still in the wrong. AND we got our asses kicked. Which is nothing to be proud of, either. We shouldn't have been trading with France to start with. Not when they were wage war across Europe for a decade.

Start with Madison's reasons for asking for a declaration of war from Congress.

Every war ever started by anyone has a bunch of flowery language and lofty goals... Iraq War, anyone? We were still in the wrong, but this is probably more appropriate to the History forum.

Now go read up on the war of 1812 on the internet. It is a mile wide and an inch deep which suits your abilities just fine. Beats reading a book right?

Hey, dude, I have a degree in history. But it was from one of those Commie State Universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science class.
They're paid BY their employers, for the entire time they're at the stadium. If these brainless cocksuckers want to whine they should do it at home. If they don't know how to hold down a job, then quit and go on welfare. Otherwise they should shut the fk up and do what they're paid to do.

Last time I watched an NFL game, they did what they were supposed to do. Except for the Bears, they kind of suck...

so what you want them to do is not offend your sensibilities.
I think that the Wingnuts want these guys to comply.... maybe this should be the new training regime...

They're paid BY their employers, for the entire time they're at the stadium. If these brainless cocksuckers want to whine they should do it at home. If they don't know how to hold down a job, then quit and go on welfare. Otherwise they should shut the fk up and do what they're paid to do.

Last time I watched an NFL game, they did what they were supposed to do. Except for the Bears, they kind of suck...

so what you want them to do is not offend your sensibilities.
Pro football is a product. And fans don't tune if to watch a bunch of over-paid sniveling drama queens whine about how "oppressed" they are. Fuck them. Stinking ingrates.

They're paid to do a job. If they're incapable of doing that job, and representing their employers in a positive way, they should be fired.

If they really want to whine, let them join the BLM in their brainless riots and looting sprees. All garbage should be packed together.
Pro football is a product. And fans don't tune if to watch a bunch of over-paid sniveling drama queens whine about how "oppressed" they are. Fuck them. Stinking ingrates.

They're paid to do a job. If they're incapable of doing that job, and representing their employers in a positive way, they should be fired.

If they really want to whine, let them join the BLM in their brainless riots and looting sprees. All garbage should be packed together.

Here's the problem with that. The team owners know if they let these guys go, a rival team will pick them up in an hour.

And sorry, if you live in a country where a police officer can pull you over and shoot you with no consequences, based on the color of your skin, that's nothing to be grateful for.
Cleveland....the mistake by the lake. At least Johnny Football isn't there anymore.
Here's the problem with that. The team owners know if they let these guys go, a rival team will pick them up in an hour.

And sorry, if you live in a country where a police officer can pull you over and shoot you with no consequences, based on the color of your skin, that's nothing to be grateful for.
Yeah, right. Like teams are lining up to sign the highly "oppressed" kaepernick. Lol.. No team wants to deal with these whiners. And most teams have their rosters set. It would have to be a premium player for them to be so quickly picked up. These guys are whiners; nothing premium about them.

And if these guys are so damned unhappy living in this country, no one is holding them back. There are plenty of countries out there. I'll chip in a buck to help with their plane ticket. Only the whiners will have to promise to NEVER come back.
Hey, dude, I have a degree in history. But it was from one of those Commie State Universities where they don't teach about Talking Snakes in Science class.

Lol. Of all the ridiculous claims you have made here....
I think that the Wingnuts want these guys to comply.... maybe this should be the new training regime...

lol claims to be a History Major', then posts some rubbish from Roots, a fake history book.

Yeah that wasn't overly shouted from the rooftops was it? Haley admitted later his book was fiction.
But no matter. That "degree in history" guy above fell for it.
I think that the Wingnuts want these guys to comply.... maybe this should be the new training regime...

lol claims to be a History Major', then posts some rubbish from Roots, a fake history book.

Not just majored in. Claims to have a degree in history but thought we attacked Britain to seize Canada!
The league’s collective refusal to put Kaepernick on the field has backfired,” Now many players will continue to martyr Kaepernick. They are going to "stick it to the man" for stripping Kaepernick of his "right to remain silent", "redress of grievan
Are those players willing to be benched so that Kaeperdick plays in their stead?
So the usual gang of old scared white people are mad that Black and White athletes have a strong opinion concerning the unequal treatment that Black communities receive from many police departments...
Guess what???...this is America, if you don't like their position go do something else and shut the fuck up!!!
Being that this is America I have a right to voice my displeasure with these spoiled, stupid, entitled brats. They're so stupid they feel they have a right to protest at work. Well actually they do, however their employer has a right to tell them to take a hike for dong so, which is what i would do to these ungrateful pieces of shit if I was their employer. I say ungrateful because they're knowingly biting the hand that is feeding them very well. The protests have hurt the NFL and they haven't produced anything constructive.
Like I said, scared little white people upset that someone is addressing the issue of police behavior in minority communities...
So when are you going to go do something and shit the fuck up???

Oh bullshit, the black crybabies bring their misfortune on themselves through their record-setting violent crime epidemic and their nonstop hatred of whites. And they have idiots like you falling for their mindless grievance-mongering everyone has already heard a million times over.

If blacks have it so bad here. genius, name me ONE black-majority country in which blacks have a better life than they do in the US. Also name me one other white-majority country that elected a black leader twice.
Why do feminized white males make the same irrational argument over and over again, such as this poster???
Blacks don't have a hatred of whites, they just hate ignorant know nothing whites such as yourself...
Speaking of crime epidemics, maybe you should research the percentage of the group highest in committing crimes against whites, it makes your statements appear all the more ignorant.
Whites did not elect Pres. Obama, in fact more whites voted against him than for him, it takes a little intelligence and awareness of politics to be aware of that common fact...another of your ignorant statements demolished.
Many countries offer a better standard of living for people off all races better than the U.S. depending on one's opinion of what makes a happy life...now that topic is far too much for your lizard brain to debate...
Pro football is a product. And fans don't tune if to watch a bunch of over-paid sniveling drama queens whine about how "oppressed" they are. Fuck them. Stinking ingrates.

They're paid to do a job. If they're incapable of doing that job, and representing their employers in a positive way, they should be fired.

If they really want to whine, let them join the BLM in their brainless riots and looting sprees. All garbage should be packed together.

Here's the problem with that. The team owners know if they let these guys go, a rival team will pick them up in an hour.

And sorry, if you live in a country where a police officer can pull you over and shoot you with no consequences, based on the color of your skin, that's nothing to be grateful for.
These whiners don't have to remain in a country they hate, and that "oppresses" them so damned much.

They can move to a country they'd be more grateful to live in. I'll throw in a quarter toward their air fare.
Whites did not elect Pres. Obama, in fact more whites voted against him than for him,

Blacks make up 12-14% of the population. Almost 8% of them nationally can't vote because of felonies they have committed. In some states with large black populations 26% of blacks can't vote because of their violent pasts.
In 2008 black turnout was only 65%. So you think 65% of 12%....about 7%....of which 8% have lost the vote due to thuggery so now we are down to 3%...voted in a President ?
Nope. Mathematically impossible as you can see. White liberals saddled us with Obama.
Whites did not elect Pres. Obama, in fact more whites voted against him than for him,

Blacks make up 12-14% of the population. Almost 8% of them nationally can't vote because of felonies they have committed. In some states with large black populations 26% of blacks can't vote because of their violent pasts.
In 2008 black turnout was only 65%. So you think 65% of 12%....about 7%....of which 8% have lost the vote due to thuggery so now we are down to 3%...voted in a President ?
Nope. Mathematically impossible as you can see. White liberals saddled us with Obama.
Not to mention the ones that were confused by the ballots or shiny objects or whatever and accidentally voted Republican.
Whites did not elect Pres. Obama, in fact more whites voted against him than for him,

Blacks make up 12-14% of the population. Almost 8% of them nationally can't vote because of felonies they have committed. In some states with large black populations 26% of blacks can't vote because of their violent pasts.
In 2008 black turnout was only 65%. So you think 65% of 12%....about 7%....of which 8% have lost the vote due to thuggery so now we are down to 3%...voted in a President ?
Nope. Mathematically impossible as you can see. White liberals saddled us with Obama.
Not to mention the ones that were confused by the ballots or shiny objects or whatever and accidentally voted Republican.

Once again, an idiotic post full of racist "dog whistles" and no cites...
Stupidity like yours is why so many white men in this country are viewed as pussies...
You come into a thread concerning the national anthem and start crying about Black people...lol.
Grow some balls dude, your panties are showing...
Whites did not elect Pres. Obama, in fact more whites voted against him than for him,

Blacks make up 12-14% of the population. Almost 8% of them nationally can't vote because of felonies they have committed. In some states with large black populations 26% of blacks can't vote because of their violent pasts.
In 2008 black turnout was only 65%. So you think 65% of 12%....about 7%....of which 8% have lost the vote due to thuggery so now we are down to 3%...voted in a President ?
Nope. Mathematically impossible as you can see. White liberals saddled us with Obama.
Not to mention the ones that were confused by the ballots or shiny objects or whatever and accidentally voted Republican.

Once again, an idiotic post full of racist "dog whistles" and no cites...
Stupidity like yours is why so many white men in this country are viewed as pussies...
You come into a thread concerning the national anthem and start crying about Black people...lol.
Grow some balls dude, your panties are showing...

Face it boy...white liberals picked your President and, knowing math and demographics aren't inner city strongpoints, let you think you did it.
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