12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

In the 2008 Election:
55% of voting whites voted for McCain/Palin.
43% of voting whites voted for Obama/Biden.
How Groups Voted in 2008 - Roper Center

In the 2012 Election:
59% of voting whites voted for Romney/Ryan.
39% of voting whites voted for Obama/Biden.

Now go sit the fuck down somewhere...your stupidity is irritating.
The wide racial gap in Obama’s presidential elections, in 2 charts

President Obama will mark the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington Wednesday against the backdrop of an electorate that is sharply divided along racial lines. The gap between white and black voters in 2012 was wider for Obama than it had been for any Democratic nominee in nearly three decades.

Ninety-three percent of black voters supported President Obama in 2012, exit poll data show. By comparison, just 39 percent of white voters supported a second term for the president. The 54-point racial gap (nearly identical to the 52-point gap in Obama's first election in 2008) was the widest since 1984, when blacks were 55 points more likely than whites to back Democratic nominee Walter Mondale.

See, I do this thing with ignorant white trash like you, I make you look stupid using cites and facts, while you run around the keyboard typing "boy."
Now run along and try to save face OR pretend to be smart enough to get back on the topic of the thread...
Stupidity like yours is why so many white men in this country are viewed as pussies...
You come into a thread concerning the national anthem and start crying about Black people...lol.
Grow some balls dude, your panties are showing...

If we whites are such "pussies" why is it you darkies won't face us one on one instead of your chickenshit pack attacks? You're a good example of the folly of educating your race at our expense.....you're still just lazy, violent turds only with better grammar.
The NFL deserves this. If they aren't going to fine the players doing it, then they get what they get. That is lower ratings like last year.
Not to be racist but NFL teams with mostly afro-american folks are worse than random high school teams.
Obama's first election in 2008) was the widest since 1984, when blacks were 55 points more likely than whites to back Democratic nominee Walter Mondale.

Out of 50 states, Mondale won only his home state. But, those African Americoons are wholly owned property of the Democrat party, so the Democrat party can count on their vote, even with the worst candidates.

The black-white vote gap reminds me of the black-white SAT gap or the black-white crime gap. I don't doubt there's a connection.
Stupidity like yours is why so many white men in this country are viewed as pussies...
You come into a thread concerning the national anthem and start crying about Black people...lol.
Grow some balls dude, your panties are showing...

If we whites are such "pussies" why is it you darkies won't face us one on one instead of your chickenshit pack attacks? You're a good example of the folly of educating your race at our expense.....you're still just lazy, violent turds only with better grammar.

won't face us one on one instead of your chickenshit pack attacks?


March of the Pussies...

Here's your chickenshit pack attacks...numerous white pussies with metal pipes against one unarmed man.

SEE IT: Charlottesville man, Deandre Harris, viciously beaten with metal poles by white supremacists
Deandre Harris, 20, was attacked in a parking lot by a group of white supremacists who kicked him, punched him and pummeled him with metal poles.




Like I stated in an earlier post, I make ignorant white trash like you look stupid by allowing cites and facts to show your stupidity...
A black guy joins a mob that attacks an alt-right protest, and then cries when he looses the fight... He'll fully recover, unlike numerous of white victims of black criminals.

Police will work until they identify every white man that took part in that beating and they'll be prosecuted them the fullest extend of the law, with added "hate crime" kick. And, a civil jury will award the black punk millions of dollars from every white guy holding a pipe.

And, libtards and n1ggers will continue to to whine about institutionalized racism against blacks. Though about 13% of the population, blacks are responsible for the majority of murders.
Stupidity like yours is why so many white men in this country are viewed as pussies...
You come into a thread concerning the national anthem and start crying about Black people...lol.
Grow some balls dude, your panties are showing...

If we whites are such "pussies" why is it you darkies won't face us one on one instead of your chickenshit pack attacks? You're a good example of the folly of educating your race at our expense.....you're still just lazy, violent turds only with better grammar.

won't face us one on one instead of your chickenshit pack attacks?


March of the Pussies...

Here's your chickenshit pack attacks...numerous white pussies with metal pipes against one unarmed man.

SEE IT: Charlottesville man, Deandre Harris, viciously beaten with metal poles by white supremacists
Deandre Harris, 20, was attacked in a parking lot by a group of white supremacists who kicked him, punched him and pummeled him with metal poles.




Like I stated in an earlier post, I make ignorant white trash like you look stupid by allowing cites and facts to show your stupidity...
It never ceases to amaze me when I see this kind of shit with people holding cameras instead of HELPING the person being beaten. Yes, it's true. Empathy has gone the way of the dinosaurs.
A black guy joins a mob that attacks an alt-right protest, and then cries when he looses the fight... He'll fully recover, unlike numerous of white victims of black criminals.

Police will work until they identify every white man that took part in that beating and they'll be prosecuted them the fullest extend of the law, with added "hate crime" kick. And, a civil jury will award the black punk millions of dollars from every white guy holding a pipe.

And, libtards and n1ggers will continue to to whine about institutionalized racism against blacks. Though about 13% of the population, blacks are responsible for the majority of murders.
What an amusing display of spin, ignorance and deflection...lol.
Go back to keeping the players in the locker rooms during the Anthem.
This will take away the power of the assholes who want to kneel and disrespect our country.
Go back to keeping the players in the locker rooms during the Anthem.
This will take away the power of the assholes who want to kneel and disrespect our country.
Refusing to stand for the anthem is a very profound way of respecting the idea of this country...
Yeah, right. Like teams are lining up to sign the highly "oppressed" kaepernick. Lol.. No team wants to deal with these whiners. And most teams have their rosters set. It would have to be a premium player for them to be so quickly picked up. These guys are whiners; nothing premium about them.

You can have your wank fantasies about these guys being brought in line, but they have more than you ever will.

And if these guys are so damned unhappy living in this country, no one is holding them back. There are plenty of countries out there. I'll chip in a buck to help with their plane ticket. Only the whiners will have to promise to NEVER come back.

Or we can fix things in this country like police shooting black children in the back. That works, too. I think that actually works better.
Yeah that wasn't overly shouted from the rooftops was it? Haley admitted later his book was fiction.
But no matter. That "degree in history" guy above fell for it.

where did I say I thought it was historically accurate? I was just pointing it our as a white people fantasy of making these black men who have accomplished more than they have comply.

Not just majored in. Claims to have a degree in history but thought we attacked Britain to seize Canada!

Of course we did. We also slaughtered native Americans in that war.

I'm sure they didn't cover that at Talking Snake U.
The NFL deserves this. If they aren't going to fine the players doing it, then they get what they get. That is lower ratings like last year.

Oh, noes, some white trash won't watch our games, but they don't buy merchandise anyway.
Go back to keeping the players in the locker rooms during the Anthem.
This will take away the power of the assholes who want to kneel and disrespect our country.

They aren't disrespecting the country... they are protesting unacceptable behavior by the government.

I think it's hilarious that you guys who just hate, hate, hate the government when it's regulating business or collecting taxes just love, love, love it when it abuses its power and shoots black children in the back.
I don't agree with them doing this....but.....its only 12 players. So it really doesn't anger me as much as make me giggle. If it makes you angry then lighten up yes who are way over the top patriotic. You make me giggle as well.

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