12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?

What the fuck happened to free speech?

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

I understand that the racist fuck Trumpettes want to push these people down.

But I have news, It ain't going to happen. Protests like this bring to the light how you & your band of deplorables don't want equal rights for minorities.

So using race when it comes to hiring and admittance means someone is equal? If they were, they wouldn't have to use it. The content of their characters would be all that's needed. When you have no such content, you revert to using something you said was wrong to use.

Interesting how the attention given wasn't in the manner it was desired. End result is the piece of shit that started it isn't working in the profession where he started it.
‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?

What the fuck happened to free speech?

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

I understand that the racist fuck Trumpettes want to push these people down.

But I have news, It ain't going to happen. Protests like this bring to the light how you & your band of deplorables don't want equal rights for minorities.

So using race when it comes to hiring and admittance means someone is equal? If they were, they wouldn't have to use it. The content of their characters would be all that's needed. When you have no such content, you revert to using something you said was wrong to use.

Interesting how the attention given wasn't in the manner it was desired. End result is the piece of shit that started it isn't working in the profession where he started it.

Oh go fuck yourself you racist little shit.

You think everyone has equal access to the American life? Of course not. But hey, you're white & OMG the minorities just aren't as good as you white folks.

REAL Americans stand up against inequality. Ignorant fuck little chickenshits like you rail against those who are standing up.

We will see just ho this progresses as far as the NFL trying to blackball these protestors. There are more Americans that believe in equality than there are you tiny raicts poor excuses for human beings.
I would only start to worry if the players pulled out a carpet, got on their knees and started to kiss said carpet while praising Allah.
‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?

What the fuck happened to free speech?

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

I understand that the racist fuck Trumpettes want to push these people down.

But I have news, It ain't going to happen. Protests like this bring to the light how you & your band of deplorables don't want equal rights for minorities.

So using race when it comes to hiring and admittance means someone is equal? If they were, they wouldn't have to use it. The content of their characters would be all that's needed. When you have no such content, you revert to using something you said was wrong to use.

Interesting how the attention given wasn't in the manner it was desired. End result is the piece of shit that started it isn't working in the profession where he started it.

Oh go fuck yourself you racist little shit.

You think everyone has equal access to the American life? Of course not. But hey, you're white & OMG the minorities just aren't as good as you white folks.

REAL Americans stand up against inequality. Ignorant fuck little chickenshits like you rail against those who are standing up.

We will see just ho this progresses as far as the NFL trying to blackball these protestors. There are more Americans that believe in equality than there are you tiny raicts poor excuses for human beings.

Real pussies whine and make excuses about how things are unequal because they can't make it in life. Real pussies claim to want to be judge by the content of their character then think being picked because of the color of their skin means they actually accomplished something.

From the time I started 5K, and that's been many, many, many years ago, I sat in classes with people of all races/ethnicities. We had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, schools, etc. That's equal access. That many didn't take the opportunity given to them doesn't mean it didn't exist. That's the problem with you pieces of shit on the left. You base what you believe on the end results and when someone doesn't make it, especially if they are of color, you automatically assume racism is the cause.
They are protesting police brutality? When do the police get to protest being assaulted and shot by Knee-gro Yutes? Which happens a lot more often than "police brutality."

Seriously, the only reason not to outlaw professional football is that the crime rate would skyrocket, as all these would-be criminals would be out of work.

They are getting paid to take those risks. They are trained to deal with these issues.

And, um, no. It doesn't happen 'more often". ONly 60 Police officers are killed by criminal suspects a year, but 1200 Americans die at the hands of police every year.
Comparing the entire population of the United States, to that of the amount of police. Well proves your point wrong. Sorry to busy your bubble.
What the fuck happened to free speech?

Free Speech doesn't apply at work.

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

Yes, earning further disdain for the BLM racists and causing fewer people to watch the NFL.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

You're full of sh1t. No one on the right is against equal rights. On the contrary, it's your libtard side that's against equal rights. Blacks already have more rights than whites, and those football-playing apes, who have trouble standing, want even more special rights for blacks.
‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?

What the fuck happened to free speech?

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

I understand that the racist fuck Trumpettes want to push these people down.

But I have news, It ain't going to happen. Protests like this bring to the light how you & your band of deplorables don't want equal rights for minorities.

So using race when it comes to hiring and admittance means someone is equal? If they were, they wouldn't have to use it. The content of their characters would be all that's needed. When you have no such content, you revert to using something you said was wrong to use.

Interesting how the attention given wasn't in the manner it was desired. End result is the piece of shit that started it isn't working in the profession where he started it.

Oh go fuck yourself you racist little shit.

You think everyone has equal access to the American life? Of course not. But hey, you're white & OMG the minorities just aren't as good as you white folks.

REAL Americans stand up against inequality. Ignorant fuck little chickenshits like you rail against those who are standing up.

We will see just ho this progresses as far as the NFL trying to blackball these protestors. There are more Americans that believe in equality than there are you tiny raicts poor excuses for human beings.

Real pussies whine and make excuses about how things are unequal because they can't make it in life. Real pussies claim to want to be judge by the content of their character then think being picked because of the color of their skin means they actually accomplished something.

From the time I started 5K, and that's been many, many, many years ago, I sat in classes with people of all races/ethnicities. We had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, schools, etc. That's equal access. That many didn't take the opportunity given to them doesn't mean it didn't exist. That's the problem with you pieces of shit on the left. You base what you believe on the end results and when someone doesn't make it, especially if they are of color, you automatically assume racism is the cause.

Real racists claim we all had equal opportunity. You fuckwads think a kid in an inner city school has the same opportunity as that white kid from an upper middle class neighborhood. Discrimination still exists in this country. Your denial tells me exactly what you are.
Real racists claim we all had equal opportunity. You fuckwads think a kid in an inner city school has the same opportunity as that white kid from an upper middle class neighborhood. Discrimination still exists in this country. Your denial tells me exactly what you are.

Black kids in the inner-city schools have a sh1t-load of money spent on their education, far more than most whites get. Those inner-city blacks are educated, fed, and housed by white people. In repayment, they sh1t all over society, such as crime and voting for Democrats. How is anyone being unfair to them? It's only whites getting discriminated against.
Real racists claim we all had equal opportunity. You fuckwads think a kid in an inner city school has the same opportunity as that white kid from an upper middle class neighborhood. Discrimination still exists in this country. Your denial tells me exactly what you are.

Inner city schools are bad because of inner city kids...and inner city parents and both have been enabled by truckloads of money from liberals.. There isnt some kind of solar radiation that shines down just on inner cities and destroys their schools.
That's your excuse? I don't like the source therefore what it reports isn't true. Typical NL.

No, the source is a joke... that's why I don't take it seriously.

Are you claiming you graduated college? Can you provide proof?

Sure I can. Just not to you. I've also taken to reporting you to the mods for requesting personal information on people.
Comparing the entire population of the United States, to that of the amount of police. Well proves your point wrong. Sorry to busy your bubble.

Okay... let'd do that.

There are 300,000,000 people in the US. The police kill 1200 Americans a year That means that you have a 1/250,000 chance of being shot by a police officer. reality, that number is lower if you are white and higher if you aren't, but let's go with that for now.

There are 1.1 million full time police officers in the US. If 60 police a year are killed by bad guys (and again, this is their job, to deal with the bad guys) your chance of being killed by a bad guy is 1/18,000

Now, by comparison, in the united kingdom, police officers have killed 54 people over the last 25 YEARS. I think we can do better than we are.
Um, the National Anthem was composed during the War of 1812, a War we started to try to steal Canada from the UK while they were occuppied trying to save the world from Napoleon. It's nothing to be proud of. I'd rather see "America the Beautiful" as our national anthem.

I find it very easy here to demonstrate the hatred you kindergarten Marxists feel for America, for civilization, and for decency. You do it yourself and nobody here has any excuse for not noticing. And usually your lack of education is in evidence...a prerequisite for being marxist by the way. Your gender studies classes just haven't prepared you for anything except an ignorance of nature as well as history.

All lefties are indoctrinated and taught that America the Beautiful should be the national anthem. You arent very original...just very indoctrinated. In the meantime, like a petulant child, you think you have an excuse to disrespect your country's official national anthem, bitch about the wars we fought and whine about Confederates.

The United States never invaded Canada until after war was declared. The dispute in the Northwest was a legitimate dispute between two expanding powers which the British finally agreed to settle in our favor (by "our" I mean Americans..not you) as the price of peace. The British were also paying Indians to attack Americans, impressing sailors, blockading ports and seizing our ships which traded with france.
But the most important principle for a brand new nation, a set of ex colonies, was overturning the feudal law of "perpetual allegiance" which led to impressment. "Perpetual allegiance" meant that the United States was illegitimate as a nation. The British were hanging Irishmen under the doctrine until 1922. But not Americans...thanks to the War of 1812. Although we got no treaty to the effect until 1856 Britain immediately released Americans from the doctrine.
Britain also agreed to stop funding Indian raids on American cities in Article IX of the Treaty of Ghent. You didnt mention that did you?

You are the victim of revisionist historians such as Louis Hacker whose ideas were thoroughly destroyed in War of 1812: Conflict for a Continent By JC Stagg. That and your hatred for America.

It is too late to educate you. And no I wont give a source (source being a link to a short article you can cull for buzzwords and pretend to be educated for your type) Try reading. Start with Madison's reasons for asking for a declaration of war from Congress. Here i'll help with that:

http://personal.tcu.edu/gsmith/us1/Handouts/Madison-Declaration of War1812.pdf

Now go read up on the war of 1812 on the internet. It is a mile wide and an inch deep which suits your abilities just fine. Beats reading a book right?

For anyone else actually intersted in history The War of 1812
Comparing the entire population of the United States, to that of the amount of police. Well proves your point wrong. Sorry to busy your bubble.

Okay... let'd do that.

There are 300,000,000 people in the US. The police kill 1200 Americans a year That means that you have a 1/250,000 chance of being shot by a police officer. reality, that number is lower if you are white and higher if you aren't, but let's go with that for now.

There are 1.1 million full time police officers in the US. If 60 police a year are killed by bad guys (and again, this is their job, to deal with the bad guys) your chance of being killed by a bad guy is 1/18,000

Now, by comparison, in the united kingdom, police officers have killed 54 people over the last 25 YEARS. I think we can do better than we are.

Britain had a different demographic over the last 25 years didnt it? Ignore facts much?
"The police" dont exist except in the liberal mind. Oh they have tried for a national police. But so far have been beaten back. 'the police" are individuals hired by local communities or states. The local police reflect local conditions. And they stand for law and order. Any wonder leftists hate them? Hate them while being protected by them.
‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?

What the fuck happened to free speech?

Actually, taking a knee got your attention.

All you pretend Americans talk about this is if these people joined ISIS or something. I understand that Trumpettes are fired up by Trumps push to reverse the gains of many Americans for equal rights.

I understand that the racist fuck Trumpettes want to push these people down.

But I have news, It ain't going to happen. Protests like this bring to the light how you & your band of deplorables don't want equal rights for minorities.

So using race when it comes to hiring and admittance means someone is equal? If they were, they wouldn't have to use it. The content of their characters would be all that's needed. When you have no such content, you revert to using something you said was wrong to use.

Interesting how the attention given wasn't in the manner it was desired. End result is the piece of shit that started it isn't working in the profession where he started it.

Oh go fuck yourself you racist little shit.

You think everyone has equal access to the American life? Of course not. But hey, you're white & OMG the minorities just aren't as good as you white folks.

REAL Americans stand up against inequality. Ignorant fuck little chickenshits like you rail against those who are standing up.

We will see just ho this progresses as far as the NFL trying to blackball these protestors. There are more Americans that believe in equality than there are you tiny raicts poor excuses for human beings.

Real pussies whine and make excuses about how things are unequal because they can't make it in life. Real pussies claim to want to be judge by the content of their character then think being picked because of the color of their skin means they actually accomplished something.

From the time I started 5K, and that's been many, many, many years ago, I sat in classes with people of all races/ethnicities. We had the same books, teachers, desks, lessons, schools, etc. That's equal access. That many didn't take the opportunity given to them doesn't mean it didn't exist. That's the problem with you pieces of shit on the left. You base what you believe on the end results and when someone doesn't make it, especially if they are of color, you automatically assume racism is the cause.

Real racists claim we all had equal opportunity. You fuckwads think a kid in an inner city school has the same opportunity as that white kid from an upper middle class neighborhood. Discrimination still exists in this country. Your denial tells me exactly what you are.

Real racists are the ones constantly claiming anything that doesn't work in your favor is due to racism. Discrimination does exist. It's called affirmative action. If you support it, you're the racist.

Sorry, dickhead, but regardless of where the school is where I live, each students has the same amount of money spent on them. The textbooks for an Economics class at that inner city school is the same one used at any other school in the district. The difference is the clientele.
So the usual gang of old scared white people are mad that Black and White athletes have a strong opinion concerning the unequal treatment that Black communities receive from many police departments...
Guess what???...this is America, if you don't like their position go do something else and shut the fuck up!!!
Being that this is America I have a right to voice my displeasure with these spoiled, stupid, entitled brats. They're so stupid they feel they have a right to protest at work. Well actually they do, however their employer has a right to tell them to take a hike for dong so, which is what i would do to these ungrateful pieces of shit if I was their employer. I say ungrateful because they're knowingly biting the hand that is feeding them very well. The protests have hurt the NFL and they haven't produced anything constructive.
Like I said, scared little white people upset that someone is addressing the issue of police behavior in minority communities...
So when are you going to go do something and shit the fuck up???

Oh bullshit, the black crybabies bring their misfortune on themselves through their record-setting violent crime epidemic and their nonstop hatred of whites. And they have idiots like you falling for their mindless grievance-mongering everyone has already heard a million times over.

If blacks have it so bad here. genius, name me ONE black-majority country in which blacks have a better life than they do in the US. Also name me one other white-majority country that elected a black leader twice.
From the time they get to the stadium to the time they leave, it's all part of playing the game.

No, they are only playing the game when they are on the field. Anything else, that's at their discretion.

Now, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable that they are protesting, but that's your problem.
They're paid BY their employers, for the entire time they're at the stadium. If these brainless cocksuckers want to whine they should do it at home. If they don't know how to hold down a job, then quit and go on welfare. Otherwise they should shut the fk up and do what they're paid to do.
From the time they get to the stadium to the time they leave, it's all part of playing the game.

No, they are only playing the game when they are on the field. Anything else, that's at their discretion.

Now, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable that they are protesting, but that's your problem.
They're paid BY their employers, for the entire time they're at the stadium. If these brainless cocksuckers want to whine they should do it at home. If they don't know how to hold down a job, then quit and go on welfare. Otherwise they should shut the fk up and do what they're paid to do.

Being at practice, team meetings, etc. are all part of what they get paid under their contract. Teams have fined players for missing those things. If they weren't part of the overall team concept, they wouldn't get fined.

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