12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

You must enjoy being a coward. You've made plenty of claims you're unwilling to prove despite having the opportunity. You've made all sorts of excuses.

GUy, again, anyone can read our posts and conclude I'm am vastly better educated.... I need to prove nothing.

I had a dad that made it clear not to cause trouble. With most blacks that don't know who their baby daddy is, it's hard to have one teach you responsibility.

Um, yeah, I see you avoided the question. So you are saying you never, ever did anything you weren't supposed to be doing as a teen?
You must enjoy being a coward. You've made plenty of claims you're unwilling to prove despite having the opportunity. You've made all sorts of excuses.

GUy, again, anyone can read our posts and conclude I'm am vastly better educated.... I need to prove nothing.

I had a dad that made it clear not to cause trouble. With most blacks that don't know who their baby daddy is, it's hard to have one teach you responsibility.

Um, yeah, I see you avoided the question. So you are saying you never, ever did anything you weren't supposed to be doing as a teen?

I see you're still not man enough to prove what you claim. You saying things isn't proof. If you could, you would. Since you can't, you make excuses.

I answered the question. Perhaps you're convinced that everyone causes trouble because black kids constantly do.
I answered the question. Perhaps you're convinced that everyone causes trouble because black kids constantly do.

No, I'm convinced that everyone does because even in my lily white Catholic neighborhood, all the teenagers did shit they weren't supposed to. They smoked pot, they stayed out after curfew, they engaged in petty vandalism.
I answered the question. Perhaps you're convinced that everyone causes trouble because black kids constantly do.

No, I'm convinced that everyone does because even in my lily white Catholic neighborhood, all the teenagers did shit they weren't supposed to. They smoked pot, they stayed out after curfew, they engaged in petty vandalism.

Are you claiming I did those things?
Like I said, if you're not FOR our beautiful nation, then you are AGAINST it. You ain't fixing anything, you just like to knock it down. Do yourself and all of us a favor and move to Mexico, Canada or Europe. Write us when you miss this place and want to come back.

Define our nation. I ask that because we all have different visions of what the nation was, and what it is, and what it can be.

On paper, our nation is the only one where the rights of the citizens are granted not by some potentate, but by God, unassailable by any man. On paper, we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. On paper the rights of the citizens shall not be infringed.

In practice, we fall far short of those lofty ideals. We don't have to fall so short, but we do.

Let me ask you another question. Let's say I rape a woman. Does the fact that there were thousands, or perhaps tens of thousands of women I did not rape matter one bit? I came into contact with those women, but never so much as said boo to them. But that one woman, doesn't that make me a rapist?

If I rob a bank, does it matter that I've walked into hundreds during my lifetime and not robbed them? Does it matter one little bit that I drove past even more and did not rob the bank?

I ask these questions, because when it comes to police misconduct, it seems to matter not at all what the cop did, but what he didn't do. If he did not physically abuse a hundred people he arrested, the one he did abuse doesn't matter. If he did not plant evidence in a thousand traffic stops, the one he did plant evidence in should not define him.

Odd isn't it, this reversal of the same standard we use for everyone else? The things they didn't do defines them, while the thing we did defines us. For everyone else, that one bank you robbed, that one woman you raped would define you. For all eternity you would be a rapist, a bank robber, a criminal. For the cop, the one event was an aberration, and should be viewed not during sentencing against his total life experience, but before he is even investigated.

I wonder if you even see this odd reversal of the standard. In a nation which was founded upon the idea that we were all created equally. In a nation where we are specifically forbidden from allowing a King to be crowned. Where royal titles are prohibited, we grant royal treatment to the police. We grant them the same kind of unquestionable and unassailable authority that we rebelled against when the authority was wrapped in a red jacket.

So define our country? Is the Constitution a limit on Government? Many people would say yes. Or is it a Cursed set of vaguely worded hurdles that the Government must get around to do the right thing?
Another unfounded opinion you've prove you're not man enough to support with anything valid.

A man would accept the opportunity. A pussy makes excuses.

Do you have anything to add to the conversation other than your impotent whining?
Another unfounded opinion you've prove you're not man enough to support with anything valid.

A man would accept the opportunity. A pussy makes excuses.

Do you have anything to add to the conversation other than your impotent whining?

Are you going to be a man or continue your life as a coward? I'm guessing coward since that's what you've been since you were shit out at birth.
These 'tree dwellers' will end up in the CFL.
Watch what happens when they refuse to stand for the Canadian anthem in Calgary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the time they get to the stadium to the time they leave, it's all part of playing the game.

No, they are only playing the game when they are on the field. Anything else, that's at their discretion.

Now, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable that they are protesting, but that's your problem.

They don't just get paid for game time. If a player never plays in a game, he still gets paid. NFL players have to attend practice, team meetings, workout sessions, ect. When they are in uniform and on the field on game-day, they are representing their team and employer.

I think it is ultimately up to the team owner, if he wants to allow it, then I think it is OK. He will lose a lot of revenue because of it, but it is within his rights to allow it.
Otherwise, employees typically don't have a "right" to engage in protests while "on the job". Do you see Best Buy employees protesting while at work? Do you see police officers or government employees protesting while at work? No.

Joe, someone that can't keep a job and whose actions have caused businesses to close while working for them, doesn't have a clue about sports.

He/she/it/mutant is just another mindless astro-turfing trolll who plays " I Touched You Last!!!!" all day every day. Probably one of those angry yoofs who get jobs in fast food and think it's really cool to put their feces in customer's food. That's the mindset for this type.
From the time they get to the stadium to the time they leave, it's all part of playing the game.

No, they are only playing the game when they are on the field. Anything else, that's at their discretion.

Now, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable that they are protesting, but that's your problem.

They don't just get paid for game time. If a player never plays in a game, he still gets paid. NFL players have to attend practice, team meetings, workout sessions, ect. When they are in uniform and on the field on game-day, they are representing their team and employer.

I think it is ultimately up to the team owner, if he wants to allow it, then I think it is OK. He will lose a lot of revenue because of it, but it is within his rights to allow it.
Otherwise, employees typically don't have a "right" to engage in protests while "on the job". Do you see Best Buy employees protesting while at work? Do you see police officers or government employees protesting while at work? No.

Joe, someone that can't keep a job and whose actions have caused businesses to close while working for them, doesn't have a clue about sports.

He/she/it/mutant is just another mindless astro-turfing trolll who plays " I Touched You Last!!!!" all day every day. Probably one of those angry yoofs who get jobs in fast food and think it's really cool to put their feces in customer's food. That's the mindset for this type.

He's definitely one that likes to make claims then uses "because I said so" thinking it's proof of that claim. He made a claim about his resume compared to mine. I offered him an easy way to prove it and he refused. He threw in some excuses in the process blaming me for why he's not man enough to back up a claim.
What the f1ck is wrong with the NFL that they don't require players to stand during the National Anthem?
Are you going to be a man or continue your life as a coward? I'm guessing coward since that's what you've been since you were shit out at birth.

so you really have nothing to add to the conversation. I honestly hope you get the help you need before someone gets hurt.
Are you going to be a man or continue your life as a coward? I'm guessing coward since that's what you've been since you were shit out at birth.

so you really have nothing to add to the conversation. I honestly hope you get the help you need before someone gets hurt.

So you choose to be a coward. I hope that you become a man some day but I suspect cowardice is ancestral for you.

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