12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

FIRST: WHAT police brutality? The police are scrutinized more than ever before, and they have their own cameras most of the time! What sense would it make for them to overtly be brutal to others when they know it would get recorded? That the police focus on Blacks is a myth, Leftist propaganda meant as the new enemy to focus hate on in order to organize the Leftist's Eternal Victimhood. Lots of police are themselves black, and police focus on criminal behavior and activity----- If a larger percentage of Police stops and arrests are directed towards black people, then black people ought to reexamine their provocative behavior causing it.

SECOND: Real or not, true or perceived, the NFL is not the place to do it. They are representing the NFL, people pay a TON of money to see those games. PLAY THE GAME and save your protest for on YOUR OWN TIME and outside your workplace.
A cop fires. A teen dies. Yet six police body cameras somehow miss what happens.

Why some of the most controversial police shootings aren't on video

Officer involved in Monday shooting had body cam turned off

Police Body Cameras Are Pointless Unless Cops Use Them Correctly

The devices can’t help bring transparency and accountability if they’re not turned on.

Again, this is America. If players are rubbing you the wrong way for addressing police brutality, go do something else and shut the fuck up...

They also edited out the barbecue pit they were roasting him and couple of babies on for dinner.
Those retarded, ignorant douchebags really need to move to Africa to feel what real racism feels like. Fucking faggots.
Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

They are just supposed to go out there and sustain permanent injury to entertain us!!!

They can protest on their own time. Not while wearing a uniform and being paid to play football.
The NFL should adopt a zero tolerance policy for these absurd "protests" Take a knee and out of the NFL.
"The league’s collective refusal to put Kaepernick on the field has backfired,” Now many players will continue to martyr Kaepernick. They are going to "stick it to the man" for stripping Kaepernick of his "right to remain silent", "redress of grievances" & "freedom of speech"
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Of course criminals protest the police. What could be more natural? It seems to have started sometime in the previous 8 years by coincidence.

When the police behave worst than the criminals, it's something we should worry about.

All police depts across this nation run 24/7 365 days a year, dealing with thousands of issues every day, and you only want to focus on the extremely low percentage of time an officer reacts with the unnecessary use of force.
Of course criminals protest the police. What could be more natural? It seems to have started sometime in the previous 8 years by coincidence.

When the police behave worst than the criminals, it's something we should worry about.

All police depts across this nation run 24/7 365 days a year, dealing with thousands of issues every day, and you only want to focus on the extremely low percentage of time an officer reacts with the unnecessary use of force.
Trump told police to kill like they did Freddie Grey. He pardoned Sheriff for violating our rights. Then he gave them military machines to use against US citizens.

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Not to worry, my Steelers will kick their asses this Sunday!

They are protesting police brutality? When do the police get to protest being assaulted and shot by Knee-gro Yutes? Which happens a lot more often than "police brutality."

Seriously, the only reason not to outlaw professional football is that the crime rate would skyrocket, as all these would-be criminals would be out of work.

They are getting paid to take those risks. They are trained to deal with these issues.

And, um, no. It doesn't happen 'more often". ONly 60 Police officers are killed by criminal suspects a year, but 1200 Americans die at the hands of police every year.

You mean like Michael Brown that tried to steal an officers gun when that officer addressed the thug activity of Brown?
Man, you sure have a crime problem! You are out there watching the man! If it were that easy to see, there would be an iron-clad documentary about it by now. You are just a one-note band---- I can't remember the last time I saw a person pulled over that wasn't white! Poor white people being oppressed!!! Gotta git me some NFL players to get the word out!

Okay, except for this, you mean?


Pure BULL, dude. The facts about the no arms raised isn't some clever coverup, it was corroborated by the witnesses that were there, that were mostly all black! Busted! IT NEVER HAPPENED, Ace!

You mean like Witness #40, a mentally ill white woman who wasn't actually there, but was still allowed to testify? While witnesses who said he had his hands up weren't called?

THE PROBLEM is that policing has been made such a THANKLESS job by the creeps who go around blaming them all the time for even bad weather, that those kind of people are increasingly the only people they can find for the jobs. So how are you going to axe them when you can't find better replacements! The "police problem" is a creation by the very people like you who revile against them making their job even harder.

Oh, again, Bullshit. the problem is you can't fire the bad ones because the union agreements make it nearly impossible to do so. It's why it took nearly two years to fire Jason van Dyke, even though they got him red handed on tape shooting a helpless kid lying on the ground. You could fire the bad apples and have no problem finding replacements at $70,000 a year.

Like I said, if you're not FOR our beautiful nation, then you are AGAINST it. You ain't fixing anything, you just like to knock it down. Do yourself and all of us a favor and move to Mexico, Canada or Europe. Write us when you miss this place and want to come back.

Funny, I remember how much your side HATES the government when Democrats are in charge.


People don't go to games to have another person's politics shoved in their face. Those players are not "brave," nor are they "heroes." They are just malcontent pains in the ass that drive viewers from watching football. Their jobs are not in danger, fella, otherwise the NFL would have stopped this crap long ago. Just like the bad seed cops, the NFL knows that fining these guys or throwing them out would just add gasoline to their fire.

okay, the NFL guys aren't killing anyone. At least not over this.

The bad cops are.

Man, that is ALL you are about. Like I said, if you don't like our anthem, you don't have to sing it. You don't even have to live here. You don't have to watch the game, not even go to one! It doesn't "glorify war," fool, it glorifies our patriotism and unity in standing up in the face of an overpowering tyranny and battling against it to gain our independence! It is the embodiment of the true American Spirit. God Bless America.

Um, the National Anthem was composed during the War of 1812, a War we started to try to steal Canada from the UK while they were occuppied trying to save the world from Napoleon. It's nothing to be proud of. I'd rather see "America the Beautiful" as our national anthem.
They can protest on their own time. Not while wearing a uniform and being paid to play football.

except they weren't playing football when they were protesting. They were engaging in an act of fake patriotism.
Man, you sure have a crime problem! You are out there watching the man! If it were that easy to see, there would be an iron-clad documentary about it by now. You are just a one-note band---- I can't remember the last time I saw a person pulled over that wasn't white! Poor white people being oppressed!!! Gotta git me some NFL players to get the word out!

Okay, except for this, you mean?


Pure BULL, dude. The facts about the no arms raised isn't some clever coverup, it was corroborated by the witnesses that were there, that were mostly all black! Busted! IT NEVER HAPPENED, Ace!

You mean like Witness #40, a mentally ill white woman who wasn't actually there, but was still allowed to testify? While witnesses who said he had his hands up weren't called?

THE PROBLEM is that policing has been made such a THANKLESS job by the creeps who go around blaming them all the time for even bad weather, that those kind of people are increasingly the only people they can find for the jobs. So how are you going to axe them when you can't find better replacements! The "police problem" is a creation by the very people like you who revile against them making their job even harder.

Oh, again, Bullshit. the problem is you can't fire the bad ones because the union agreements make it nearly impossible to do so. It's why it took nearly two years to fire Jason van Dyke, even though they got him red handed on tape shooting a helpless kid lying on the ground. You could fire the bad apples and have no problem finding replacements at $70,000 a year.

Like I said, if you're not FOR our beautiful nation, then you are AGAINST it. You ain't fixing anything, you just like to knock it down. Do yourself and all of us a favor and move to Mexico, Canada or Europe. Write us when you miss this place and want to come back.

Funny, I remember how much your side HATES the government when Democrats are in charge.


People don't go to games to have another person's politics shoved in their face. Those players are not "brave," nor are they "heroes." They are just malcontent pains in the ass that drive viewers from watching football. Their jobs are not in danger, fella, otherwise the NFL would have stopped this crap long ago. Just like the bad seed cops, the NFL knows that fining these guys or throwing them out would just add gasoline to their fire.

okay, the NFL guys aren't killing anyone. At least not over this.

The bad cops are.

Man, that is ALL you are about. Like I said, if you don't like our anthem, you don't have to sing it. You don't even have to live here. You don't have to watch the game, not even go to one! It doesn't "glorify war," fool, it glorifies our patriotism and unity in standing up in the face of an overpowering tyranny and battling against it to gain our independence! It is the embodiment of the true American Spirit. God Bless America.

Um, the National Anthem was composed during the War of 1812, a War we started to try to steal Canada from the UK while they were occuppied trying to save the world from Napoleon. It's nothing to be proud of. I'd rather see "America the Beautiful" as our national anthem.

No one gives a fuck about what you want.

I'd rather see you back up claims you make but we both know you won't despite having been offered the opportunity many times.
You mean like Michael Brown that tried to steal an officers gun when that officer addressed the thug activity of Brown?

so he was trying to take his gun when he was 100 feet away from the officer? Did he have some kind of super stretchy powers?

You mean like Michael Brown that tried to steal an officers gun when that officer addressed the thug activity of Brown?

so he was trying to take his gun when he was 100 feet away from the officer? Did he have some kind of super stretchy powers?


You don't have to when you next to the officer trying to take it. He didn't have his hands up either despite the claims by people that he did. That his hands were up when he got what he deserved was proven to be false by EXPERTS.
From the time they get to the stadium to the time they leave, it's all part of playing the game.

No, they are only playing the game when they are on the field. Anything else, that's at their discretion.

Now, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable that they are protesting, but that's your problem.

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