12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

And that should tell you that Paperneck is not getting picked up simply because of his political opinion, he just sucks. He lost tons of weight going vegan.

And if he were a great player, the NFL would let him piss on a flag before every game...

They are rich spoiled cowards. They play a game and are paid a tremendous amount of money while military personnel and law enforcement officers that they condemn by their kneeling during the national anthem are paid very little.

1) Nobody is condemning the military.
2) Cops are actually paid pretty good.
3) Anyone standing up for what he believes is brave.

There is nothing brave about it. In fact it is a very cowardly thing to do. The only risk they stand is if they dont kneel what their fellow millionaires will think of them.
So they take the risk free option where they can suffer no consequences and keep all the right people happy.
Why some of the most controversial police shootings aren't on video

Controversial:Term defined by the media elites for a cop doing his job. Only applies to cases of black criminals and white law abiding cops.
Example: "That police officer shot and killed an aggressive thug with a rap sheet a mile long. It is soooooo controversial because...because...take our word for it its controversial!"
FIRST: WHAT police brutality? The police are scrutinized more than ever before, and they have their own cameras most of the time! What sense would it make for them to overtly be brutal to others when they know it would get recorded?

Good question. But they still do it.

That the police focus on Blacks is a myth, Leftist propaganda meant as the new enemy to focus hate on in order to organize the Leftist's Eternal Victimhood.

Oh, bullshit. Every time I see a cop randomly pull someone over, the driver is usually black. They even have a joke for it. "DWB" - Driving While Black.

Lots of police are themselves black, and police focus on criminal behavior and activity----- If a larger percentage of Police stops and arrests are directed towards black people, then black people ought to reexamine their provocative behavior causing it.

I'll go so far to say that 95%+ of cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

But then you get that small percent who are the Wilsons, Van Dykes, Loehmans who are racist bullies with badges and guns. And too many of the 95% of otherwise good cops tolerate them.

To give you an example, Van Dyke had 20 complaints in his jacket for abuses against civilians. One of them was so bad the city paid out $500,000 to a man who had commited no crime, but got his shoulder dislocated.

and when he shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times while he was lying on the ground(!) other cops made false statements, the city attempted to hush the whole thing up by settling with the family, and it took a court order to get the tape released.

SECOND: Real or not, true or perceived, the NFL is not the place to do it. They are representing the NFL, people pay a TON of money to see those games. PLAY THE GAME and save your protest for on YOUR OWN TIME and outside your workplace.

Your argument would make sense if they did this when they were supposed to be PLAYING. But they did this during a largely unnecessary act of false patriotism that we still mandate in the beginning of sporting events.

HEre's an idea. Let's just drop the national anthem from sporting events.

Please, please, just stop.

When you deal with yours...

LOL. You are wanting to compare black slums with white neighborhoods? OK.

Lets get started. We can go city by city. Start with New orleans. You pick a dangerous white neighborhood for me.

New Orleans Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout
Oh, bullshit. Every time I see a cop randomly pull someone over, the driver is usually black. They even have a joke for it. "DWB" - Driving While Black.

Please, please, just stop.

Now you are caught in a lie. You dont know if the stop is "random" or not.
But we do know that blacks commit far more crimes than whites per capita.
They suffer much less from racism than they do from black violence.
I know one way to stop this problem. I have thought it was obvious for a very long time. Pull the cops out of black neighborhoods. That way they wont suffer such abuse. For instance the next time Baltimore slums riot against cops simply pull all cops out and set up barricades into areas where decent people need cops.

baltimore 3.jpg
Every time I see a cop randomly pull someone over, the driver is usually black.

So you literally follow all cops around everywhere?

But then you get that small percent

RIGHT! You get a tiny minority of bad eggs in every outfit. To besmirch the 95-99% of cops who do their job well and fairly just because of that rare standout just isn't fair to the police overall. The whole BLM thing is BULLSHIT. The whole thing about people putting their hands up in the air over Michael Brown, NEVER HAPPENED.

Your argument would make sense if they did this when they were supposed to be PLAYING.

If they do it on the field, they are playing. Do you expect them to do it while running down the field catching a pass? Once they are on the field, they are playing and they are a representative of their employer, the NFL. Keep their personal life and feelings to yourself and take it elsewhere.

But they did this during a largely unnecessary act of false patriotism that we still mandate in the beginning of sporting events.

Speak for yourself. To the vast majority of people across this country, including me, their swearing allegiance to the flag represents something very important to them. If it means nothing to YOU, then I invite you to GET THE HELL OFF MY CONTINENT! You see, swearing allegiance to the flag is swearing allegiance to your nation and the people who fight for it and make it something special, but you've confused it with swearing allegiance to the government! Our government is better than most but they do far too much wrong for me to ally myself to.
There is nothing brave about it. In fact it is a very cowardly thing to do. The only risk they stand is if they dont kneel what their fellow millionaires will think of them.
So they take the risk free option where they can suffer no consequences and keep all the right people happy.

quite the contrary, they are willing to risk their careers and reputations to address this issue. That makes them braver than you.

Now you are caught in a lie. You dont know if the stop is "random" or not.
But we do know that blacks commit far more crimes than whites per capita.
They suffer much less from racism than they do from black violence.

I know I saw something like this last week. Two black males driving down Lake Street, cop just comes up behind them. They weren't speeding, they hadn't broken any laws that I could see. they were DWB, baby.

I know one way to stop this problem. I have thought it was obvious for a very long time. Pull the cops out of black neighborhoods. That way they wont suffer such abuse. For instance the next time Baltimore slums riot against cops simply pull all cops out and set up barricades into areas where decent people need cops.

Here's an idea. Let cops know they can abuse the civil rights of white people without consequences... then watch how fast white people complain about it.
So you literally follow all cops around everywhere?

No, I just see it enough to know what is going on. In fact, whenever I see someone out here pulled over... Yup, it's a black guy.

RIGHT! You get a tiny minority of bad eggs in every outfit. To besmirch the 95-99% of cops who do their job well and fairly just because of that rare standout just isn't fair to the police overall. The whole BLM thing is BULLSHIT. The whole thing about people putting their hands up in the air over Michael Brown, NEVER HAPPENED.

Since the Brown investigation was tainted by a corrupt DA, there's no way you are going to convince anyone of that.

But here's the problem with the bad eggs. They are usually shown to be bad eggs for a long time. and they still have jobs. THAT'S the problem.

If they do it on the field, they are playing. Do you expect them to do it while running down the field catching a pass? Once they are on the field, they are playing and they are a representative of their employer, the NFL. Keep their personal life and feelings to yourself and take it elsewhere.

If you paid them to throw a ball around and play a game, and they did that, you really don't have a complaint about anything else they might do down there.

Speak for yourself. To the vast majority of people across this country, including me, their swearing allegiance to the flag represents something very important to them.

Uh, buddy, we aren't talking about "swearing allegeince to a flag", we are talking about "Standing to the national anthem" Do try to keep the conversation straight.

If it means nothing to YOU, then I invite you to GET THE HELL OFF MY CONTINENT! You see, swearing allegiance to the flag is swearing allegiance to your nation and the people who fight for it and make it something special, but you've confused it with swearing allegiance to the government!

Uh, guy, I was in the Army for 11 years, thanks. And one of the things I was defending was that wonderful first amendment right to protest and petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Well, this is a valid grievance that part of the population has.

I was not defending obedience to stand up during a ball game to a crappy national anthem that glorifies war and no one can remember the words to.
‘We have work to do’: 12 Browns — including one white player — take a knee during anthem

Disgusting! The Browns suck, they should be focused on football. What has any of this "protesting" accomplished anyway?
SSSSSSSSSHit. These clowns get paid big bucks to get concussions, then they in their deluded rich elitist black mindset want to get disrespectful? I would respect these people MORE if they refused a paycheck instead and didn't play at all. Stay of the field completely, don't play at all.
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When you deal with yours...

LOL. You are wanting to compare black slums with white neighborhoods? OK.

Lets get started. We can go city by city. Start with New orleans. You pick a dangerous white neighborhood for me.

New Orleans Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout
Actually I'm not attempting to compare Black neighborhoods to white slums, I factually pointed out the bad behavior of some whites as some have questioned the behavior of some Black people.
However if you want to make a fool of yourself, I can gladly assist you.
Fact: the overwhelming majority of crime against white people is committed by white people, so my original statement is irrefutable and still stands.
Why some of the most controversial police shootings aren't on video

Controversial:Term defined by the media elites for a cop doing his job. Only applies to cases of black criminals and white law abiding cops.
Example: "That police officer shot and killed an aggressive thug with a rap sheet a mile long. It is soooooo controversial because...because...take our word for it its controversial!"
Or more like, a white police officer shooting a Black man in the back as the Black man is running away.
White officer then plants evidence, lies to his superiors.
Entire incident captured on video, jury finds officer innocent of any wrong doing.

Don't feel stupid, it should be comfortable when in your natural state.
This happened a couple weeks back. Hopefully it doesn't catch on any further, but looks like the Browns want to be the new poster for kneeling during the Anthem.
Well, the Browns just want to be good at something.

Heaven knows they're not good at football.

On the other hand...maybe they're just born whiners.
Why do we have to annoy everyone with that awful song before sporting events?
You could move to Africa. They can't hear the song there. So you'd be less irritated.

It's a win/win. You'd be rid of the song, and we'd be rid of you.
I know I saw something like this last week. Two black males driving down Lake Street, cop just comes up behind them. They weren't speeding, they hadn't broken any laws that I could see. they were DWB, baby.

You dont mind speaking from ignorance do you? Even if your story is true, which I doubt, you have no idea the circumstances. Could have been a stolen car, an outstanding warrant, or yes speeding. Being black and the threat of burning cities to the ground if arrested doesn't change that.
I know one way to stop this problem. I have thought it was obvious for a very long time. Pull the cops out of black neighborhoods. That way they wont suffer such abuse. For instance the next time Baltimore slums riot against cops simply pull all cops out and set up barricades into areas where decent people need cops.

View attachment 147532
That's where the Orange Fuck should build his freaking wall. All the way around those 'places'...
No, I just see it enough to know what is going on. In fact, whenever I see someone out here pulled over... Yup, it's a black guy.

Man, you sure have a crime problem! You are out there watching the man! If it were that easy to see, there would be an iron-clad documentary about it by now. You are just a one-note band---- I can't remember the last time I saw a person pulled over that wasn't white! Poor white people being oppressed!!! Gotta git me some NFL players to get the word out!

Since the Brown investigation was tainted by a corrupt DA, there's no way you are going to convince anyone of that.

Pure BULL, dude. The facts about the no arms raised isn't some clever coverup, it was corroborated by the witnesses that were there, that were mostly all black! Busted! IT NEVER HAPPENED, Ace!

But here's the problem with the bad eggs. They are usually shown to be bad eggs for a long time. and they still have jobs. THAT'S the problem.

THE PROBLEM is that policing has been made such a THANKLESS job by the creeps who go around blaming them all the time for even bad weather, that those kind of people are increasingly the only people they can find for the jobs. So how are you going to axe them when you can't find better replacements! The "police problem" is a creation by the very people like you who revile against them making their job even harder.

We are talking about "Standing to the national anthem".

Like I said, if you're not FOR our beautiful nation, then you are AGAINST it. You ain't fixing anything, you just like to knock it down. Do yourself and all of us a favor and move to Mexico, Canada or Europe. Write us when you miss this place and want to come back.

One of the things I was defending was that wonderful first amendment right to protest and petition the government for a redress of grievances.

People don't go to games to have another person's politics shoved in their face. Those players are not "brave," nor are they "heroes." They are just malcontent pains in the ass that drive viewers from watching football. Their jobs are not in danger, fella, otherwise the NFL would have stopped this crap long ago. Just like the bad seed cops, the NFL knows that fining these guys or throwing them out would just add gasoline to their fire.

I was not defending obedience to stand up during a ball game to a crappy national anthem that glorifies war and no one can remember the words to.

Man, that is ALL you are about. Like I said, if you don't like our anthem, you don't have to sing it. You don't even have to live here. You don't have to watch the game, not even go to one! It doesn't "glorify war," fool, it glorifies our patriotism and unity in standing up in the face of an overpowering tyranny and battling against it to gain our independence! It is the embodiment of the true American Spirit. God Bless America.

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