12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

So I do a Google search to see what it was about. I put in mass murderer in California at the bar. In picture after picture after picture of all these white guys come up. G I hope this guy who did this isn’t another white guy out killing a dozen people.
I Hope it isn’t another example of white privilege.
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical. You can't, dumb ass, because there isn't ONE.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning on a clear day? Your hoplophobia is comparable.

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at best, silly in fact. (And you were patting yourself on the back over your stupidity and ignorance I'd bet)

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
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If 90 million people used guns to defend themselves since I was born I would know a couple hundred of them. I don`t know a single one. You can`t be that gullible I hope.

And MOST people will never know anyone killed in a mass shooting....so by your failed logic, they don't occur.
That`s all you got? Why don`t I know anyone who used a gun to defend themselves if this happens thousands of times a day? Take your time answering so you don`t post something stupid again.

Gee maybe they didn't tell you?

Or maybe you don't know as many people as you think you do.

or it could be

Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning?

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at beast, silly in fact.

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well
Let’s face it

We are a gun loving society. We value our guns more than we value our children. Putting up with mass slaughters is the price we pay for our second amendment freedoms
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning?

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at beast, silly in fact.

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well

Need has nothing to do with rights.

I can tell you hundreds of things people don't need and that would be about as relevant to their rights as you telling people what they need
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Maybe the California State Legislature can pass a new law banning the carrying of assault weapons into licensed alcohol establishments?

I'm surprised they haven't already, such a law would have prevented this.
I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.

Perhaps you should just go crawl back into your “safe space” with your crayons and coloring books and stuffed animals, and leave it to us grown-ups who can deal with reality to take care of things that matter.
Sorry, but you grown ups aren't doing a very good job of it, from the look of things.
Let’s face it

We are a gun loving society. We value our guns more than we value our children. Putting up with mass slaughters is the price we pay for our second amendment freedoms

Or maybe some of us realize that if they gave up their guns it wouldn't make one whit of a difference in how many kids are killed

and FYI the people killed in CA were not kids they were adults
Let’s face it

We are a gun loving society. We value our guns more than we value our children. Putting up with mass slaughters is the price we pay for our second amendment freedoms

Or maybe some of realize that if they gave up their guns it wouldn't make one whit of a difference in how many kids are killed

and FYI the people killed in CA were not kids they were adults

They were kids just starting their lives
Continuing with your speculation, he then broke CA gun laws.
I am actually very liberal in my views but not Progressive...

The issue with those like the OP is when they can not get their way they want big brother to fix it and for that to happen they will need enough votes in the Senate along with the White House and States to approve a new amendment which will never happen.

So as Old Lady pushes her agenda of more strict Federal Laws the reality is they will not stop a damn thing because criminals do not obey laws ever!
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.

And yet California has some of the strictest laws in the nation, so why did they fail to protect those people?

CA does not have that strict of gun laws, the US law is simply lax.
California shooting: Twelve dead at Thousand Oaks music bar | Daily Mail Online
CA has the strictest gun laws in the country

10 states with the strictest gun laws | Deseret News
Gee, I wonder if the gun man had a drivers license who could have purchased his gun in Nevada or any other state with loose gun laws....Duh.
We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well

What we don't need, and is actually causing the problem over which you soil your diapers, is 320 million liberal social policies that create anger, violence, distrust, personal irresponsibility and are the root cause of the violence problem. Your idol, Maxine Waters for example, spewing hatred and advocating violence.

I ASSURE you, remove liberal policies and you SOLVE the gun violence problem.

Did you know that for over 150 years in America, school aged children carried loaded guns to school with them and a shooting was unheard of.

What do you suppose happened since then? HINT: leftists. (Note I did not say Democrats)
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Let’s face it

We are a gun loving society. We value our guns more than we value our children. Putting up with mass slaughters is the price we pay for our second amendment freedoms

Or maybe some of realize that if they gave up their guns it wouldn't make one whit of a difference in how many kids are killed

and FYI the people killed in CA were not kids they were adults

They were kids just starting their lives
They were adults because children are not allowed to drink in bars
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.
I think we need to stop spreading hate on CNN and MSNBC.
We can do that.
Laws only work on the law-abiding. Not on the lawless.
Get rid of liberal judges and liberal politicians...along with their liberal laws that make it easier for crazy people to still be on our streets.
We have to do better with our mentally ill population, that's for sure.
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

It is Nevada and Arizona fault... Wait, it is Trump fault... Wait, it is Bush jr. fault... Wait, is Hitler allow?

We need to outlaw Trenchcoats!

If you don’t agree, you hate children!!

Cars..... he obviously needed a car to get to the gun free zone..if he didn't have a car it would have taken him a long time to walk to the bar...
California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?

A proper LIbEral response would be to call for even more of the same poison that is causing the sickness in the first place.

I am actually very liberal in my views but not Progressive...

The issue with those like the OP is when they can not get their way they want big brother to fix it and for that to happen they will need enough votes in the Senate along with the White House and States to approve a new amendment which will never happen.

So as Old Lady pushes her agenda of more strict Federal Laws the reality is they will not stop a damn thing because criminals do not obey laws ever!
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.
What gun control law that CA doesn't have would have prevented this shooting?

And why do states with very lax gun control laws have much lower murder rates than CA?

It ain't guns the American society has a cancer that is spreading and no where is the disease more evident than in the ultra violent urban areas and the violence and crime that emanates from them in numbers large enough to skew the murder rate for the entire country
You all know that I believe in super duper gun restriction/confiscation and to pretty much go full Australia on your ass. But in this thread, I am keeping that idea on the shelf, because you all apparently think there must be another way to stop this mass shooting violence that is becoming more and more frequent. We just had eleven killed in synagogue in Pittsburgh less than two weeks ago. Now a dozen people in So. Cal out for a little fun with friends at a country western bar.

Unless maybe y'all DON'T care. If we don't focus on guns themselves, which you seem so sure is not the problem, what ELSE could the problem be and how can it be fixed?

The definition of mass murder used to be that you needed a bull dozer to bury the dead.
Define mass murder as more than 1000 killed.
Problem solved.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Sorry OldLady but there is no viable solution bc the only solution that would work is too extreme to ever gain enough support.

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