12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

And the real root of the problem is??


Gun-Slinging Mom Fights Off Armed Attackers, Saves Her Child
Gun-Slinging Mom Fights Off Armed Attackers, Saves Her Child

Mom Shoots Man Trying to Steal SUV With Her Kids Inside: Police
'I Had to Do What I Had to Do': Mom Shoots Man to Save Kids

Gunman attempting to rob families outside school shot dead by waiting mother who was off-duty police officer
Armed robber who targeted families outside school shot dead by mother who was off-duty police officer

Armed Midwest City, OK Woman Saves her Children from 2 Home Invaders
Armed Midwest City, OK Woman Saves her Children from 2 Home Invaders LearnAboutGuns.com

Armed hero shoots gunman at back-to-school event
'This could have been so much worse'
Armed hero shoots gunman at back-to-school event - WND

11 lives lost....but 3,400 saved PER day when folks can defend themselves. :yes_text12:
If 90 million people used guns to defend themselves since I was born I would know a couple hundred of them. I don`t know a single one. You can`t be that gullible I hope.

The UK doesn't have a 2nd Amendment and yet gun violence is on the rise. Crimes like assault, robbery and incidences of women being victimized are already much higher than in the USA where people can routinely be armed.

People are using trucks and other vehicles increasingly to kill and harm others where guns are less available. Acid attacks are common in the UK

You MUST stop focusing on OBJECTS as the problem and focus on the REAL problem, bad people created by BAD SOCIAL POLICIES

Until you and others like you do, violence will continue to escalate...guns or no guns
They have one fifth the murder rate we do

And NH has 1 quarter the murder rate of CA despite have much more relaxed gun laws

Gee maybe there's something other than gun laws that makes CA different from NH

YA think?

Why we should be celebrating our gun rights. A dozen kids slaughtered is a small price to pay. Their families will get over it, just like those Sandy Hook families

You've been NOTHING but a sarcastic jackass in this thread. If this garbage is what's considered "Award winning" at this forum, then that's really sad.
Rightwinger won an award? Are you sure he didn't tell you that?

Congrats on being the first one on here to use this tragedy to push a political agenda!

Why wait till the blood is dry?

Why wouldn't one be suspicious that the shooting was politically-motivated? Shooter dressed in black walks into a college bar filled with conservative-leaning students on Country Night, the Democrats taking control of the House the day before, Antifa staging a protest in front of Tucker Carlson's house last night, and mass protests planned for today and this weekend.

This was not a "random" shooting by some nut job. The fact that the shooter was wearing all-black and took out the door staff fits the profile of this as being premeditated. Whether it actually was politically-motivated remains to be seen as soon as his name goes public and his social media is looked at.

Another Bowers?
I thought Cali had the toughest gun laws in the country??

They also have gun free zones like San Bernardino where that Muslim asshole and his wife got weapons and killed their own co workers.

Guess the laws aren't that tough.

Your so called common sense gun laws are stupid and won’t help

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

I'm a gun owner and proud of it.
A proper LIbEral response would be to call for even more of the same poison that is causing the sickness in the first place.

As we ALL know, they actually don't give a damn about safety....hell, they viciously murder millions of innocent babies every day....and yawn....
They ENCOURAGE MS-13 to occupy our cities and assist their illegal entry into the country.

And they claim to be concerned about public "safety".....LMAO

No, they are after the US Constitution....the PRIZE? The 2nd Amendment. Take guns away from Americans.

THAT's the goal....not "safety"...and because of people like Oddball and many other closet Progs calling themselves Rightwing but failing to get involved (refuse to vote) in the fight to stop them, eventually they will succeed.
Oh pul-leeze! We know that deplorable trumpanzees don't give a damn about babies.

Why we should be celebrating our gun rights. A dozen kids slaughtered is a small price to pay. Their families will get over it, just like those Sandy Hook families

You've been NOTHING but a sarcastic jackass in this thread. If this garbage is what's considered "Award winning" at this forum, then that's really sad.
Rightwinger won an award? Are you sure he didn't tell you that?

Your parents must be so proud
You expect anyone to take gun deaths seriously?
Our society will do nothing about it
After Sandy Hook, we said we had had enough.......we did nothing
After Parkland, state politicians vowed they would take action.......they did nothing

So, I will just offer my thoughts and prayers to the families and assure them we will forget about them in a few days

You don't have to be a passive pussy loser.
There IS something we can do to help curb the violence.

But it requires putting aside partisan BS and really looking at the root causes of the violence and hated in our society rather than fixating on OBJECTS

Let’s all hug and sing kumbaya!

Or is your solution more along the lines of locking up all black people?
You expect anyone to take gun deaths seriously?
Our society will do nothing about it
After Sandy Hook, we said we had had enough.......we did nothing
After Parkland, state politicians vowed they would take action.......they did nothing

So, I will just offer my thoughts and prayers to the families and assure them we will forget about them in a few days

You don't have to be a passive pussy loser.
There IS something we can do to help curb the violence.

But it requires putting aside partisan BS and really looking at the root causes of the violence and hated in our society rather than fixating on OBJECTS

Most of the mass shootings and acts of violence are committed by
1). people with mental problems
2). People who have repeatedly slipped past authorities even though they were "known" to be trouble
3). People who had guns who should not have

We can start by addressing those issues without generically blaming guns.
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

Why we should be celebrating our gun rights. A dozen kids slaughtered is a small price to pay. Their families will get over it, just like those Sandy Hook families

You've been NOTHING but a sarcastic jackass in this thread. If this garbage is what's considered "Award winning" at this forum, then that's really sad.
Rightwinger won an award? Are you sure he didn't tell you that?

Your parents must be so proud

They were at the USMB awards ceremony. They brought a fruit cocktail
No one even cares anymore about the dead, do they?

Your pretend sympathy is based on you using their deaths to further your political agenda to ban firearms in America.

You will never be able to ban them seeing the requirement to pass a new amendment is almost impossible and any laws you pass can and will either be struck down by the USSC or repeal later on when your party loses again.

Maybe it is about time to admit reality or don't and just pretend you really care.

These people never start any threads on the weekly murders in Chicago or any other death trap ghetto rat land, their Party's pets, nor any of the murders in Islamo-Land, North Korea, Red China, or anywhere else, they just whine and snivel about white NRA people owning guns. We know why that is, they can't stand for white people to be able to defend themselves from their racist anti-fa mobsters and Craig's List thugs and La Raza's 'Ethnic Cleansers', is all. Of course she may very well be too stupid and doped up to realize she's shilling for such agendas, but that's her fault, not anybody else's.
Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?

A proper LIbEral response would be to call for even more of the same poison that is causing the sickness in the first place.

I am actually very liberal in my views but not Progressive...

The issue with those like the OP is when they can not get their way they want big brother to fix it and for that to happen they will need enough votes in the Senate along with the White House and States to approve a new amendment which will never happen.

So as Old Lady pushes her agenda of more strict Federal Laws the reality is they will not stop a damn thing because criminals do not obey laws ever!
What laws do you think I'm proposing? If gun control isn't the answer, there must be another answer, because these mass shootings are not acceptable and they are not normal everyday business as usual in any other developed country in the world.
Actually....they certainly appear to be acceptable. Just sayin'
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?
We could do it, but not overnight, if we focused on severely limiting the violence in our entertainment and teaching kids from the time they can hit that killing other humans is the lowest thing you can do, including screwing your sister (in other words, taboo).
I think teaching others not to hate because of their political beliefs would be a step in the right direction.
After all, this guy attacked a bunch of people line dancing in a country bar.
Oh, and is incest a big problem in Thousand Oaks California???
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Just another day in America, another shooting. When you go out to the bar, and get drunk, just remember to take your gun with you because you never know if the urge to just shoot the fuck out of people in a drunken state might not take over your brain.

Wait, no, leave your gun at home, and then when you're drunk as fuck, then other people can shoot you up.

Wait, no, stay at home, it's not safe outside. You can only protect your family if they're in a nuclear bunker with at least 10 trizillion rounds of ammo for each family member for the chain guns in the pillar box on the roof and the semi-automatics for the concrete tight corridors.

Remember children, the world's not safe, buy cotton wool.

The world isn't a safe place because human beings are the most violent animal to ever walk the planet

All you have to do is study history to realize this.

These are 3 irrefutable laws of the universe

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people
You expect anyone to take gun deaths seriously?
Our society will do nothing about it
After Sandy Hook, we said we had had enough.......we did nothing
After Parkland, state politicians vowed they would take action.......they did nothing

So, I will just offer my thoughts and prayers to the families and assure them we will forget about them in a few days

You don't have to be a passive pussy loser.
There IS something we can do to help curb the violence.

But it requires putting aside partisan BS and really looking at the root causes of the violence and hated in our society rather than fixating on OBJECTS

Let’s all hug and sing kumbaya!

Or is your solution more along the lines of locking up all black people?
Listen to him. It's part of the solution.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?
We could do it, but not overnight, if we focused on severely limiting the violence in our entertainment and teaching kids from the time they can hit that killing other humans is the lowest thing you can do, including screwing your sister (in other words, taboo).
I think teaching others not to hate because of their political beliefs would be a step in the right direction.
After all, this guy attacked a bunch of people line dancing in a country bar.
Oh, and is incest a big problem in Thousand Oaks California???
Try reading that post about incest again. I don't think I was saying incest is a cause here.
I doubt if this had anything to do with political beliefs, but is making it up that it WAS motivated by a liberal who hates conservatives perhaps a little political hatred on your part? Just asking.
If 90 million people used guns to defend themselves since I was born I would know a couple hundred of them. I don`t know a single one. You can`t be that gullible I hope.

And MOST people will never know anyone killed in a mass shooting....so by your failed logic, they don't occur.
That`s all you got? Why don`t I know anyone who used a gun to defend themselves if this happens thousands of times a day? Take your time answering so you don`t post something stupid again.

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