12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

I'm not sure how you can curb this kind of shit when you abandon all sanctity of life. I mean it's not just irresponsibility, entitlement, not being taught right, etc, there is also a marked indifference for the lives of others. I mean, take abortion right. So I'm pro-choice, but it's because it's best for the baby imo, (someone in a position that they'd kill their own baby ain't in a good place to raise a kid right?) But the rest of the pro-choice people, those sickos actually celebrate abortion, seriously, we are talking about the death of an innocent baby... they don't even think it's a big deal, they think it's a fucking "right" to murder them at will. I really don't see how you can have that kind of mentality toward life and be expected to respect the lives of someone you don't know. There's so much more to it and I'm not sure there is a solution. Even taking away the guns won't fucking stop it - duh for most of us who know criminals and murderers don't pay attention to fucking laws - but there'll just be another excuse, or we'll get the left saying "they need space to murder" like I said before. ~shrug~

I bought a bulletproof jacket last February, maybe ya'll should too. Don't have to worry as much about the mainstream lunatics then.
Congrats on being the first one on here to use this tragedy to push a political agenda!

Why wait till the blood is dry?
I had to get a jump on all the emotional responses that though progressive bleeding hearts will come up with

your response is no less emotional.
Na, Shit happens and no amount of emotional responses will change that.

Crazy Cali has the strictest gun laws in the country, they will add more. Because they will Rely on emotion instead of common sense.
They have no criminal control in that state, for that matter this country has no criminal control. The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders. Common sense would say the way to Significantly stop/reduce violent crime Get rid of the violet repeat offenders.
After all firearms don’t kill people people kill people...
Yes I do actually. See without "freedumb" the death toll would be a shit ton higher because it'd be the fucking government mowing us down.
Just like it is in every other developed nation which has severely regulated handguns and military style semi automatics. Fer shure freedumb's worth a few school kids' lives at regularish intervals.

You mean the other nations where the government owns the people, their labor, and all their wealth? I'm not real interested in that trade off...
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
I wonder if he was a caravan person or just another crazy white guy?
As this thread CLEARLY demonstrates, Leftists can only spew their vile propaganda until facts and the truth are pushed in their faces. They have no concern for safety.....but instead have an agenda with the specific intent to undermine the US Constitution and make Americans vulnerable to powerful leftist agendas.

ANY informed person can send them running for cover :dance:
Congrats on being the first one on here to use this tragedy to push a political agenda!

Why wait till the blood is dry?
I had to get a jump on all the emotional responses that though progressive bleeding hearts will come up with

your response is no less emotional.
Na, Shit happens and no amount of emotional responses will change that.

Crazy Cali has the strictest gun laws in the country, they will add more. Because they will Rely on emotion instead of common sense.
They have no criminal control in that state, for that matter this country has no criminal control. The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders. Common sense would say the way to Significantly stop/reduce violent crime Get rid of the violet repeat offenders.
After all firearms don’t kill people people kill people...

I agree.

The gun is the tool and the person using it is the weapon.
Yes I do actually. See without "freedumb" the death toll would be a shit ton higher because it'd be the fucking government mowing us down.
Just like it is in every other developed nation which has severely regulated handguns and military style semi automatics. Fer shure freedumb's worth a few school kids' lives at regularish intervals.

You mean the other nations where the government owns the people, their labor, and all their wealth? I'm not real interested in that trade off...
Congrats on being the first one on here to use this tragedy to push a political agenda!

Why wait till the blood is dry?
I had to get a jump on all the emotional responses that though progressive bleeding hearts will come up with

your response is no less emotional.
Na, Shit happens and no amount of emotional responses will change that.

Crazy Cali has the strictest gun laws in the country, they will add more. Because they will Rely on emotion instead of common sense.
They have no criminal control in that state, for that matter this country has no criminal control. The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders. Common sense would say the way to Significantly stop/reduce violent crime Get rid of the violet repeat offenders.
After all firearms don’t kill people people kill people...

I agree.

The gun is the tool and the person using it is the weapon.
Yep, I have never once heard of a firearm chasing someone down the street and killing them

I laid out exactly what Old Lady asked for in post #93 in this thread......specific policies that liberals and progs embrace that directly result in violence.

And as expected...it was ignored, denied or deflected....because you see, they really don't care....they just want to take your guns. THAT's ALL
I'm sorry, Basic Human Unit, I missed it, so thank you for directing me to your answer. Sometimes when a lot of posts are coming in quickly, they don't all show up on my screen until later.
Your answer:

TONS of them.....JUST A FEW to start with

1). policies that allow liberal judges to go soft on CONVICTED MURDERERS
2). Liberal policies that encourage welfare instead of personal responsibility
3). Liberal policies that encourage MS-13 and MANY violent criminals to cross our borders
4). Liberal policies that choose Political Correctness over getting help for mentally disturbed people
5). Liberal policies that close our system of Mental institutions

Since we don't know this guy's story yet, I don't know if he's a convicted murderer, on welfare or in MS-13, but the mental health thing is sure a problem in my mind too. Suicidal/homicidal are the opposite sides of the same sword. And then there are the plain old psychos.
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
I wonder if he was a caravan person or just another crazy white guy?
I wonder.....it must have been a caravan person who RAN all the way....
I thought Cali had the toughest gun laws in the country??

They also have gun free zones like San Bernardino where that Muslim asshole and his wife got weapons and killed their own co workers.

Guess the laws aren't that tough.
Some sort of gun control is needed.

Stupid.....just stupid.
And what do you call the 10,000 gun control laws that are already on the books?

Right...and the "Cure" is revoking Constitutional Rights.....got it


Why we should be celebrating our gun rights. A dozen kids slaughtered is a small price to pay. Their families will get over it, just like those Sandy Hook families
I'm sorry, Basic Human Unit, I missed it, so thank you for directing me to your answer. Sometimes when a lot of posts are coming in quickly, they don't all show up on my screen until later.
Your answer:
Since we don't know this guy's story yet, I don't know if he's a convicted murderer, on welfare or in MS-13, but the mental health thing is sure a problem in my mind too. Suicidal/homicidal are the opposite sides of the same sword. And then there are the plain old psychos.

Ok, it appeared you were avoiding it.

I'd be happy to reasonably discuss these and more with you.
I too wish the violence would stop.

But we must look at it realistically and honestly.
Yes I do actually. See without "freedumb" the death toll would be a shit ton higher because it'd be the fucking government mowing us down.
Just like it is in every other developed nation which has severely regulated handguns and military style semi automatics. Fer shure freedumb's worth a few school kids' lives at regularish intervals.

You mean the other nations where the government owns the people, their labor, and all their wealth? I'm not real interested in that trade off...

The ideology of statism espoused by fascism holds that sovereignty is not vested in the people, but in the nation state and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, prestige and well-being of the state. It repudiates individualism and the family and exalts the nation as an organic body headed by the supreme leader.

  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
    "compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"
    independence · freedom · autonomy · sovereignty · self government · self rule · self determination · home rule · civil liberties · civil rights · human rights · autarky
    dependence · subjugation
  2. the power or scope to act as one pleases.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our chalong with high capacity magazines for all weaponsurch, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to w ork. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.
As you might expect from do-nothing Trump, he sends "thoughts & prayers," a totally ineffective response to another mass shooting. A great start would be the elimination of military grade automatic assault rifles along with high capacity magazines from our society. Not only should they be banned, they should all be confiscated.

Thankfully, we now have a common sense House of Representatives that will finally address this issue and slap the Senate and President in the face over their inaction.
I am not talking stats. I am talking mass shootings like the one last night and the one two weeks ago in Pittsburgh. And the one at Parkland. And the one at Pulse. And the one in Las Vegas at the concert...
That is what I am talking about at the moment.

You're exposed as a liar.
The reason we will continue to have mass shootings is explicitly because you leftists flat refuse to address the real root cause of the problem.

Your fixation on OBJECTS will never resolve the issues.

And the real root of the problem is??
To all the families and friends of the victims, I would like to offer my sincere thoughts and prayers

I would also like to assure them that their gun rights will remain secure and that nothing will be done to impede their ability to obtain the weapon of their choice

And yet YOU adamantly and consistently vote for policies that are directly responsible for killing them
well my oh my, aren't you "Sincere"?

In spite of all the tragedy in California, we can rest assured that we will continue to have the gun rights that keep us safe

Get that amendment through the House, Senate, Oval Office and approved by the States and if not then this discussion is moot...

What amendment?

We need our guns, they keep us safe
To the tune of 33,000 gun deaths a year

A dozen people slaughtered is a small price to pay for our right to bear arms

How many people die on the highway system each year?

So either get that amendment through Congress, Oval Office, and the States or admit nothing will be done and this fake outrage is nothing more than the Progressives wanting to use deaths to win more seats in 2020...
You see.....those deaths on the highways are something we call “accidents”

33,000 gun deaths are “ on purpose”

Why we should be celebrating our gun rights. A dozen kids slaughtered is a small price to pay. Their families will get over it, just like those Sandy Hook families

You've been NOTHING but a sarcastic jackass in this thread. If this garbage is what's considered "Award winning" at this forum, then that's really sad.
The UK doesn't have a 2nd Amendment and yet gun violence is on the rise. Crimes like assault, robbery and incidences of women being victimized are already much higher than in the USA where people can routinely be armed.

People are using trucks and other vehicles increasingly to kill and harm others where guns are less available. Acid attacks are common in the UK

You MUST stop focusing on OBJECTS as the problem and focus on the REAL problem, bad people created by BAD SOCIAL POLICIES

Until you and others like you do, violence will continue to escalate...guns or no guns
They have one fifth the murder rate we do

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