12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.
I`m pretty sure that California`s borders are open. Is it possible that a gun can be brought in from another state dumbass?

Like from Mexico? Where the drug cartels have fully automatic military weapons in a country with extreme gun control,where there is only one gun store, run by the military, and you need special government permission to own a gun?

Houston? They have gun stores on every corner, everyone can carry a gun, and they have a lower gun murder rate than Chicago..... access isn't the issue, the intent to commit murder is....
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....

He was a white kid in his 20's.
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

It's against the law to take a firearm to a bar.

Exactly...... why hasn't California passed a law making it illegal to murder people...obviously they need a law to make that against the law......
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.
I`m pretty sure that California`s borders are open. Is it possible that a gun can be brought in from another state dumbass?

You mean like criminals coming to America from the open Mexican border?

That doesn’t happen.
The MAGA folks are the ones gunning people down and sending bombs to Trump`s enemies. Why talk about a wall?

No.... the synagogue shooter was anti-Trump.... the bomber sent fake bombs through the mail.... the only shooters killing people are bernie sanders supporters who shot up the Republican baseball team and the black lives matter supporters who have murdered at least 9 police officers....6 in that Dallas shooting alone...
No one even cares anymore about the dead, do they?

I would go as far as desensitized ......


Most people don't really care if people they aren't related to or know die.

How many millions of people die every day?
If none of those people are friends or loved ones do you really care?

I care when young people die for no reason. Definitely rubs me the wrong way but you’re right that it’s not very logical to get all upset over the deaths of people you don’t know.
We could curb some shootings I bet.
Like other countries with much lower firearm homicide rates, by severely regulating handguns and military style semi automatics? Nah. That would never work. Don't even consider it. What are a few college kids' lives against easy access to handguns and military style semi automatics?

No price of freedumb is too high.

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...and with 16 million of them in private hands...that aren't used in any crimes...you have a really lame point.... and considering that he didn't even use a rifle....?

They already regulate hand guns in California...did that stop him?

Also, a shooter in Crimea, using a pump action shotgun...an actual military weapon....murdered 21 college students....

You don't know what you are talking about, you don't understand the issue.

Also...a muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental Truck to murder 86 people and injure 450 in 5 minutes of driving.....we are lucky he didn't use a rental truck...
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.
I`m pretty sure that California`s borders are open. Is it possible that a gun can be brought in from another state dumbass?

Like from Mexico? Where the drug cartels have fully automatic military weapons in a country with extreme gun control,where there is only one gun store, run by the military, and you need special government permission to own a gun?

Houston? They have gun stores on every corner, everyone can carry a gun, and they have a lower gun murder rate than Chicago..... access isn't the issue, the intent to commit murder is....

Yup. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
We have to do better with our mentally ill population, that's for sure.

True. This nation needs to put partisan nonsense aside and deal with the issue of violence on adult terms.
I'm not against some measures that would help. I just don't want "Guns" demonized as THE problem.

The problem is multi-faceted and requires cooperation from both sides on dealing with why we have so many mentally ill in our society.

More public service could be done to teach people about locking up their guns without government interference. People need secure safes and in homes with young people, extra caution must be taken such as trigger locks.

Authorities need to be more diligent with information they get on potentially dangerous suspects BEFORE they act. when someone makes a threat on social media or otherwise, that person is signalling a mental emergency and a sort of task group involving authorities and family should IMMEDIATELY be assembled to monitor and help these people.

If a person has written messages or made inferences on harming others, then everyone in that family needs to get involved rather than just ignoring the problem out of frustration.

Things like this need to be done as a start. But we are all too busy at each others throats.
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We could curb some shootings I bet.
Like other countries with much lower firearm homicide rates, by severely regulating handguns and military style semi automatics? Nah. That would never work. Don't even consider it. What are a few college kids' lives against easy access to handguns and military style semi automatics?

No price of freedumb is too high.

Well....if it saves only one life...right?

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murder....and when they are allowed to carry them, they even stop mass public shooters....but this place was a gun free zone.

As more Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%....so guns actually save more lives than they take in this country....

If it saves only one life, then we need more people carrying guns...
I suspect the shooter is Antifa or an Antifa Wannabe.

- Dressed in black
- Lower part of face covered up
- Targeted Christians
- Heavily tattooed young white man
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so - you won't even consider it. just lob out arrogant shit and insults.

THAT is why we never get anywhere.
You won't consider it, ffs. The way every other developed nation has done it. That's why you'll continue to kill school kids at a high rate, for FREEDUMB, and wonder why.

Wrong....Americans use their legal guns to save lives....1.1 million times a year...rapes, robberies and murders that do not happen because of Armed citizens....

The real killers...are known, violent, repeat gun offenders that democrat party politicians, lawyers, and judges let out of prison over and over again..but you don't care about those real killers or the democrat party policies that allow them to keep killing.
Such a shame.
Such a yawn really. I mean it's obvious no one cares enough about it to do anything effective. Another mass shooting in the US, oh well, nothing new. I wonder how long till the next one.

No...we know what to do, you guys just want to ban guns. Had that place allowed normal, law abiding people to carry their legal guns with them, the place would not have been targeted in the first place..

How do we know this? Because mass shooters tell us this....when they are captured and in their notes when they are dead...but you guys don't want to solve the problem..you need dead people to push gun control.
The gunman has been identified at 29 year old Ian Long.

No info on him yet.
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The shooter didn’t use a handgun, you gun grabber
Yeah? I haven't bothered to check. Military style semi automatic?

No such thing.....semi-auto rifles are not military rifles....military rifles are select fire....

A Pump action shotgun is an actual military weapon....not a military "style" weapon.... lever action rifles are military weapons...used in war......as have been revolvers...

You don't know what you are talking about.

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