12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well

What we don't need, and is actually causing the problem over which you soil your diapers, is 320 million liberal social policies that create anger, violence, distrust, personal irresponsibility and are the root cause of the violence problem. Your idol, Maxine Waters for example, spewing hatred and advocating violence.

I ASSURE you, remove liberal policies and you SOLVE the gun violence problem.

Did you know that for over 150 years in America, school aged children carried loaded guns to school with them and a shooting was unheard of.

What do you suppose happened since then? HINT: leftists. (Note I did not say Democrats)
Save me your NRA driven angst

Guns don’t kill people......liberal policies do

We are a gun loving society. They are the solution to our problems and a primary way to resolve conflicts
if guns were the primary way to resolve conflicts there would be a shit load more people murdered

But what you say does hold true in our ultra violent inner cities and that has an extreme effect on our murder rate as a nation

33,000 a year is a shitload
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.
I`m pretty sure that California`s borders are open. Is it possible that a gun can be brought in from another state dumbass?

You mean like criminals coming to America from the open Mexican border?

That doesn’t happen.
The MAGA folks are the ones gunning people down and sending bombs to Trump`s enemies. Why talk about a wall?

No.... the synagogue shooter was anti-Trump.... the bomber sent fake bombs through the mail.... the only shooters killing people are bernie sanders supporters who shot up the Republican baseball team and the black lives matter supporters who have murdered at least 9 police officers....6 in that Dallas shooting alone...
No....the synagogue shooter was worked up over an "invasion" by poor brown people and it was indeed Trump that was feeding him that bullshit. If BLM was responsible for killing police we can say the NRA was responsible for gun nuts blowing up the Federal building in Oklahoma City. See how that works? You guys have the bigger body count by far. You`re WINNING!

No... he was anti Trump....Trump is not anti-immigrant....he is not anti-semitic...in fact, being anti-Trump and anti-semitic makes the shooter closer to a democrat than a Republican..

Nope....the shooter who killed 6 police was sympathetic to black lives matter...the baseball shooter was a bernie sanders supporter and campaign worker...

That is how you guys call these things.....so live with it...
How about requiring metal detectors in bars? There are bars already that require it from patrons. Security guards who are instructed to perform body cavity searches on the patrons is another idea.

Many penitentiaries have that to protect the inmates. What kind of society do we have that we value the lives of Child Molesters doing time more than we value the life of young people getting drunk?
------------------------------------------- big city right next to 'los angeles' . I hear that shooter was from a wierdo 'community' and that he had been picked on . Might be revenge for being picked on .
28 yr old that had been cleared by mental health officials after another incident back in April...
A country bar?

So Republicans were the targets?

Was the gunman a Democrat?

Was this caused by WATERS AND PELOSI?

These are all very relevant questions that we must ask all over the news immediately.
White kids were the targets.

Conservative White Kids...as it was a country and western bar...not too many left wing, emo kids going to a country bar...
We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well

What we don't need, and is actually causing the problem over which you soil your diapers, is 320 million liberal social policies that create anger, violence, distrust, personal irresponsibility and are the root cause of the violence problem. Your idol, Maxine Waters for example, spewing hatred and advocating violence.

I ASSURE you, remove liberal policies and you SOLVE the gun violence problem.

Did you know that for over 150 years in America, school aged children carried loaded guns to school with them and a shooting was unheard of.

What do you suppose happened since then? HINT: leftists. (Note I did not say Democrats)
Save me your NRA driven angst

Guns don’t kill people......liberal policies do

We are a gun loving society. They are the solution to our problems and a primary way to resolve conflicts
if guns were the primary way to resolve conflicts there would be a shit load more people murdered

But what you say does hold true in our ultra violent inner cities and that has an extreme effect on our murder rate as a nation

33,000 a year is a shitload

Most of those (2/3) are suicides and not a result of conflict resolution. And suicide isn't murder it's also not illegal.

But then again the facts don't really matter to you do they?
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical. You can't, dumb ass, because there isn't ONE.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning on a clear day? Your hoplophobia is comparable.

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at best, silly in fact. (And you were patting yourself on the back over your stupidity and ignorance I'd bet)

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.
Germany's people had guns and Hitler still happened.
There are many, many countries in the world without a second amendment which have managed to avoid tyranny.
Fuck the second amendment.
We need 330 million guns to keep 320 million people safe

Doesn’t seem to be working too well

What we don't need, and is actually causing the problem over which you soil your diapers, is 320 million liberal social policies that create anger, violence, distrust, personal irresponsibility and are the root cause of the violence problem. Your idol, Maxine Waters for example, spewing hatred and advocating violence.

I ASSURE you, remove liberal policies and you SOLVE the gun violence problem.

Did you know that for over 150 years in America, school aged children carried loaded guns to school with them and a shooting was unheard of.

What do you suppose happened since then? HINT: leftists. (Note I did not say Democrats)
Save me your NRA driven angst

Guns don’t kill people......liberal policies do

We are a gun loving society. They are the solution to our problems and a primary way to resolve conflicts
if guns were the primary way to resolve conflicts there would be a shit load more people murdered

But what you say does hold true in our ultra violent inner cities and that has an extreme effect on our murder rate as a nation

33,000 a year is a shitload
--------------------------------------------------------- no its not when one considers that lots of your number were shot by police and homeowners and self defense and many were suiciders that killed themselves . And thats out of a legal USA population of 310 million in the USA 2010 Census . RIP , But as Sparky said , we can have Freedom or Safety but we can't have both RWinger .
i think we need to look into the connection between over-meding kids these days and the effect that has. far too often i hear parents say while on meds their child was usually angry. no, certainly not every time but enough to check. from what i understand a vast majority of the shooters in the last 10+ years were on some form of medication(s). that can't be overlooked.when we started med'ing kids vs raising them, did we start seeing an uptick in things?
I have no problem with that. Taxes could pay for all research done on gun violence starting from the Emergency Rooms in hospitals. What is needed is cold, hard facts.

The CDC was never stopped from researching gun violence...that you think so is how uninformed you are. We have all the gun research we need.....you guys simply want to ban guns since the research doesn't support what you want.
Yep. Turns out he’s a white guy. Aren’t they all?

Not really. We've had a lot of blacks, muslims, hispanics involved in this kind of thing too. And restrictions on firearms don't work either. Remember the Columbine shooting was during the Draconian Clinton assault ban. It didn't help.
Yes I do actually. See without "freedumb" the death toll would be a shit ton higher because it'd be the fucking government mowing us down.
Just like it is in every other developed nation which has severely regulated handguns and military style semi automatics. Fer shure freedumb's worth a few school kids' lives at regularish intervals.

You mean the other nations where the government owns the people, their labor, and all their wealth? I'm not real interested in that trade off...
Well if you want to describe other developed nations in those terms I can see why you think other people's school kids is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and assault style rifles.
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical. You can't, dumb ass, because there isn't ONE.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning on a clear day? Your hoplophobia is comparable.

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at best, silly in fact. (And you were patting yourself on the back over your stupidity and ignorance I'd bet)

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
Thousand Oaks shooting suspect: What we know

Yep. Turns out he’s a white guy. Aren’t they all?

What is it with white guys committing mass murder? Want to bet he’s a Republican?
Another mass murderer that a wall wouldn`t have stopped. I won`t take that bet. The Trumpsters have been on a killing and bomb sending spree lately. We`re not free if we can`t shoot people by the dozens some idiot is telling us.
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
4) It's totally a good thing that Fornicalia has outlawed high capacity magazine clip thinamajigs, or he could have killed more people!

Oh, wait....

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