12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.
/----/ Maryland: Cops Shoot Man to Death In His Home For Resisting Gun Confiscation
Maryland: Cops Shoot Man to Death In His Home For Resisting Gun Confiscation
Police in the Democrat haven of Maryland shot and killed a man in his home on Monday while serving a "protective order" under a new law which allows them to seize people's guns without due process.
Good. I'm glad it wasn't the cops that got shot.
Sure I can but I never would.

I'm a responsible gun owner.
Just like all the mass shooters who had never committed a firearms offence until they shot the shit out of some place.

Yep..... almost all of the mass shooters are able to get their guns no matter what gun control measures you create...and the ones who can't...steal their guns, or get them illegally.....

The muslim terrorists who murdered 135 people in France? Got fully automatic military rifles easily, in France where they are illegal, on a continent where they are illegal.....

If only we got rid of all nation states and put all of humanity under the control of a Global government which could then disarm us and give us free healthcare!
Sure I can but I never would.

I'm a responsible gun owner.
Just like all the mass shooters who had never committed a firearms offence until they shot the shit out of some place.

And the owners of the other 600 million guns in private hands also never committed a crime with their guns....and 1.1 million of those gun owners used their legal guns to save lives on average every year....and as more law abiding gun owners own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%....

You don't know what you are talking about.
Got a way to tell which people will use a gun like that shooter did??
How come the other developed nations don't suffer the same mass shooting and firearm homicide rates as the US? Because they require strict licensing procedures and severely regulate handguns and assault style rifles. So yes, they filter out most of the people who will use a gun like that shooter. It's not rocket science, unless one is committed to FREEDUMB!
California mass shooting gunman identified

"The suspect behind America’s latest mass shooting has been identified as Ian David Long, who law enforcement officials have accused of killing at least 12 people inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in California.

The gunman, identified by
NBC News as a heavily-tattooed, 28-year-old white male, used a .45 caliber handgun and was found dead after storming the bar that’s commonly frequented by country music fans on Wednesday nights. Details surrounding the suspect began flooding in from neighbours who told ABC News he was a veteran who may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Police said he was an ex-Marine who had multiple run-ins with law enforcement in recent years and likely shot himself Wednesday night in the bar."

Now we have a little more information about the shooter, not much information about what lead him to do it -- seems at this point it is mental illness -- I have also seen others speculate that since he was wearing black and targeted country music fans -- he may be ANTIFA..
Yep..... almost all of the mass shooters are able to get their guns no matter what gun control measures you create...and the ones who can't...steal their guns, or get them illegally.....
Funny how other developed countries have a lower rate of mass shootings. Must be a lack of FREEDUMB!
Sure I can but I never would.

I'm a responsible gun owner.
Just like all the mass shooters who had never committed a firearms offence until they shot the shit out of some place.

And the owners of the other 600 million guns in private hands also never committed a crime with their guns....and 1.1 million of those gun owners used their legal guns to save lives on average every year....and as more law abiding gun owners own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%....

You don't know what you are talking about.

He's another idiot who thinks gun control works.

There is a huge black market for guns out there and if you have the money. You can own he gun.

No paperwork. No wait. The gun is yours.

Gun control is a sham.
Got a way to tell which people will use a gun like that shooter did??
How come the other developed nations don't suffer the same mass shooting and firearm homicide rates as the US? Because they require strict licensing procedures and severely regulate handguns and assault style rifles. So yes, they filter out most of the people who will use a gun like that shooter. It's not rocket science, unless one is committed to FREEDUMB!

Most other nations have disarmed their citizens dummy. In Europe its against the law to own a gun.

I'd bet those 136 dead Parisians would have given their eye teeth for a gun to defend themselves with. The death cult member mowed them down.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Please keep ignoring the firearm homicide rate in the US while pretending everyone else is ignorant. The best raving loony trick I've seen for a while.
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....
You fucking ghoul. You just were salivating for the next mass shooting so you could run to the message boards and yell:



You sick fuck.
Countries that don`t have 300 million of these OBJECTS don`t have the problem that we do. The more there are of these OBJECTS the easier it is for crazies to get them. That`s a 9th grade Economics lesson.

I'm so glad you made that failed argument.....now, here's where you failed miserably........

In the United states we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment. (look it up)

In a nutshell, it empowers average citizens with the means to repeal government tyranny.
in the course of history, hundreds of millions of unarmed, innocent people have been liquidated by tyrants.

The more of these objects, the more capable a population is to defend itself, and the less likely tyranny can arise.

Name ONE country where an unarmed population can itself, defend itself in the case that the government turns tyrannical. You can't, dumb ass, because there isn't ONE.

And before you knee-jerk and say that can't happen, I remind you of 3 recent cases where it did just that....China, Venezuela and russia ALL of which have dictators now and vast, unarmed populations.

So you see, there is a price to pay for freedom. But overall it is well worth it even if tragic for a very small number.

Now, the actual number of people killed in mass shootings is statistically extremely low. You're more likely to be struck by lightning. Afraid of lightning on a clear day? Your hoplophobia is comparable.

So as anyone can see, your argument is weak at best, silly in fact. (And you were patting yourself on the back over your stupidity and ignorance I'd bet)

You and morons like yourself feel it is better for 300,000,000 people should be at risk rather than understand that in a FREE society, there will always be some violence.

Again, rather than focusing on OBJECTS, If you really give a damn about others safety, which is seriously in doubt, then go read post #93 of this thread.
Thousand Oaks shooting suspect: What we know

Yep. Turns out he’s a white guy. Aren’t they all?

What is it with white guys committing mass murder? Want to bet he’s a Republican?
Another mass murderer that a wall wouldn`t have stopped. I won`t take that bet. The Trumpsters have been on a killing and bomb sending spree lately. We`re not free if we can`t shoot people by the dozens some idiot is telling us.
------------------------------------- i hear and assume that the shooter was from a pervert community , had been picked on and then looked for revenge .
A former Marine. You were talking about perverts?
California mass shooting gunman identified

"The suspect behind America’s latest mass shooting has been identified as Ian David Long, who law enforcement officials have accused of killing at least 12 people inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in California.

The gunman, identified by
NBC News as a heavily-tattooed, 28-year-old white male, used a .45 caliber handgun and was found dead after storming the bar that’s commonly frequented by country music fans on Wednesday nights. Details surrounding the suspect began flooding in from neighbours who told ABC News he was a veteran who may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Police said he was an ex-Marine who had multiple run-ins with law enforcement in recent years and likely shot himself Wednesday night in the bar."

Now we have a little more information about the shooter, not much information about what lead him to do it -- seems at this point it is mental illness -- I have also seen others speculate that since he was wearing black and targeted country music fans -- he may be ANTIFA..

This comment should come with a "Trumper Trigger Warning"
Another mass shooter known to authorities. Obviously we cannot trust the authorities.
I don't think they like to prosecute white men.
They like to let them slide.
Then things like this happens.
This is like the 4th in a row, in like, 2 weeks.

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