12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

I think this is obviously a fake news story.

It has to be impossible to have a shooting like this in the state with the most stringent state wide gun control laws in the country. I mean the guy was using high capacity magazines. How can that even be possible when California bans high capacity magazines?

It looks like the ban on high capacity magazines, ban on semi autos and the worthless background checks and waiting periods and all that other bullshit didn't do jackshit, did it?

This is a great example of how stupid gun control laws are. They are worthless to stop crime but they sure as hell takes away the ability of the citizens to protect themselves.

The thing that will be hilarious is that the response by the idiot Moon Bats in Commie California will do. The morons will enact even more stupid worthless gun controls.
"The thing that will be hilarious..." Ok.....:45:

Liberal stupidity is always hilarious to observe.

Kind of like here in Florida after the Parkland shooting the asshole Libtards banned bump stocks. A bump stock was not used in the shooting. That is the kind of stupidity we get out of Liberals that is always comical to observe.

Banning high capacity magazines has always been a funny way to stop mass shooting because nobody has ever done a mass shooting adhered to the stupid law.

Liberals are silly as shit and it is always hilarious to see them do their stupid things.
Another mass shooter known to authorities. Obviously we cannot trust the authorities.
If he was Black they would have planted some crack on him and he would already be in prison. They need to start doing the same to white males.

Nope. It's more fun to watch you hood rats trying to run and keep your pants from falling down. It's REALLY funny when they bring the dog.
So youd rather have fun instead of stopping white men from killing crowds of innocent people. Figures. :rolleyes:

Why is it a big deal? Every weekend in Chicago black dudes shoot more then 11 black dudes every weekend.
2nd Amendment solutions....but why focus only on Chicago?
Pismoe, why do you find my comment funny?
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
They shoulda armed themselves.

One of the dead was a security guard.... another was a police officer who responded. They were armed.
So what? Stop letting loons and killers out of prison.

Or at least let us commit the obvious crazies. Its a mental health crisis, IMO.
Unfortunately, mental healthcare is an "Entitlement", and must never be considered.

Conservatives do not want mental healthcare. They want mental institutions

You don't know many conservatives apparently.

Mental institutions are part of a mental health system and are needed. Some people need to be committed to an institution to protect the citizenry.
Another mass shooter known to authorities. Obviously we cannot trust the authorities.
If he was Black they would have planted some crack on him and he would already be in prison. They need to start doing the same to white males.

Nope. It's more fun to watch you hood rats trying to run and keep your pants from falling down. It's REALLY funny when they bring the dog.
So youd rather have fun instead of stopping white men from killing crowds of innocent people. Figures. :rolleyes:

Why is it a big deal? Every weekend in Chicago black dudes shoot more then 11 black dudes every weekend.
2nd Amendment solutions....but why focus only on Chicago?
Lots of scary Black people live there of course. :rolleyes:
The gun nuts better come up with some suggestions for their fellow citizens who are ready to do what is probably the wrong thing.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.
We want whatever it takes. Many mentally ill refuse their medications. They should not be allowed to roam the streets, off their meds, if they have ever proven to be a danger to themselves or others.
One of the dead was a security guard.... another was a police officer who responded. They were armed.
So what? Stop letting loons and killers out of prison.

Or at least let us commit the obvious crazies. Its a mental health crisis, IMO.
Unfortunately, mental healthcare is an "Entitlement", and must never be considered.

Conservatives do not want mental healthcare. They want mental institutions
--------------------------------------------- i think that this is the post i was laughing at Depotoo . See the first of you post where you say that you want WHATEVER IT TAKES and then a bit further as you finish your post as you advocate for a Police State Depotoo .
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Send them off to pointless, unnecessary wars, they witness horrible atrocities and come home broken. We don't give them proper treatment and then are shocked when they crack.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
He started shooting before he got inside-the security guard standing outside. No metal detector would have stopped him.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.
The gun nuts better come up with some suggestions for their fellow citizens who are ready to do what is probably the wrong thing.
--------------------------------------------- there is no solution . Fortunately , over 300 million went through the night with no problems at all '4eye' .
Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.

Not with government run healthcare, it isn't. They can always add a line to it that says you need a doctors note establishing eligibility to exercise your 2nd.

In fact, I wouldn't put it past them. They already make us relinquish our 1st, 5th, and 10th amendments in order to require a gun and everybody is okay with it.
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?

Vets that come back from overseas need to have consistent medical tests and their guns must be taken away until they are given a 100% bill of health. If they show ANY signs of PTSD they should immediately be placed under medical care, medications monitored and GUNS TAKEN AWAY!!!

How very liberal gun-grabber of you!
That is not a police state.
Unless you feel it’s ok for the mentally ill that are a danger, to just do as they please...

We want whatever it takes. Many mentally ill refuse their medications. They should not be allowed to roam the streets, off their meds, if they have ever proven to be a danger to themselves or others.
So what? Stop letting loons and killers out of prison.

Or at least let us commit the obvious crazies. Its a mental health crisis, IMO.
Unfortunately, mental healthcare is an "Entitlement", and must never be considered.

Conservatives do not want mental healthcare. They want mental institutions
--------------------------------------------- i think that this is the post i was laughing at Depotoo . See the first of you post where you say that you want WHATEVER IT TAKES and then a bit further as you finish your post as you advocate for a Police State Depotoo .
If he was Black they would have planted some crack on him and he would already be in prison. They need to start doing the same to white males.

Nope. It's more fun to watch you hood rats trying to run and keep your pants from falling down. It's REALLY funny when they bring the dog.
So youd rather have fun instead of stopping white men from killing crowds of innocent people. Figures. :rolleyes:

Why is it a big deal? Every weekend in Chicago black dudes shoot more then 11 black dudes every weekend.
2nd Amendment solutions....but why focus only on Chicago?
Lots of scary Black people live there of course. :rolleyes:
Oh....is that why they are fixated on Chicago?
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Send them off to pointless, unnecessary wars, they witness horrible atrocities and come home broken. We don't give them proper treatment and then are shocked when they crack.

Indeed. And then put these young men into a culture which demonizes men and denies them proper opportunities to get jobs and have families...and then wonder why such wounded, alienated men sometimes go berzerk.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
-------------------------------------------- go ahead but why is it assumed that this former 'marine' guy was mentally ill ?? The muslim shooter at PULSE or the muslim husband and wife shooting team at 'san berdoo' were not mentally ill were they ??
For the last gotdamn time, this country has got to come to grips with white men and mass murder. While this country falls prey to Trumps fears of Muslims, illegals and XXXXX...white men are becoming America's worst fuckin nightmare. These men, all of them give signs of aggression and every single time, its over looked and placed on the back burner, because white men are just going through a bad day, their having mental issues, the eternal white man's burden.....Its time to seriously profile white men in this country or expect this shit to continue...treat these mf's like you treat a nigga with skittles in his hands.
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