12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
You obviously haven't read the thread. That's okay. It was someone else's idea. I am 100% behind the obvious solution of treating mental illness and making it harder for a mentally ill person with homicidal ideation to keep wandering the community unsupervised and untreated, as is his "right."
I feel for veterans who come home torn up psychologically. A lot of people go into the service for the career and educational opportunities they offer, and some just to get a JOB.
No "right" exists without responsibility on the part of the holder. The irresponsible do not have rights. The responsible have the obligation of aiding the irresponsible, as well as the 'right' to protect themselves form irresponsible acts.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

Prayers out to the wounded and surviving family members.

That said, OL, ma'am tens and tens of millions of us will never experience the absolutely pointless, horrible loss of life in person of a mass shooting. Period. This is how terrorism works. Terrorists use one violent event to terrify millions of other FREE people into giving up some hallowed, vital aspect of their freedom. Goddamned terrible as this act of cowardly violence is, we American free men and women must NEVER allow terrorists to frighten us out of our freedoms—out of what makes us American and free.

Exactly! That is exactly what is happening, Americans are being frightened out of their freedom, and manipulated to give up most their important constitutional rights.

And what most here don’t realize is that the terrorists are not who they think they are.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
Pismoe, why do you find my comment funny?
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
You obviously haven't read the thread. That's okay. It was someone else's idea. I am 100% behind the obvious solution of treating mental illness and making it harder for a mentally ill person with homicidal ideation to keep wandering the community unsupervised and untreated, as is his "right."
I feel for veterans who come home torn up psychologically. A lot of people go into the service for the career and educational opportunities they offer, and some just to get a JOB.
-------------------------------- i say similar about lots of USA Volunteer military and people get mad at me OldLady .
And a big part of the problem. It is made too difficult for mental health professionals to do their jobs, properly. Or too many in the field without enough training. What do all the recent shootings have in common?They were known to have had mental health problems.
They called out mental health specialists to his home in April. He had had previous police encounters displaying his anger issues.
The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
-------------------------------------------- go ahead but why is it assumed that this former 'marine' guy was mentally ill ?? The muslim shooter at PULSE or the muslim husband and wife shooting team at 'san berdoo' were not mentally ill were they ??
------------------------------------------------- lotta good those overvalued so called expert mental health doktors did eh Dpotoo ??
Well....if it saves only one life...right?
Other developed countries lose lives to firearm homicides at a fraction of the rate of the US. You would save multiple lives. But FREEDUMB!

Britain has increasing gun crime as does Australia...the only thing you have is their criminals don't commit murder..with anything, as much as American Criminals do.....our knife murder number is higher than their entire murder number.... and that is only currently the case..... their violent crime rates are going up... ours are going down, as more people own and carry guns..you can't explain that with your belief system.
Another mass shooter known to authorities. Obviously we cannot trust the authorities.
If he was Black they would have planted some crack on him and he would already be in prison. They need to start doing the same to white males.

Has any black man not smoked crack?
Has any white man not smoked meth or raped a dog? Besides what does that have to do with the OP about yet another white male shooter?
For the last gotdamn time, this country has got to come to grips with white men and mass murder. While this country falls prey to Trumps fears of Muslims, illegals and nigga's...white men are becoming America's worst fuckin nightmare. These men, all of them give signs of aggression and every single time, its over looked and placed on the back burner, because white men are just going through a bad day, their having mental issues, the eternal white man's burden.....Its time to seriously profile white men in this country or expect this shit to continue...treat these mf's like you treat a nigga with skittles in his hands.
I predict this won't be the last time.
Laws are for the law abiding.

How do Dimms not get this?

Murder is already fucking illegal.

Obama sold guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used against our very own DEA agents.

Guns aren’t going anywhere.

Are you sure murder is illegal in California? Maybe this is just an area of law that they didn't pay attention too.....? I mean, if it was already against the law to commit murder in California, why did the guy break the law?
See what I told you about the stupid Liberals?

There is already an assault weapons ban in Commie Kalifornia and it didn't do a damn thing to stop him. Commie Kalifornia already has the strictest gun control laws in the nation and that didn't make a damn bit of difference, as it never does.

Liberal are morons.

Democrats renew push for gun control, assault weapons ban

Democrats renew push for gun control, assault weapons ban

Just hours after the killings by a long gunman in a California bar, Democrats began lining up to demand more gun control, an issue that fell off the map during the midterm congressional elections despite the shootings in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

“We need to do something about this. And I’m glad that we have a Democratic majority in the House,” said Democratic Party Chairman Tom Perez.
Someone could plow a truck into a marathon and take out plenty of runners.

Free societies have inherent risks.

I don’t want to give up my freedom to live in a government safe space.

Fuuuuuuuck that.
Show me the actual legislation and the votes for it. I can show you where Dem judges prefer to release the mentally ill, rather than get them in hospital help.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
Pismoe, why do you find my comment funny?
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
You mean like in Britain...an island...where gun crime is going up...42% in London alone, 23% across England and Wales...? How about Australia...another island....with increasing gun crime.....
That are fractions of the firearm homicide rate of the US. Like 20 or 30 times less. You are a raving loony.

Yes....British criminals are not committing murder as often...but that has no bearing on the effectiveness of their gun control laws, since more British criminals are using more guns for crime... you are attempting to hide the failure of their gun control laws in their gun murder rate....but murder is separate from gun crime.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
Pismoe, why do you find my comment funny?
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
------------------------------------------------- GOOD , last thing i'd want to do is pay money to head or mental health doktors , social workers and other silly experts that speculate and guess as they waste time to stay on the gravy train and act important OldLady .
Got a way to tell which people will use a gun like that shooter did??
How come the other developed nations don't suffer the same mass shooting and firearm homicide rates as the US? Because they require strict licensing procedures and severely regulate handguns and assault style rifles. So yes, they filter out most of the people who will use a gun like that shooter. It's not rocket science, unless one is committed to FREEDUMB!

Tell us how France and it's gun laws failed to stop muslim terrorists, most of whom were already on French Government, terrorist watch lists, from getting fully automatic military rifles...explain that...those guns can't be bought or sold in France, they can't be bought or sold on the entire Continent....

What licensing procedure would stop a mass shooter, since they can pass any licensing requirement?

Hey...the guy did not use a rifle...he used a pistol........

Can you explain what an "Assault" rifle is?

Apparently, to you, this is rocket science since you don't understand any of the issues involved in this problem....
Laws are for the law abiding.

How do Dimms not get this?

Murder is already fucking illegal.

Obama sold guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used against our very own DEA agents.

Guns aren’t going anywhere.

Are you sure murder is illegal in California? Maybe this is just an area of law that they didn't pay attention too.....? I mean, if it was already against the law to commit murder in California, why did the guy break the law?

Maybe California should pass a law that makes it illegal to break the law.

Kinda like AFLACK secondary insurance.

“We have laws against breaking the law in California,sir”

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