12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.
Looks as if it better be a 'mental' detector.
Uh, by the way (not addressed to quoted poster), where does the Constitution say anything is a god-given right?
---------------------------------------------- i think its specific as to What is GOD GIVEN and doesn't say that ANYTHING is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT '4eye' .
See my correction if interested '4eye' ,
You don't know what you are talking about.
Please keep ignoring the firearm homicide rate in the US while pretending everyone else is ignorant. The best raving loony trick I've seen for a while.

I don't ignore the murder rate, I actually tell the entire truth about the murder rate and the gun self defense rate...

600 million guns in private hands, that were not used to commit murder. 17.25 million people with concealed carry permits who did not commit murder last night.

Gun murder in 2017..... 10,982, 70-80% or more of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals.

Americans use their legal guns 1,100,000 times a year, on average, to stop violent criminals including mass public shooters.

As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%....

That is me not ignoring the gun murder rate.... you ignore the actual truth...
Laws are for the law abiding.

How do Dimms not get this?

Murder is already fucking illegal.

Obama sold guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used against our very own DEA agents.

Guns aren’t going anywhere.

Are you sure murder is illegal in California? Maybe this is just an area of law that they didn't pay attention too.....? I mean, if it was already against the law to commit murder in California, why did the guy break the law?

Maybe California should pass a law that makes it illegal to break the law.

Kinda like AFLACK secondary insurance.

“We have laws against breaking the law in California,sir”

Wow...I like the way you think...exactly....... that is the missing ingredient...they completely forgot to pass that law....a law that makes it illegal to break the law...

I think you have found the answer......have you contacted the Press or your Government agencies yet...you need to get on this so lives can be save...
Got a way to tell which people will use a gun like that shooter did??
How come the other developed nations don't suffer the same mass shooting and firearm homicide rates as the US? Because they require strict licensing procedures and severely regulate handguns and assault style rifles. So yes, they filter out most of the people who will use a gun like that shooter. It's not rocket science, unless one is committed to FREEDUMB!

Most other nations have disarmed their citizens dummy. In Europe its against the law to own a gun.

I'd bet those 136 dead Parisians would have given their eye teeth for a gun to defend themselves with. The death cult member mowed them down.

And after they disarmed their people ,their governments handed 12 million innocent men, women and children over to the socialists in Germany to be murdered...see...the anti gunners dislike private murder...government murder they really aren't concerned about....
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....
You fucking ghoul. You just were salivating for the next mass shooting so you could run to the message boards and yell:



You sick fuck.
That was a given. The only surprise was that he didn't start these threads. Must have been napping.
That was the same way the Pulse nightclub shooter entered, btw.

The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
You obviously haven't read the thread. That's okay. It was someone else's idea. I am 100% behind the obvious solution of treating mental illness and making it harder for a mentally ill person with homicidal ideation to keep wandering the community unsupervised and untreated, as is his "right."
I feel for veterans who come home torn up psychologically. A lot of people go into the service for the career and educational opportunities they offer, and some just to get a JOB.
No "right" exists without responsibility on the part of the holder. The irresponsible do not have rights. The responsible have the obligation of aiding the irresponsible, as well as the 'right' to protect themselves form irresponsible acts.
Show me the actual legislation and the votes for it. I can show you where Dem judges prefer to release the mentally ill, rather than get them in hospital help.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
The problem is not just funding, I know. Back to the specific case, as a vet he hopefully had help available if he chose to use it. If less than a year ago he was in a crisis and his guns were not temporarily taken, there is something wrong. Guns and mental health crises do not go together.
He could be part of any group; it won’t matter. There will be another slaughter in the next few weeks. Just move along.
Agreed. It's nobody's fault be his. No need for senseless partisan mud slinging.
No need for anything at all. Get more guns into circulation until massacres happen often enough that nobody even bothers reporting about them.
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?

Vets that come back from overseas need to have consistent medical tests and their guns must be taken away until they are given a 100% bill of health. If they show ANY signs of PTSD they should immediately be placed under medical care, medications monitored and GUNS TAKEN AWAY!!!
Thats going to need money and government interference.

The military budget needs to have a line item for post deployment medical needs both physical and mental
That sounds like money and government interference to me. Who administers the military budget? I guarantee you its not a private party.

Who does it now? It’s Congress!!!
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....
You fucking ghoul. You just were salivating for the next mass shooting so you could run to the message boards and yell:



You sick fuck.
That was a given. The only surprise was that he didn't start these threads. Must have been napping.

You don't want to understand the truth......good people with guns did not use their 600 million guns to kill anyone last night...that is a fact. The 17.25 million people who can legally carry a gun did not use those guns to kill anyone last night.....

Americans use their legal guns to save lives..... more than are taken by criminals using illegal guns.....they use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders, including mass public shootings when they are allowed to have their guns....this was another shooting in a gun free zone..which means the good guys didn't have their guns to save lives....

Yes...more guns in the right hands save lives....how hard is that for you guys to understand?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Another mass shooter known to authorities. Obviously we cannot trust the authorities.
If he was Black they would have planted some crack on him and he would already be in prison. They need to start doing the same to white males.

He is dead. How would he be in prison?
I think he means he would have been in prison awhile ago -- since the shooter had multiple run ins with the law -- and it didn't result in him not being able to legally purchase a firearm....

He should have been in an insane asylum!
Well here is the problem....

"The sheriff also described an incident in April of this year in which deputies were called to Long’s house. “He was somewhat irate” and “acting irrationally,” Dean said, but a mental health specialist who spoke with him at the time ultimately “did not feel that he was qualified to be taken” into custody at the time."

So how can we force people to be committed to asylums when the mental health professionals don't see them a threat...

Mass shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California: what we know so far

Need more and better mental health professionals?
We do...but we will not address them because the NRA is in control.

Anti gunners spend more money buying politicians than the NRA you moron....the NRA doesn't even break the top 50 in political donations....

And odds are...doofus....the NRA likely helped train the police who stopped the shooter, or trained the ones who trained them...you doofus...
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?

Vets that come back from overseas need to have consistent medical tests and their guns must be taken away until they are given a 100% bill of health. If they show ANY signs of PTSD they should immediately be placed under medical care, medications monitored and GUNS TAKEN AWAY!!!
You are saying that vets should have their guns confiscated?

If they show signs of PTSD yes.
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?

Vets that come back from overseas need to have consistent medical tests and their guns must be taken away until they are given a 100% bill of health. If they show ANY signs of PTSD they should immediately be placed under medical care, medications monitored and GUNS TAKEN AWAY!!!

How very liberal gun-grabber of you!

I am neither a liberal nor a gun grabber. Those who have a mental illness should not own guns. PTSD is a mental illness.

(I hope this phrase has not been copyright by the RNC....If it has....SORRY!:21:)
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
------------------------------------ because Americans can't be forced to be incarecerated or forced to take their meds unless they are incarcerated after breaking the law Depotoo ,
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
------------------------------------------------- GOOD , last thing i'd want to do is pay money to head or mental health doktors , social workers and other silly experts that speculate and guess as they waste time to stay on the gravy train and act important OldLady .
Even coming from you, that is a really stupid thing to say. And your attitude is a great example of why so many mentally ill people are walking around untreated and unsupervised.
California mass shooting gunman identified

"The suspect behind America’s latest mass shooting has been identified as Ian David Long, who law enforcement officials have accused of killing at least 12 people inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in California.

The gunman, identified by
NBC News as a heavily-tattooed, 28-year-old white male, used a .45 caliber handgun and was found dead after storming the bar that’s commonly frequented by country music fans on Wednesday nights. Details surrounding the suspect began flooding in from neighbours who told ABC News he was a veteran who may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Police said he was an ex-Marine who had multiple run-ins with law enforcement in recent years and likely shot himself Wednesday night in the bar."

Now we have a little more information about the shooter, not much information about what lead him to do it -- seems at this point it is mental illness -- I have also seen others speculate that since he was wearing black and targeted country music fans -- he may be ANTIFA..
He could be part of any group; it won’t matter. There will be another slaughter in the next few weeks. Just move along.

Meanwhile.....we won't have to wait for the lives saved by Americans with guns..on average, Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders 1.1 million times a year...according to the Centers for Disease Control resear4ch.....or, if you prefer, 1.5 million times a year according to the Department of Justice Research..

Lives saved...every single day.
The Pulse shooter was an islamonazi soldier for allah. Not really a domestic situation at all, which was unaffected by domestic laws.

Apparently the Mullahs chose Pulse because they hated America and our freedoms.
I was talking about a metal detector being a solution at bars.

Or how about we actually treat mental illness
You obviously haven't read the thread. That's okay. It was someone else's idea. I am 100% behind the obvious solution of treating mental illness and making it harder for a mentally ill person with homicidal ideation to keep wandering the community unsupervised and untreated, as is his "right."
I feel for veterans who come home torn up psychologically. A lot of people go into the service for the career and educational opportunities they offer, and some just to get a JOB.
No "right" exists without responsibility on the part of the holder. The irresponsible do not have rights. The responsible have the obligation of aiding the irresponsible, as well as the 'right' to protect themselves form irresponsible acts.
Show me the actual legislation and the votes for it. I can show you where Dem judges prefer to release the mentally ill, rather than get them in hospital help.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
Incarcerated? Getting a mental health hold on those that are known to be a danger is next to impossible in this country. In a hospital, not a jail cell, where so many end up.
Our Sheriff calls our local jail the detox center. And it is. When I was in social work, the waiting list for a substance abuse counselor was months long. The wait to become a suboxone patient was months long, as well. I hope that has gotten better, but it isn't likely with all the cuts to mental health funding that have been enacted by the Republicans over the past eight years here. Fortunately, we just did a clean sweep and got them outta here.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
The problem is not just funding, I know. Back to the specific case, as a vet he hopefully had help available if he chose to use it. If less than a year ago he was in a crisis and his guns were not temporarily taken, there is something wrong. Guns and mental health crises do not go together.

Stupid Liberals don't think that guns and Liberty go together, do they? Our Founding Fathers did but modern day idiot Liberals don't think so.

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