12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar


Good job asshole. Now the fascist fucks will ban 3d printers and I won't be able to make gadgets... :p
This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

Seriously, is that for real?

Wow, I'm glad I threw out my TV.

No wonder folks are questioning if this is real. . . holy shit.

I wish I hadn't seen that. Now I'm skeptical.

Right? Btw, everyone should read the comments on that video Flash posted. I’m actually really glad to see more and more people are waking up and beginning to see what is going on.

I know I’ve posted this tons of times on other threads, but people need to know that propaganda is legal.

I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.
You're the one advocating that the 2nd is "worthless" and shouldn't exist, thereby arguing that because of /your/ personal belief (aka fear of guns) that /I/ am left at the mercy of fucking criminals - and that's not even fucking mentioning the wolves, bears, and moose in my back yard here either.

I should have to "prove" I'm worthy of defending my fucking life because /you/ don't like the 2nd, the NRA, or guns that have existed in this nation basically from the beginning? I fucking think not.
I'm sick of trying to talk to someone who won't respond to my posts, just goes ahead and vomits some gun nutter garbage that probably has no more to do with your reality than it does to what I said.
You aren't adding anything to the conversation whatever.

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.
View attachment 227793

lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
What are you smoking? I mean I don't do drugs, but that's some powerful shit if you think the majority of the GOPs and Trump are anti-2nd lawl
Naw, I just could see them taking a very moderated view, much like OldLady. A sort of, it's not a right, it's a privilege that needs to be regulated now. . . .

I watch the conversations on this site, I see what is going on. I can follow that mood of the nation. The elites are playing all these fools like a fiddle. They are smarter than all of you. They know what they are doing.

Did you know that the Supreme Court ruled that once a person has entered into the U.S. they are protected by the U.S. Constitution? That means 11 million illegal immigrants have the right to bear arms.

Did you know that?

Clearly you haven't seen my prior posts on how the nation is fucked... Such examples are just one of the many that it will fail.
Okay, so you agree, it isn't completely beyond the scope of imagination that the Dems would give Trump his well in exchange for sending a modified ERA & 2nd Amendment to the states?

You might think that is "fucked," but in the minds of some, this would be an ultimate victory. . . as they would just halt construction once they get into office, as of course, you can't really repeal those Amendments once they are there. . .

The only thing beyond the scope of imagination is that this nation will continue to exist as a free nation...

One could even question whether we are free right now.

Do you know I even have arguments with friends on-line that try to convince me that we should give up our fundamental natural rights? Who could have brainwashed them into thinking this is a good idea?
It is our fundamental natural right to possess guns that are designed solely to kill? Where do you get that from? How does that become a fundamental natural right? The 2nd amendment, maybe? A unique document that prefaces that statement about the right to bear arms by saying that it is necessary to a well ordered militia. We have a standing army. A militia is no longer necessary.
I'm sick of trying to talk to someone who won't respond to my posts, just goes ahead and vomits some gun nutter garbage that probably has no more to do with your reality than it does to what I said.
You aren't adding anything to the conversation whatever.

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.
View attachment 227793

lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.
View attachment 227793

lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.

Oh hey, thanks for basically proving my earlier point that you virtue signaling morons sell your souls for likes and attention from fellow virtue signaling morons in a fantasy circle jerk...

lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.

Oh hey, thanks for basically proving my earlier point that you virtue signaling morons sell your souls for likes and attention from fellow virtue signaling morons in a fantasy circle jerk...
No, it's all the funnies I get from mocking, rude conservatives. Pismoe's always good for at least five.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.
lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.

Oh hey, thanks for basically proving my earlier point that you virtue signaling morons sell your souls for likes and attention from fellow virtue signaling morons in a fantasy circle jerk...
No, it's all the funnies I get from mocking, rude conservatives. Pismoe's always good for at least five.

How intellectual of you to not comprehend what I said and double down on my point. Thank you again.
This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

Seriously, is that for real?

Wow, I'm glad I threw out my TV.

No wonder folks are questioning if this is real. . . holy shit.

I wish I hadn't seen that. Now I'm skeptical.

Right? Btw, everyone should read the comments on that video Flash posted. I’m actually really glad to see more and more people are waking up and beginning to see what is going on.

I know I’ve posted this tons of times on other threads, but people need to know that propaganda is legal.

I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.

You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

They shoulda armed themselves.
Poor soul.....I grew up in country with 0 guns...guess what? 0 mass shootings or any shootings for that matter....u became numb to these killings I see.

Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.

The Liberal record on deciding who can enjoy their Consitutional rights and who can't is pretty damn dismal.

For instance, in commie New York a man went to see his doctor for a mild case of insomnia. Under the New York SAFE Act (that was touted to be "responsible" gun restrictions) the doctor felt compelled to report the man (a veteran) to the authorities. The jack booted thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms. For insomnia. That is what happens when we allow stupid Liberals to decide who is responsible and who is not.

I could give you many more examples. Like the decorated veteran that was arrested because he had two standard AR magazines in the trunk of his car. No gun no ammo just two magazines like are legal in most other states. Or the young mother from Texas with a child that she wanted to protect that was just passing through a commie state that was arrested because she had a firearm in the car. No crime or intention of doing a crime, just possession.

No, we don't want you Liberals deciding who is responsible and who is not because you will be oppressive and will violate our Constitutional rights.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

What will make this country safe again ?

Take away people's guns ?

What if he walks in with an IED and sets it off.....

Well, at least he didn't have a gun.

What will make this country safe ?

Please tell me what. And tell me how in the hell you think your legislator is going to make it happen.

If your answer is "remove guns"....you are clueless.
Is it easier to get an IED or a gun?
And as the recent mail bomber showed us, making bombs that work isn't as easy as it sounds.

Based on the way you post, you would (for sure) blow yourself to bits.

Most of us would have no issues.
Naw, I just could see them taking a very moderated view, much like OldLady. A sort of, it's not a right, it's a privilege that needs to be regulated now. . . .

I watch the conversations on this site, I see what is going on. I can follow that mood of the nation. The elites are playing all these fools like a fiddle. They are smarter than all of you. They know what they are doing.

Did you know that the Supreme Court ruled that once a person has entered into the U.S. they are protected by the U.S. Constitution? That means 11 million illegal immigrants have the right to bear arms.

Did you know that?

Clearly you haven't seen my prior posts on how the nation is fucked... Such examples are just one of the many that it will fail.
Okay, so you agree, it isn't completely beyond the scope of imagination that the Dems would give Trump his well in exchange for sending a modified ERA & 2nd Amendment to the states?

You might think that is "fucked," but in the minds of some, this would be an ultimate victory. . . as they would just halt construction once they get into office, as of course, you can't really repeal those Amendments once they are there. . .

The only thing beyond the scope of imagination is that this nation will continue to exist as a free nation...

One could even question whether we are free right now.

Do you know I even have arguments with friends on-line that try to convince me that we should give up our fundamental natural rights? Who could have brainwashed them into thinking this is a good idea?
It is our fundamental natural right to possess guns that are designed solely to kill? Where do you get that from? How does that become a fundamental natural right? The 2nd amendment, maybe? A unique document that prefaces that statement about the right to bear arms by saying that it is necessary to a well ordered militia. We have a standing army. A militia is no longer necessary.

Is a club designed solely to kill? Is a bow and arrow designed solely to kill? How about a sword, a spear, etc.?

Most folks would say these are designed to either hunt, or defend oneself.

I detect political rhetoric. In evolution, we are tool using creatures. Study your anthropology on what differentiates us from most other species and what is our dependent evolutionary claim, tool use, and fire. One of the tools we have designed since the beginning is the tool for defense and hunting, yes. It is true. This is called a natural right. If you were abandoned on an island, in the wilderness, you would need something to hunt with, or you would, more than likely, die. It is your birth right, and your evolutionary inheritance. For some artificial human construct to try to revoke that natural right from you is basically a crime against nature. It is like clipping the wings of a bird.

You have the right to own the most lethal weapon of those you give sovereignty over you, in case they abuse that sovereignty. This is axiomatic.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.

The Liberal record on deciding who can enjoy their Consitutional rights and who can't is pretty damn dismal.

For instance, in commie New York a man went to see his doctor for a mild case of insomnia. Under the New York SAFE Act (that was touted to be "responsible" gun restrictions) the doctor felt compelled to report the man (a veteran) to the authorities. The jack booted thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms. For insomnia. That is what happens when we allow stupid Liberals to decide who is responsible and who is not.

I could give you many more examples. Like the decorated veteran that was arrested because he had two standard AR magazines in the trunk of his car. No gun no ammo just two magazines like are legal in most other states. Or the young mother from Texas with a child that she wanted to protect that was just passing through a commie state that was arrested because she had a firearm in the car. No crime or intention of doing a crime, just possession.

No, we don't want you Liberals deciding who is responsible and who is not because you will be oppressive and will violate our Constitutional rights.
Where'd you get those examples? InfoWars or Breitbart? I do think your examples tell us one thing, though--all the people screaming for STATE laws not federal are asking for this type of nightmare for gun owners. Make them the same country wide and that way there is not any issue.
Now, that would be pretty unfair to a state like mine (especially since no one has to drive through it to get to another state) that has plenty of gun owners but very low gun crime. But I don't see any other way to solve that problem. Except don't do whatever to get pulled over and have your car searched.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.

The Liberal record on deciding who can enjoy their Consitutional rights and who can't is pretty damn dismal.

For instance, in commie New York a man went to see his doctor for a mild case of insomnia. Under the New York SAFE Act (that was touted to be "responsible" gun restrictions) the doctor felt compelled to report the man (a veteran) to the authorities. The jack booted thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms. For insomnia. That is what happens when we allow stupid Liberals to decide who is responsible and who is not.

I could give you many more examples. Like the decorated veteran that was arrested because he had two standard AR magazines in the trunk of his car. No gun no ammo just two magazines like are legal in most other states. Or the young mother from Texas with a child that she wanted to protect that was just passing through a commie state that was arrested because she had a firearm in the car. No crime or intention of doing a crime, just possession.

No, we don't want you Liberals deciding who is responsible and who is not because you will be oppressive and will violate our Constitutional rights.
Where'd you get those examples? InfoWars or Breitbart? I do think your examples tell us one thing, though--all the people screaming for STATE laws not federal are asking for this type of nightmare for gun owners. Make them the same country wide and that way there is not any issue.
Now, that would be pretty unfair to a state like mine (especially since no one has to drive through it to get to another state) that has plenty of gun owners but very low gun crime. But I don't see any other way to solve that problem. Except don't do whatever to get pulled over and have your car searched.

You don't see any other way to solve what problem?

Hmmm. . .

If you stop watching TEE VEE, I think the problem would go away.

You are the one that believes there is a problem.

I have yet to be convinced that there is a problem.

How about we just pass a law that makes it a crime for corporate media to report on gun slayings? I think that will be a much better way to solve it.
This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

Seriously, is that for real?

Wow, I'm glad I threw out my TV.

No wonder folks are questioning if this is real. . . holy shit.

I wish I hadn't seen that. Now I'm skeptical.

Right? Btw, everyone should read the comments on that video Flash posted. I’m actually really glad to see more and more people are waking up and beginning to see what is going on.

I know I’ve posted this tons of times on other threads, but people need to know that propaganda is legal.

I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.

You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.
This confused Libtard bitch lives in a state with most statewide gun control laws in the country and that didn't protect her son one bit so why in the hell is the idiot suggesting more laws? Is she stupid or what?

Sorry for your loss, now go fuck yourself.

Seriously, is that for real?

Wow, I'm glad I threw out my TV.

No wonder folks are questioning if this is real. . . holy shit.

I wish I hadn't seen that. Now I'm skeptical.

Right? Btw, everyone should read the comments on that video Flash posted. I’m actually really glad to see more and more people are waking up and beginning to see what is going on.

I know I’ve posted this tons of times on other threads, but people need to know that propaganda is legal.

I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.

You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.

As I noted they are all virtue signaling twatwaffle's who sell their freedom for likes from other virtue signaling idiots.

See also: Urban Dictionary: Twatwaffle

Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assertauthority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed.

n.1 An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
n.2 A general prick. See: douchebag, n00b.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.

The Liberal record on deciding who can enjoy their Consitutional rights and who can't is pretty damn dismal.

For instance, in commie New York a man went to see his doctor for a mild case of insomnia. Under the New York SAFE Act (that was touted to be "responsible" gun restrictions) the doctor felt compelled to report the man (a veteran) to the authorities. The jack booted thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms. For insomnia. That is what happens when we allow stupid Liberals to decide who is responsible and who is not.

I could give you many more examples. Like the decorated veteran that was arrested because he had two standard AR magazines in the trunk of his car. No gun no ammo just two magazines like are legal in most other states. Or the young mother from Texas with a child that she wanted to protect that was just passing through a commie state that was arrested because she had a firearm in the car. No crime or intention of doing a crime, just possession.

No, we don't want you Liberals deciding who is responsible and who is not because you will be oppressive and will violate our Constitutional rights.
Where'd you get those examples? InfoWars or Breitbart? I do think your examples tell us one thing, though--all the people screaming for STATE laws not federal are asking for this type of nightmare for gun owners. Make them the same country wide and that way there is not any issue.
Now, that would be pretty unfair to a state like mine (especially since no one has to drive through it to get to another state) that has plenty of gun owners but very low gun crime. But I don't see any other way to solve that problem. Except don't do whatever to get pulled over and have your car searched.

You don't see any other way to solve what problem?

Hmmm. . .

If you stop watching TEE VEE, I think the problem would go away.

You are the one that believes there is a problem.

I have yet to be convinced that there is a problem.

How about we just pass a law that makes it a crime for corporate media to report on gun slayings? I think that will be a much better way to solve it.
Try addressing that to the poster who HAD the problem. Tell HIM to stop watching TV. Go on.

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