12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar


I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.

The Liberal record on deciding who can enjoy their Consitutional rights and who can't is pretty damn dismal.

For instance, in commie New York a man went to see his doctor for a mild case of insomnia. Under the New York SAFE Act (that was touted to be "responsible" gun restrictions) the doctor felt compelled to report the man (a veteran) to the authorities. The jack booted thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms. For insomnia. That is what happens when we allow stupid Liberals to decide who is responsible and who is not.

I could give you many more examples. Like the decorated veteran that was arrested because he had two standard AR magazines in the trunk of his car. No gun no ammo just two magazines like are legal in most other states. Or the young mother from Texas with a child that she wanted to protect that was just passing through a commie state that was arrested because she had a firearm in the car. No crime or intention of doing a crime, just possession.

No, we don't want you Liberals deciding who is responsible and who is not because you will be oppressive and will violate our Constitutional rights.
Where'd you get those examples? InfoWars or Breitbart? I do think your examples tell us one thing, though--all the people screaming for STATE laws not federal are asking for this type of nightmare for gun owners. Make them the same country wide and that way there is not any issue.
Now, that would be pretty unfair to a state like mine (especially since no one has to drive through it to get to another state) that has plenty of gun owners but very low gun crime. But I don't see any other way to solve that problem. Except don't do whatever to get pulled over and have your car searched.

Those examples were very well reported. Try The New York Times:

Andrew Cuomo sued by veteran after insomnia treatment prompts gun confiscation

Liberals cannot ever be trusted with our Constitutional rights. They will always do the wrong thing.

The Bill of Rights is designed to keep the government from taking away fundamental rights, like the right to keep and bear arms.
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.
Right? Btw, everyone should read the comments on that video Flash posted. I’m actually really glad to see more and more people are waking up and beginning to see what is going on.

I know I’ve posted this tons of times on other threads, but people need to know that propaganda is legal.

I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.

You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.

As I noted they are all virtue signaling twatwaffle's who sell their freedom for likes from other virtue signaling idiots.

See also: Urban Dictionary: Twatwaffle

Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assertauthority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed.

n.1 An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
n.2 A general prick. See: douchebag, n00b.

See wikipedia:
a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
I love that her attitude toward gun control used to be identical to OldLady

I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.

You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.

As I noted they are all virtue signaling twatwaffle's who sell their freedom for likes from other virtue signaling idiots.

See also: Urban Dictionary: Twatwaffle

Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assertauthority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed.

n.1 An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
n.2 A general prick. See: douchebag, n00b.

See wikipedia:
a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

Every one of my posts had a point based logical argument. The fact that your limited intellect was unable to comprehend it is not my fault dear.
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.
That called for more than a thank you.
I hadn’t seen that part of the talk, but I love it! It restores my faith in humanity that someone who was raised in New York as a Jewish liberal can get past the baggage of their upbringing and let truth and facts lead them to a different position. I hope that Dems will listen to her.
You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.

As I noted they are all virtue signaling twatwaffle's who sell their freedom for likes from other virtue signaling idiots.

See also: Urban Dictionary: Twatwaffle

Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assertauthority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed.

n.1 An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
n.2 A general prick. See: douchebag, n00b.

See wikipedia:
a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

Every one of my posts had a point based logical argument. The fact that your limited intellect was unable to comprehend it is not my fault dear.

Still trolling.
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.

Wrong. Due to "gun free zones" you folks have left children defenseless in the face of a criminal world. Instead of allowing their defense, you chose, due to your personal fear of guns, to have them slaughtered like innocent little sheep. While I would argue to send in armed defenders to protect these innocents, you argue to remove /my/ individual right to legally defend my family inside my private home/car/space. Your argument is not at all comparable because it very specifically and intentionally deny's /me/ my constitutional right to keep and bare arms + the right to protect innocent unarmed folks. There is no roundabout bullshit that flies for your argument to disarm everyone and put them at the mercy of criminals, murderers, robbers, and rapists except your selfish desire to have the false allusion of "safety" which falls apart the second some criminal, murderer, robber, or rapist shows their face to you and yours.

You are correct though, I've never had to defend my home, I live in Alaska, we have a 90% carry rate in my area and the right to kill anyone that threatens us in any location we have a right to be - including a public space, our car, or our kids school - most criminals aren't stupid turns out... And the extra stupid ones die real quick up here - problem solved.
lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.

Oh hey, thanks for basically proving my earlier point that you virtue signaling morons sell your souls for likes and attention from fellow virtue signaling morons in a fantasy circle jerk...
No, it's all the funnies I get from mocking, rude conservatives. Pismoe's always good for at least five.
-------------------------------------- you deserve every one of them , Americans have RIGHTS not GRANTS of what kinda Guns we can own OldLady .
You haven't watched the whole thing? Really?

She wrote the book after 9/11, saw that nothing was changing during the Obama era and gave that talk seeing that progressives and libertarians could agree on many of the founding fundamentals. It isn't about politics, it is about the fundamentals, the structure of a truly open society. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

I absolutely agree with you that it’s about the fundamentals of a truly open society... It’s sad to me that so many Dems are so focused on certain minor issues that they are missing the bigger picture. Well I guess the same goes for some on the other “side” as well.

I’ve been wanting to read her book. It’s on my Amazon wish list.

As I noted they are all virtue signaling twatwaffle's who sell their freedom for likes from other virtue signaling idiots.

See also: Urban Dictionary: Twatwaffle

Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assertauthority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed.

n.1 An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
n.2 A general prick. See: douchebag, n00b.

See wikipedia:
a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

Every one of my posts had a point based logical argument. The fact that your limited intellect was unable to comprehend it is not my fault dear.

Still trolling.

The irony here is that you can't even see that you are accusing me of what you are actually doing. It's 100% delicious ~mock toasts liberal tears tumbler~
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.
That called for more than a thank you.
You should never compliment one of the expert propagandists from the cesspool badlands in the basement.

It is their job to come to our home, spread discord and propaganda among us. They are quite adept at it.

I generally don't trust anyone whose profile is set on private and who spends most of their time down in the badlands. Disreputable folks they are.

I can see why this post appeals to you though, it just repeats what you see on the TEE VEE day in and day out.

Just remember; "In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met," is a statement of opinion, not fact. If you want a nation of liberty, I already posted the facts for you.

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, .

The thing is we don't want stupid hateful Liberals like you or anybody else deciding who is responsible and who is not.

The Liberal record on that is pretty damn oppressive.

You can't trust Liberals with restricting our Constitutional rights because they always do the wrong thing.

The right to keep and bear arms is not merit based or needs based. It can't be infringed and it sure as hell can't be doled out by filthy bureaucrats and politicians.
No, it isn't merit or needs based, but I believe it should be. It should be infringed because way too many people are turning those weapons of "self protection" on innocent civilians. They blew it, not me.
To repeat what I said in my very first post, these mass shootings are out of control. 23 dead in just under two weeks due to two mass shootings. One in a synagogue, one in a dance hall. The fact that some people cannot see that gun availability has something to do with this just floors me.
------------------------------------- they aren't out of control and the FREEDOM to own effective guns comes at a cost . 310 million in the USA and in the last 2 weeks or so 23 are dead at the hands of criminals as millions of other Americans peacefully go about their American Business OldLady .
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.
That called for more than a thank you.
You should never compliment one of the expert propagandists from the cesspool badlands in the basement.

It is their job to come to our home, spread discord and propaganda among us. They are quite adept at it.

I generally don't trust anyone whose profile is set on private and who spends most of their time down in the badlands. Disreputable folks they are.

I can see why this post appeals to you though, it just repeats what you see on the TEE VEE day in and day out.

Just remember; "In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met," is a statement of opinion, not fact. If you want a nation of liberty, I already posted the facts for you.
------------------------------------- they don't care about FREEDOM or Liberty . They just want to control Americans .
Clearly you haven't seen my prior posts on how the nation is fucked... Such examples are just one of the many that it will fail.
Okay, so you agree, it isn't completely beyond the scope of imagination that the Dems would give Trump his well in exchange for sending a modified ERA & 2nd Amendment to the states?

You might think that is "fucked," but in the minds of some, this would be an ultimate victory. . . as they would just halt construction once they get into office, as of course, you can't really repeal those Amendments once they are there. . .

The only thing beyond the scope of imagination is that this nation will continue to exist as a free nation...

One could even question whether we are free right now.

Do you know I even have arguments with friends on-line that try to convince me that we should give up our fundamental natural rights? Who could have brainwashed them into thinking this is a good idea?
It is our fundamental natural right to possess guns that are designed solely to kill? Where do you get that from? How does that become a fundamental natural right? The 2nd amendment, maybe? A unique document that prefaces that statement about the right to bear arms by saying that it is necessary to a well ordered militia. We have a standing army. A militia is no longer necessary.

Is a club designed solely to kill? Is a bow and arrow designed solely to kill? How about a sword, a spear, etc.?

Most folks would say these are designed to either hunt, or defend oneself.

I detect political rhetoric. In evolution, we are tool using creatures. Study your anthropology on what differentiates us from most other species and what is our dependent evolutionary claim, tool use, and fire. One of the tools we have designed since the beginning is the tool for defense and hunting, yes. It is true. This is called a natural right. If you were abandoned on an island, in the wilderness, you would need something to hunt with, or you would, more than likely, die. It is your birth right, and your evolutionary inheritance. For some artificial human construct to try to revoke that natural right from you is basically a crime against nature. It is like clipping the wings of a bird.

You have the right to own the most lethal weapon of those you give sovereignty over you, in case they abuse that sovereignty. This is axiomatic.
You have the right to own the most lethal weapon of those you give sovereignty over you, in case they abuse that sovereignty. This is axiomatic.
Sez WHO? The Second Amendment? How do you get off saying I am brainwashed and watch too much tv when you think this is some sort of reasonable argument? Mr. Beale, you're being downright silly now. None of us has a quarter of what the military has right now. The only way to win a war against a government gone wild is to befriend another country with a big military to side with us.
Only way. AR's in your closet won't cut it.
I'm not saying that again. I've already said it too many times and it's not sinking in.

------------------------------------- they don't care about FREEDOM or Liberty . They just want to control Americans .

The Left Wing butt pirates know that the right to keep and bear arms becomes a potentially serious impediment to making the US a socialist shithole so that the greedy Liberals can their free stuff.

It never has been about public safety. It is about political control.
All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, you can defend yourself, gun in hand, against would-be murderers and rapists. I trust, you haven't done so, not even once.

Due to that "Constitutional right", and the resulting easy, damn near uncontrollable, availability of guns, two dozen kids at Sandy Hook are dead, torn to shreds by gun fire, along with the lives of their parents and siblings.

This Amendment, written for a country in which law enforcement, government protection of life and property, was more a hope than a reality, is patently dysfunctional, and should not govern a country trying to get into the 21 century. In fact, it results in less protection, and more ending up dead, than would experience a country in which guns were rare, and strictly controlled. In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met.

So, do please spare us your whine about how we don't value your life, when, in reality, we just don't value your life over and above the lives of those murdered at Sandy Hook. There is not a single hint of a reason why we should.
That called for more than a thank you.
You should never compliment one of the expert propagandists from the cesspool badlands in the basement.

It is their job to come to our home, spread discord and propaganda among us. They are quite adept at it.

I generally don't trust anyone whose profile is set on private and who spends most of their time down in the badlands. Disreputable folks they are.

I can see why this post appeals to you though, it just repeats what you see on the TEE VEE day in and day out.

Just remember; "In this century, no one should own a gun, unless they can demonstrate a pressing need for it that cannot otherwise be met," is a statement of opinion, not fact. If you want a nation of liberty, I already posted the facts for you.
I realize it's an opinion, and I agree with it. It is so rare to hear anyone around here say it, though.
You also stated an opinion. I am perfectly aware of that, too.
see the Goat Herders in the middle east that have been fighting 1st world military's for the last 16 years OldLady , See the Goat Herders yhat kicked Russian azz and made them abandon 'afghanistan' OldLady .

You have the right to own the most lethal weapon of those you give sovereignty over you, in case they abuse that sovereignty. This is axiomatic.
Sez WHO? The Second Amendment? How do you get off saying I am brainwashed and watch too much tv when you think this is some sort of reasonable argument? Mr. Beale, you're being downright silly now. None of us has a quarter of what the military has right now. The only way to win a war against a government gone wild is to befriend another country with a big military to side with us.
Only way. AR's in your closet won't cut it.
I'm not saying that again. I've already said it too many times and it's not sinking in.

How do you know that many in the military will not deflect to the revolution? It has happen many times before.

History is full of examples of revolts being successful against a better armed government.

I have told you this many times. Take notes this time so I don't have to reeducate you.
Two things for sure:
1) after Sandy Hook where little children were cut to pieces by gun fire, this country will do NOTHING about gun violence
2) crazy gun nuts will sell fear of having their phallic symbols taken away and cry "false flag"

1) no, you guys don't want to do anything to stop the shootings...as you keep showing by focusing on banning guns, and keeping the gun free zones that allow the killings to happen. The reason? You need dead children.....they are your best tool to push gun control.

2) You anti gun people.....it is obvious you have a psycho-sexual problem, and that it manifests itself in a sexual fixation of firearms...you need to get help.
You need dead children.....they are your best tool to push gun control.
That is an absolutely heinous thing to say and if you expect to even be considered in a reasonable conversation, you need to back off such a flakey retarded InfoWars type idea. You know very well it is not true. You know it and don't deny it.

I don't use or view infowars......and if the anti gunners are going to smear 2nd Amendment supporters, I will simply state the truth about them....dead children get the anti gunners the most traction in their movement to ban guns.... that is why they will not end gun free zones, especially for schools, and why they won't keep known, violent, repeat gun offenders in jail, but will keep putting them back into minority neighborhoods...
Two things for sure:
1) after Sandy Hook where little children were cut to pieces by gun fire, this country will do NOTHING about gun violence
2) crazy gun nuts will sell fear of having their phallic symbols taken away and cry "false flag"

1) no, you guys don't want to do anything to stop the shootings...as you keep showing by focusing on banning guns, and keeping the gun free zones that allow the killings to happen. The reason? You need dead children.....they are your best tool to push gun control.

2) You anti gun people.....it is obvious you have a psycho-sexual problem, and that it manifests itself in a sexual fixation of firearms...you need to get help.
You need dead children.....they are your best tool to push gun control.
That is an absolutely heinous thing to say and if you expect to even be considered in a reasonable conversation, you need to back off such a flakey retarded InfoWars type idea. You know very well it is not true. You know it and don't deny it.

I don't use or view infowars......and if the anti gunners are going to smear 2nd Amendment supporters, I will simply state the truth about them....dead children get the anti gunners the most traction in their movement to ban guns.... that is why they will not end gun free zones, especially for schools, and why they won't keep known, violent, repeat gun offenders in jail, but will keep putting them back into minority neighborhoods...
So much stupid in this post. Where to begin?
If the pillhead didn't have a gun, how many people would he have shot?

He could have used a truck and killed even more people.....the muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental Truck and murdered 86 people, not 12, and injured 450, not 18, in 5 minutes of driving.......

It isn't the tool...it is the target.

Yet another deflection. What a surprise. How many would he have "shot"?

You obviously don't care about how they die, since all you care about are getting rid of guns....do you understand that if there had been civilians there with their own legal guns, fewer people would have been killed....how do we know this..? Because from past mass public shootings with armed civilians on site have lower death numbers...

Also...do you realize there were 6 off duty police officers in that bar at the time of the Attack? All they could do was help people escape since they were not allowed to carry their guns with them into the bar when they were off duty.....that is another reason so many died...

The gun free zone status allowed more people to be killed...

Deflecting still. Yes, there are lots of ways to meet your maker.

You make erroneous assumptions. I have three long guns, including a tube-fed .22 semi-automatic. I favor banning concealed weapons, handguns, and high-powered rifles with high-capacity magazines. That covers most of the mass murders, and leaves me with what I need.

Santa Fe shooter used shotguns...

So no it will not stop...

Two weeks ago a killer in Crimea used a pump action shotgun... a Hatson Escort.....which according to some information only holds 4 + 1 shells..... he murdered 21 college students.....so no, they are not going to stop until they get all the guns...

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