12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.
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lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.
It's sad that you care about something so meaningless
You fucks won't address it, so let me ask again:

Why should I, an innocent American citizen, be punished, and have my constitutional right to defend my life and family removed, due to the actions of a criminal murderer?
^^^ This is the kind of whining that led me to finally say "FUCK THE SECOND AMENDMENT"

Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

Make that a law and watch the definition of irresponsible be changed to include not flossing every day
I acknowledge it's going to be hard to define that. But just having a NICS system that has updated and complete data for a background check would be a start. And much better reporting on people with mental illness that includes violent tendencies, and full reporting on DV convictions from the military. That would be a start. But you are right it won't be easy. Could we start with the above without hurting your feelings?
Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

Murder is murder whether it's one person or 12 people

and we know you only care about the 1 in 100 murder victims who happen to be killed in a mass shooting
What makes you think that? Are you about to burst into "What about Chicago?" again?

I don't recall mentioning Chicago at all.

You are the one making qualitative judgement on murder not me

You obsess over the 1% but when I tell you where the real murder problem in this country originates you are completely mum
You fucks won't address it, so let me ask again:

Why should I, an innocent American citizen, be punished, and have my constitutional right to defend my life and family removed, due to the actions of a criminal murderer?
^^^ This is the kind of whining that led me to finally say "FUCK THE SECOND AMENDMENT"

Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

Make that a law and watch the definition of irresponsible be changed to include not flossing every day
I acknowledge it's going to be hard to define that. But just having a NICS system that has updated and complete data for a background check would be a start. And much better reporting on people with mental illness that includes violent tendencies, and full reporting on DV convictions from the military. That would be a start. But you are right it won't be easy. Could we start with the above without hurting your feelings?

No it's useless because one has to be evaluated by a medical professional to be deemed mentally ill

If one is deemed to be mentally ill his privacy is protected by law

and then we still have to stop the definition creep that will happen. You know when Obama wanted to call the elderly who had trouble balancing a checkbook "mentally ill"
Yes... you have to focus like a laser on the murder rate, since the gun control laws in Britain do not decrease gun crime there
Gun crime in the UK is a fraction of that in the US. Remove the mote from you own eye.

Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

lawl as typical, you virtue signaling twats lose/can't handle any argument with your bullshit opinion/beliefs and turn immediately to personal attacks - and that's the end of any discussion from you fascists - from here out it's all insults (I think you're on post three of that shit flinging dribble now aren't ya?) Impressed I am not.
You are a hypocrite and a liar and I could care less what you have to say at this point, you gutter mouthed bitch.
You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass,
That is YOUR insult and there were plenty of others. Nothing I said comes close to your offensiveness or bile.
I'm sick and tired of telling you that I didn't propose taking guns from responsible people, which you have consistently ignored and instead tried rolling over me with your diatribe.

That's four hahaha 4 insults because I have a desire to protect my own life...
Any time I need to up my ratings count, I always start a gun control thread.
It's sad that you care about something so meaningless
As you know, I was being facetious.
Yes... you have to focus like a laser on the murder rate, since the gun control laws in Britain do not decrease gun crime there
Gun crime in the UK is a fraction of that in the US. Remove the mote from you own eye.

Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

I see no analogy between smoking and owning a firearm.

My carrying a concealed weapon in no way intrudes on any of your rights or even any of your comforts in any way whatsoever where someone blowing smoke in your face does
^^^ This is the kind of whining that led me to finally say "FUCK THE SECOND AMENDMENT"

Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

Make that a law and watch the definition of irresponsible be changed to include not flossing every day
I acknowledge it's going to be hard to define that. But just having a NICS system that has updated and complete data for a background check would be a start. And much better reporting on people with mental illness that includes violent tendencies, and full reporting on DV convictions from the military. That would be a start. But you are right it won't be easy. Could we start with the above without hurting your feelings?

No it's useless because one has to be evaluated by a medical professional to be deemed mentally ill

If one is deemed to be mentally ill his privacy is protected by law

and then we still have to stop the definition creep that will happen. You know when Obama wanted to call the elderly who had trouble balancing a checkbook "mentally ill"
his privacy is protected by law
Laws can be changed. That is what I meant when I wrote the OP yesterday. Things need to change.
Gun crime in the UK is a fraction of that in the US. Remove the mote from you own eye.

Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

I see no analogy between smoking and owning a firearm.

My carrying a concealed weapon in no way intrudes on any of your rights or even any of your comforts in any way whatsoever where someone blowing smoke in your face does
This is mendacious propaganda.
Gun crime in the UK is a fraction of that in the US. Remove the mote from you own eye.

Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

I see no analogy between smoking and owning a firearm.

My carrying a concealed weapon in no way intrudes on any of your rights or even any of your comforts in any way whatsoever where someone blowing smoke in your face does
Skull Pilot, the point was that after a long, hard row to hoe, we changed people's personal habits (and a very addictive one which is difficult to quit) and the whole general attitude about smoking. There is no difference between that and guns as far as making a change in how violence and gun idolizing is viewed.
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

Murder is murder whether it's one person or 12 people

and we know you only care about the 1 in 100 murder victims who happen to be killed in a mass shooting
What makes you think that? Are you about to burst into "What about Chicago?" again?

I don't recall mentioning Chicago at all.

You are the one making qualitative judgement on murder not me

You obsess over the 1% but when I tell you where the real murder problem in this country originates you are completely mum
You are getting to Chicago. I knew it. Take it to another thread, though.
Yes... you have to focus like a laser on the murder rate, since the gun control laws in Britain do not decrease gun crime there
Gun crime in the UK is a fraction of that in the US. Remove the mote from you own eye.

Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.
As we say in basketball, you need multiple efforts. In order to stop this gun violence we need to curtail certain things regarding guns. You shouldnt be carrying in a gun in public if you are a male. You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. There is no need other than psychological impulse for any non military person to have one.
They shoulda armed themselves.
Poor soul.....I grew up in country with 0 guns...guess what? 0 mass shootings or any shootings for that matter....u became numb to these killings I see.

Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
Mental illness is the main cause of most of these mass shootings. As a nation we have failed to address mental illness in a satisfactory or practical mode. What the liberals should attempt is to try and stop allowing mentally ill people to legally acquire weapons....that is doable and something that should be done.

Beyond that mental illness is very common today a and getting even more common. What can be done to help the mentally ill?
Yeah but where is the line drawn? I think its mental illness when you drive a car into a crowd of people because they dont share your beliefs about a statue. Where does mental illness start and radical opinions end?

When you support bernie sanders and left wing causes so much you take a rifle to a Republican baseball game and try to kill them.....or you believe the propaganda of black lives matter so much you murder 6 dallas police officers, and others with the same black lives matter sympathies murder several more police officers.....
How about when you got to a Black church and kill people praying or when you try again to enter a Black church fail and shoot two more Black people and then tell a white CCW carrying person that whites dont kill other whites? How about when you kill some white Jews praying cause they run the world bank and you are behind in debt

How about you go on a Long Island Train and shoot people because you hate white people.... or shooting up gay people because you are muslim?

And then, of course, the majority of all gun murder in this country is committed by blacks.... but let's not count them...right?
Poor soul.....I grew up in country with 0 guns...guess what? 0 mass shootings or any shootings for that matter....u became numb to these killings I see.

Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
I thought the AR was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. In recent memory, anyway, since maybe San Bernardino? Thank you for correcting me, if I was wrong.
Poor soul.....I grew up in country with 0 guns...guess what? 0 mass shootings or any shootings for that matter....u became numb to these killings I see.

Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
Well, it sounds good, and the media talking heads say it. . . . and it advances that cause. . . so what the hell? :dunno:
As we say in basketball, you need multiple efforts. In order to stop this gun violence we need to curtail certain things regarding guns. You shouldnt be carrying in a gun in public if you are a male. You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. There is no need other than psychological impulse for any non military person to have one.

A pump action shotgun is an actual War Weapon....currently used by militaries around the world....the lever action rifle was an actual war weapon, as was the revolver...the AR-15 semi automatic rifle was never a War weapon...
Mass killings account for 1% of all murders

So tell me why is it worse to be killed by a gun than a knife or any other of a thousand ways?
For you people dying is just a number.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
I thought the AR was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. In recent memory, anyway, since maybe San Bernardino? Thank you for correcting me, if I was wrong.

No, it isn't....in fact, hand guns are used more than all rifle types.......

And lawn mowers kill more people than AR-15 rifles in even the worst mass shootings each year....

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