12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

and the ammo is pretty cheap as it can be gotten as USA military surplus and cheap and some cheap and foreign made . The brass cases can be reloaded a few times and the ammo is a good deal as far as price goes Ace .
^^^ This is the kind of whining that led me to finally say "FUCK THE SECOND AMENDMENT"

Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

You're the one advocating that the 2nd is "worthless" and shouldn't exist, thereby arguing that because of /your/ personal belief (aka fear of guns) that /I/ am left at the mercy of fucking criminals - and that's not even fucking mentioning the wolves, bears, and moose in my back yard here either.

I should have to "prove" I'm worthy of defending my fucking life because /you/ don't like the 2nd, the NRA, or guns that have existed in this nation basically from the beginning? I fucking think not.
I'm sick of trying to talk to someone who won't respond to my posts, just goes ahead and vomits some gun nutter garbage that probably has no more to do with your reality than it does to what I said.
You aren't adding anything to the conversation whatever.

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.

And we are equally sick of hearing the RW complain about liberals who want to "ban" guns, when we have never read any such suggestion on this board by any liberal.
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?

That isn't the sole purpose of a gun either.....since Americans use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders and even mass shootings, it is obvious that they save lives more than they take them......
Guns might save more lives than any other thing, in our society. Our HC system is so corrupt, it likely takes more lives than it saves. Could improved safety in our automobiles save more?
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Only 12? Just 12 DEAD...FFS! by a whitey ex-military loser.

FFS!? This loser was in the army, they are just team morons, really are stupid losers.
This army loser had fully automatic type glocks this extend mags.
Whitman did it better with a bolt rifle.

The loser did not have this gun, but almost the same.

If you want guns and to kill peoples, spew your 2nd anal rights' in lead on peoples in America.
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here you go , even YOU could do it Ace . --- --- and knowing how to disassemble and reassemble an AR15 is a whole lot better than bouncing a feckin Ball Ace .:afro:
Just another whitey MALE doing its American Hero Mass Shooting, using its 2nd Anal rights'
to do so with really what's a fully auto gun.

here you go , even YOU could do it Ace . --- --- and knowing how to disassemble and reassemble an AR15 is a whole lot better than bouncing a feckin Ball Ace .:afro:

I already know how to break down an M16 so thanks but no thanks. Nothing is better than bouncing a ball. Playing basketball is reserved only for elite humans.
here you go , even YOU could do it Ace . --- --- and knowing how to disassemble and reassemble an AR15 is a whole lot better than bouncing a feckin Ball Ace .:afro:

I already know how to break down an M16 so thanks but no thanks. Nothing is better than bouncing a ball. Playing basketball is reserved only for elite humans.

----------------------------------------------------- sure you know how to disassemble and reassemble . Ball games played by adults are stupid , course the watchers of these ball games are worse Ace
Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

You're the one advocating that the 2nd is "worthless" and shouldn't exist, thereby arguing that because of /your/ personal belief (aka fear of guns) that /I/ am left at the mercy of fucking criminals - and that's not even fucking mentioning the wolves, bears, and moose in my back yard here either.

I should have to "prove" I'm worthy of defending my fucking life because /you/ don't like the 2nd, the NRA, or guns that have existed in this nation basically from the beginning? I fucking think not.
I'm sick of trying to talk to someone who won't respond to my posts, just goes ahead and vomits some gun nutter garbage that probably has no more to do with your reality than it does to what I said.
You aren't adding anything to the conversation whatever.

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.

And we are equally sick of hearing the RW complain about liberals who want to "ban" guns, when we have never read any such suggestion on this board by any liberal.
-------------------------------------------------- you have no Common Sense eh VS . Doesn't matter what these board herd of libs say and when their leaders say , hey we will 'ban guns' the boards lib posters will all cheer --- GOOD VS .
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

You're the one advocating that the 2nd is "worthless" and shouldn't exist, thereby arguing that because of /your/ personal belief (aka fear of guns) that /I/ am left at the mercy of fucking criminals - and that's not even fucking mentioning the wolves, bears, and moose in my back yard here either.

I should have to "prove" I'm worthy of defending my fucking life because /you/ don't like the 2nd, the NRA, or guns that have existed in this nation basically from the beginning? I fucking think not.
I'm sick of trying to talk to someone who won't respond to my posts, just goes ahead and vomits some gun nutter garbage that probably has no more to do with your reality than it does to what I said.
You aren't adding anything to the conversation whatever.

I'm sick of trying to talk to folks who don't give two fucks about my life and my American right to defend myself from criminals, murderers, rapists, and wild animals. I'm tired of your reality where you vomit communist/fascist nonsense about how I have to /earn/ "your" approval to exercise second amendment rights because /you/ are afraid of guns. Are you afraid of cars, drugs, doctors, and the many other things that kill far more people? Oh I doubt it. All you've actually added to the conversation here is that you do not innately believe that my life, nor anyone else's, is worthy of being defended using a constitutional right that's existed for over a hundred years longer than your /personal/ opinion on guns.

You think you "know better" what /my/ life is worth - namely that /your/ perceived safety through banning guns is more fucking important than my ability to legitimately own the tools that could be used to save my life. Guess what I think woman? You can shove your higher-than-though intellectually void bullshit right up your elitist fascist control freak ass, that's what I think.

And we are equally sick of hearing the RW complain about liberals who want to "ban" guns, when we have never read any such suggestion on this board by any liberal.
-------------------------------------------------- you have no Common Sense eh VS . Doesn't matter what these board herd of libs say and when their leaders say , hey we will 'ban guns' the boards lib posters will all cheer --- GOOD VS .

The only people who ever mention banning guns is the NRA and their sheep.
its because its common sense . 'feinstein' did the first assault weapons ban . kalifornia banned a 70 year old Russian ww2 rifle the SKS semi auto . 'kalifornia banned normal capacity magazines and has imposed a mag limit of 10 rounds . And the 'feinstein' in you tube video . --- --- plus common sense tells me that they want ALL the guns removed , especiall the effective guns VS .
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?

That isn't the sole purpose of a gun either.....since Americans use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders and even mass shootings, it is obvious that they save lives more than they take them......
Guns might save more lives than any other thing, in our society. Our HC system is so corrupt, it likely takes more lives than it saves. Could improved safety in our automobiles save more?
---------------------------- Gun are the device that civilized the world and with out guns the small and weak people both women , men , cripples would always be at the mercy of big strong men . And citizens would always be at the mercy of their governments , see 'cambodia' and 'idi amin' for just 2 examples .
its because its common sense . 'feinstein' did the first assault weapons ban . kalifornia banned a 70 year old Russian ww2 rifle the SKS semi auto . 'kalifornia banned normal capacity magazines and has imposed a mag limit of 10 rounds . And the 'feinstein' in you tube video . --- --- plus common sense tells me that they want ALL the guns removed , especiall the effective guns VS .

Guns in public hands need to be single shot muskets only.

We can look at 6 shooter pistol cartridge re-loadables for the masturbating 2nd anal republican cowards.
So these weak cowards will feel safe in America...HAHA!
Like this is a 3rd /4th world Muslim nation requiring more spewing lead to meet the family.
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
I thought the AR was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. In recent memory, anyway, since maybe San Bernardino? Thank you for correcting me, if I was wrong.

No, it isn't....in fact, hand guns are used more than all rifle types.......

And lawn mowers kill more people than AR-15 rifles in even the worst mass shootings each year....
So what you always trying 4o tell us mass shootings are normal occurrences. Other countries are just bullshitting.
-------------------------------------------------- naw , but 40 or a couple hundred death per year in mass shootings a year is acceptable . Its the price that is paid for the ability and Freedom for 320 million Americans to own effective Guns 'isis' . [and these are MY thoughts 'isis' ]
When it hits home I will be curious to heat your opinion naziman.
its because its common sense . 'feinstein' did the first assault weapons ban . kalifornia banned a 70 year old Russian ww2 rifle the SKS semi auto . 'kalifornia banned normal capacity magazines and has imposed a mag limit of 10 rounds . And the 'feinstein' in you tube video . --- --- plus common sense tells me that they want ALL the guns removed , especiall the effective guns VS .

So, you interpret any gun restriction as a generalized "gun ban". You must be outraged that you can't buy a 50 caliber machine gun.
you sound like a sicko , a sex perv of some type Baz .
Haha, Did I leave the army services to do this? Explain, your RW whitey stupidity, if the guess is true.
As it seems to be fully trained to kill folks as a whitey normal mass killer in America.

btw. Not that I'm against people dying in America, so I can have more.
Did you miss the Great Douche sicko memo for whitey survival?
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oh big deal , such is life . As [real] AMERICANS say , zhit happens and there are no guarantees . These useless people and healthcare beggars like you think they deserve a long useless life for purposes of smoking dope and playing with themselves 'muslim' .
its because its common sense . 'feinstein' did the first assault weapons ban . kalifornia banned a 70 year old Russian ww2 rifle the SKS semi auto . 'kalifornia banned normal capacity magazines and has imposed a mag limit of 10 rounds . And the 'feinstein' in you tube video . --- --- plus common sense tells me that they want ALL the guns removed , especiall the effective guns VS .

So, you interpret any gun restriction as a generalized "gun ban". You must be outraged that you can't buy a 50 caliber machine gun.

--------------------------- of course i can buy a .50 caliber VS .

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