12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
i just hope that other readers , Americans read what defenseless puzzies you lefties want to make of Americans by disarming Americans Ace .
Yea, of course my life is forfeit because I don't believe that guns are simple tools and it's the murderers themselves that are the problem.

You twatwaffles whine all day about empathy for victims, but you literally don't have a single scrap of it that's real.
I already said I don't want you disarmed unless you're irresponsible. Are you having a hard time reading today or are you telling me you're irresponsible or a lunatic?

Make that a law and watch the definition of irresponsible be changed to include not flossing every day
I acknowledge it's going to be hard to define that. But just having a NICS system that has updated and complete data for a background check would be a start. And much better reporting on people with mental illness that includes violent tendencies, and full reporting on DV convictions from the military. That would be a start. But you are right it won't be easy. Could we start with the above without hurting your feelings?

No it's useless because one has to be evaluated by a medical professional to be deemed mentally ill

If one is deemed to be mentally ill his privacy is protected by law

and then we still have to stop the definition creep that will happen. You know when Obama wanted to call the elderly who had trouble balancing a checkbook "mentally ill"
his privacy is protected by law
Laws can be changed. That is what I meant when I wrote the OP yesterday. Things need to change.

So you want to make all medical records public?
Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

I see no analogy between smoking and owning a firearm.

My carrying a concealed weapon in no way intrudes on any of your rights or even any of your comforts in any way whatsoever where someone blowing smoke in your face does
This is mendacious propaganda.
What about my statement regarding me carrying a concealed weapon is untrue?
what difference does your question in 1263 make . But Guns are made for Defense , Offence , killing in self defense and other legal purposes Ace .
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?
A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target

The choice f target has nothing to do with the gun and everything g to do with the person firing it

ANd if that is the sole purpose of a gun I and millions of others who own and shoot guns have been using them incorrectly
Gun crime was always low before they banned guns...that is the issue, since now, after they banned guns...on an island....their gun crime rate is going up..that is the important point you don't want to confront....
That's the fun thing about reporting on another country that you know nothing about but their crime stats. Do you think there could be some other factors at work besides gun control?

Which is what I have been saying all along but you still think our murder rate will be lowered with gun control even though there are some striking socioeconomic, cultural. political and psychological differences between the US and the UK
Yes. We are not the UK. But we can make changes in our cultural and psychological bent if we have the will. In 1965, 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes. Now it is 15%. We reduced it by more than half. It is saving lives and it is no longer cool or socially acceptable in most circles. You can't smoke inside almost any public space. So why couldn't the same thing be done with guns? And the gratuitous violence in entertainment, including gaming? Of course it can be done. For some reason, people just don't care that others are dying, and it isn't ME that doesn't care.

I see no analogy between smoking and owning a firearm.

My carrying a concealed weapon in no way intrudes on any of your rights or even any of your comforts in any way whatsoever where someone blowing smoke in your face does
Skull Pilot, the point was that after a long, hard row to hoe, we changed people's personal habits (and a very addictive one which is difficult to quit) and the whole general attitude about smoking. There is no difference between that and guns as far as making a change in how violence and gun idolizing is viewed.

Except you leave out the fact that 99.99 % of gun owners will never commit an act of violence.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

Murder is murder whether it's one person or 12 people

and we know you only care about the 1 in 100 murder victims who happen to be killed in a mass shooting
What makes you think that? Are you about to burst into "What about Chicago?" again?

I don't recall mentioning Chicago at all.

You are the one making qualitative judgement on murder not me

You obsess over the 1% but when I tell you where the real murder problem in this country originates you are completely mum
You are getting to Chicago. I knew it. Take it to another thread, though.

Tell you what you quote me where I have mentioned Chicago

and FYI You mentioned it not me.

I rarely use any city as an example of the urban decay that is the root cause of our murder problem because it isn't just one city
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?
A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target

The choice f target has nothing to do with the gun and everything g to do with the person firing it

ANd if that is the sole purpose of a gun I and millions of others who own and shoot guns have been using them incorrectly
"A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target"

If thats the case then why dont you just get a sling shot or a BB gun? We both know know why. :rolleyes:
As we say in basketball, you need multiple efforts. In order to stop this gun violence we need to curtail certain things regarding guns. You shouldnt be carrying in a gun in public if you are a male. You shouldnt be using weapons that look but more importantly function like a war weapon. There is no need other than psychological impulse for any non military person to have one.

A pump action shotgun is an actual War Weapon....currently used by militaries around the world....the lever action rifle was an actual war weapon, as was the revolver...the AR-15 semi automatic rifle was never a War weapon...
We all know where the AR-15 design came from. The only difference between it and the M-16 is that the AR doesn't have full auto. It makes killing a shitload of people so much easier, more comfortable, etc. etc. And I know for a fact I got that one right.
So you only care what rifle looks like.

There are other rifles that shoot the same round that don'k look like the M 16 I guess those guns are OK
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?
A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target

The choice f target has nothing to do with the gun and everything g to do with the person firing it

ANd if that is the sole purpose of a gun I and millions of others who own and shoot guns have been using them incorrectly
"A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target"

If thats the case then why dont you just get a sling shot? :rolleyes:

A firearm has better range and is more fun
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?
A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target

The choice f target has nothing to do with the gun and everything g to do with the person firing it

ANd if that is the sole purpose of a gun I and millions of others who own and shoot guns have been using them incorrectly
"A firearm is designed to propel a projectile at a target"

If thats the case then why dont you just get a sling shot? :rolleyes:

A firearm has better range and is more fun
So its about fun? Would you let a baby play with the loaded gun? I mean its about having fun right? Its like a baby rattle right? :rolleyes:
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Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
We won't find out that Big Pharma and his doctor filled him with synthetic drugs that likely are the cause. As is the case with most mass shooters.

Great point there!

How many of these nutters are on medication that has alter their perception in life and if the person stop taking them they go full nutter?

What should be looked at is the pill pushing industry and their peddlers!

I notice that too.

Like clock work, the corporate media ALWAYS harps on the guns, but because of HIPAA laws, no one ever questions what mood altering drugs these killers are on.

Ever since the passage of the ACA, these shootings have sky rocketed by poor, uneducated, mentally unstable desperate folks, but the corporate press hasn't been telling the brain dead public anything about that.

. . . and I suspect it has to do with the drugs that the community mental health providers are putting them on.

And BIG PHARMA wants the profits and wants THAT kept quiet.

I mean, I know correlation is not causation, but wow, take a look at this;

The ACA passes in 2010.

All of a sudden, we have this spike in mass shootings?

We have always had guns, what we haven't always had is mass availability of psychotropic drugs to just any poor person that used to go out and get a bottle of booze when they felt pissy or blue;


off topic but

I mean, I know correlation is not causation

unless you are a leftard and you are talking about man made global warming

The nice thing about the AR is that there are millions in American hands and all are pretty much interchangeable and they all shoot the same military ammo in 5.56 and usually .223 . Thats why the AR fills the role that is good for the 2nd Amendment and probably some of the reason that gun controllers hate it .
The nice thing about the AR is that there are millions in American hands and all are pretty much interchangeable and they all shoot the same military ammo in 5.56 and usually .223 . Thats why the AR fills the role that is good for the 2nd Amendment and probably some of the reason that gun controllers hate it .
See? I told yall its all about playing Rambo. Thats why no other rifle will do. The AR-15 is for boys that havent grown up yet or wish they could be Rambo.
And for you people getting murdered with a gun is worse than getting murdered in a thousand other ways
We don't mass murder people in a thousand other ways, though, do we? We use guns, usually AR's--which makes sense since that is exactly what they were designed for.

You just pulled that out of your butt...... Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and a lot more than mass shooters with any kind of rifle....

Falling off ladders kills 300 people every year, more people than are killed with any rifle in any year of mass shootings...

The AR-15 isn't even close to being the most used gun for mass shootings or regular crime....

You are posting things that aren't even close to being true or accurate...why do you do that?
I thought the AR was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. In recent memory, anyway, since maybe San Bernardino? Thank you for correcting me, if I was wrong.

No, it isn't....in fact, hand guns are used more than all rifle types.......

And lawn mowers kill more people than AR-15 rifles in even the worst mass shootings each year....
So what you always trying 4o tell us mass shootings are normal occurrences. Other countries are just bullshitting.

Other countries have them too.... and again..71 people killed in mass public shootings in 2016, 117 in 2017....... 300 people died falling off of ladders.....

Mass public shootings are not an issue when it comes to people dying....more people are killed every single year by knives, clubs and bare hands..... and yet you guys don't care about those deaths.

And on the other side? Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year, on average, to stop violent criminals from committing rape, robbery and murder.....while gun crime in Britain is going up...while violent crime in Britain is going up.
and very few special tools are needed to work on the AR and even little girls can take it apart and reassemble it . And its good for shooting Varmints , targets and even deer [i hear] , is light in recoill , easy to carry , light weight , easy to clean , good for home defense with the right ammo . Its a nice gun Ace .
how many death happen a year in swimming pools , motorcycling , over eating , drinking too much , Driving cars and doing other things 'isis' ??
Which one of these things sole purpose for existing is to shoot and kill something?

That isn't the sole purpose of a gun either.....since Americans use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders and even mass shootings, it is obvious that they save lives more than they take them......

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