12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

Are you saying 500 child deaths are "acceptable" losses in your right to feel your false sense of security?

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns, and countries like Germany or Japan where private gun ownership is rare they have substatially lower crime rates.

They also don't let people become "homeless".

I find it amusing that rather than wanting to fix economic injustice, you would rather just have a pile of guns in the house to protect yourself from the consequences...

We become a bunch of apes with a club protecting our pile of stuff.
Cause and effect, Joe. People in Germany have a lower crime rate. (cause) They have less need to use firearms to protect themselves. (effect)

Protecting our pile of stuff from the apes that would use force to take it, is our right.
What you want to do is limit the effect and make the cause safer.
Taking away my right to protect my property is not the solution. Taking away my need to protect my property is.

Again, that gun is probably more of a danger to your household than it is to any bad guy. Statistics prove this.

Why does Germany have a lower crime rate.

Well, first, they don't let every asshole own a gun.

Second, they actually have a social welfare system that doesn't let people 'fall through the cracks" like this guy obviously did. Or at least not as many.

Another interesting stat for you "Law and Order" types. We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 308 million. The Germans lock up 78,000 out of a population of 80 million.

All these guns, all these prisons, and you are still afraid.

Doesn't that say a lot.

I'm sure as shit not afraid, Joe, but anyone who comes into my house uninvited, should be.

There are a dozen guns withing 8 feet of me, as I type and 2 more within 20. None of them has been involved in an accidental shooting.
I grew up with a loaded rifle next to the back door and managed to survive my youth.
he's already answered that first word was depends.i stopped reading his bullshit after that.

really, i thought it was because of your reading comprehension problems...

You just don't seem very bright, like most gun fetishists.

it's hard to comprehend stupidity.

Stupidity is having the most guns in the world per capita, the most prisoners in the world and still being paranoid and afraid.

I'm sure as shit not afraid, Joe, but anyone who comes into my house uninvited, should be.

There are a dozen guns withing 8 feet of me, as I type and 2 more within 20. None of them has been involved in an accidental shooting.
I grew up with a loaded rifle next to the back door and managed to survive my youth.

Guy, if you need to have a dozen guns within 8 feet of you, you really are afraid. I would describe you as terrified.

Clinging to your guns and your bibles...
We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Safer from those 2 million people.

Not really.

When you take a pot smoker and toss him into a cell for three years with a rapist, and he gets bullied every day, do you really feel safer when that guy gets out. You've just t urned a guy who smokes a little weed into an anti-social threat.

But someone is making a shit load of money on the Prison-Industrial Complex in this country.

Of course he doesn't. He's a liberal scrote that thinks the "poor homeless guy" has the right to kick in that girl's parent's door because it's obvious that if they have a house and food they got it by exploiting that "poor homeless guy" and hundreds of thousands of others like him, and he was just taking back what he rightly desreves and that 12yr old girl should be arrested for not allowing that "poor homeless guy" to have the food he needed to live on. Man, don't you know anything about how the left thinks? lol.

Where did I say he has a "right" to do that.

In fact, I specifically said I had no sympathy for his plight.

I just pointed out that despite the usual blather from the gun fetishists, there is not an army of homeless people ready to descend on you like the Zombie Apocolypse, which is what you jokers seem to be arming yourselves for.

^^^ sad that he can't buy a gun with his EBT card.
When you take a pot smoker and toss him into a cell for three years with a rapist, and he gets bullied every day, do you really feel safer when that guy gets out ?

Yes if I can still shoot him in the face when warranted.

I'm sure as shit not afraid, Joe, but anyone who comes into my house uninvited, should be.

There are a dozen guns withing 8 feet of me, as I type and 2 more within 20. None of them has been involved in an accidental shooting.
I grew up with a loaded rifle next to the back door and managed to survive my youth.

Guy, if you need to have a dozen guns within 8 feet of you, you really are afraid. I would describe you as terrified.

Clinging to your guns and your bibles...

I don't NEED to have them 8 feet away, but that's where the gun cabinet happens to be. Terrified? Of what? There is a loaded .22 by the back door. I've been having snakes, coyotes and a bobcat trying to get to my chickens.

I generally put down my bible when I pick up a gun. Throws me off balance.
really, i thought it was because of your reading comprehension problems...

You just don't seem very bright, like most gun fetishists.

it's hard to comprehend stupidity.

Stupidity is having the most guns in the world per capita, the most prisoners in the world and still being paranoid and afraid.
How many political prisoners does America have?
being paranoid and afraid.
The anti gun nut jobs are the paranoid and afraid.I have nothing to fear and I know reality

I'm sure as shit not afraid, Joe, but anyone who comes into my house uninvited, should be.

There are a dozen guns withing 8 feet of me, as I type and 2 more within 20. None of them has been involved in an accidental shooting.
I grew up with a loaded rifle next to the back door and managed to survive my youth.

Guy, if you need to have a dozen guns within 8 feet of you, you really are afraid. I would describe you as terrified.

Clinging to your guns and your bibles...

i grew up in a house where you were always within 3 ft of a gun.....i thought that normal.....

i dont find it paranoid to be prepared to defend myself.....you forget not everyone lives a block from a police station...he would have gotten the little one before the police got there....factor that in...

^^^ sad that he can't buy a gun with his EBT card.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I could never see another gun in my life and be perfectly happy.

Unlike folks like you, who just can't live without them, because you can't fill the empty hole in your lives.
How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

DUMBEST post of the week right here!
Hey should 12 year olds be able to buy their own weapons? You know, just walk in to the local gun store, plop down their piggy bank and say; gimme a glock with the big clip. I got some problems to resolve.

That should be legal. Right gun lovers. I mean, many of you on here have been handling weapons since you were in diapers. Why not have kids be able to arm themselves? Carry concealed to school?

You're stupidity is only over shadowed by your willingness to flaunt said stupidity in a public forum without an ounce of shame or embarressment. This is the funniest thing about you leftists scrotes, your inablity to see what brain dead morons you actually sound like when you spew bs like this, all the while thinking you're being such clever little twits.

No more stupid than the idea that you are going to make war on the hated government.

And win.

But you insist that you will be able to do just that. And yea, I like to exagerate. It goes well with all the hyperboyle posted by rethugs.

But it is weird the you are training very young kids to handle all sorts of weapons but don't support said youngins being able to buy weapons.

Why is that? Aren't they responsible enough? I mean, it would have to be with at least an 18 year olds consent. They can shoot anything but can't buy a .22.

Bet the NRA would think it a good idea. Ask em.

But even I think the CCW is a bit much for 12 year olds. Should be 16 at least, don't ya think?

And to bad that you can't figure out that as we continually loosen gun control laws to the point where there are no gun control laws (and make no mistake, there are those that want no gun laws. Right?) then the idea that I put forward of kids buying guns is not all that far fetched.

Stupid are the people like you that think you will fight the government. And win.

And you really should get a grip on just what it is you think I am. Because I assure you, you are wrong.
Important thing here is that no one lost their life over this. That's what I take away from it. The girl did exactly as her parents probably taught her to and imo, lots of gun-related deaths involving kids result from poor supervision, reckless decision making and/or training from the parents or an adult in that situation. You very rarely hear about a kid who was well trained in gun-handling by a parent killing another kid or an adult or anything like that.

Yes...unfortunately, the thug survived (and will probably sue and win).
really, i thought it was because of your reading comprehension problems...

You just don't seem very bright, like most gun fetishists.

it's hard to comprehend stupidity.

Stupidity is having the most guns in the world per capita, the most prisoners in the world and still being paranoid and afraid.
How many political prisoners does America have?
being paranoid and afraid.
The anti gun nut jobs are the paranoid and afraid.I have nothing to fear and I know reality

Did you even have a point here?
What are you hiding when you partially quote a post and ask do I have a point?
Now answer the post.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.
I guess one thing is for sure in the great fun gun debate.

If we were all sitting across a table from one another, each with their favorite weapon in front of them, the political discourse would be more polite and respectful.

Or there would be a bunch of dead message board commandos.

Maybe the entire USA should be armed and considered dangerous.

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