12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

The WalMart thing was an attempt at humor. You;d have to hang out at a WalMart in Alabama to understand...
I agree. Getting guns out of the hands of criminals would go a long way towards solving the problem.
No warrant searches of the person and residence of violent criminals on probation would be one place to start, but it would take huge resources in manpower just to issue search warrants for anyone not on probation.

That's why I think Criminal Gangs and organized crime in general should be labeled as Domestic Terrorists and a direct threat to our National Security so we can bypass the Posse Comitatus law. It is a National problem...not a local or Statewide one. The Bloods, Crips, MS13, and a host of other Organized Crime Organizations are Nationwide entities that control a large part of our urban landscape....their activities are one of the main catalysts for the calls for gun laws that affect law abiding citizens and give a huge advantage to the criminals who ignore the laws.

I understand what you're saying, but, DAMN that's a slippery slope. Anyone proposing it would be labeled "Racist" in a heart beat. I really don't want to give the current administration the ability to decide what a domestic terrorist would be either. Shit! I'm a Christian, gun owning, vocal Conservative biker. My ass would be in Gitmo in a heart beat.

Now wait a second....are you that convinced that the Obama administration is like that? Turn the channel man. They are brainwashing you. I would call any organized criminal organization, that actively participates in felony crimes against the people of our society are Domestic terrorists. The slope is not all that slippery.

I'm not talking about going after a guy that gets too drunk and waves his gun around....that's a matter for local authorities. I'm not talking about a jealous husband who shoots his wife and her lover in a fit of rage....that's a matter of local authorities. I'm talking about Criminal organizations....Black, Hispanic, White.....doesn't matter. All are engaging in the same activities, all are too powerful for local and even state authorities.

They have been joining the military to be trained in tactical methods so that when they get out, they can apply those techniques against those that would oppose them, and teach others the same.

Look, I am a nobody. I don't have all the answers. But we know that gun bans and restricting rights of law abiding citizens does not work. There would have to be very strict guidelines in the implementation of such a policy to insure that innocent people get persecuted.....no matter what administration is in office.

Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive gun laws?

Which one of you libs would prefer that this little girl be UNARMED?

Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.

Why did her parents leave her in the house alone?

While not feeling sorry for this crook, maybe he was just there to rob the place.

Most home break ins happen when someone isn't home, and usually those guns get stolen and sold on the black market to other criminals.

That said, I think gun bans are silly for the same reason I think abortion laws would be silly. No one is going to obey them.

But please, the fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.
The Kellerman study is pure crap.

But the gun-haters like it, never mind that it's shitty science.
Who the fuk cares about what you have, want or already got.
And as to whether or not I have guns, like the one guy said earlier; stop on by, don't knock.
Life is full of surprises.

I have no desire to enter another's home without being invited in, and would not enter a jackass's home like yours even if invited, and just because you "have guns" doesn't mean you have either the ability or the guts to put a bullet in a person's chest.

LOL....there you have it. Another George Zimmerman set and ready and full of guts and able to shoot down an innocent teen on his way home from a shopping at the local convenient mart.
Hey, retard:

It was Zeke who threatened to kill jtpr...not the other way around.

Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.
Is it more believable coming from a left wing rag?
12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate


Yeah, actually, it's kind of telling.

Calera Police Chief Don Hyde also assisted in catching Jones, who told Hyde he had been shot. Jones then pointed to the girl's house and said that he had been homeless for the last 10 days and was hungry.

Gee, so he's not some hardened criminal, he was just some guy looking for food.

Kind of puts the story in a different light, except for far right wingers who think that the homeless are such because of their own moral failings.
Being homeless is not justification to break the law.

And if he was hungry, he could have gone to any of these food banks:

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Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.

Funny, the SF Chronicle has the same story, word for word. That is because the actual source of the story is the local paper in OK.

12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate

Why did her parents leave her in the house alone?

Because Obanamics doesn't give them enough money for only one of them to work?

While not feeling sorry for this crook, maybe he was just there to rob the place.

If he was there to rob the pace why was he trying to get into the closet the girl was hiding in?

Most home break ins happen when someone isn't home, and usually those guns get stolen and sold on the black market to other criminals.

This one happened when someone was home, what's your point?

That said, I think gun bans are silly for the same reason I think abortion laws would be silly. No one is going to obey them.

That is a really good argument for anarchy.


But please, the fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Strangely enough, the same thing happens even in homes without guns.
Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.

Why did her parents leave her in the house alone? 12yr olds are home alone all the time all over the world. That makes it okay?

While not feeling sorry for this crook, maybe he was just there to rob the place. Just robbing the place is suffecient moral grounds to shoot the sob, and from his past criminal record that's most unlikely. Nothing in the article indicates he had any criminal record, or any details about his intent. He might have well have run when he saw someone was home.

Most home break ins happen when someone isn't home, and usually those guns get stolen and sold on the black market to other criminals. So, your idea is to punish law abiding victims for the crimes scumbags commit? Typical leftist mentality. When their actions make it easier to commit crimes, um, yeah. Most of the rest of the industrialized world does not have easy access to guns like we have. They are just as free, have lower crime rates and only a small fraction of the people in prison we have.

That said, I think gun bans are silly for the same reason I think abortion laws would be silly. No one is going to obey them. Only intelligent thing you've said.You mean the only thing your limited mind could comprehend, which isn't the same thing.

But please, the fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. taking suicides out of your skewed statistics shows a complete different percentage and people who are set on committing suicide will do so even without having guns available.

Why should we take sucides out? A gun makes it a lot easier to commit a suicide than pills or blades.

Yet more people hang themselves than use guns, and that takes a lot more preparation than anything else.
Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.
Is it more believable coming from a left wing rag?
12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate


Yeah, actually, it's kind of telling.

Calera Police Chief Don Hyde also assisted in catching Jones, who told Hyde he had been shot. Jones then pointed to the girl's house and said that he had been homeless for the last 10 days and was hungry.
Gee, so he's not some hardened criminal, he was just some guy looking for food.

Kind of puts the story in a different light, except for far right wingers who think that the homeless are such because of their own moral failings.

There are lots of homeless people who don't break into houses.

Hey libtard; How fucking dumb are you?

You seriously believe that asshole was looking in a closet for food and not the kitchen?

negged b/c you support children getting raped and assholes getting to do it.

Man apparently had no criminal record and broke into a house he thought was empty.

Ummm, yeah, I htink he probably was looking for stuff he could use.

Why was he trying to get in the closet in the bedroom? Did he mistake that for the kitchen?

^^^ sad that he can't buy a gun with his EBT card.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I could never see another gun in my life and be perfectly happy.

Unlike folks like you, who just can't live without them, because you can't fill the empty hole in your lives.

I have no hole in my life. I own a home full of things I've worked hard for and people I love who I think are worth protecting. Is there anything in your life so worth protecting that you would be willing use deadly force?

If not, you are a sad, pathetic pussy.
Depends is where I stopped reading. You are a fucking idiot. So a 12 year old doesn't have a right to defend their life any way they can?

1) You really haven't demonstrated her life was in any danger.
A criminal broke into her house.

That's the only justification needed.

So, in summary:

You would have preferred a 12-year-old girl be raped and murdered.

Don't worry, TwoThumbs...I got your neg rep for JoeScumbag.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.

You don't get it, Joe. We are not afraid. We are prepared to defend home and hearth. It is you who cowers from your responsibility to protect those you love.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.

A society that doesn't have a house full of guns will have a country full of prisons with political prisoners.


Most countries do NOT have gun ownership as wide as we do.

Nor is gun ownership a protection from government abuse. In fact, the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and guys who are much better shots.

The whole batshit crazy notion - even crazier than thinking you need them for home protection- is the idea that you need them to protect you from the government.

If the government comes for you, it will be to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.

You do realize that when and if reasonable people take up arms against a repressive government, the military will be on our side.
Where does it say that? It only didn't say he was. Law abiding people do not break into other people's homes.

When the Poor steal, it's called crime.
When the Rich steal, it's called profits.


I can take it you've never been hungry in your life.

The poor criminal. :(

Like you, I guess he was too stupid to think of homeless shelters and food pantries in town, huh?
Okay... but frankly, leaving a 12 year old alone in a house with a gun usually doesn't work out so well.

Gun Accidents Kill 500 Kids a Year | momlogic.com

Usually ? Millions of guns are in homes with kids.

So you are saying 500 kids are "acceptable losses"?
You would have preferred the 12-year-old girl in Texas be murdered.

Remind me again -- why is it you think you have the moral high ground?
“part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced.”
That's pretty weak language IMO.

Besides even in the old AWB legislation you would not lose your guns and your current guns would be "grandfathered". Your 12 guage or 22 is enough to protect your front door.

Romney's track record should worry you more regarding.

Spare me the fear of any gun regulation being the slippery slope to losing all our guns. I'm sure I'll still be shooting the same fully auto AK 47 I shot a couple months ago 4 years from now.

Fully auto, huh? Transfer stamp or class 3?

No idea. I suppose I could look it up and try to get a lie past you but I won't. They are my friends guns. He just lets me shoot them every once in a while when he comes around. It's kinda fun but not my thing. The amazing thing to me was how quick the clip goes. Nothing like in the movies.

Anyway - he is not worried about this presidency taking away his guns.
This presidency won't be a presidency much longer. So, yes, there's nothing to worry about.

USUALLY???? Are you saying most children left home alone with guns shoot themselves or others? Jeez, Joe!

Are you saying 500 child deaths are "acceptable" losses in your right to feel your false sense of security?

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns, and countries like Germany or Japan where private gun ownership is rare they have substatially lower crime rates.

They also don't let people become "homeless".

I find it amusing that rather than wanting to fix economic injustice, you would rather just have a pile of guns in the house to protect yourself from the consequences...

We become a bunch of apes with a club protecting our pile of stuff.
You say you have a good job and a good income.

You're not doing anything to fix "economic injustice", you greedy bastard. You need to invite some homeless people into your home and feed, clothe, and house them.

Oh, wait, that's right -- you think calling for the government to redistribute income is EXACTLY THE SAME as doing charity work on your own.

Yeah, leftists are stupid like that.
Not really. But you keep telling yourself you is a Google Genuis, Cleetus.

Durant, Oklahoma has less than 16,000 residents. I'd say the odds are about 15,999 to 1.


Oh, then why wasn't he charged with a crime, then.

I mean, your whole argument was that he was some kind of pervert becaue he gave a 17 year old retarded girl a ride.

And the police didn't charge him with anything.

(I already know the answer, but let's see if Google Cleetus can find it.)
12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate
Jones will be arrested by Plano Police after he is released from the hospital.​

Oh, look. It seems reality has once again kicked a leftist's ass.

Reality does that a lot.
Deflection and personal atacks, you out of ideas there lefty. If an error in grammer is all you got, you got nothing. BTW I always have my shotguns, rifles, revolvers and pistols handy, drop by anytime, I'll show you what a responsible gun owner looks like.

I've lived in TN for 78 years and I know about gun owners. There's the good old boy who keeps one double barrelled shotgun to hunt rabbits and there's the debt-riddled wuss who is scared of his own shadow, has a carry permit and keeps a small arsenal to impress his beer drinking buddies. He more than likely also has a rebel flag displayed in the rear window of his old truck which has loud mufflers.

Also....I've forgotten more about real guns than most of them will ever know. I was trained in AAA in 1957/58 in the U S army and served in the TN guards for six years. The 90mm gun which was used in AAA back in the day was also the main gun on an M-48 medium Patton tank on one of which I was tank commander when I was discharged from the old company C, 5th Btn, 109th armored division back in the 60's. If a man was standing to the side within 10-12 ft. when a 90 was fired the concussion would knock a helmet liner off his head. That's a real gun. Once my crew shot down a 6X6 ft. target at fifteen hundred yards and then proceeded to shoot down the mounting stakes. That's a real gun. When the 90 was mounted in a tank there was no space to accomodate the normal 44" recoil so they shortened it to 18" and let the 50 ton tank absorb the rest. I've seen them set on the firing line and rock each time the big gun was fired until the cleated tracks would be dug into the ground a foot or more from the repeated rocking...that's a real gun.

No, this is a real gun. In fact, it is nine of them, and it would level a city block when it hit. Your standing target would have been nothing but a crater, and you wouldn't be able to find the stakes, much less shoot them down with your pop gun. If you were 20 - 24 feet of it when it fired it would knock the helmet liner off your head and they would need a bucket to pick you up.


A 90 mm projectile and a REAL bullet!


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Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Leftist facts bear little resemblance to reality.

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense?
There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993. Prior to Dr. Kleck's survey, thirteen other surveys indicated a range of between 800,000 to 2.5 million DGU's annually. However these surveys each had their flaws which prompted Dr. Kleck to conduct his own study specifically tailored to estimate the number of DGU's annually.

Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text, PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.​

Compare that to the 31,224 gun-related deaths in 2007, and your claim simply doesn't hold water.
Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

This would be consistent with the fact that you and most other rightists are reprehensible.
Yet not a word from you for the guy who, when asked if a 12-year-old girl has the right to defend herself with a weapon, answers "Depends"?

Of course not. As I said, irrational gun-haters think the morally superior outcome is for the victim to be raped and murdered.

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