12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems

It solved the 12 y/o girl's problem in the OP.

Actually, that girl is probably going ot have serious psychological problems for the rest of her life.

But she's an NRA hero. She actually found a use for a gun that wasn't a suicide, accidently killing a kid or settling an argument with your brother in law over who got the last strip of bacon.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

Dumbass - not a pacifist.

I just don't think every asshole out there should have a gun.
Including, apparently, 12-year-old girls who would otherwise be raped and murdered.

Did I mention you're a scumbag?
Frankly, I'm more scared of an asshole like you or Ernie, who sits here typing all day on how much you hate the government and the president, and you have small arsenals in easy reach. (You know, this is what Ernie said earlier... He apparently has 12 guns near his computer terminal.)

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems
Ahh, I see your problem:

You're fucking delusional.

I have NEVER said I hated the government and the President, nor have I ever said I have an arsenal -- although to a raging pussy like you, my .22 Marlin would seem formidable, I suppose.

I really wish you'd stop lying about me. But I suspect you don't know you're lying. Your delusions insist what you say is true.

You need psychotherapy, you loon.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.
Again...if their fellow citizens would stop breaking the law, no one would need weapons to defend themselves with.

You simply can't blame the criminals for their actions, can you?

Joe insists that this burglar's injuries are the result of a 12 year old girl having access to a gun.
He isn't real big on taking responsibility for one's actions.
Did I WANT to shoot the man that was breaking down my door to rape my wife? Hell no!. Would I have lost any sleep had I filled his chest with buck shot? Nope.
Would that man's death have been my fault? Nope. It would have been my duty. Would it have been the fault of Miller Brewing Company? No again his fault for drinking too much of their product. Mossberg? Nope. Remmington's ammunition? Uh uh. It would have been old drunk Doug's fault.
JoeScumbag can't understand that concept. He thinks you owe old drunk Doug an apology and another chance at your wife.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

Dumbass - not a pacifist.

I just don't think every asshole out there should have a gun. Frankly, I'm more scared of an asshole like you or Ernie, who sits here typing all day on how much you hate the government and the president, and you have small arsenals in easy reach. (You know, this is what Ernie said earlier... He apparently has 12 guns near his computer terminal.)

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems

Why am I more dangerous with my guns locked in a cabinet in the same room as my computer than the drug dealer with a Glock in his waste band?

You sir, are far more dangerous than a man willing to kill to protect those he loves. You are nothing but a bigot and a pussy.
Not saying it was an "answer".

It's a PROBLEM. We have a subset of people in this country who are so desperate they break laws.

Not a problem thos SOOOOOOOOOCIALIST countries have. They take care of people.

Which is why we lock up 2 million and Germany only locks up 78,000.


I wonder what the Germans are doing right?
Pssst! This isn't Germany. Dumbass.

You're right. Because right after WWII, a guy named Dwight D. Eisenhower collected up every privately owned gun in Germany and had them melted down.

And the Germans found- gosh darn, they just didn't need them.
So, the moral of the story is:

Don't start a war and then lose it, then you won't get disarmed.

Get it, moron?
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

Dumbass - not a pacifist.

I just don't think every asshole out there should have a gun.
Including, apparently, 12-year-old girls who would otherwise be raped and murdered.

Did I mention you're a scumbag?

The guy had no criminal record... so, um, no, there's really nothing to support that position.

Frankly, I'm more scared of an asshole like you or Ernie, who sits here typing all day on how much you hate the government and the president, and you have small arsenals in easy reach. (You know, this is what Ernie said earlier... He apparently has 12 guns near his computer terminal.)

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems
Ahh, I see your problem:

You're fucking delusional.

I have NEVER said I hated the government and the President, nor have I ever said I have an arsenal -- although to a raging pussy like you, my .22 Marlin would seem formidable, I suppose.

I really wish you'd stop lying about me. But I suspect you don't know you're lying. Your delusions insist what you say is true.

You need psychotherapy, you loon.

Dave, I think you've already proven my point about how badly you need therapy...

Seriously, get help. I think I'm enabling you by actually paying any attention to you.
I'm saying if we live in a society where we find it perfectly acceptable that a man is giving a choice between crime and starving, and he takes a chance on crime, there is something wrong with out society.
I guess you missed the link with all the food pantries in the little town in Texas, huh?

Yet there you go, defending the criminal again.

So, the moral of the story is:

Don't start a war and then lose it, then you won't get disarmed.

Get it, moron?

Nope, the moral of the story is...

Average citizens don't need guns to be free. In fact, quite the contrary, Germany had private gun ownership, and that didn't stop the Nazis from taking over..

Gun ownership is really about your insecurity. You can't win elections, but damn it, you still have your gun!
I have no hole in my life. I own a home full of things I've worked hard for and people I love who I think are worth protecting. Is there anything in your life so worth protecting that you would be willing use deadly force?

If not, you are a sad, pathetic pussy.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

I pity you, then.
When I was active duty, I didn't have the luxury of deciding of who my oath to protect the Constitution covered.

Even Joe's right to defend criminals and wish to see little girls raped and murdered was protected.
I'm saying if we live in a society where we find it perfectly acceptable that a man is giving a choice between crime and starving, and he takes a chance on crime, there is something wrong with out society.
I guess you missed the link with all the food pantries in the little town in Texas, huh?

Yet there you go, defending the criminal again.


NOt defending at all.

The fact he exists is an indictment of society.
Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems

It solved the 12 y/o girl's problem in the OP.

Actually, that girl is probably going ot have serious psychological problems for the rest of her life.

But she's an NRA hero. She actually found a use for a gun that wasn't a suicide, accidently killing a kid or settling an argument with your brother in law over who got the last strip of bacon.
Y'know, you keep ignoring posts that have inconvenient truths in them.

I proved that there are far, far more defensive gun uses than offensive gun uses.

But your delusion bitterly clings to your irrational, fear-driven, anti-gun horseshit.

Hey libtard; How fucking dumb are you?

You seriously believe that asshole was looking in a closet for food and not the kitchen?

negged b/c you support children getting raped and assholes getting to do it.

Man apparently had no criminal record and broke into a house he thought was empty.

Ummm, yeah, I htink he probably was looking for stuff he could use.

Why was he trying to get in the closet in the bedroom? Did he mistake that for the kitchen?

Or looking for warm blankets... or perhaps money, or a warm coat.

Frankly, I don't know what is going on in this guy's mind. He might well be a loser.

Or he might be a guy whose life just went right off the rails, like a lot of people have in the last decade of GOP Misrule.
Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems

It solved the 12 y/o girl's problem in the OP.

Actually, that girl is probably going ot have serious psychological problems for the rest of her life.

Yes, it would have been MUCH better for her mental health had she instead been beaten and raped! God and goddess, are you truly THIS FUCKING DENSE?!?!
Dumbass - not a pacifist.

I just don't think every asshole out there should have a gun.
Including, apparently, 12-year-old girls who would otherwise be raped and murdered.

Did I mention you're a scumbag?

The guy had no criminal record... so, um, no, there's really nothing to support that position.
Hey, it's awfully generous of you to bet another man's daughter's life on your faith in criminals.

Frankly, I'm more scared of an asshole like you or Ernie, who sits here typing all day on how much you hate the government and the president, and you have small arsenals in easy reach. (You know, this is what Ernie said earlier... He apparently has 12 guns near his computer terminal.)

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems
Ahh, I see your problem:

You're fucking delusional.

I have NEVER said I hated the government and the President, nor have I ever said I have an arsenal -- although to a raging pussy like you, my .22 Marlin would seem formidable, I suppose.

I really wish you'd stop lying about me. But I suspect you don't know you're lying. Your delusions insist what you say is true.

You need psychotherapy, you loon.

Dave, I think you've already proven my point about how badly you need therapy...

Seriously, get help. I think I'm enabling you by actually paying any attention to you.
No, dipshit. You don't get to weasel out of this. You made a claim, you back it up -- or else shut the fuck up.

And I already know you can't back up your claim. And you know it, too.

Y'know, you keep ignoring posts that have inconvenient truths in them.

I proved that there are far, far more defensive gun uses than offensive gun uses.

But your delusion bitterly clings to your irrational, fear-driven, anti-gun horseshit.

Because it's horseshit.

The Kellerman study proved that a gun in the house is more likely to kill a member of the family than a criminal.

Discussion is kind of over at that point, guy.

ANd frankly, I don't think we should have more gun laws.

I just think the reasons you give for wanting a gun are retarded..

So, the moral of the story is:

Don't start a war and then lose it, then you won't get disarmed.

Get it, moron?

Nope, the moral of the story is...

Average citizens don't need guns to be free. In fact, quite the contrary, Germany had private gun ownership, and that didn't stop the Nazis from taking over..

Gun ownership is really about your insecurity. You can't win elections, but damn it, you still have your gun!
Yes, but you're a dumbfuck. So your evaluations are worth exactly shit.
I'm saying if we live in a society where we find it perfectly acceptable that a man is giving a choice between crime and starving, and he takes a chance on crime, there is something wrong with out society.
I guess you missed the link with all the food pantries in the little town in Texas, huh?

Yet there you go, defending the criminal again.


NOt defending at all.

The fact he exists is an indictment of society.
You claim you're not defending him -- then you blame society for his actions.

You really are a stupid, stupid little man.

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