12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.
Wrong. Breaking the law isn't the answer...but that never occurred to you, did it?

We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Safer from those 2 million people.

Not really.

When you take a pot smoker and toss him into a cell for three years with a rapist, and he gets bullied every day, do you really feel safer when that guy gets out. You've just t urned a guy who smokes a little weed into an anti-social threat.

But someone is making a shit load of money on the Prison-Industrial Complex in this country.
You don't need weed.

What? You don't like it when someone decides for you what you don't need?

Then perhaps you shouldn't decide what weapons people don't need.

^^^ sad that he can't buy a gun with his EBT card.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I could never see another gun in my life and be perfectly happy.

Unlike folks like you, who just can't live without them, because you can't fill the empty hole in your lives.

Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.
Again...if their fellow citizens would stop breaking the law, no one would need weapons to defend themselves with.

You simply can't blame the criminals for their actions, can you?
I guess one thing is for sure in the great fun gun debate.

If we were all sitting across a table from one another, each with their favorite weapon in front of them, the political discourse would be more polite and respectful.

Or there would be a bunch of dead message board commandos.

Maybe the entire USA should be armed and considered dangerous.
If gun owners were as dangerous as anti-gun advocates claim, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun advocates. :cool:
That sign should be illegal. You cannot let potential burglars know that a house is unarmed, as it places the occupants at risk.
So what's the difference between that sign and city ordinances that don't allow people to own firearms?


Like those gun free zones at the school shooting ranges?

Yup. The signs that say GUN FREE ZONE may as well say COME ON IN, CRIMINALS! NO ONE HERE CAN STOP YOU!
14 yr old murdered my cousins boy. Shot him in the back of the head from ambush.
Damned inport from MY!

Does this disprove the need for the second ammendment.
A society that doesn't have a house full of guns will have a country full of prisons with political prisoners.


Most countries do NOT have gun ownership as wide as we do.

Nor is gun ownership a protection from government abuse. In fact, the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and guys who are much better shots.

The whole batshit crazy notion - even crazier than thinking you need them for home protection- is the idea that you need them to protect you from the government.

If the government comes for you, it will be to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.

Again ding bat answer the fucking question how many political prisoners does the U.S. have?

Couldn't tell you. Don't care. Probably more than any of us think.

Has nothing to do with guns.

^^^ sad that he can't buy a gun with his EBT card.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I could never see another gun in my life and be perfectly happy.

Unlike folks like you, who just can't live without them, because you can't fill the empty hole in your lives.

I have no hole in my life. I own a home full of things I've worked hard for and people I love who I think are worth protecting. Is there anything in your life so worth protecting that you would be willing use deadly force?

If not, you are a sad, pathetic pussy.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill
Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.
Wrong. Breaking the law isn't the answer...but that never occurred to you, did it?


Not saying it was an "answer".

It's a PROBLEM. We have a subset of people in this country who are so desperate they break laws.

Not a problem thos SOOOOOOOOOCIALIST countries have. They take care of people.

Which is why we lock up 2 million and Germany only locks up 78,000.


I wonder what the Germans are doing right?

Most countries do NOT have gun ownership as wide as we do.

Nor is gun ownership a protection from government abuse. In fact, the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and guys who are much better shots.

The whole batshit crazy notion - even crazier than thinking you need them for home protection- is the idea that you need them to protect you from the government.

If the government comes for you, it will be to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.

Again ding bat answer the fucking question how many political prisoners does the U.S. have?

Couldn't tell you. Don't care. Probably more than any of us think.

Has nothing to do with guns.
Political prisoners in the US?


Well, it used to be -- then Obama was elected.
We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.
Wrong. Breaking the law isn't the answer...but that never occurred to you, did it?


Not saying it was an "answer".

It's a PROBLEM. We have a subset of people in this country who are so desperate they break laws.

Not a problem thos SOOOOOOOOOCIALIST countries have. They take care of people.

Which is why we lock up 2 million and Germany only locks up 78,000.


I wonder what the Germans are doing right?
Pssst! This isn't Germany. Dumbass.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

Dumbass - not a pacifist.

I just don't think every asshole out there should have a gun. Frankly, I'm more scared of an asshole like you or Ernie, who sits here typing all day on how much you hate the government and the president, and you have small arsenals in easy reach. (You know, this is what Ernie said earlier... He apparently has 12 guns near his computer terminal.)

Because you aren't rational and you think violence is an answer to problems
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.
Again...if their fellow citizens would stop breaking the law, no one would need weapons to defend themselves with.

You simply can't blame the criminals for their actions, can you?

Joe insists that this burglar's injuries are the result of a 12 year old girl having access to a gun.
He isn't real big on taking responsibility for one's actions.
Did I WANT to shoot the man that was breaking down my door to rape my wife? Hell no!. Would I have lost any sleep had I filled his chest with buck shot? Nope.
Would that man's death have been my fault? Nope. It would have been my duty. Would it have been the fault of Miller Brewing Company? No again his fault for drinking too much of their product. Mossberg? Nope. Remmington's ammunition? Uh uh. It would have been old drunk Doug's fault.
Wrong. Breaking the law isn't the answer...but that never occurred to you, did it?


Not saying it was an "answer".

It's a PROBLEM. We have a subset of people in this country who are so desperate they break laws.

Not a problem thos SOOOOOOOOOCIALIST countries have. They take care of people.

Which is why we lock up 2 million and Germany only locks up 78,000.


I wonder what the Germans are doing right?
Pssst! This isn't Germany. Dumbass.

You're right. Because right after WWII, a guy named Dwight D. Eisenhower collected up every privately owned gun in Germany and had them melted down.

And the Germans found- gosh darn, they just didn't need them.

Joe insists that this burglar's injuries are the result of a 12 year old girl having access to a gun.
He isn't real big on taking responsibility for one's actions.
Did I WANT to shoot the man that was breaking down my door to rape my wife? Hell no!. Would I have lost any sleep had I filled his chest with buck shot? Nope.
Would that man's death have been my fault? Nope. It would have been my duty. Would it have been the fault of Miller Brewing Company? No again his fault for drinking too much of their product. Mossberg? Nope. Remmington's ammunition? Uh uh. It would have been old drunk Doug's fault.

I'm saying if we live in a society where we find it perfectly acceptable that a man is giving a choice between crime and starving, and he takes a chance on crime, there is something wrong with out society.

Now, this guy might well have been a social misfit. We have a lot of them.

Maybe your friend Doug (seriously, you were on a first name basis with the guy who attacked your family?) had serious issues, too. Honestly the whole thing sounds a bit too trailer park for me.
I was in the Army for 11 years. I could never see another gun in my life and be perfectly happy.

Unlike folks like you, who just can't live without them, because you can't fill the empty hole in your lives.

I have no hole in my life. I own a home full of things I've worked hard for and people I love who I think are worth protecting. Is there anything in your life so worth protecting that you would be willing use deadly force?

If not, you are a sad, pathetic pussy.
John Stuart Mill had Joe nailed:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

I pity you, then.
12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment - Celia Bigelow - Page 1

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun

As the left continues to advocate for further restrictions on the Second Amendment, others are using it to save their lives.

This past Wednesday a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house. Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.

The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door. The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed. The police arrived and took the man into custody.

What would have happened had the girl not been armed? We can’t be sure, but there are far too many stories of young girls being kidnapped, murdered, and raped.

Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive gun laws?

Which one of you libs would prefer that this little girl be UNARMED?

There is no requirement to ‘prove’ the need of a civil liberty; our rights predate governments and constitutions, they are a consequence of the human condition. The issue concerns the extent to which the state may limit our civil rights.

With regard to conservatives and the Second Amendment, however, the issue is political, not legal, and their desperate attempt to revive a wedge issue that is no longer viable.

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