12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

You are a moron. So in your fucked up little world.....Street gangs are protected? Organized violent crime is protected by the second amendment?

Methinks you have guns you don't want registered and you don't give a shit how many poor inner city kids get killed in order to keep them unregistered.

What does the second amendment say?
Those inner cities are the ones with all the gun control laws aren't they? FUCKING IDIOT.

Fucking Idiot? FUCKING IDIOT? What good are those laws when they can't be enforced? The only people those laws hurt are law abiding citizens! The criminals don't give a shit about gun control laws! I think the concept of gun control laws are fucking stupid.....I'm saying to get the ILLEGAL guns out of the hands of criminals who are committing violent crimes with them. Because THAT is the catalyst for all the calls for gun control.....Like I said, it's not some Communist plot....it's the frustration and the fear of people who see their neighbors, friends and loved ones killed every day by criminals.

Maybe you should RE-READ my post. I'm saying you (assuming you are a law-abiding citizen) should be allowed to own as many and whatever type of gun you want. All you have to do is register them. That's not taking your guns away...that's actually doing away with stupid fucking laws that are totally ineffective.

Hell, I'd love to see a ballistics database....just in case a law-abiding citizen like yourself decides to go off the reservation and kills someone. Every gun sold should be test fired and the ballistic data recorded.

Worse than useless. The "ballistic tests" you see on TV are fantasy. Ballistics change, barrels get replaced...while ballistics can often rule OUT a certain weapon (example: a round from my wife's Beretta and a round from a Glock 19 would have different markings), actually "matching" it is cop-show fantasy. My uncle's Ruger and my S&W Model 29 simply CANNOT be tested...rounds from these big, high-velocity, high-powered pistols simply disintegrate on impact. They do not fragment, they turn to powder. Also note: neither has its original barrel.

And, of course, my shotgun doesn't HAVE ballistics!
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.

A society that doesn't have a house full of guns will have a country full of prisons with political prisoners.
Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

This would be consistent with the fact that you and most other rightists are reprehensible.

The fact that you would defend the actions of this pos would be consistent with the liberal lefts rerehensible beliefs that people are never responsible for their own bad actions and that scumbags have the right to be scumbags even if they break into your home and threaten the safety of your children. The poster said it right, too bad this girl didn't kill the sob because you can bet the next time he breaks into a home, and their will be a next time, he will be armed.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.

A society that doesn't have a house full of guns will have a country full of prisons with political prisoners.


Most countries do NOT have gun ownership as wide as we do.

Nor is gun ownership a protection from government abuse. In fact, the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and guys who are much better shots.

The whole batshit crazy notion - even crazier than thinking you need them for home protection- is the idea that you need them to protect you from the government.

If the government comes for you, it will be to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.
Well later scrotes, I'm going outside now to let my 11yr old neice shoot my AK.

Don't forget the 'gun control' lesson... Both hands, steady squeeze...

You got that right. Was kidding about the AK, my son does shoot it, but my neice is just learning to shoot, so we used the Ruger 10/22 and my Sig 9mm loading one round at a time at frst just to get her used to the recoil and such. She did well with the Ruger but was a bit scared of the 9mm so was scattering her shots. That's ok just breaking her of her fear for now, we'll do it agan next Sunday after church and start working on hitting center of mass shots with the 9mm. She didn't do bad with the .22 putting multiple rounds chest area of the target.
Sorry, man, you bring up some weird point about political prisoners, like that had anything to do with the discussion, you don't have a point.

A society that needs to keep guns in every household because they are terrified of their fellow citizens breaking in looking for food or money has a serious fear problem.

A society that doesn't have a house full of guns will have a country full of prisons with political prisoners.


Most countries do NOT have gun ownership as wide as we do.

Nor is gun ownership a protection from government abuse. In fact, the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and guys who are much better shots.

The whole batshit crazy notion - even crazier than thinking you need them for home protection- is the idea that you need them to protect you from the government.

If the government comes for you, it will be to the cheering of your neighbors because you were frightening their children.

Again ding bat answer the fucking question how many political prisoners does the U.S. have?
I'm saying that a citizen like you or I who aren't criminals should be allowed all the weaponry we can afford to have.....Criminals....especially violent criminals and/or those with gang afilliations shouldn't have them to continue their reign of terror in our cities and that is slowly creeping into our suburbs and rural communities.

Registering my lawful gun doesnt keep the criminal from having one.

No....but if you want criminals NOT to have them...then you....with nothing to hide....should have no problem registering your lawful gun to get rid of the illegal ones. I would have no problem registering my firearms. That is such an asinine statement I don't know where to begin my response. First of all, registering my firearms, or any other law abiding citizens firearms will have ZERO effect on the sale and purchase of black market firearms by the criminal element and it will do NOTHING to gert rid of ilegal firearms. It will effect illegal firearms and the possesion of firearms by those not legally allowed to own them not at all. Secondly, the thug with a pistol is less of a threat to me than the govt, so I don't want the govt to know about my firearms period. It wasn't the local scumbags that went door to door during Katrina taking firearms from law abiding citizens leaving them at the mercy of thugs, it was the freaking police dept.

I don't have anything special...a shotgun(12Ga), a deer rifle(.270), a .22, and a .44 revolver. I do have a PA conceal permit for the pistol....but I never carry the weapon other than to transport it to the firing range at the sportsman's club I belong to. And that's your choice and your right, just as for others it is their choice to strap on a 9mm and carry it whereever and whenever they want.

To me, it's a matter of public safety and National Security. The act of registering isn't taking your second amendment rights away.....it's creating a line between legal and illegal.....nothing more. Especially if the act of registering loosens the current laws so that you can purchase any weapon you can afford to buy. Now this is the second time you've said me regiseting my firearms would have an effect on joe scumbag and his illegal ownership of a firearm, so can you please explain to us how this would work out. How me registering my legally purchased firearms would stop some dope dealing scumbag from illegally owning a firearm, thanks.
Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.

Point was, he wasn't charged with anything, despite your faux outrage. I'm sure if the authorities could make a case stick, they would have. Retarded or not, 17 is the age of consent in that state. And when she's 18, she can vote REpublican, which you'd need to be retarded to do at this point.

Seeing that most crimes in this nation are committed by people who have been locked up and then LET OUT, locking them up isn't the problem, it letting the violent repeat offenders back out agains that's the problem. Much better we exectuted anyone caught for their second violent offense, along with anyone locked up for a heinously violent first offense. As for the rest of that bs, that's exactly what it is, bs.
[QUOTE=Old Rocks; "If I cannot defend myself with five rounds in a high powered rifle, the situation is hopeless in any case". The only time I have had to defend myself with a gun I had a single shot 12 gauge. Backed down 10 people who thought they could do Tell that to Ed Eaton and those lives that saved by him. Someone should have shoved that 12ga up your dumb ass, dumbass.
Hey should 12 year olds be able to buy their own weapons? You know, just walk in to the local gun store, plop down their piggy bank and say; gimme a glock with the big clip. I got some problems to resolve.

That should be legal. Right gun lovers. I mean, many of you on here have been handling weapons since you were in diapers. Why not have kids be able to arm themselves? Carry concealed to school?

You're stupidity is only over shadowed by your willingness to flaunt said stupidity in a public forum without an ounce of shame or embarressment. This is the funniest thing about you leftists scrotes, your inablity to see what brain dead morons you actually sound like when you spew bs like this, all the while thinking you're being such clever little twits.

No more stupid than the idea that you are going to make war on the hated government.

And win.

But you insist that you will be able to do just that. And yea, I like to exagerate. It goes well with all the hyperboyle posted by rethugs.

But it is weird the you are training very young kids to handle all sorts of weapons but don't support said youngins being able to buy weapons.

Why is that? Aren't they responsible enough? I mean, it would have to be with at least an 18 year olds consent. They can shoot anything but can't buy a .22.

Bet the NRA would think it a good idea. Ask em.

But even I think the CCW is a bit much for 12 year olds. Should be 16 at least, don't ya think?

And to bad that you can't figure out that as we continually loosen gun control laws to the point where there are no gun control laws (and make no mistake, there are those that want no gun laws. Right?) then the idea that I put forward of kids buying guns is not all that far fetched.

Stupid are the people like you that think you will fight the government. And win.

And you really should get a grip on just what it is you think I am. Because I assure you, you are wrong.

No, I think you're a dumbass, and I'm always right about these things.
I guess one thing is for sure in the great fun gun debate.

If we were all sitting across a table from one another, each with their favorite weapon in front of them, the political discourse would be more polite and respectful.

Or there would be a bunch of dead message board commandos.

Maybe the entire USA should be armed and considered dangerous.

No, you're wrong. When dealing with brain dead leftist a-holes I'm never respectful to them because I have no respect for them.


You rw's are just plain stooopid.

Even though President Obama has made no move to even discuss gun control, you fell for the propaganda from the gun makers and they've been raking in the bucks.

Hint: it was Rmoney who pass gun control laws in Mass. Idiots.

Even so, he's no real danger to you either because, as Norquist said, all they need is someone who can hold the pen and sign where they tell him to.

So, see? He doesn't have to use the brain he doesn't have and neither do any of you. You can just keep your silly lame assed fantasies about playing Mighty Mouse and saving everyone from the Big Bad Guy With The Gun.

Did I mention Obama, you retard? No, I didn't, you retard.

Oh, and did I say you're a retard? Why, yes. Yes, I did.

But only because you are.

Say, retard, do you think Obama is the first leftist gun-hater ever? No, retard, there have been many leftist gun-haters. Some have been more successful than others at taking away the rights of Americans. Oddly, though, the laws they pass affect only law-abiding people. Leftist gun-hating retards seem to think the criminals will suddenly start obeying the law.

It never works. Criminals still get guns. Law-abiding people are disarmed, and the end result is more crime and more victims.

You retard.
By that standard, if I am ever around when someone is trying to kill you, I shouldn't help because I am not in danger.

Thanks for clearing that up.
If I had an anti gun neighbor this is the sign I would place in my front yard next to theirs


That sign should be illegal. You cannot let potential burglars know that a house is unarmed, as it places the occupants at risk.
So what's the difference between that sign and city ordinances that don't allow people to own firearms?

If I had an anti gun neighbor this is the sign I would place in my front yard next to theirs


That sign should be illegal. You cannot let potential burglars know that a house is unarmed, as it places the occupants at risk.
So what's the difference between that sign and city ordinances that don't allow people to own firearms?


Like those gun free zones at the school shooting ranges?
I know the difference in your and you're

You ignorant right wing assholes make my rectum crave buttermilk. Have you got your shotgun with you today?

Deflection and personal atacks, you out of ideas there lefty. If an error in grammer is all you got, you got nothing. BTW I always have my shotguns, rifles, revolvers and pistols handy, drop by anytime, I'll show you what a responsible gun owner looks like.

I've lived in TN for 78 years and I know about gun owners. There's the good old boy who keeps one double barrelled shotgun to hunt rabbits and there's the debt-riddled wuss who is scared of his own shadow, has a carry permit and keeps a small arsenal to impress his beer drinking buddies. He more than likely also has a rebel flag displayed in the rear window of his old truck which has loud mufflers.

Also....I've forgotten more about real guns than most of them will ever know. I was trained in AAA in 1957/58 in the U S army and served in the TN guards for six years. The 90mm gun which was used in AAA back in the day was also the main gun on an M-48 medium Patton tank on one of which I was tank commander when I was discharged from the old company C, 5th Btn, 109th armored division back in the 60's. If a man was standing to the side within 10-12 ft. when a 90 was fired the concussion would knock a helmet liner off his head. That's a real gun. Once my crew shot down a 6X6 ft. target at fifteen hundred yards and then proceeded to shoot down the mounting stakes. That's a real gun. When the 90 was mounted in a tank there was no space to accomodate the normal 44" recoil so they shortened it to 18" and let the 50 ton tank absorb the rest. I've seen them set on the firing line and rock each time the big gun was fired until the cleated tracks would be dug into the ground a foot or more from the repeated rocking...that's a real gun.

No, this is a real gun. In fact, it is nine of them, and it would level a city block when it hit. Your standing target would have been nothing but a crater, and you wouldn't be able to find the stakes, much less shoot them down with your pop gun. If you were 20 - 24 feet of it when it fired it would knock the helmet liner off your head and they would need a bucket to pick you up.

I know the difference in your and you're

You ignorant right wing assholes make my rectum crave buttermilk. Have you got your shotgun with you today?

Deflection and personal atacks, you out of ideas there lefty. If an error in grammer is all you got, you got nothing. BTW I always have my shotguns, rifles, revolvers and pistols handy, drop by anytime, I'll show you what a responsible gun owner looks like.

I've lived in TN for 78 years and I know about gun owners. There's the good old boy who keeps one double barrelled shotgun to hunt rabbits and there's the debt-riddled wuss who is scared of his own shadow, has a carry permit and keeps a small arsenal to impress his beer drinking buddies. He more than likely also has a rebel flag displayed in the rear window of his old truck which has loud mufflers.

Also....I've forgotten more about real guns than most of them will ever know. I was trained in AAA in 1957/58 in the U S army and served in the TN guards for six years. The 90mm gun which was used in AAA back in the day was also the main gun on an M-48 medium Patton tank on one of which I was tank commander when I was discharged from the old company C, 5th Btn, 109th armored division back in the 60's. If a man was standing to the side within 10-12 ft. when a 90 was fired the concussion would knock a helmet liner off his head. That's a real gun. Once my crew shot down a 6X6 ft. target at fifteen hundred yards and then proceeded to shoot down the mounting stakes. That's a real gun. When the 90 was mounted in a tank there was no space to accomodate the normal 44" recoil so they shortened it to 18" and let the 50 ton tank absorb the rest. I've seen them set on the firing line and rock each time the big gun was fired until the cleated tracks would be dug into the ground a foot or more from the repeated rocking...that's a real gun.
Oooh. You must have a huge penis.
If I had a gun nut put a sign like the one you gun nuts are so proud of, I would have to make up my own sign.

One that said something like; Thieves, the asshole that lives next door has an arsenal in his home. And no one is home. Help yourself. I won't call the police.

Then when you came over to complain that you were robbed, I would shoot you. Mistakenly of course.

It would be a real tradegy. But I would get over it.

Actually, if the chain of events you just described happened, you would be in jail for urging others on to an illegal action, which is not protected speech.

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