12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment

Is it more believable coming from a left wing rag?
12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate


Yeah, actually, it's kind of telling.

Calera Police Chief Don Hyde also assisted in catching Jones, who told Hyde he had been shot. Jones then pointed to the girl's house and said that he had been homeless for the last 10 days and was hungry.

Gee, so he's not some hardened criminal, he was just some guy looking for food.

Kind of puts the story in a different light, except for far right wingers who think that the homeless are such because of their own moral failings.

Do you think the 12 years old girl should have been allowed to defend herself any way she could?

Of course he doesn't. He's a liberal scrote that thinks the "poor homeless guy" has the right to kick in that girl's parent's door because it's obvious that if they have a house and food they got it by exploiting that "poor homeless guy" and hundreds of thousands of others like him, and he was just taking back what he rightly desreves and that 12yr old girl should be arrested for not allowing that "poor homeless guy" to have the food he needed to live on. Man, don't you know anything about how the left thinks? lol.
Are you saying 500 child deaths are "acceptable" losses in your right to feel your false sense of security?

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns, and countries like Germany or Japan where private gun ownership is rare they have substatially lower crime rates.

They also don't let people become "homeless".

I find it amusing that rather than wanting to fix economic injustice, you would rather just have a pile of guns in the house to protect yourself from the consequences...

We become a bunch of apes with a club protecting our pile of stuff.
Cause and effect, Joe. People in Germany have a lower crime rate. (cause) They have less need to use firearms to protect themselves. (effect)

Protecting our pile of stuff from the apes that would use force to take it, is our right.
What you want to do is limit the effect and make the cause safer.
Taking away my right to protect my property is not the solution. Taking away my need to protect my property is.

Again, that gun is probably more of a danger to your household than it is to any bad guy. Statistics prove this.

Why does Germany have a lower crime rate.

Well, first, they don't let every asshole own a gun.

Second, they actually have a social welfare system that doesn't let people 'fall through the cracks" like this guy obviously did. Or at least not as many.

Another interesting stat for you "Law and Order" types. We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 308 million. The Germans lock up 78,000 out of a population of 80 million.

All these guns, all these prisons, and you are still afraid.

Doesn't that say a lot.

The one person I know who has killed themselves did it when he was in high school his family did not own guns he made his own 22 caliber firearms or zip gun and killed himself
Yeah, actually, it's kind of telling.

Gee, so he's not some hardened criminal, he was just some guy looking for food.

Kind of puts the story in a different light, except for far right wingers who think that the homeless are such because of their own moral failings.

Do you think the 12 years old girl should have been allowed to defend herself any way she could?

Of course he doesn't. He's a liberal scrote that thinks the "poor homeless guy" has the right to kick in that girl's parent's door because it's obvious that if they have a house and food they got it by exploiting that "poor homeless guy" and hundreds of thousands of others like him, and he was just taking back what he rightly desreves and that 12yr old girl should be arrested for not allowing that "poor homeless guy" to have the food he needed to live on. Man, don't you know anything about how the left thinks? lol.
He's already answered that first word was DEPENDS.I stopped reading his bullshit after that.
Of course it would be real funny for the thieves to follow the directions on the gun lovers sign, break into the house the gun lover claims is not defended by guns. And the thief gets shot and sues the owner of the sign for false advertising. And wins.

Or is it that the gun nut is such a pussy that he has to put up a sign that says; I am such a puss that I have to have guns, but the neighbor next door doens't have any. SO break into his house and leave me alone. I am already scared to death.

No what's really funny is that the leftist scrote that lives in the house next door, you know the one who wants a ban on people owning guns, probably does have guns in his home because him being a typical hypocritical leftist a-hole really means he wants to ban everyone, but other leftist a-holes like him, from owning guns.

Of course he doesn't. He's a liberal scrote that thinks the "poor homeless guy" has the right to kick in that girl's parent's door because it's obvious that if they have a house and food they got it by exploiting that "poor homeless guy" and hundreds of thousands of others like him, and he was just taking back what he rightly desreves and that 12yr old girl should be arrested for not allowing that "poor homeless guy" to have the food he needed to live on. Man, don't you know anything about how the left thinks? lol.

Where did I say he has a "right" to do that.

In fact, I specifically said I had no sympathy for his plight.

I just pointed out that despite the usual blather from the gun fetishists, there is not an army of homeless people ready to descend on you like the Zombie Apocolypse, which is what you jokers seem to be arming yourselves for.
He's already answered that first word was DEPENDS.I stopped reading his bullshit after that.

Really, I thought it was because of your reading comprehension problems...

You just don't seem very bright, like most gun fetishists.
Oh, then why wasn't he charged with a crime, then.

I mean, your whole argument was that he was some kind of pervert becaue he gave a 17 year old retarded girl a ride.

And the police didn't charge him with anything.

(I already know the answer, but let's see if Google Cleetus can find it.)

You really are a dumbfuck, Joe. He picked up the girl on Monday afternoon at her school and dropped her off Tuesday afternoon at a firehouse IN TEXAS!!

The article stated, "Jones is expected to be charged with harboring a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to police.

Read more: Durant Daily Democrat - Missing Durant teen dropped off in Denison

Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.
Hey should 12 year olds be able to buy their own weapons? You know, just walk in to the local gun store, plop down their piggy bank and say; gimme a glock with the big clip. I got some problems to resolve.

That should be legal. Right gun lovers. I mean, many of you on here have been handling weapons since you were in diapers. Why not have kids be able to arm themselves? Carry concealed to school?

You're stupidity is only over shadowed by your willingness to flaunt said stupidity in a public forum without an ounce of shame or embarressment. This is the funniest thing about you leftists scrotes, your inablity to see what brain dead morons you actually sound like when you spew bs like this, all the while thinking you're being such clever little twits.
Well later scrotes, I'm going outside now to let my 11yr old neice shoot my AK.
You really are a dumbfuck, Joe. He picked up the girl on Monday afternoon at her school and dropped her off Tuesday afternoon at a firehouse IN TEXAS!!

The article stated, "Jones is expected to be charged with harboring a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to police.

Read more: Durant Daily Democrat - Missing Durant teen dropped off in Denison

Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

This would be consistent with the fact that you and most other rightists are reprehensible.
You tell me. I just threw out a proposal.....I think that, first and foremost, giving Gangs and organized crime the distinction of "Domestic Terrorists" would be the first step. These are not individual acts of crime....this is a segment of our society that puts good people in their path in a situation of fear for their lives on a daily basis. They've killed innumerable amounts of innocent lives, they recruit our children into their ranks, and they poison our people with the drugs they get people hooked on for free to create a long term market in the form of addiction.

Don't know what your getting at with the Walmart thing.

The WalMart thing was an attempt at humor. You;d have to hang out at a WalMart in Alabama to understand...
I agree. Getting guns out of the hands of criminals would go a long way towards solving the problem.
No warrant searches of the person and residence of violent criminals on probation would be one place to start, but it would take huge resources in manpower just to issue search warrants for anyone not on probation.

That's why I think Criminal Gangs and organized crime in general should be labeled as Domestic Terrorists and a direct threat to our National Security so we can bypass the Posse Comitatus law. It is a National problem...not a local or Statewide one. The Bloods, Crips, MS13, and a host of other Organized Crime Organizations are Nationwide entities that control a large part of our urban landscape....their activities are one of the main catalysts for the calls for gun laws that affect law abiding citizens and give a huge advantage to the criminals who ignore the laws.

I understand what you're saying, but, DAMN that's a slippery slope. Anyone proposing it would be labeled "Racist" in a heart beat. I really don't want to give the current administration the ability to decide what a domestic terrorist would be either. Shit! I'm a Christian, gun owning, vocal Conservative biker. My ass would be in Gitmo in a heart beat.
You tell me. I just threw out a proposal.....I think that, first and foremost, giving Gangs and organized crime the distinction of "Domestic Terrorists" would be the first step. These are not individual acts of crime....this is a segment of our society that puts good people in their path in a situation of fear for their lives on a daily basis. They've killed innumerable amounts of innocent lives, they recruit our children into their ranks, and they poison our people with the drugs they get people hooked on for free to create a long term market in the form of addiction.

Don't know what your getting at with the Walmart thing.

The WalMart thing was an attempt at humor. You;d have to hang out at a WalMart in Alabama to understand...
I agree. Getting guns out of the hands of criminals would go a long way towards solving the problem.
No warrant searches of the person and residence of violent criminals on probation would be one place to start, but it would take huge resources in manpower just to issue search warrants for anyone not on probation.

That's why I think Criminal Gangs and organized crime in general should be labeled as Domestic Terrorists and a direct threat to our National Security so we can bypass the Posse Comitatus law. It is a National problem...not a local or Statewide one. The Bloods, Crips, MS13, and a host of other Organized Crime Organizations are Nationwide entities that control a large part of our urban landscape....their activities are one of the main catalysts for the calls for gun laws that affect law abiding citizens and give a huge advantage to the criminals who ignore the laws.

Criminal gangs think of themselves as families. When gays finally get the total demise of the concept of family and multiple spouses become the norm, gang members will be able to use spousal immunity laws and won't put put in the position of testifying against one another. We certainly couldn't possibly start labeling families as terrorist groups. Liberals will be screaming that conservatives want to put grandma in prison.
I'm saying that a citizen like you or I who aren't criminals should be allowed all the weaponry we can afford to have.....Criminals....especially violent criminals and/or those with gang afilliations shouldn't have them to continue their reign of terror in our cities and that is slowly creeping into our suburbs and rural communities.

Registering my lawful gun doesnt keep the criminal from having one.

No....but if you want criminals NOT to have them...then you....with nothing to hide....should have no problem registering your lawful gun to get rid of the illegal ones. I would have no problem registering my firearms.

I don't have anything special...a shotgun(12Ga), a deer rifle(.270), a .22, and a .44 revolver. I do have a PA conceal permit for the pistol....but I never carry the weapon other than to transport it to the firing range at the sportsman's club I belong to.

To me, it's a matter of public safety and National Security. The act of registering isn't taking your second amendment rights away.....it's creating a line between legal and illegal.....nothing more. Especially if the act of registering loosens the current laws so that you can purchase any weapon you can afford to buy.
Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.

Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

This would be consistent with the fact that you and most other rightists are reprehensible.

Reprehensible?? Really? You fucking liberal apologists that want to mollycoddle twisted perverts are what is 'reprehensible'. You'd rather this sick freak walks free to molest how many more?

You are a sick fuck, Clayton. Thanks for illustrating it clearly!
Nobody made him out to be Charles Manson, you hyperbolic nutbag. I don't care if the motherfucker was pure as the driven snow, (which he OBVIOUSLY isn't, considering his taking advantage of a retarded teenaged girl), as soon as he broke into that house he became a THREAT to the 12 year old inside, REGARDLESS of his original motivation.

Think about it, Joe.

You've got a 32 year old MAN taking advantage of a 17 year old handicapped girl who functions, according to the story, on a 10-12 year old level. He takes her to another state and drops her at a fire station. This guy is NOT someone you would bring home to meet the family.

I wish the little girl had killed him, it would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE on his future incarceration costs.

We lock up 2 million people, and we aren't any safer.

Maybe locking people up isn't the answer... just saying.

Point was, he wasn't charged with anything, despite your faux outrage. I'm sure if the authorities could make a case stick, they would have. Retarded or not, 17 is the age of consent in that state. And when she's 18, she can vote REpublican, which you'd need to be retarded to do at this point.

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