12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun, Proves Need of 2nd Amendment


You're afraid of Mormons too. I guess you're simply afraid that people who's political views differ from yours are protected by something called a Constitution

Well, it horrifies me that someone can start a con religion, use it as an excuse to have sex with dozens of women, including teenage girls, and 150 years with enough whitewash and bullshit, stupid people will go along with putting one of these cultists at the top of a national ticket.

Religion is something we need to outgrow as a species. Religion has never done anything good, not once, in human history.

but if you can't dismiss the obvious frauds like Mormonism, Scientology, etc.... how are we going to outgrow the ones that almost seem rational.

and be worth $250 million dollars and never once have to drink a cup of coffee to get it all done.
Same FULL name, same age, same town, same guy.


Not really. But you keep telling yourself you is a Google Genuis, Cleetus.

Durant, Oklahoma has less than 16,000 residents. I'd say the odds are about 15,999 to 1.


Oh, then why wasn't he charged with a crime, then.

I mean, your whole argument was that he was some kind of pervert becaue he gave a 17 year old retarded girl a ride.

And the police didn't charge him with anything.

(I already know the answer, but let's see if Google Cleetus can find it.)

You're afraid of Mormons too. I guess you're simply afraid that people who's political views differ from yours are protected by something called a Constitution

Well, it horrifies me that someone can start a con religion, use it as an excuse to have sex with dozens of women, including teenage girls, and 150 years with enough whitewash and bullshit, stupid people will go along with putting one of these cultists at the top of a national ticket.

Religion is something we need to outgrow as a species. Religion has never done anything good, not once, in human history.

but if you can't dismiss the obvious frauds like Mormonism, Scientology, etc.... how are we going to outgrow the ones that almost seem rational.

and be worth $250 million dollars and never once have to drink a cup of coffee to get it all done.

Nope. All he had to do was put working people out of jobs, send jobs to China, defraud banks into loaning him money he eventually defaulted on, get a bunch of govenrment bailouts for his various schemes.

Born on third base and thought he hit a triple.
Fucking Idiot? FUCKING IDIOT? What good are those laws when they can't be enforced? The only people those laws hurt are law abiding citizens! The criminals don't give a shit about gun control laws! I think the concept of gun control laws are fucking stupid.....I'm saying to get the ILLEGAL guns out of the hands of criminals who are committing violent crimes with them. Because THAT is the catalyst for all the calls for gun control.....Like I said, it's not some Communist plot....it's the frustration and the fear of people who see their neighbors, friends and loved ones killed every day by criminals.

Maybe you should RE-READ my post. I'm saying you (assuming you are a law-abiding citizen) should be allowed to own as many and whatever type of gun you want. All you have to do is register them. That's not taking your guns away...that's actually doing away with stupid fucking laws that are totally ineffective.

Hell, I'd love to see a ballistics database....just in case a law-abiding citizen like yourself decides to go off the reservation and kills someone. Every gun sold should be test fired and the ballistic data recorded.

In short? If you want to see a "fucking idiot".....look in a mirror.

Yes you are a fucking idiot. When gun control laws came to be it did not make anyone one safe but the criminals.

Ummm....that's why I'm not calling for gun control laws. One of the rhetorical talking points of the NRA is "if you make guns illegal, then only criminals will have guns".....which is absolutely 100% correct.

What I am saying is make all guns legal and registered....then get rid of the illegal ones. Then only law abiding citizens will have guns, in fact.....they can have a hell of an arsenal.

Why are you protecting gang members? Inner city poor citizens don't matter to you?
Get rid of the illegal ones? Who will define what the illegal ones are? Someone who supports an assault weapons ban?
How would people feel about this?

OK....first off....good for the girl. I'm glad she's OK and let me say that I support Gun rights in this country......OK.....onto my thought.

Many of our problems in this country with firearms is NOT with law abiding citizens. The Idea of banning guns....even assault weapons from these people is ludicrous. Sure...you get the occasional jealous husband, mentally unstable person going on a rampage, etc.....but by and large, gun violence in this country is perpetrated by criminals. So what I propose is this:

When we pull our troops out of Afghanistan, we use these battle hardened troops to confiscate all ILLEGAL weapons. Start on the East coast. Make an announcement first, so that people can either voluntarily turn them in, or get them registered. Then send in the troops to confiscate the ones that remain.

The violence in our inner cities is horrible, and these tough economic times makes it worse...crime becomes a reasonable option for more and more people in dire straights. Gangs rule many neighborhoods and hold good people hostage to their violence and intimidation. They are a direct threat to our people and I feel they should be fairly labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

To disarm people like this is not a violation of the second amendment, it is a matter of National Security and the protection of our people. Question.....where do you think most of the calls for gun bans come from? The good people of these crime ridden streets that see and live with this shit every day. They want it to end.....it's not some Commie plot.....it's people who live in these pockets of hell in our country.

I think that this would be a reasonable compromise between a "gun ban" and letting criminals kill rampantly for the sake of good, law abiding gun owners.

How do you go about that? First of all, Posse Comitatus prohibits using federal troops for domestic law enforcement. Secondly, will you be sending Law Enforcement Officers door to door, or setting up metal detectors at WalMart?

You tell me. I just threw out a proposal.....I think that, first and foremost, giving Gangs and organized crime the distinction of "Domestic Terrorists" would be the first step. These are not individual acts of crime....this is a segment of our society that puts good people in their path in a situation of fear for their lives on a daily basis. They've killed innumerable amounts of innocent lives, they recruit our children into their ranks, and they poison our people with the drugs they get people hooked on for free to create a long term market in the form of addiction.

Don't know what your getting at with the Walmart thing.

The WalMart thing was an attempt at humor. You;d have to hang out at a WalMart in Alabama to understand...
I agree. Getting guns out of the hands of criminals would go a long way towards solving the problem.
No warrant searches of the person and residence of violent criminals on probation would be one place to start, but it would take huge resources in manpower just to issue search warrants for anyone not on probation.
Nope. All he had to do was put working people out of jobs, send jobs to China, defraud banks into loaning him money he eventually defaulted on, get a bunch of govenrment bailouts for his various schemes.

And still he is within the margins or ahead of the incumbant in every poll w/ two weeks out........

in what you call the "comfy zone"
Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.

Why did her parents leave her in the house alone? 12yr olds are home alone all the time all over the world. That makes it okay?

While not feeling sorry for this crook, maybe he was just there to rob the place. Just robbing the place is suffecient moral grounds to shoot the sob, and from his past criminal record that's most unlikely. Nothing in the article indicates he had any criminal record, or any details about his intent. He might have well have run when he saw someone was home.

Most home break ins happen when someone isn't home, and usually those guns get stolen and sold on the black market to other criminals. So, your idea is to punish law abiding victims for the crimes scumbags commit? Typical leftist mentality. When their actions make it easier to commit crimes, um, yeah. Most of the rest of the industrialized world does not have easy access to guns like we have. They are just as free, have lower crime rates and only a small fraction of the people in prison we have.

That said, I think gun bans are silly for the same reason I think abortion laws would be silly. No one is going to obey them. Only intelligent thing you've said.You mean the only thing your limited mind could comprehend, which isn't the same thing.

But please, the fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. taking suicides out of your skewed statistics shows a complete different percentage and people who are set on committing suicide will do so even without having guns available.

Why should we take sucides out? A gun makes it a lot easier to commit a suicide than pills or blades.

No it doesn't.
Nope. All he had to do was put working people out of jobs, send jobs to China, defraud banks into loaning him money he eventually defaulted on, get a bunch of govenrment bailouts for his various schemes.

And still he is within the margins or ahead of the incumbant in every poll w/ two weeks out........

in what you call the "comfy zone"

Except he's really not...

Throw out Gallup and RatMutten, and Obama's got a comfortable lead.

And that's before Obama demolishes him in the debate tomorrow night.

I have been. BUT, I've never broken into anyone's home. Had I, I would have expected anyone home might shoot my ass.

Have you ever had to defend yourself in a potentially lethal situation? Have you ever had to commit to deadly force to protect your wife from rape?
I have. Thankfully, I've not had to pull the trigger, but had I, I would sleep just fine.

Yes, you are an internet tough guy, to be sure, Ernie.

But to the point, you guys made this fool out to be a hardened criminal, when he was just some loser trying to steal some food.

So he got his due to bad parenting... that's something.

You are assuming he was not a hardened criminal and was only looking for food, even though you have been presented with evidence to the contrary. Grow the fuck up, Joe, and try some honesty for a change.

Yeah, I suppose I am an internet tough guy. My life style, would logically show through, I suppose.
What I am saying is make all guns legal and registered....then get rid of the illegal ones. Then only law abiding citizens will have guns, in fact.....they can have a hell of an arsenal.

The gun is inanimate with no moral status.

Get rid of the illegal people who use guns immorally.

yet another person who either doesn't get what I am saying or is just being willfully ignorant.

So....tell me slick....how do you propose we get rid of organized crime? Or do you believe that organized crime and gangs are only perpetrated by illegal immigrants.

What are you afraid of? Do you and Bigreb have weapons that you'd rather not register and make legal? Are you criminals yourselves so you protect violent criminal organizations owning vast amounts of weaponry to achieve their goals? OR.....do you work in the gun manufacturing industry and know that taking the guns out of the hands of criminals will put a large hit on the profits of your company....possibly causing you to be laid off?

I'm saying that a citizen like you or I who aren't criminals should be allowed all the weaponry we can afford to have.....Criminals....especially violent criminals and/or those with gang afilliations shouldn't have them to continue their reign of terror in our cities and that is slowly creeping into our suburbs and rural communities.
I'm saying that a citizen like you or I who aren't criminals should be allowed all the weaponry we can afford to have.....Criminals....especially violent criminals and/or those with gang afilliations shouldn't have them to continue their reign of terror in our cities and that is slowly creeping into our suburbs and rural communities.

Registering my lawful gun doesnt keep the criminal from having one.
Fully auto, huh? Transfer stamp or class 3?

No idea. I suppose I could look it up and try to get a lie past you but I won't. They are my friends guns. He just lets me shoot them every once in a while when he comes around. It's kinda fun but not my thing. The amazing thing to me was how quick the clip goes. Nothing like in the movies.

Anyway - he is not worried about this presidency taking away his guns.

You had better ask your "friend", if, in fact he exists, if he has the necessary permits to own automatic weapons. The possession of illegal automatics will land you and him in prison for a L O N G time.

as stated before - he went thru the effort of obtaining a federal firearms license. He does exist but of course on the old nets I have no way to prove that to you or others. But surely you believe there are some people out there who have federal firearms licenses, own fully auto weapons and are not worried about this current admin taking their automatic guns away?
Not really. But you keep telling yourself you is a Google Genuis, Cleetus.

Durant, Oklahoma has less than 16,000 residents. I'd say the odds are about 15,999 to 1.


Oh, then why wasn't he charged with a crime, then.

I mean, your whole argument was that he was some kind of pervert becaue he gave a 17 year old retarded girl a ride.

And the police didn't charge him with anything.

(I already know the answer, but let's see if Google Cleetus can find it.)

You really are a dumbfuck, Joe. He picked up the girl on Monday afternoon at her school and dropped her off Tuesday afternoon at a firehouse IN TEXAS!!

The article stated, "Jones is expected to be charged with harboring a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to police.

Read more: Durant Daily Democrat - Missing Durant teen dropped off in Denison
LOL....there you have it. Another George Zimmerman set and ready and full of guts and able to shoot down an innocent teen on his way home from a shopping at the local convenient mart.

Lol, typical liberal a-hole, calling a young man who was a 6', fully physically developed, gang banging, dope selling and using scum bag who attacked and assulated a middle aged man, an innocent teen. You're too funny. Wonder how you'd feel if you were the one on the ground with some 6' tall, muscular and athletic gang banging boofer beating your head into the ground. Bet you'd forget all about that liberal bs you're spewing here.

If you could prove one point out of your rant the thing might be worth something. You're a typical Republican prick who believes spending a trillion dollars a year on unnecessary defense while the roads and electrical grids in the country deteriorate is the right thing to do. George Zimmerman was told to stay in his phucking car and not pursue Tryvon. Guess what? The bastard either can't hear or he's a dumbass.

I don't need to prove a darn thing, all of what I posted is public knowledge. As for him being told to stay in his car, the 911 operator did not have the authority to tell Zimmerman to stay in his car and Zimmerman was free to get out his car if he wanted to, and was free to follow whomever he wanted to even as a private citizen, forget the fact that he was in the neighborhood watch. Following someone is not a reason for the person being followed to turn around, chase that person down, and attack and assault them. Treyvon was just a gang banging street ****** acting like what he was and he got shot for acting like what he was ad the trail will bear that out, regardless of the government's attempts to appease the negro population and keep them from acting like the rioting savages they so ofter are .

USUALLY???? Are you saying most children left home alone with guns shoot themselves or others? Jeez, Joe!

Are you saying 500 child deaths are "acceptable" losses in your right to feel your false sense of security?

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns, and countries like Germany or Japan where private gun ownership is rare they have substatially lower crime rates.

They also don't let people become "homeless".

I find it amusing that rather than wanting to fix economic injustice, you would rather just have a pile of guns in the house to protect yourself from the consequences...

We become a bunch of apes with a club protecting our pile of stuff.
Cause and effect, Joe. People in Germany have a lower crime rate. (cause) They have less need to use firearms to protect themselves. (effect)

Protecting our pile of stuff from the apes that would use force to take it, is our right.
What you want to do is limit the effect and make the cause safer.
Taking away my right to protect my property is not the solution. Taking away my need to protect my property is.
Durant, Oklahoma has less than 16,000 residents. I'd say the odds are about 15,999 to 1.


Oh, then why wasn't he charged with a crime, then.

I mean, your whole argument was that he was some kind of pervert becaue he gave a 17 year old retarded girl a ride.

And the police didn't charge him with anything.

(I already know the answer, but let's see if Google Cleetus can find it.)

You really are a dumbfuck, Joe. He picked up the girl on Monday afternoon at her school and dropped her off Tuesday afternoon at a firehouse IN TEXAS!!

The article stated, "Jones is expected to be charged with harboring a runaway and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to police.

Read more: Durant Daily Democrat - Missing Durant teen dropped off in Denison

Except he wasn't charged when it was realized that the girl had gone with him voluntarily.

Oh, yeah. That. Which you would have found out if you did more research.

Not saying the guy isn't a lowlife jerk. Probably even votes Republican, given the part of the country he's from.

But you guys made him out like he was Charlie Manson or some shit.

Fact is, guns in the house are more dangerous to the people living in the house than any bad guy.
Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.

Why did her parents leave her in the house alone? 12yr olds are home alone all the time all over the world. That makes it okay?

While not feeling sorry for this crook, maybe he was just there to rob the place. Just robbing the place is suffecient moral grounds to shoot the sob, and from his past criminal record that's most unlikely. Nothing in the article indicates he had any criminal record, or any details about his intent. He might have well have run when he saw someone was home.

Most home break ins happen when someone isn't home, and usually those guns get stolen and sold on the black market to other criminals. So, your idea is to punish law abiding victims for the crimes scumbags commit? Typical leftist mentality. When their actions make it easier to commit crimes, um, yeah. Most of the rest of the industrialized world does not have easy access to guns like we have. They are just as free, have lower crime rates and only a small fraction of the people in prison we have.

That said, I think gun bans are silly for the same reason I think abortion laws would be silly. No one is going to obey them. Only intelligent thing you've said.You mean the only thing your limited mind could comprehend, which isn't the same thing.

But please, the fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. taking suicides out of your skewed statistics shows a complete different percentage and people who are set on committing suicide will do so even without having guns available.

Why should we take sucides out? A gun makes it a lot easier to commit a suicide than pills or blades.

If a teen age girl tries to kill herself what does she use? It ain't going to be a gun so don't suggest that.
Have you ever looked at the wrist of a teen age girl who has tried to kill themselves?
Again, this is from TownHall.. which is like the crazy end of the right wing and can't be believed.
Is it more believable coming from a left wing rag?
12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home - SFGate


Yeah, actually, it's kind of telling.

Calera Police Chief Don Hyde also assisted in catching Jones, who told Hyde he had been shot. Jones then pointed to the girl's house and said that he had been homeless for the last 10 days and was hungry.

Gee, so he's not some hardened criminal, he was just some guy looking for food.

Kind of puts the story in a different light, except for far right wingers who think that the homeless are such because of their own moral failings.

Two things dumbass.
1. You'd be a flipping idiot to believe that ole, I was just looking for food crap, especially considering his past actions that resulted in an Amber Alert being issued because he picked up some retarded girl.
2. Who gives a crap if he was "just looking for food", you kick in the door to a person's home you desrve to be shot no matter what you're looking for.
How do you go about that? First of all, Posse Comitatus prohibits using federal troops for domestic law enforcement. Secondly, will you be sending Law Enforcement Officers door to door, or setting up metal detectors at WalMart?

You tell me. I just threw out a proposal.....I think that, first and foremost, giving Gangs and organized crime the distinction of "Domestic Terrorists" would be the first step. These are not individual acts of crime....this is a segment of our society that puts good people in their path in a situation of fear for their lives on a daily basis. They've killed innumerable amounts of innocent lives, they recruit our children into their ranks, and they poison our people with the drugs they get people hooked on for free to create a long term market in the form of addiction.

Don't know what your getting at with the Walmart thing.

The WalMart thing was an attempt at humor. You;d have to hang out at a WalMart in Alabama to understand...
I agree. Getting guns out of the hands of criminals would go a long way towards solving the problem.
No warrant searches of the person and residence of violent criminals on probation would be one place to start, but it would take huge resources in manpower just to issue search warrants for anyone not on probation.

That's why I think Criminal Gangs and organized crime in general should be labeled as Domestic Terrorists and a direct threat to our National Security so we can bypass the Posse Comitatus law. It is a National problem...not a local or Statewide one. The Bloods, Crips, MS13, and a host of other Organized Crime Organizations are Nationwide entities that control a large part of our urban landscape....their activities are one of the main catalysts for the calls for gun laws that affect law abiding citizens and give a huge advantage to the criminals who ignore the laws.

USUALLY???? Are you saying most children left home alone with guns shoot themselves or others? Jeez, Joe!

Are you saying 500 child deaths are "acceptable" losses in your right to feel your false sense of security?

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns, and countries like Germany or Japan where private gun ownership is rare they have substatially lower crime rates.

They also don't let people become "homeless".

I find it amusing that rather than wanting to fix economic injustice, you would rather just have a pile of guns in the house to protect yourself from the consequences...

We become a bunch of apes with a club protecting our pile of stuff.
Cause and effect, Joe. People in Germany have a lower crime rate. (cause) They have less need to use firearms to protect themselves. (effect)

Protecting our pile of stuff from the apes that would use force to take it, is our right.
What you want to do is limit the effect and make the cause safer.
Taking away my right to protect my property is not the solution. Taking away my need to protect my property is.

Again, that gun is probably more of a danger to your household than it is to any bad guy. Statistics prove this.

Why does Germany have a lower crime rate.

Well, first, they don't let every asshole own a gun.

Second, they actually have a social welfare system that doesn't let people 'fall through the cracks" like this guy obviously did. Or at least not as many.

Another interesting stat for you "Law and Order" types. We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 308 million. The Germans lock up 78,000 out of a population of 80 million.

All these guns, all these prisons, and you are still afraid.

Doesn't that say a lot.

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