12 year old shot at Starbucks in Chicago

urban death machine?

I like it ...

And again people getting shot in a church as usual. Places of worship only in America.
Keep on living in denial that there is a gun problem.

Oh, it happens everywhere. Egypt has very strict gun control laws the last time I checked. I wonder why those darned laws didn't save these poor people?

Dozens dead as gunmen attack bus of Coptic Christians in Egypt
Dozens dead as gunmen attack bus of Coptic Christians in Egypt
Not as frequent as In the US....and Egypt is unstable and just came out from a revolution...now here in the US, people get shot in their beds, workplace, church, concert, baseball games, schools....is epidemic.

MORE frequent than in the US and with a much higher casualty rate.

Does lying makes you comfortable? go to any Egyptian and ask him is Egypt as bad as the US when it comes to gun crimes.....he will laugh at you. Do they have terrorists attacks? yes.....do they have gun crimes? yes.....causalities from both are very small compared to the US.....I kid you not when I say, gun causalities in the US exceeds some war zone countries.

Let's be more realistic and compare us to almost an identical country.....Canada, murder rate in the US is 7 times worse than our neighbors...... enjoy your guns.

Canada is not identical. Canada is mainly white. They have 30 million or so people. We have one third of their population that is illegally here and come from violent third world shitholes and they bring their violence with them.
LOL....have you ever been to Toronto, Montreal And Vancouver? brown skinned people everywhere, they actually represent 25%....and their stats are lower than ours in accordance with the population, you dumb fuck......dude wake the fuck up, gun violence is an epidemic in the US. We are dying by the thousands and yet you decide to live in an alternative world.
Oh, it happens everywhere. Egypt has very strict gun control laws the last time I checked. I wonder why those darned laws didn't save these poor people?

Dozens dead as gunmen attack bus of Coptic Christians in Egypt
Dozens dead as gunmen attack bus of Coptic Christians in Egypt
Not as frequent as In the US....and Egypt is unstable and just came out from a revolution...now here in the US, people get shot in their beds, workplace, church, concert, baseball games, schools....is epidemic.

MORE frequent than in the US and with a much higher casualty rate.

Does lying makes you comfortable? go to any Egyptian and ask him is Egypt as bad as the US when it comes to gun crimes.....he will laugh at you. Do they have terrorists attacks? yes.....do they have gun crimes? yes.....causalities from both are very small compared to the US.....I kid you not when I say, gun causalities in the US exceeds some war zone countries.

Let's be more realistic and compare us to almost an identical country.....Canada, murder rate in the US is 7 times worse than our neighbors...... enjoy your guns.

Canada is not identical. Canada is mainly white. They have 30 million or so people. We have one third of their population that is illegally here and come from violent third world shitholes and they bring their violence with them.
LOL....have you ever been to Toronto, Montreal And Vancouver? brown skinned people everywhere, they actually represent 25%....and their stats are lower than ours in accordance with the population, you dumb fuck......dude wake the fuck up, gun violence is an epidemic in the US. We are dying by the thousands and yet you decide to live in an alternative world.

Yeah, they are LEGAL residents. That means they value the rule of law. Huge difference between them, and the ILLEGAL aliens we have here. And, a few 100,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to the 11,000,000 we have here.

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