125 House Members Sighn Up For Motion To Censure House Intel Chairman

IF the resolution goes to House Judiciary, it will suffer a terrible death, as Nadler will "sit on it..."

'A motion to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his “parody” reading of President Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing last month is gaining steam with House Republicans, as Fox News has learned 125 lawmakers have now signed on as co-sponsors.'

During a televised House Intelligence Committee Meeting on Impeachment of the President D-Schiff, Committee Chairman, chose to recite a fictional account of the President's phone call with the Ukraine PM, a fictional account HE authored and attempted to pass off at the time as what was actually said / what occurred during the phone call, despite evidence and the Ukraine PM's own words already bunking the false narrative.

What Schiff, in reality, attempted to do was to defraud American citizens into believing the false narrative the Democrats have attempted to push in their latest 'Collusion Delusion 2.0', attempting to con Americans into anger and calling for the unwarranted Impeachment of the President. This is by very definition 'SEDITION'.

SEDITION: 'conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch'

As the backlash grew at the latest criminal stunt by Schiff, he quickly attempted to spin his action, claiming it was meant to be a 'parody' of the President's and Ukraine PM's phone call....this has done little to stop the growing call for his, at the very least, Censure.

For the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, the man responsible for overseeing the factual Intelligence / Intel Agency-backed information from which to take appropriate actions to inject a personally altered fictional account of an event being investigated into an already unwarranted politically-motivated Impeachment process can not be wiped away by claims of attempting to introduce 'levity' to such a serious process.

On the contrary, as Schiff's own actions have revealed, this was the latest of a long personal attempts to affect a political coup against the President of the United States. In the last 3 years, Schiff has admitted to leaking classified information, FALSELY claimed to have DIRECT evidence of cries committed by the President of the United States that even the Special Prosecutor and his staff did not find / have, spent over 10 hours prepping a convicted Felony Perjurer for his 2nd testimony under oath before Congress, and lied to both the country and Congress about his having been in contact with the latest 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' politically biased, Biden-affiliated/supporting, CIA agent 'Whistle Blower' who has no 1st-hand account of the details of the phone call that took place between the President and Ukraine PM.

His actions are not only far beneath the honor and integrity - as well as legal standards - of members of the House of Representatives but also is completely unacceptable for a MEMBER of the House Intel Committee, let alone the Chairman.

D-Adam Schiff should have already been stripped of both his position as Chairman and Intel Committee member. For his admitted crimes he should have already been INDICTED. The reason he has not suffered any of these things is the same reason this growing call for his Censure will probably fail - he is being protected by the corrupt /complicit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her fellow Democrats who are holding their own political Impeachment process in the shadows behind closed Congressional doors, refusing to allow the American people what is going on.

Democracy Dies In DARKNESS....D-Adam Schiff, Pelosi, and the House Democrats are also proving Democracy dies when criminals are allowed to not only get away with corruption and crime but to continue to get away with it over and over and over....

Hopefully an overwhelming public pressure will force Pelosi to do what is warranted ... as a MINIMUM - the Censure of D-Adam Schiff.
“Chairman Adam Schiff has been lying to the American people for years,” McCarthy said in a tweet announcing that he signed on to co-sponsor Biggs’ resolution. “Now he is so desperate to damage the president that he literally made up a false version of a phone call. Enough is enough.”

Schiff demonstrated the lengths Democrats will go to MANUFACTURE 'evidence' against the President when they don't actually have any.

Rather than spend another year or so falsely CLAIMING he had direct criminal evidence of crimes committed by the President, he simply manufactured / authored it himself.
why were you embarrassed to type "House Republicans" in the title?
Sorry to burst your little bubble, lil' snowflake, but I wasn't. I quoted the Article's Title.
No you didn't.

This is the article title:
125 House Republicans co-sponsor resolution to censure Schiff over 'parody' reading of Trump-Zelensky call

You left "Republicans" out of the topic title.

And the article title does not contain the word "sighn".
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This resolution is going no where. That said, Rep Schiff deserves to get excoriated for that piece of political theater. It served no purpose.
This resolution is going no where. That said, Rep Schiff deserves to get excoriated for that piece of political theater. It served no purpose.

he should have said mexico is paying for it and got some f'n respect -

they got nothing. still got nothing and will end up with nothing and scared many fence sitters to vote for trump. nice.
This resolution is going no where. That said, Rep Schiff deserves to get excoriated for that piece of political theater. It served no purpose.

he should have said mexico is paying for it and got some f'n respect -

hey not a bad idea, send schitzy to mexico and let them pay for him.
There will be no censure. Just like there was no parody reading.


He is coming for Trump.
And there ain't shit you can do about it.

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