13.6 million refugees displaced by wars in Syria and Iraq, UNHCR says

She, herself fled the country and took political refuge in Germany. I realize that you had read no stories from Iraqi citizens about what was going on there when Saddam was in power, and this Iraqi woman can help you out with some background information.
From your link:
"'Daesh kidnapped one young man’s children and wife and they called him and said they had slaughtered them. All I could do was hug the man. We were both crying and he hugged me like his own sister,' she said..."

"Al-Jubouri believes in the power of poetry which, she says, saved her when she came to the attention of Saddam Hussein as a teenager in 1984.

“'A very close friend, who was also a writer, recorded me and presented it to Saddam Hussein. I was not even 18. He nearly put me to death by doing it and exposed me to questioning, interrogations and a life under surveillance,' she said."

“Poetry during that whole period was my only salvation and I attempted to commit suicide five times. It also allowed me to understand what it means to be scared.”

Are you brave enough to admit the fact that neither Saddam nor IS would have come to power in Iraq without the help of the US?

Of course you're not.

Silly Boy, always showing his hatred for the U.S. Maybe he should move to some communist country where he would be more comfortable. Naturally this Silly Boy thinks that the U.S. invaded Syria. and of course he didn't have any problems with Saddam murdering thousands and thousands of people
I had a problem with US support for Saddam's terrorism, did you? The illegal US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq is the biggest single contributing factor to the current terror in Syria, and all your crocodile tears for the victims only confirms your hypocrisy, or worse.

thanks Georgie-----you are parroting the islamo Nazi
propaganda penned by your fave Nazi war criminals
who lived the good life in Syria and Egypt---writing
islamo Nazi propaganda post world war II
She, herself fled the country and took political refuge in Germany. I realize that you had read no stories from Iraqi citizens about what was going on there when Saddam was in power, and this Iraqi woman can help you out with some background information.
From your link:
"'Daesh kidnapped one young man’s children and wife and they called him and said they had slaughtered them. All I could do was hug the man. We were both crying and he hugged me like his own sister,' she said..."

"Al-Jubouri believes in the power of poetry which, she says, saved her when she came to the attention of Saddam Hussein as a teenager in 1984.

“'A very close friend, who was also a writer, recorded me and presented it to Saddam Hussein. I was not even 18. He nearly put me to death by doing it and exposed me to questioning, interrogations and a life under surveillance,' she said."

“Poetry during that whole period was my only salvation and I attempted to commit suicide five times. It also allowed me to understand what it means to be scared.”

Are you brave enough to admit the fact that neither Saddam nor IS would have come to power in Iraq without the help of the US?

Of course you're not.


Are you honest enough to admit that you really don't give a darn what happens to the people in the Middle East and are just using them as your pawns because not only do you hate the U.S. and blame this country for your own sorry life, but also have to use the Jews as your scapegoats for your own lack of initiative. Meanwhile, try and contact that woman to ask her to give you the scoop as to how life was in Iraq under Sadaam. It is quite obvious that you never read any articles written by the Iraqi people who told of how horrendous it was back then. In fact, I would bet that you never even read any articles coming out of Iraq afterwards telling how wonderful it was to be able to put on the plays and to publish the newspapers and books they wanted to. Even the Business Section of the Los Angeles Times Business Section was telling how the Iraqis were going out buying big ticket items like new refrigerators. You probably just skipped over the stories about all the Iraqis here and over in Iraq being so happy to be able to vote in the election. How about visiting a church in Los Angeles which many of those Iraqis now attend and ask them about all this instead of sitting in front of your computer night and day.
Even worse, the Christian population in Iraq was around 1.5 million.
By the time Bush left office, it was around 300,000.
So Republicans brought them here to keep them safe.

Just kidding. We know Republicans squat sit on fellow Christians. I guess they really do believe in "let him die".
Even worse, the Christian population in Iraq was around 1.5 million.
By the time Bush left office, it was around 300,000.
So Republicans brought them here to keep them safe.

Just kidding. We know Republicans squat sit on fellow Christians. I guess they really do believe in "let him die".

As sure as the sun comes up in the morning, here is Mr. Dean dragging in the Republicans again. I think his mantra which he repeats before going to bed each night is -- Don't forget to mention the Republicans when I get on forums. Meanwhile, Mr. Dean himself can visit some Syrian churches here in America and intervuew the parishioners. By the way, Mr. Dean, are you ever going to come to this forum and give us any actual news happening at the moment in the Middle East? So far I don't think any of the viewers have noticed you doing so.
thanks Georgie-----you are parroting the islamo Nazi
propaganda penned by your fave Nazi war criminals
who lived the good life in Syria and Egypt---writing
islamo Nazi propaganda post world war II
Since Sykes-Picot the Sunni and Shiite in Iraq and Syria have never murdered each other at the rate observed since 2003. Nazis had nothing to do with that unless you think they won WWII? Your hasbara is getting weak; maybe you need a refresher course?

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