Zone1 13 Percent, 4.2 Percent, 60 Percent and 86 Percent

Once again you forget history is history.
But you never forget July 4, 1776. That's history and I bet you won't say how that has no relevance to today. But the white racist loves trying the "that was in the past garbage" when the mirror is held to their face.
No, the quote was from 3 years ago and if it was from 30 years ago, that would have been 29 yearrs after the Civil Rights Act was signed which was supposed to have ended that practice. Oncce again you choose to forget a significant part of our history, which benefitteed those like you in order to comment. Why should I continue to be denied opportunity so you can get the opportunity I am denied?

I am denied opportunity now, and it's by law.
theres a lot more overlap amongst middle class whites, blacks and Hispanics though than your numbers would show. it's because of the way you add it up. The extremes at the top and the bottom skew the numbers.
There are more black millionaires in this country than any other, and if you want to make it into the top 5 or evenn 1 % this is the place to do it. Yeah, more white people own more homes because there are just more white people. that also means they have had more opportunity to pass down wealth to the next generation,
but again, you seem to be hooked on what people dont currently have, instead of the opportunity that they do have. And this is a reflection of the Liberal education system that teaches young black kids that they are victims. Why not have special classes on investment for kids in th einner city? Do your liberal teachers unions ever think of that? or would they rather divert resources to other meaningless crap? I think we know the answer there.

A communist minded person like yourself sees a pie and you can only see that someone else has 7 slices, while you only have three, and now your bent on how you can take the pie back. You should have been just focused on baking more pies, creating more opportunity, instead of being divisive and making people hate each other and/or themselves.
Look at the professional athletes, plenty of them are multimillionaires, not because of some government handout, but they figured out what their God given talent is, and used it to the best of their abilities. But we arent supposed to put them into the equations, because that would skew the results.
Morgan Freeman was denied a lot of roles because he was black for years. So don't go looking for the black person that says what you want to here in order to make a micro level argument. I am ttalking about things on a macro level. Anecdotes don't cut it.
Did you watch the video or not? Try it, it is CNN, Dandy Don Lemon, who also, made it big in his career, until he pissed of the women around him. I doubt you will listen, because then you might be able to pull your head out of Uranus.
Figure it out.
That's just a weird definition of equality. I guess it's along the lines of "equity". In any case, it's an idiotic goal. Why should money be split up equally between the races? Should the same thing be done along gender lines? Region of the country? Any other special interest group who wants on the gravy train?
But you never forget July 4, 1776. That's history and I bet you won't say how that has no relevance to today. But the white racist loves trying the "that was in the past garbage" when the mirror is held to their face.
July 4th 1776, many free blacks fought against the White British, who wanted to keep everyone as serfs to the king. Do you realize that?
I really don't get corporatist government, or why anyone would want it.

If government is responsible for making sure that all the races get an equal share of the pie, what about all the other ways we can categorize people? For example, should we make sure that short people make as much money as tall people?
But you never forget July 4, 1776. That's history and I bet you won't say how that has no relevance to today. But the white racist loves trying the "that was in the past garbage" when the mirror is held to their face.
I never said anything about forgetting history. I said you should stop trying to relive it . Or make people living now accountable for it.
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I really don't get corporatist government, or why anyone would want it.

If government is responsible for making sure that all the races get an equal share of the pie, what about all the other ways we can categorize people? For example, should we make sure that short people make as much money as tall people?
We dont want it, but the Marxists do. Why else would the brown turd Obammy give all those billions of dollars to the UAW instead of the local car dealers. Oh yeah, many of them didnt vote for Obammy.

And now Joe Biteme is picking winners and losers with his bullshit EV crap. It is called cronie capitalism, not free enterprise.
I guess the only way for the "equity" is the redistribution of wealth. Take it away from the "rich", and give it to blacks through reparations.
I think this is what this thread is all about. Just getting there through the back door.

I've always said equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome.
That works with all colors.
True equality in the American capitalist system means all races must have control of capital equal to their proportion of the population. Blacks are thirteen percent of the American people but have 4.2 percent of the wealth. Hispanics have 3.1. Whites are 60 percent of the population but havee 86 percent of the wealth. That leaves 14 percent for blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanderrs. So when you take into acccount the 7.3 percent of the wealth between blacks and Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders have 6.7 percent of the wealth. So that kills the model minority myth.

Who owns wealth in the United States?
According to data from the Federal Reserve, in 1990, white households owned 90.7% of household wealth in the United States, whereas Black households owned 3.8% and Hispanic households owned 2.1%. These numbers have changed little over the past 30 years, with white households now owning 85.5% of wealth in 2019, and Black households owning 4.2% and Hispanic households owning 3.1%. Most of the white wealth decline is due to other racial groups attaining a share wealth.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population, so we should have 13 percent of the wealth. We would have that if not for things that were done.
Invent Black facebook and black amazon. I'll celebrate your trillionaire status. In the meantime the average net worth of an american family in 2019 was almost $750K but the median net worth was 120K. That is how much those tech billionaires skew the numbers.
July 4th 1776, many free blacks fought against the White British, who wanted to keep everyone as serfs to the king. Do you realize that?
On July 4th, 1776, blacks weren't allowed to fight for the Revolutionary Army. They didn't want to arm blacks. So since that's not the topic try to stay on topic.
Invent Black facebook and black amazon. I'll celebrate your trillionaire status. In the meantime the average net worth of an american family in 2019 was almost $750K but the median net worth was 120K. That is how much those tech billionaires skew the numbers.
The problem is the lack of venture capital and that is the result of years of excluding blacks from weaalth. This is just a hard truth you guys aree giing to havve to face. The median net woth of a black family was nowhere near 120K. The tech billionaires have little to do with that disparity.
Look at the professional athletes, plenty of them are multimillionaires, not because of some government handout, but they figured out what their God given talent is, and used it to the best of their abilities. But we arent supposed to put them into the equations, because that would skew the results.

They didnt just make their money playing sports. Most of them have college educations and go into other business enterprises. Yes, there is definately a lot of opportunity here.
On July 4th, 1776, blacks weren't allowed to fight for the Revolutionary Army. They didn't want to arm blacks. So since that's not the topic try to stay on topic.
Free blacks were.

Fighting For Freedom: African Americans Choose Sides During the American Revolution
Whether we want to point to Crispus Attucks being the first man shot down at the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770, or the actions of minutemen assembling from the hills around Lexington and Concord, the evidence is plain and clear that black citizens rallied to defend their mixed communities from the British army. Individuals like Peter Salem, Lemuel Hayes, Barzillai Lew, and Salem Poor, among other noted participants, were eyewitness to events because they were fighting in them. The Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775, is of specific importance because Salem Poor was officially recognized by his superiors for mortally wounding British Lieutenant-Colonel James Abercrombie, the highest-ranking officer to die in the battle.
The problem is the lack of venture capital and that is the result of years of excluding blacks from weaalth. This is just a hard truth you guys aree giing to havve to face. The median net woth of a black family was nowhere near 120K. The tech billionaires have little to do with that disparity.

Billionaires have everything to do with that disparity. It is why the government tends to use median data over average data. If you can get Oprah to give me a new ride, I'll gladly take it. Now all that said, as I have argued many times when it comes to wealth taxes and such that "wealth" is largely an illusion. You could afford to wipe you butt with Amazon stock if JB decided to put it all on the market at once, or even over 6 months. Nobody has the money to buy him out. I understand that Microsoft has been hoarding cash since its first day on the markets for that reason. They have been preparing to have to buy out the Gates' for 30 years without having Bill's death bankrupt the company.
I guess the only way for the "equity" is the redistribution of wealth. Take it away from the "rich", and give it to blacks through reparations.
I think this is what this thread is all about. Just getting there through the back door.

I've always said equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome.
That works with all colors.
Lol! Whites saying what you say makes me laugh. How long did whites take from us? Equal opportunity has to come with equal treatment . You talk about getting rich through the back door as a white man who lived the first 13 years of hiss life during Jim Crow.. You don't know just how stupid you really sound.
The problem is the lack of venture capital and that is the result of years of excluding blacks from weaalth. This is just a hard truth you guys aree giing to havve to face. The median net woth of a black family was nowhere near 120K. The tech billionaires have little to do with that disparity.
Did you know who Herman Cain was?

Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate and Pizza Chain CEO, Dies of COVID-19

Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate and Pizza Chain CEO, Dies of COVID-19​

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Cain used his tenure as Godfather’s Pizza CEO as his main selling point
If it wasnt for the brown turd Obammy's hit piece of putting a white trash Democrat accusing Herman of improprieties(just like the bitch Ford did with Justice Kavanaugh) Mr. Cain would of be President of the United States. But since he was Republican, i know this guy isnt part of your plan, so we must exclude him from the argument.

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