13 shot in chicago since friday night

This is what happens when a city passes laws that the surrounding areas do not. Within the city of Chicago, you can't buy guns but across the street (in some cases), guns are readily available.

Problem is, even if every city passes gun laws, there will still be areas where the gun nutters want to arm drug dealers, known terrorists, illegals, the mentally ill and violent criminals.

And, if they don't buy from surrounding suburbs, there's always the internet or the scum bag gun nutter down the block.

Idiot gun nutters reaping what they sow and enjoying the thousands of gun deaths they're causing. Like, the fact that the number killed since your big success at Newtown is almost the same as during the illegal war against other innocent people in Iraq.
All the more reason to pass laws limiting the access to guns.

Yep. Works for others and it can work for us.

Pass laws to make it damn difficult for the gun nutters to arm the scum, criminals, illegals, drug sellers, terrorists.

It really is time we demanded protection from the scum that the gun nuts want armed. Its that simple.

While we're at it, demand that nutters be forced to carry guns where we can all see them. No more hiding what they really are. You want to carry a gun? Have the balls to carry it in the open.
This is what happens when a city passes laws that the surrounding areas do not. Within the city of Chicago, you can't buy guns but across the street (in some cases), guns are readily available.

Problem is, even if every city passes gun laws, there will still be areas where the gun nutters want to arm drug dealers, known terrorists, illegals, the mentally ill and violent criminals.

And, if they don't buy from surrounding suburbs, there's always the internet or the scum bag gun nutter down the block.

Idiot gun nutters reaping what they sow and enjoying the thousands of gun deaths they're causing. Like, the fact that the number killed since your big success at Newtown is almost the same as during the illegal war against other innocent people in Iraq.

Surrounding areas? The freaking state of Illinois has the most restrictive gun laws in the US. There are no carry permits issued and the State Police are in charge of "firearms permits" and generally it ain't worth trying. Chicago has broken down along with other North East former industrial areas and all the politicians do is make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and then they call the problem solved.
If surrounding areas are to blame for having less restrictive gun laws, why don't they have the violence that liberal areas with strict gun control have? Could the people be the problem and not the guns?
Let the libs sit in those cities and rot.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.
All the more reason to pass laws limiting the access to guns.

Yep. Works for others and it can work for us.

Pass laws to make it damn difficult for the gun nutters to arm the scum, criminals, illegals, drug sellers, terrorists.

It really is time we demanded protection from the scum that the gun nuts want armed. Its that simple.

While we're at it, demand that nutters be forced to carry guns where we can all see them. No more hiding what they really are. You want to carry a gun? Have the balls to carry it in the open.

Go downtown. :lmao: You've never even been to Chicago.

You go luddly.
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Let the libs sit in those cities and rot.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.

Liberal shit hole? Really your ignorance is most aggravating . Texas has a higher death rate by guns than Michigan or Illinois. Get a clue and stop being so myopic.

Crime Statistics > Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 (most recent) by state

Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 statistics - states compared - Crime data on StateMaster
Let the libs sit in those cities and rot.

You should have seen Detroit in the old days till the libs got hold of it and wouldn't let go.
Detroit was so cool.

Libs got it. Detroit is a waste land now.

Chicago has to be the same way. Sounds like they have the Detroit liberal disease. Pity. Another great city about to be flushed down a liberal drain.

Yep....................Detroit is kind of a wasteland now.

Wanna talk about the emergency managers sent to run it by the Republican governor Rick Snyder?

It's not so much that the libs have gotten ahold of it, it's the FACT that the Republican governor has sent in an emergency manager who has stripped the DULY ELECTED representatives of their authority, because they want to get rid of the black people.

Go ahead......................research why Detroit is so pissed about the non elected emergency manager appointed by a Republican.

It's the Republicans that have fucked up Detroit.
1 Dead, 12 Wounded in Overnight Shootings | NBC Chicago

How them gun laws working out in liberal shitholes?

All the more reason to pass laws limiting the access to guns.

It was laws passed to restrict access to guns that lead to this you idiot. Can't you take a freaking hint?

Gun Control is Why Chicago Murder Rates Are Skyrocketing

Really, why does Alaska beat out the other states?Texas has a higher death rate than your myopic tendencies of rhetorical lies and misinformation about liberal states that try gun control.. So evidently no strict gun control laws are not working to lower gun fatalities. Stomp you feet and pity no one but your propaganda.
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Welfare has a population of leaches, but somehow it is the republicans? LOL

Spoken like a true teabagger.........................ignore the facts and misspell the words.

1 [leech] Show IPA

verb (used with object)
1. to dissolve out soluble constituents from (ashes, soil, etc.) by percolation.

2. to cause (water or other liquid) to percolate through something.

verb (used without object)
3. (of ashes, soil, etc.) to undergo the action of percolating water.

4. to percolate, as water.

5. the act or process of leaching.

6. a product or solution obtained by leaching; leachate.

7. the material leached.

8. a vessel for use in leaching.

If you're trying to equate welfare recipients as being a bunch of bloodsuckers (which is what it sounded like in your posts), you'd be better off with this spelling..............

1 [leech] Show IPA

1. any bloodsucking or carnivorous aquatic or terrestrial worm of the class Hirudinea, certain freshwater species of which were formerly much used in medicine for bloodletting.

2. a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other's resources; parasite.

3. Archaic. an instrument used for drawing blood.

Both definitions provided from Dictionary.com - Free Online English Dictionary.

WTF..........................don't you Republican types know how to spell, or even the difference in words that sound the same but are spelled differently, as well as mean different things?

I guess you don't really pay attention....................I mean...................you confuse Nazism with Communism and Obama on a regular basis, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Welfare has a population of leaches, but somehow it is the republicans? LOL

Spoken like a true teabagger.........................ignore the facts and misspell the words.

1 [leech] Show IPA

verb (used with object)
1. to dissolve out soluble constituents from (ashes, soil, etc.) by percolation.

2. to cause (water or other liquid) to percolate through something.

verb (used without object)
3. (of ashes, soil, etc.) to undergo the action of percolating water.

4. to percolate, as water.

5. the act or process of leaching.

6. a product or solution obtained by leaching; leachate.

7. the material leached.

8. a vessel for use in leaching.

If you're trying to equate welfare recipients as being a bunch of bloodsuckers (which is what it sounded like in your posts), you'd be better off with this spelling..............

1 [leech] Show IPA

1. any bloodsucking or carnivorous aquatic or terrestrial worm of the class Hirudinea, certain freshwater species of which were formerly much used in medicine for bloodletting.

2. a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other's resources; parasite.

3. Archaic. an instrument used for drawing blood.

Both definitions provided from Dictionary.com - Free Online English Dictionary.

WTF..........................don't you Republican types know how to spell, or even the difference in words that sound the same but are spelled differently, as well as mean different things?

I guess you don't really pay attention....................I mean...................you confuse Nazism with Communism and Obama on a regular basis, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

It's a result of that private religious school education.

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