13 year old dies after second jab

COVID was never a serious health threat and neither is the COVID vaccine. Get over it. Get on with living. Burn your mask.
COVID was never a serious health threat and neither is the COVID vaccine. Get over it. Get on with living. Burn your mask.
Ya, only over 650,000 deaths compared to an average of 35,000 annually from the flu.

I’d kick your ass in a round of golf. Bet yer a duffer who cheats. :D
I CANNOT believe this idiotic OP has survived under Breaking News :rolleyes-41:
Why don't you ask the child's parents if they have a preference between conspiracy theories or rubber room before you go begging the mods to fight for you.
Why don’t you grow a brain?
His name was Jacob. Jacob Clynick. He had his whole life in front of him.

Jacob was obese and may have died anyway.
Wonder how many 13 year olds will die in Gooberland from these new variants because they DON’T get vaxed?
Meh - You don’t care.

Jacob was obese and may have died anyway.
These vile, morbid attacks on the deceased child are an attempt to devolve the level of conversation to such a disgusting level that you manipulate a mod into censoring the thread. Your plea for administrative punishment of your political opponent. Vile, morbid, disgusting.
How many folk have died as a direct result of the vaccine and how many doses of said vaccines have been issued? can anyone give me a proper number and not made-up numbers from alternative news sites?

What site would you care to believe?

The truth about this is so politically charged, you will never get a straight answer..........from anyone.
Unless the numbers of vaccinations and deaths resulting from vaccinations are broken down by gender and age groups, they are relatively meaningless. Doctors are finding disturbing side effects in teen age boys. I've not heard of similar problems being discovered with teenage girls
Defiant America ^ | 06.21.2021 | Mack Cogburn
Posted on 6/21/2021, 8:23:06 AM by USA Conservative

More than 300 cases of heart inflammation after Covid-19 vaccinations have been reported in young people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. “The case are rare,” she said. “Over 20 million adolescents and young adults [have been] vaccinated in the United States.”

The teenaged boys all looked like they were having heart attacks. They complained of chest pain and general discomfort, and tests looked at first as if they were suffering an acute myocardial infarction, or heart attack. But they weren’t. Instead, the seven youths ages 14 to 19 were suffering from a very rare type of heart inflammation. It’s one that public health officials are beginning to link to Covid-19 vaccines.

But what the mainstream media failed to report is that one 13-year-old kid even died three days after receiving the vaccine.

Tami Burages who is a vaccine advocate herself posted a photo with the vaccination card of her nephew.

He died three days after receiving the second dose. The initial autopsy results were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems and didn’t receive any medications.

Photo from the vaccination card:

Here’s her statement:

There s no official statement that the vaccine was the reason for the cardiac event but the children’s family alleged that the vaccine caused heart failure!


This is coming from a COVID vaccine advocate.
I feel very sorry for that family and their loss and I mean no disrespect of the dead, but she lost me completely when in the comments she says she would still vaccinate her son who is close in age to his now-deceased cousin! Wth! I don't get it!

I'm curious, if everybody did things your way, would you have nobody take the vaccine?

What’s hard about this is that the young people that we are seeing it in are at low risk for bad effects of COVID, meaning they have low benefit from the vaccine too.

So low risk from vaccine, low benefit from vaccine, it might be easy to say this isn’t worth it.

And if you’re thinking about the societal effects of vaccinating them, I don’t disagree, but that shouldn’t be part of the recommendation to get vaccinated. We still respect autonomy.

I agree.

COVID infection rates are so low where I am, that if we stopped vaccinating here, that would be just fine and wouldn’t probably make any significant difference.

I don't know where you live. Perhaps that is true. But if everybody took that attitude and stopped taking it don't you think there would be a risk of having a resurge like we are seeing in other countries, along with new variants which will lead to more shut downs etc. ??

I don’t. If the fall in cases is due to vaccination, which is almost certainly true, then that means we’ve approached som semblance of here immunity. There’s little room for the virus to spread into. Our vaccination rate is close to 80% of eligible population.

If a new variant breaks through the vaccine, then vaccinating more people with the same vaccine isn’t going to stop it.

We aren't at herd immunity yet. We are actually seeing surging all over the world. We are fortunate to be in a position to reopen because of the abundance of vaccine we are lucky enough to have in this country. I literally just got a message from one of my suppliers in Hong Kong saying that they are having a resurge of COVID and have shut down all production and shipments of goods. There are stories like this all over the world. And here we are with people refusing to take this miracle drug and spreading all kinds of conspiracies about it. It's sad.

Its also sad to see stories like this kid who died and the several others who have died. I hope it wasn't because of the vaccine but if it was then I hope the get the issue fixed quickly to lessen the risk as much as possible.

Here immunity isn’t a light switch, it’s a continuum. Maybe there are surges other places, but are there any surges in places with 80% vaccination rates in the adult population? Not that I know of.

It probably was the vaccine. It’s happening often enough that I’m seeing cases too. When there was the issue with clots, I never saw one and didn’t really register with me. But among me and my colleagues, we’ve seen several episodes of myocarditis. I don’t think it’s rare enough to not be real. It’s still rare, mind you, but I think it’s real.

I couldn't imagine a case where there wouldn't be side effects from this vaccine. I'm not denying they are there. Its a risk reward and public safety thing. I hope whatever issues arise with these vaccines can be identified and resolved ASAP. Would be great if the public would be supportive of these efforts instead of so many spreading hyperbolic and politicized misinformation about it.

I believe a risk reward option is reserved for Golf the evidence that this vaccine isn't as Safe as "they", (whoever They are) told you. If peop
I thought the so-called "experts" weren't going to shoot up healthy kids, because their ever changing comments deemed it unnecessary, since most kids have better virus fighting abilities than adults?

More LIES obviously.

These "experts" need to be shot. They have NO F-ING CLUE WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING!!!
They are just playing Russian Roulette with peoples lives, and theres not a goddamned thing you can do about it, because Big Pharma got their own private law passed years ago, so they can't be sued for anything they do...........or how many people they murder.
Defiant America ^ | 06.21.2021 | Mack Cogburn
Posted on 6/21/2021, 8:23:06 AM by USA Conservative

More than 300 cases of heart inflammation after Covid-19 vaccinations have been reported in young people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. “The case are rare,” she said. “Over 20 million adolescents and young adults [have been] vaccinated in the United States.”

The teenaged boys all looked like they were having heart attacks. They complained of chest pain and general discomfort, and tests looked at first as if they were suffering an acute myocardial infarction, or heart attack. But they weren’t. Instead, the seven youths ages 14 to 19 were suffering from a very rare type of heart inflammation. It’s one that public health officials are beginning to link to Covid-19 vaccines.

But what the mainstream media failed to report is that one 13-year-old kid even died three days after receiving the vaccine.

Tami Burages who is a vaccine advocate herself posted a photo with the vaccination card of her nephew.

He died three days after receiving the second dose. The initial autopsy results were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems and didn’t receive any medications.

Photo from the vaccination card:

Here’s her statement:

There s no official statement that the vaccine was the reason for the cardiac event but the children’s family alleged that the vaccine caused heart failure!


This is coming from a COVID vaccine advocate.
I feel very sorry for that family and their loss and I mean no disrespect of the dead, but she lost me completely when in the comments she says she would still vaccinate her son who is close in age to his now-deceased cousin! Wth! I don't get it!

I'm curious, if everybody did things your way, would you have nobody take the vaccine?

Just you democrats, I would mandate that all democratic party controlled men, women, and children be vaccinated, then watch and see how many of you die of it!
I thought the so-called "experts" weren't going to shoot up healthy kids, because their ever changing comments deemed it unnecessary, since most kids have better virus fighting abilities than adults?
That's because you just made that up.

Oh, sorry.............I just noticed your problem......

You can have your little hissy. You will still be a pathetic liar when it is over.
Defiant America ^ | 06.21.2021 | Mack Cogburn
Posted on 6/21/2021, 8:23:06 AM by USA Conservative

More than 300 cases of heart inflammation after Covid-19 vaccinations have been reported in young people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. “The case are rare,” she said. “Over 20 million adolescents and young adults [have been] vaccinated in the United States.”

The teenaged boys all looked like they were having heart attacks. They complained of chest pain and general discomfort, and tests looked at first as if they were suffering an acute myocardial infarction, or heart attack. But they weren’t. Instead, the seven youths ages 14 to 19 were suffering from a very rare type of heart inflammation. It’s one that public health officials are beginning to link to Covid-19 vaccines.

But what the mainstream media failed to report is that one 13-year-old kid even died three days after receiving the vaccine.

Tami Burages who is a vaccine advocate herself posted a photo with the vaccination card of her nephew.

He died three days after receiving the second dose. The initial autopsy results were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems and didn’t receive any medications.

Photo from the vaccination card:

Here’s her statement:

There s no official statement that the vaccine was the reason for the cardiac event but the children’s family alleged that the vaccine caused heart failure!


This is coming from a COVID vaccine advocate.
I feel very sorry for that family and their loss and I mean no disrespect of the dead, but she lost me completely when in the comments she says she would still vaccinate her son who is close in age to his now-deceased cousin! Wth! I don't get it!

I'm curious, if everybody did things your way, would you have nobody take the vaccine?

Just you democrats, I would mandate that all democratic party controlled men, women, and children be vaccinated, then watch and see how many of you die of it!

Many are vaccinated.

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