14 Mississippi state senators walked out before a vote on CRT

Because it also says more than that.

Do you guys even remember how not to lie?
Which part of this statement do you disagree with?

"it would outlaw teachings that assert certain individuals are 'inherently racist [or] sexist] - or 'morally superior' - or that characterize individuals' status as 'privileged' or 'oppressed' based on their race, sex or national origin."

'No individual is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously, solely by the virtue of his or her race or sex. No race is inherently superior to another race,' said Republican Sen. Manny Diaz, the bill's sponsor.'

"It is not about ignoring the 'dark' parts of American history, but rather ensuring that people are not blamed for sins of the past, Diaz said."

"This was directed to make whites not feel bad about what happened years ago,' said state Senator Shevrin Jones, pictured, of the legislation"

Why in hell, should whites who are alive today be expected to "feel bad" about things white Americans did a century and more, ago?
What becomes glaringly apparent about this CRT nonsense is that the goal has nothing to do with "JUSTICE" AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH "REVENGE". All I can say, bubba, is be careful what you wish for.
We can't stop them. They have free speech because of us,
They're welcome to insult all they like. It's when they expect people to genuflect or teach their children that they're evil because of something people with the same color skin did to blacks 100 years ago. It's ridiculous unless it's designed for revenge on the cheap. Revenge that's government-sanctioned. Revenge that won't get their asses handed to them.
That deep South sure is a fucked up place.
Damn! You busted us! You're right man, be sure and stay FAR, FAR AWAY from the land of the red neck and hill-billy. It might rub off on you and yours. ;)
So these Dimwingers want to be able to teach kids one race is superior to another.

Sounds about right for the racist Dimtard party.
It makes me wonder if they're even capable of grasping the irony. Their ancestors, especially those from the 1860s, would never believe it if they were told their great-great-grandchildren would be doing something like this. Hell... even MLK would be disgusted.
Liberal teachers are eager to teach topics like slavery, hoping the white students will feel sorry for blacks.
14 Mississippi state senators, all Democrats, walked out before a vote on a bill that forbids teaching students at public schools and colleges that 'that any sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior.'
The bill's passage makes Mississippi the latest state to take a legislative stance on Critical Race Theory.
'No individual is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously, solely by the virtue of his or her race or sex. No race is inherently superior to another race,' said Republican Sen. Manny Diaz, the bill's sponsor.
'This was directed to make whites not feel bad about what happened years ago,' said state Senator Shevrin Jones, pictured, of the legislation

CRT divides people and it is based on backwards left-wing racial stereotypes.
The Democrats want to indoctrinate children in their Progressive racism.
It doesn't solve problems, it creates problems.
It's good that it's being abolished.
It's OK to teach about slavery and the civil right struggle, but CRT is just more Liberal hate.

None of your comments have any basis in fact and none are applicable to Criticial Race Theory. CRT isn't divisive in the slightest. What you are describing is not critical race theory.

"critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. "

AntiCRT is simply racist intimidation. It’s the modern version of Civil War statues. The south is burning.
Are parts of the mountain west and midwest on fire, as well? This blowback is hardly exclusive to the southeastern U.S. The thing is, if these kinds of wedges continue to be driven between racial and economic groups, the whole damned country will eventually be aflame. I ask you... QUI BONO?
Are parts of the mountain west and midwest on fire, as well? This blowback is hardly exclusive to the southeastern U.S. The thing is, if these kinds of wedges continue to be driven between racial and economic groups, the whole damned country will eventually be aflame. I ask you... QUI BONO?
This is 100% a conservative fake issue. Don’t be a bitch.
Is it ok for libs to use racial slurs against whites?
Well, we generally believe that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me," to quote my mother who lived through the depression, a world war, both of which required people to sacrifice amenities and the latter, so they could be sent "over there." The Demmies are into ridding their heads of history, family ties, responsibility, and currently, pressuring police with bricks and badmouthing for merely doing their job of protecting the public.

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