14 Republicans doing the bidding of the Democrats

You are really confused about the Bill of Rights, aren't you?

It applies to all Americans, you dumb ass.

Why is it that you Moon Bats hate the Bill of Rights so much?

You hate free speech if goes against your agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole.

You hate freedom religion and do everything you can to destroy it.

You hate the right to keep and bear arms because you are little chickenshit pussies that are afraid we Americans will use the arms to fight against your agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

You hate due process because it is an impediment to taking away our Constitutional rights.

You Moon Bats hate individual liberty. All you want is your filthy ass collectivism.

Why don't you move to Canada? It is the Socialist paradise that you desire the US to be. There the right to keep and bear arms is not a right but a privilege. You will be safe there. Nobody will shoot you. Then we Americans won't have to listen to you bitching about the Bill of Rights so much.
So a 14 year old can buy a gun stupid?

I just hate people like you.
Hey Moon Bats. Do you still hate the NRA?

I'd let a 14 year old get an abortion. Are you kidding?

Just cause someone can fuck doesn't mean they are mature enough to own guns.
But the same agendas that help teenagers to get pregnant at a much higher percentage are the same agendas that drive people on the edge crazy or give the crazy who are not in hospitals access to weapons.
All those well-regulated militia members who have shot up schools and movie theaters and grocery stores and churches and restaurants and......................

Yet it's not Militia or NRA members, but emboldened Left Wing Nut Jobs who shot at Republican Congressmen and tried to murder Justice Kavanaugh
No…I had problems with it…..
That’s a lie.

“The proposed deal in the Senate on violating the Rights of Americans.....at first look, it doesn't seem like the democrats got the anti-gun laws they wanted.....but we may actually address the problems of mass public shooters....something that also hurts the democrats...since mass public shootings, in particular, school shootings, are their Christmas day.....

Doesn’t look too bad…”

You said it was going to be Democrats who would cry about this bill. Now you are. What changed?
I'd let a 14 year old get an abortion. Are you kidding?

Just cause someone can fuck doesn't mean they are mature enough to own guns.

You confusion lies with the fact that you don't understand the Bill of Rights.

If an 18 year old is mature enough to vote, mature enough to drive a vehicle (more deadly than a firearm) and an 18 year is mature enough to fight in a war then the 18 year old is sure mature enough to keep and bear arms in accordance with the Bill of Rights.

Making the 18 year old have to get permission from the government in the form of a filhty ass enhanced background check is a major infringement on that right and goes against the fact that the Bill of Rights prohibits the government from infringing.

Really, you should read up on what the Bill of Rights is all about. It will help you to pull your head out of your Libtard ass.

Have you considered moving to Canada like I suggested? You will be safe there.
That’s a lie.

“The proposed deal in the Senate on violating the Rights of Americans.....at first look, it doesn't seem like the democrats got the anti-gun laws they wanted.....but we may actually address the problems of mass public shooters....something that also hurts the democrats...since mass public shootings, in particular, school shootings, are their Christmas day.....

Doesn’t look too bad…”

You said it was going to be Democrats who would cry about this bill. Now you are. What changed?
The Democrats wanted to completely nail the cover to the coffin of Liberty.

The 14 RINOs help the filthy Democrats to hammer in a few more nails.
The Democrats wanted to completely nail the cover to the coffin of Liberty.

The 14 RINOs help the filthy Democrats to hammer in a few more nails.
Your fellow gun nut didn’t see anything wrong with this bill and now he flip-flopped.
But the same agendas that help teenagers to get pregnant at a much higher percentage are the same agendas that drive people on the edge crazy or give the crazy who are not in hospitals access to weapons.
Actually, have you ever noticed how prude America is when it comes to sex but how cool we are with showing violence on TV?

We have no problem showing a movie to a minor where 100 people are murdered in the first hour but we won't show a kid a boob god forbid.

And many of us will take our 14 year olds out to the shooting range but not to a strip club. How come a dad can't take his 14 year old son to a strip club but he can take him to the shooting range?
You confusion lies with the fact that you don't understand the Bill of Rights.

If an 18 year old is mature enough to vote, mature enough to drive a vehicle (more deadly than a firearm) and an 18 year is mature enough to fight in a war then the 18 year old is sure mature enough to keep and bear arms in accordance with the Bill of Rights.

Making the 18 year old have to get permission from the government in the form of a filhty ass enhanced background check is a major infringement on that right and goes against the fact that the Bill of Rights prohibits the government from infringing.

Really, you should read up on what the Bill of Rights is all about. It will help you to pull your head out of your Libtard ass.

Have you considered moving to Canada like I suggested? You will be safe there.
That is not true! Just because a kid is mature enough to drive does not make him mature enough to own a gun.

And I'll keep saying it since you guys are slow. Just because 18 year olds were mature back in the day doesn't mean they are today. Seems like kids today are less mature than they were just 11 years ago. Something has changed.

Between 2011 and 2020, suicide rates increased for those ages 15 to 24.

Why are they increasing? So I guess 18 was just an arbitrary number. Or a number that seemed appropriate back then but today does not.

There's also this

Sen. Chris Murphy: “Most of these killers tend to be 18, 19 years old.”

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly True

Also consider this:

The U.S. Constitution only provides age requirements for two things: holding political office and voting. It says you can be a House representative at 25, a senator at 30, and a president or vice president at 35. The 14th and 26th Amendments both dealt with the voting age, with the latter setting it at 18. But other than that, there are no guidelines about how old you need to be to do anything else, like smoke, drink, marry, drive—or buy a gun.

So wait!!!! You can't be in the House of Representatives until you are 25? How UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!
You confusion lies with the fact that you don't understand the Bill of Rights.

If an 18 year old is mature enough to vote, mature enough to drive a vehicle (more deadly than a firearm) and an 18 year is mature enough to fight in a war then the 18 year old is sure mature enough to keep and bear arms in accordance with the Bill of Rights.

Making the 18 year old have to get permission from the government in the form of a filhty ass enhanced background check is a major infringement on that right and goes against the fact that the Bill of Rights prohibits the government from infringing.

Really, you should read up on what the Bill of Rights is all about. It will help you to pull your head out of your Libtard ass.

Have you considered moving to Canada like I suggested? You will be safe there.

Licensed arms dealers can’t sell handguns to anyone under 21, yet they can sell AR-15s, which are classified as rifles or long guns, to anyone 18 and older.

So tell me my friend. How does the federal law get away with this? I Thought you said that was unconstitutional? Turns out you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

1968, the first year the federal government set age limits for gun purchases. Before then, regulation for non-machine guns was mostly left to states. It’s not clear whether states had formal age restrictions for guns, but gun access in some states may have followed the “age of majority,” i.e. the age at which you were considered a legal adult. The age of majority is often tied to the age when you start voting, and for most of U.S. history, it was 21

But then the 1960s brought the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a feeling among some Americans that increased law and order was needed to quell unrest, especially among young people. In response to these factors, the Gun Control Act of 1968 established the first federal age limits for buying guns from licensed dealers: 18 for long guns and 21 for handguns. The distinction was due to the fact that handguns were associated more with homicide (and today still account for most gun deaths) than long guns. However, it set no age limit for possession, and no age limit for purchasing guns from a private seller.

In 1994, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act doubled down on the inconsistencies in gun purchasing age limits. This law said that you had to be 18 to possess or buy a handgun, while still leaving in effect the 1968 law’s stipulation that licensed dealers could only sell handguns to persons 21 and over,

“You have to be 18 to buy a long gun from a licensed gun dealer,” Vernick explains. “But if instead of knocking on the door of my local gun store, I knock on my neighbor’s door, and that person wants to sell me a rifle or a shotgun, I can be 11.”
Now you're inciting violence against some specific individuals.
No I'm not. You are an idiot that assumes there is violence attached because you are a foreign savage incapable of understanding nuance or anything less than barked commands made by your pathetic oppressor state.
Your fellow gun nut didn’t see anything wrong with this bill and now he flip-flopped.

The RINOs supported it. Hardly gun nuts.

Most of the stupid bill is bullshit like the mental health crap. It won't a damn thing to stop gun crime seeing that most of the gun crime in this country is done by Negroes in Democrat controlled big city shitholes among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs. Just a placebo to placate the stupid Moon Bats.

The two things that attack our liberties.

First is the infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms for 18, 19 and 20 year olds with having to go through an enhanced government permission process before being allowed to enjoy their Constitutional right. Despicable, isn't it?

Second is the filthy Red Flag provision is a direct infringement upon the 5th Amendment protecting due process. The 5th Amendment is a cornerstone of our Republic and the shithead Democrats, with the help of 14 RINOs, just legislated it away. Even more despicable, isn't it?

It is like this country is Canada where the shithead political bosses think that you really don't have any rights. Just privileges they hand out.
18 year olds are considered adults. They sure as hell can serve in the military and vote but the Democrat and RINO filth do not want them to have the same Constitutional rights as other Americans and that is despicable.
are u saying that 18 yr olds can't own guns or something? When did that happen? btw this reminds me of how it seems you have towatch news all day long to be well informed. Well, obviously people cannot do that.. unless severely disabled or whatever... (in bed most of the time)

so if that is true... they can fight in the military but not have a gun of their own at home?

I hope I have this "wrong"
Licensed arms dealers can’t sell handguns to anyone under 21, yet they can sell AR-15s, which are classified as rifles or long guns, to anyone 18 and older.

So tell me my friend. How does the federal law get away with this? I Thought you said that was unconstitutional? Turns out you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

1968, the first year the federal government set age limits for gun purchases. Before then, regulation for non-machine guns was mostly left to states. It’s not clear whether states had formal age restrictions for guns, but gun access in some states may have followed the “age of majority,” i.e. the age at which you were considered a legal adult. The age of majority is often tied to the age when you start voting, and for most of U.S. history, it was 21

But then the 1960s brought the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a feeling among some Americans that increased law and order was needed to quell unrest, especially among young people. In response to these factors, the Gun Control Act of 1968 established the first federal age limits for buying guns from licensed dealers: 18 for long guns and 21 for handguns. The distinction was due to the fact that handguns were associated more with homicide (and today still account for most gun deaths) than long guns. However, it set no age limit for possession, and no age limit for purchasing guns from a private seller.

In 1994, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act doubled down on the inconsistencies in gun purchasing age limits. This law said that you had to be 18 to possess or buy a handgun, while still leaving in effect the 1968 law’s stipulation that licensed dealers could only sell handguns to persons 21 and over,

“You have to be 18 to buy a long gun from a licensed gun dealer,” Vernick explains. “But if instead of knocking on the door of my local gun store, I knock on my neighbor’s door, and that person wants to sell me a rifle or a shotgun, I can be 11.”
You are crazy and have no understanding of what the Bill of Rights is all about. You think the goddamn Legislature can take away our rights willy nilly. You real should go to Canada because they do it up there quite a bit.

We can't trust the Legislature Branch to protect our individual Liberties any more than we can trust the Executive or Judicial Branch. That is why we have the Second Amendment and that is why all the political bosses that don't give a shit about our Liberties are hell bent to destroy it..

This stupid bill will be enacted and it won't do a goddamn thing to stop any gun crime but we will have Liberties further eroded away.
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are u saying that 18 yr olds can't own guns or something? When did that happen? btw this reminds me of how it seems you have towatch news all day long to be well informed. Well, obviously people cannot do that.. unless severely disabled or whatever... (in bed most of the time)

so if that is true... they can fight in the military but not have a gun of their own at home?

I hope I have this "wrong"
The bill doesn't take gun ownership away. They didn't go that far although I suspect most of the butt pirates that voted for the travesty would have wanted it to.

What it does is infringe upon the Constitutional right of 18year olds(etc) because now they have to go through an enhanced government permission process before they allowed to enjoy their Constitutional right and that is robbing them of their Liberty.

If you have to get government permission to enjoy a Constitutional right then it really isn't a right, is it? In addition to that it is an assumption of being guilty before being found (by the filthy government) to be innocent.

This is a bad bill and won't do a damn thing to curb gun crime in this country. Most of the gun crime in the US is in the Democrat controlled big cities among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs that don't adhere to the existing gun laws.
The bill doesn't take gun ownership away. They didn't go that far although I suspect most of the butt pirates that voted for the travesty would have wanted it to.

What it does is infringe upon the Constitutional right of 18year olds(etc) because now they have to go through an enhanced government permission process before they allowed to enjoy their Constitutional right and that is robbing them of their Liberty.

If you have to get government permission to enjoy a Constitutional right then it really isn't a right, is it? In addition to that it is an assumption of being guilty before being found (by the filthy government) to be innocent.

This is a bad bill and won't do a damn thing to curb gun crime in this country. Most of the gun crime in the US is in the Democrat controlled big cities among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs that don't adhere to the existing gun laws.
Reminds me of the abortion issue. We know Republicans ultimate goal is to take your rights and freedoms away. And don't say gay.

Florida’s new parental rights law – which opponents have dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill – which prohibits K-3 teachers from classroom instruction of sexual orientation or gender identity. After The Walt Disney Co. announced its opposition to the legislation, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis led an effort to strip Walt Disney World of a special tax district that has allowed the company self-governance over things like land use and infrastructure.

Then Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced legislation that would reverse Disney’s copyright protections.

Unlike DeSantis’ effort to sanction Disney in Florida, Hawley’s bill stands little chance of passage and likely would raise constitutional challenges, but Hawley’s focus was on punishing Disney for, in his words, going “woke,” even if it is an attack on the private sector. Hawley wrote in a FoxNews.com op ed, “As Disney doubles down on its hostility to American values, it’s time to start paring those protections back.”

But that's now what Reagan said. Reagan appeared at the 35th anniversary of Disneyland and praised the theme park for exemplifying “the essence of the American spirit.”

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