14 Republicans doing the bidding of the Democrats


This 10 year old girl can legally possess the AR-15, handgun (in her state) and ammunition she is carrying ...
Because she was Born with the Right to Bear Arms.

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She's well supervised.

She can not walk down the street with that loaded can she?

She can not buy one can she? Why not? I mean, (in her state)? What's wrong with her state? Why won't they let her buy one?

This 10 year old girl can legally possess the AR-15, handgun (in her state) and ammunition she is carrying ...
Because she was Born with the Right to Bear Arms.

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I taught my sons to shoot when they were young and I am teaching my grandkids.

Too bad that when they get to be 18 they have to get enhanced permission from the government in order to enjoy their Constitutional rights. That ain't right.

Heaven help them if they piss off some stupid Moon Bat Karen and gets reported and red flagged and lose their Constitutional rights.
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are u saying that 18 yr olds can't own guns or something? When did that happen? btw this reminds me of how it seems you have towatch news all day long to be well informed. Well, obviously people cannot do that.. unless severely disabled or whatever... (in bed most of the time)

so if that is true... they can fight in the military but not have a gun of their own at home?

I hope I have this "wrong"

No one is allowed to have a concealed carry permit on a military installation, the military doesn't even issue them. Weapons must be registered on base and either kept in the home or stored in the base armory. Generally, service members who live in military barracks are not allowed to keep weapons in their room at all.

The rules are guided by a 1993 Pentagon regulation that dictates that weapons on military bases are only allowed to be carried for official purposes like law enforcement or sentry duty, prohibiting “the carrying of non-Government owned or issued weapons or ammunition.”

So why does it in the military, where virtually everyone has training in using a firearm, knowledge of the principles of weapons safety, and many have practical experience in combat that outpaces most civilian law enforcement?

Why? Because they are a bunch of 18 and 19 year old immature kids!!!!!
She's well supervised.

She can not walk down the street with that loaded can she?

She can not buy one can she? Why not? I mean, (in her state)? What's wrong with her state? Why won't they let her buy one?

It doesn't make a difference ... It is not illegal for her to possess it.
She doesn't have to buy the firearms ... It's not illegal for her to possess them.

Some states have restrictions on firearms, especially handguns, but there is a reason there
is no Federal Statute restricting the age of possessing an AR-15 and ammunition.

You are born with your Right to Bear Arms ... :thup:
No matter how people want to twist up the language in their Authoritarian Fascist efforts,
they have yet to be successful at completely changing the meaning of the words of the Second Amendment.

It doesn't matter if you think it is reasonable because no one is asking you for permission.

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Reminds me of the abortion issue. We know Republicans ultimate goal is to take your rights and freedoms away. And don't say gay.

Florida’s new parental rights law – which opponents have dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill – which prohibits K-3 teachers from classroom instruction of sexual orientation or gender identity. After The Walt Disney Co. announced its opposition to the legislation, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis led an effort to strip Walt Disney World of a special tax district that has allowed the company self-governance over things like land use and infrastructure.

Then Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced legislation that would reverse Disney’s copyright protections.

Unlike DeSantis’ effort to sanction Disney in Florida, Hawley’s bill stands little chance of passage and likely would raise constitutional challenges, but Hawley’s focus was on punishing Disney for, in his words, going “woke,” even if it is an attack on the private sector. Hawley wrote in a FoxNews.com op ed, “As Disney doubles down on its hostility to American values, it’s time to start paring those protections back.”

But that's now what Reagan said. Reagan appeared at the 35th anniversary of Disneyland and praised the theme park for exemplifying “the essence of the American spirit.”

Reminds me of abortion also.

If the Liberals weren't so goddamn bat shit crazy we could have common sense abortion laws that almost everybody could agree upon. Abortion when the mother's life was in danger and agreeing to put a child up for adoption in the case of rape or incest before abortion.

But no, the Libtards insist on having abortion on demand for the sake of convenience and that position is crazy as hell.

The agenda of the Libtards on gun control is to completely do away with the Second Amendment or do Canadian style restrictions that renders it to be moot.

Because of that bat shit crazy agenda there are no grounds for "common sense" compromise.

We can never trust Liberals with our Liberties because they will always have an agenda of sacrificing individual Liberty for collectivism . That is what the Left always do and we can't compromise with them. They are too crazy.
The bill doesn't take gun ownership away. They didn't go that far although I suspect most of the butt pirates that voted for the travesty would have wanted it to.

What it does is infringe upon the Constitutional right of 18year olds(etc) because now they have to go through an enhanced government permission process before they allowed to enjoy their Constitutional right and that is robbing them of their Liberty.

If you have to get government permission to enjoy a Constitutional right then it really isn't a right, is it? In addition to that it is an assumption of being guilty before being found (by the filthy government) to be innocent.

This is a bad bill and won't do a damn thing to curb gun crime in this country. Most of the gun crime in the US is in the Democrat controlled big cities among druggies, gang bangers and street thugs that don't adhere to the existing gun laws.
yeh... another concept that eludes the brain dead dims: outlawing guns means only outlaws will have guns.. an old slogan but one that has not penetrated their "minds" yet... probably because no logical thought can...

In any case, In what state is the bill (proposed?)?
Reminds me of abortion also.

If the Liberals weren't so goddamn bat shit crazy we could have common sense abortion laws that almost everybody could agree upon. Abortion when the mother's life was in danger and agreeing to put a child up for adoption in the case of rape or incest before abortion.

But no, the Libtards insist on having abortion on demand for the sake of convenience and that position is crazy as hell.

The agenda of the Libtards on gun control is to completely do away with the Second Amendment or do Canadian style restrictions that renders it to be moot.

Because of that bat shit crazy agenda there are no grounds for "common sense" compromise.

We can never trust Liberals with our Liberties because they will always have an agenda of sacrificing individual Liberty for collectivism . That is what the Left always do and we can't compromise with them. They are too crazy.
that last line is what a lot of conservatives don't seem to get.. Maybe i go back to this "other" issue a lot but this kind of thing reminds me of the liberalism in the Church... doing of course the same damage as it does... anywhere: destroying sanity, logic, civilization. Archbishop Lefebvre was pretty much the only bishop who defied liberalism in the Catholic Church (compliments of Vatican II [non-dogmatic Council]). He was treated like total dirt at every turn.. (just like conservatives in today's world) but he stood his ground because... using your words "They are too crazy" He almost used those exact words... Everything he said about liberalism in the Church applies to liberalism PERIOD
yeh... another concept that eludes the brain dead dims: outlawing guns means only outlaws will have guns.. an old slogan but one that has not penetrated their "minds" yet... probably because no logical thought can...

In any case, In what state is the bill (proposed?)?
It is a federal law.

Facts are facts.

In the US the great majority of gun crimes are in the Democrat controlled big cities among the minority population that don't adhere to the existing gun laws.

Laws like this stupid bill will not stop one gun crime. It just erodes Liberty.

No one is allowed to have a concealed carry permit on a military installation, the military doesn't even issue them. Weapons must be registered on base and either kept in the home or stored in the base armory. Generally, service members who live in military barracks are not allowed to keep weapons in their room at all.

The rules are guided by a 1993 Pentagon regulation that dictates that weapons on military bases are only allowed to be carried for official purposes like law enforcement or sentry duty, prohibiting “the carrying of non-Government owned or issued weapons or ammunition.”

So why does it in the military, where virtually everyone has training in using a firearm, knowledge of the principles of weapons safety, and many have practical experience in combat that outpaces most civilian law enforcement?

Why? Because they are a bunch of 18 and 19 year old immature kids!!!!!

The Military is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and not necessarily to the statutes of the state.
There are many limits on the Liberties a soldier has, and they do not mirror those allotted to civilians.

Hence GI ... Or Government Issue.

Because of that bat shit crazy agenda there are no grounds for "common sense" compromise.

We can never trust Liberals with our Liberties because they will always have an agenda of sacrificing individual Liberty for collectivism . That is what the Left always do and we can't compromise with them. They are too crazy.

If someone says ... "People are starving, can I steal half your chickens or all your chickens" ...
Compromise is not the only option, and the meat market owner can say ... "Hit the door before I fill you with holes."

Especially when the Texas cops sat outside the room for 20 minutes as they listened to BANG BANG BANG. They sat and listened to young children get slaughtered.

My Michigan cop buddy wants to blame how cops are getting in trouble for murdering people so they are hesitant to jump in. BULLSHIT! That might be an argument in Michigan but I don't think Texas cops need to be worrying about what Michigan rules are for their cops.

This is just cops trying to make excuses for their bad actions. No surprise.

The police chief is a democrat...just about to join the town counsel....so yes, his political life intefered with his decision.
That’s a lie.

“The proposed deal in the Senate on violating the Rights of Americans.....at first look, it doesn't seem like the democrats got the anti-gun laws they wanted.....but we may actually address the problems of mass public shooters....something that also hurts the democrats...since mass public shootings, in particular, school shootings, are their Christmas day.....

Doesn’t look too bad…”

You said it was going to be Democrats who would cry about this bill. Now you are. What changed?

They are.....the House is going to stab the Republicans in the back.......

The democrats want the Red Flag laws......they saw they could get them, so they took them........
Your fellow gun nut didn’t see anything wrong with this bill and now he flip-flopped.

Whoa, dumb ass......I never said this bill was okay......didn't even agree with it.....In fact, I posted about some of this in the clean debate zone and you will see that I sided against Red Flag Laws specifically because you and the democrats are going to abuse them..
Actually, have you ever noticed how prude America is when it comes to sex but how cool we are with showing violence on TV?

We have no problem showing a movie to a minor where 100 people are murdered in the first hour but we won't show a kid a boob god forbid.

And many of us will take our 14 year olds out to the shooting range but not to a strip club. How come a dad can't take his 14 year old son to a strip club but he can take him to the shooting range?

The odds of kids murdering people are small...the odds they will have sex with their girlfriends are much higher with long term consequences...you idiot.
That is not true! Just because a kid is mature enough to drive does not make him mature enough to own a gun.

And I'll keep saying it since you guys are slow. Just because 18 year olds were mature back in the day doesn't mean they are today. Seems like kids today are less mature than they were just 11 years ago. Something has changed.

Between 2011 and 2020, suicide rates increased for those ages 15 to 24.

Why are they increasing? So I guess 18 was just an arbitrary number. Or a number that seemed appropriate back then but today does not.

There's also this

Sen. Chris Murphy: “Most of these killers tend to be 18, 19 years old.”

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly True

Also consider this:

The U.S. Constitution only provides age requirements for two things: holding political office and voting. It says you can be a House representative at 25, a senator at 30, and a president or vice president at 35. The 14th and 26th Amendments both dealt with the voting age, with the latter setting it at 18. But other than that, there are no guidelines about how old you need to be to do anything else, like smoke, drink, marry, drive—or buy a gun.

So wait!!!! You can't be in the House of Representatives until you are 25? How UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!

Sen. Chris Murphy: “Most of these killers tend to be 18, 19 years old.”

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly True


Reminds me of the abortion issue. We know Republicans ultimate goal is to take your rights and freedoms away. And don't say gay.

Florida’s new parental rights law – which opponents have dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill – which prohibits K-3 teachers from classroom instruction of sexual orientation or gender identity. After The Walt Disney Co. announced its opposition to the legislation, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis led an effort to strip Walt Disney World of a special tax district that has allowed the company self-governance over things like land use and infrastructure.

Then Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced legislation that would reverse Disney’s copyright protections.

Unlike DeSantis’ effort to sanction Disney in Florida, Hawley’s bill stands little chance of passage and likely would raise constitutional challenges, but Hawley’s focus was on punishing Disney for, in his words, going “woke,” even if it is an attack on the private sector. Hawley wrote in a FoxNews.com op ed, “As Disney doubles down on its hostility to American values, it’s time to start paring those protections back.”

But that's now what Reagan said. Reagan appeared at the 35th anniversary of Disneyland and praised the theme park for exemplifying “the essence of the American spirit.”

Actually, that Bill is the "Don't groom our kids for sex," Bill.........considering they want to hand out books about sex between children and sex between adults and children....
They are.....the House is going to stab the Republicans in the back.......

The democrats want the Red Flag laws......they saw they could get them, so they took them........
You said Democrats would he the ones crying about this bill. Now you’re crying about it. What happened?
The police chief is a democrat...just about to join the town counsel....so yes, his political life intefered with his decision.
That Texas district that produced piss poor leadership in a crisis is a D+9.

Whenever the Democrats are in charged we see incompetence.

We saw the same thing in Parkland where the Sheriff was a Crooked Hillary supporting Democrat that spent more time at fund raisers than he did training his department to go after an active shooter.

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