14 Republicans doing the bidding of the Democrats

Then explain this......this NRA instructor, with his privately owned, AR-15 rifle saved the lives of 25 people....by using his rifle to shoot at the mass public shooter...
Are there anecdotal examples of a gun owner intervening to stop a shooter? Sure there are. Do statistics show those instances are few and far between, and that the more guns there are the more gun violence there is? They sure do.

From my thread.......

Prepare for gun grabber tears.... Senate anti-gun proposals don't seem to give them what they wanted.....good....I hope it stays that way...

My post #138

The democrats have shown is they will weaponise any Red Flag laws

From my thread on the SWATTING of Tim Pool....

Red Flag Laws? Ask Tim Pool about the left and 9 SWAT events against him…

My post #1

This is why we can’t do Red Flag Laws….Podcaster and independent journalist Tim Pool has been SWATed 9 times…..this is where a deranged leftist calls the police and states that there is a gunman at Tim’s location shooting people………they have done this 9 times.

Now imagine you give them the power to call the police and they can lie and say you are a threat and have guns……this gives the police the ability to just take your guns…and then, iyou have to hire a lawyer to get them back……….at your own expense……with a good chance the cops will never give them back…….

Sorry, the democrats and their insanity make it impossible to do anything….

“Doesn’t look too bad…

So now it looks bad to you?
Your constitutional rights, relative to the 2nd A, are whatever the majority of SC justices say they are at any given point in time.
You should tell that to DC and Chicago.

The Heller and McDonald cases clearly told the Democrat turds in those cities to freely allow the citizens to have the right to keep and bear arms but they completely ignored the Supreme Court. It is just about as difficult to legally get permission to have a firearm now as it was before.

Typical of all Leftest Revolutionaries American Liberals don't give a shit about the law.
Whenever Democrats do something to hurt this country they are usually aided by weak minded Republicans. The common name being RINOs.

Theses Republicans helped the Democrats to diminish our Constitutional rights by infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms for 18, 19 and 20 year olds and by doing away with due process for all Americans.


View attachment 660877
Lol, people doing their jobs is what they are. Fuck you and Trumpland. By the way speaking of jobs. Mo Brooks no longer has one. By By Mo.
You really don't do the insult thing very well....but keep trying, you can get better....
Sure I do. I just make my point and then I follow it up with a string of mindless insults. Seem familiar?

You idiot. You moron. You dumbass.
Sure I do. I just make my point and then I follow it up with a string of mindless insults. Seem familiar?

You idiot. You moron. You dumbass.

yeah, keep practicing……..you need a lot of work in the insult area…

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