14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress

Why waste time with your right-wing dumbshit? I said with today's technology you can hid a serial number that can't be found and remove. If you don't believe something so simple, I don't care.

Son, you're a dumbfuck.

If law enforcement is provided the location, the public will have it within 72 hours.
Why waste time with your right-wing dumbshit? I said with today's technology you can hid a serial number that can't be found and remove. If you don't believe something so simple, I don't care.

Son, you're a dumbfuck.

If law enforcement is provided the location, the public will have it within 72 hours.

You call retired people son and you're not the dumbfuck?

What difference would it make if they did know the location? It wouldn't do them any good.

You're just not bright enough to figure out what today's technology can do and I'm not to tell you.

Consider it a riddle! How can you hide a serial number on a gun that can't be remove?
You call retired people son and you're not the dumbfuck?

Based on your avatar, I'm guessing you are about 13, and on mommy's computer.

What difference would it make if they did know the location? It wouldn't do them any good.

What the fuck?

You claim that a second "super secret double probation" serial number would somehow reduce crime, even though any attempt to keep this hidden is futile?

You're just not bright enough to figure out what today's technology can do and I'm not to tell you.

Well, aren't you so clever..

Say, you never DID answer about the percent of guns used in crimes that have obscured serial numbers?

Consider it a riddle! How can you hide a serial number on a gun that can't be remove?

Based on available fact, stamp it on the barrel. Since attempts to remove the ones there now fail in virtually every case - including the case with the Obama administrations gun running to Mexican drug lords.
You call retired people son and you're not the dumbfuck?

Based on your avatar, I'm guessing you are about 13, and on mommy's computer.

What difference would it make if they did know the location? It wouldn't do them any good.

What the fuck?

You claim that a second "super secret double probation" serial number would somehow reduce crime, even though any attempt to keep this hidden is futile?

You're just not bright enough to figure out what today's technology can do and I'm not to tell you.

Well, aren't you so clever..

Say, you never DID answer about the percent of guns used in crimes that have obscured serial numbers?

Consider it a riddle! How can you hide a serial number on a gun that can't be remove?

Based on available fact, stamp it on the barrel. Since attempts to remove the ones there now fail in virtually every case - including the case with the Obama administrations gun running to Mexican drug lords.

13 year olds are people who comment on every sentence, because they're not old enough to know ideas are expressed in paragraphs.
You call retired people son and you're not the dumbfuck?

Based on your avatar, I'm guessing you are about 13, and on mommy's computer.

What the fuck?

You claim that a second "super secret double probation" serial number would somehow reduce crime, even though any attempt to keep this hidden is futile?

Well, aren't you so clever..

Say, you never DID answer about the percent of guns used in crimes that have obscured serial numbers?

Consider it a riddle! How can you hide a serial number on a gun that can't be remove?

Based on available fact, stamp it on the barrel. Since attempts to remove the ones there now fail in virtually every case - including the case with the Obama administrations gun running to Mexican drug lords.

13 year olds are people who comment on every sentence, because they're not old enough to know ideas are expressed in paragraphs.


a grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses an independent statement, question, request, command, exclamation, idea, etc., and that typically has a subject as well as a predicate, as in John is here. or Is John here? In print or writing, a sentence typically begins with a capital letter and ends with appropriate punctuation; in speech it displays recognizable, communicative intonation patterns and is often marked by preceding and following pauses.
Just to pick one: how would adding a second serial number to a gun help anything?

That is an incredibly stupid idea. Only a leftist bureaucrat could come up with the idea that since serial numbers don't work, let's add more.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

Rep coming.

The idea was twisted around a bit. The idea was to put a hidden second serial number and to place existing serial numbers in areas harder to remove.

How exactly do they intend to "hide" a serial number on a piece of equipment that is regularly taken apart to be cleaned and inspected?
Just to pick one: how would adding a second serial number to a gun help anything?

That is an incredibly stupid idea. Only a leftist bureaucrat could come up with the idea that since serial numbers don't work, let's add more.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

Rep coming.

Serial numbers don't work, too easy to remove.

Making it more difficult to remove the serial number would be helpful.

It's already virtually impossible to remove the serial number. But how would adding another serial number help any of that?

2nd serial number isn't needed because they are near impossible to remove.


OK, so you agree it is a stupid proposal.

What other proposals do you think would work to solve problems?
I don't get why we have to register guns in the first place.

So that when the gun is used in a crime we know who to call to tell us the gun had been reported stolen the week before.

I get trace requests from ATF periodically. In some of the cases I know for a fact the gun had been stolen. In others I'd suspect it. In probably no case was the person committing the crime the same one who bought the gun. It is a total waste of time and resources doing traces like that.
Based on your avatar, I'm guessing you are about 13, and on mommy's computer.

What the fuck?

You claim that a second "super secret double probation" serial number would somehow reduce crime, even though any attempt to keep this hidden is futile?

Well, aren't you so clever..

Say, you never DID answer about the percent of guns used in crimes that have obscured serial numbers?

Based on available fact, stamp it on the barrel. Since attempts to remove the ones there now fail in virtually every case - including the case with the Obama administrations gun running to Mexican drug lords.

13 year olds are people who comment on every sentence, because they're not old enough to know ideas are expressed in paragraphs.


a grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses an independent statement, question, request, command, exclamation, idea, etc., and that typically has a subject as well as a predicate, as in John is here. or Is John here? In print or writing, a sentence typically begins with a capital letter and ends with appropriate punctuation; in speech it displays recognizable, communicative intonation patterns and is often marked by preceding and following pauses.

Go back to school! Ideas are expressed by composing paragraphs, which may consist of a single sentence. Didn't they ever teach you how to write or when to start another paragraph?
That is an incredibly stupid idea. Only a leftist bureaucrat could come up with the idea that since serial numbers don't work, let's add more.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

Rep coming.

Serial numbers don't work, too easy to remove.

It's already virtually impossible to remove the serial number. But how would adding another serial number help any of that?

2nd serial number isn't needed because they are near impossible to remove.


OK, so you agree it is a stupid proposal.

What other proposals do you think would work to solve problems?

I think making it more difficult for criminals to remove the number is a good idea.

And I already posted the ones I thought sounded interesting.
I was a Civil Engineering troop -- base infrastructure support. No USAF support troops are allowed to qualify on full auto. They teach us basic marksmanship...no Rambo stuff.

The wonderful thing about .223's is that they are incredibly accurate. Even a 5.56mm fired in the same weapon lacks the precision of of a .223 (all in my opinion)

Putting a .223 into full auto or even burst mode makes no sense, since you lose the precision of the rifle. I know that with my Mini-14, I will hit what I aim at - 100% of the time. Shot a buddy's M-4, and first off, it's inferior to the Mini-14 in general, but when toggled to burst, I couldn't hit shit with it. In semi, I did just fine.

The problem is not with the weapon, but with the shooter. I have the AC-556 Mini-14, which is an actual assault rifle, unlike 99% of the ones on the socialist's lists, which fires semi, three round and full auto and I can hit accurate goupings at 100 yards no problem. Even better with the M-16 though I don't own one of those, I do have an AR-15 and can still qualify USMC expert with it which would be firing at 200, 300 and 500 meters. It's all about practice and trigger control. If you can shoot accurately with your mini-14, with a bit of practice you can accurately fire mine on burst, or an M-4 on burst.

Before the liberals start to have heart palipatitions let me say for the record, I have the proper federal license to own this weapon and one other full auto weapon. Pain in the ass and expensive but anyone who can legally purchase a firearm, can legally purchase a fully automatic weapon as well if they're willing to pay the fees and fill out the paper work. At least you used to be able to, let's see what the facists have in store for us. Always wanted an M-2 but could never afford to pay the $20,000-$25,000 to buy one, now I'll probably never get the chance.
The thing that concerns me with Obama's end-run around Congress is this: These laws only affect law-abiding citizens. Criminals couldn't care less about Obama or his ridiculous edicts.

Take the Auroa shooter for example. This "man" has a mental health record as long as your arm, yet he legally purchased his weapons - contrary to the law. His professors at CU refused to allow him in their classes due to his mental health issues. He was purged from the PhD class for the same reason. His Parents had him in mental health counseling for years. This "man" should NEVER been able to pass a background check.

My question: when do we begin holding these "so-called" mental health "professionals" accountable for the actions of their patients? When are we going to return to institutionalizing these freaks? Nope. We might be "violating their rights" What "rights"!?!? Their rights to kill and mame???

Obama, that rifle DID NOT jump off the shelf and kill anyone. The maniac BEHIND the trigger, or the knife, or the axe, or the automobile is responsible for the carnage. Start ENFORCING the laws that are on the books!!! Quit your cheap grandstanding for political gain.
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You obviously can't follow what was originally commented on, because the person was objecting to 13.

Source: 14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress | Mother Jones

The comment was why would you need that when you have the ATF? Let the ATF coordinate with state law enforcement.

Then you waste all these posts trying to prove the ATF and the DOJ are the same thing after telling me the ATF is part of the DOJ. Well, so is the FBI, but they don't do the same job. They all have different jobs.

Figure it out, it isn't that complicated!

You might want to go back an read the series of post. My first response to you concerned your response to another poster, about how well the ATF did in the area of international trafficking, namely Fast and Furious. Now you feel it necessary to tell me something I mentioned earlier, that the ATF and FBI are investigative arms of DOJ, like I didn't know that. Sounds like your starting to figure it out. But I'll tell you what, you keep learning and maybe if your lucky I'll give you another lesson when you start showing your ignorance again. I say when because the one thing you have demonstrated, is you have an abundance of ignorance. Until then you have a great day out there in fantasy land.

You idiots have been told about fast and furious being a sting, but you don't want to believe it, because you just want to bitch. It's a common practice in law enforcement to actually allow a shipment to proceed so they can locate who gets it. Guns are bought in very small numbers, if not one at a time. Even when you have someone with a few weapons, if you bust him, someone takes his place. It doesn't bother me they were tracing where those weapons were sent, but it bothers you because Obama was President.

They weren't tracing SHIT!

Where do you get these erroneous ideas, anyway, the Maddow Blog?

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