14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress

Lawyers in a court case aren't running around like the FBI and ATF. All those departments have separate functions.

Really, you still don't understand that the FBI and ATF are investigative arms of the DOJ. Damn your slow.

function - definition of function by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

This is THE stated function of the DOJ and all it's agencies also know as their mission statement, ya see the part I put in bold?

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.


One function, to argue otherwise would be like saying the motor in your vacuum cleaner or its wheels, has a function other than to aid you in cleaning the floor.
Hmm, when I was active duty, (I retired my commission shortly after the fall of Bagdad) M16A2 standard issue mags were 20-rounds, and so were the ones with my M-203 and my M-4A1. We carried 100 rounds under most conditions, 1 mag in rifle and 4 mags in belt packs (of course, in combat patrols most troops would load up their packs with as many magazines as they could pack). This isn't to say that there weren't 30rd mags in any of the weapons carried, but they weren't standard issue, at least in the units I was attached to. I'm curious, how did a 30-round mag become the "standard size" magazine for the civilian market semi-auto varient of these weapons, the AR-15? I'm not challenging or doubting you, I just find it peculiar that the civilian varient would possess larger magazines than were standard issue for the military varients of this weapon since the late sixties when I joined the military.

Actually, most of these suggestions seemed to be oriented around enforcing laws already on the books, and enhancing a few regulatory techniques. The president can't unilaterally enact laws, only congress can do that. The only thing the president can do is focus the DOJ and various other federal agencies on enforcement of laws and the methods used to enforce those laws.

I've never seen a 30 round that was reliable. The reason that 20 round magazines are standard with .223 based weapons is that it's the optimal size for spring tension to feed reliably into the weapon. 30 round mags either have too strong of springs, jamming the cartridge on a full mag, or too weak, misfeeding as the mag nears empty.

That makes very good sense, and is in accord with my experience, even with 20rd magazines after they acquire a lot of wear and tear you would get an occassional tendency for the last round to not push up fully into path of the bolt, resulting in a either a failure to chamber the round or a jam. Thank-you, for responding!
I think what Obama is trying to do is illiegal.

You give no detail of what he is trying to do. Obama and Biden were both lawyers and they have plenty more lawyers to help them do anything. It may surprise your kind, but lawyers do know how to follow the law.

Here is the problem and something your kind refuses to see. We live in a Democracy that elected the President and VP to office. I'm sure you didn't vote for them, but other Americans did. If they have the power in their office to do something for this country and do it, it doesn't make a difference whether your kind likes it or not. A President using the power given his office is not a dictator because some extreme people don't like what he does. We don't give a shit what you want and we outnumber you. Grow up!

It's obvious that you have ZERO appreciation for the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy.

Your statement indicates a frightening willingness to engage in a 'mob rule' type of society.

Please leave the country, we don't need you here.

In my 20 years in the USAF, the 30-round magazine was standard...but we only loaded 20 rounds. Eliminated most feed problems.

Makes sense, especially when using old magazines. I don't remember any specific information, but I do vaguely recall some scuttlebut about fears of barrel warpage/damage from inexperienced and scared troops autofiring too many rounds through the weapon too quickly. 3-30rd mags is 90 rds, which would require all 5, 20rd mags to equal...but, like I said, my memories suggest that it was more of word-of-mouth rumour among some of the armoury personnel than anything I ever saw printed up in a FM/TM.

I was a Civil Engineering troop -- base infrastructure support. No USAF support troops are allowed to qualify on full auto. They teach us basic marksmanship...no Rambo stuff.
I think what Obama is trying to do is illiegal.

You give no detail of what he is trying to do. Obama and Biden were both lawyers and they have plenty more lawyers to help them do anything. It may surprise your kind, but lawyers do know how to follow the law.

Here is the problem and something your kind refuses to see. We live in a Democracy that elected the President and VP to office. I'm sure you didn't vote for them, but other Americans did. If they have the power in their office to do something for this country and do it, it doesn't make a difference whether your kind likes it or not. A President using the power given his office is not a dictator because some extreme people don't like what he does. We don't give a shit what you want and we outnumber you. Grow up!
Yes, he won the election.

No, that doesn't give him a blank check to do whatever the hell he wants. His power is limited by the Constitution.

He doesn't seem to have read or comprehended that part of the document of which he's laughably called a scholar.
Really, you still don't understand that the FBI and ATF are investigative arms of the DOJ. Damn your slow.

function - definition of function by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

This is THE stated function of the DOJ and all it's agencies also know as their mission statement, ya see the part I put in bold?

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.


One function, to argue otherwise would be like saying the motor in your vacuum cleaner or its wheels, has a function other than to aid you in cleaning the floor.

You obviously can't follow what was originally commented on, because the person was objecting to 13.

13. Create a special DOJ unit to track interstate gun trafficking, abetted by state agreements: Richard Aborn of the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City says that the Justice Department should create a special unit focused on interstate gun trafficking to help states that want to form agreements to fight interstate gun trafficking. "Many officials in states would be happy to cooperate on trafficking—they're all interested in going after the traffickers," Aborn says.

Source: 14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress | Mother Jones

The comment was why would you need that when you have the ATF? Let the ATF coordinate with state law enforcement.

Then you waste all these posts trying to prove the ATF and the DOJ are the same thing after telling me the ATF is part of the DOJ. Well, so is the FBI, but they don't do the same job. They all have different jobs.

Figure it out, it isn't that complicated!


Good thing AK-47 "machine guns" and all other "machine guns" for that matter, are ALREADY some of the most restriviely regulated firearms in the nation and have NEVER been used in any of the mass shootings the liberals are trying to use as examples of why law abiding citizens need to have their 2nd Amendment rights infringed upon.
And not one of these 14 ways would have prevented the CT shooting, will not prevent any further mass shootings, will not make us or our kids any safer and will do nothing to stop gun related crimes one bit. The ONLY thing they will do is put restrictions on the law abiding among us.
And that is, of course, the goal. Controlling the law-abiding.

All it's going to accomplish is to turn millions of law abiding citizens into criminals.
By Tim Murphy and Adam Serwer

By Thursday afternoon, it was clear that Vice President Joe Biden's charms weren't going to be enough to persuade the National Rifle Association to get on board with gun control legislation. Following a 95-minute summit at the White House, the NRA issued a curt press release vowing never to surrender. "We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment," the organization said. Instead, the nation's leading gun group pledged to take its "commitment and meaningful contributions" to Congress.

Fortunately for the White House, there's a Plan B. Just one day earlier, Biden signaled that the White House might take unilateral steps on gun control, noting "there are executive orders, executive action that can be taken." What those steps were, Biden wouldn't say. But we've got a pretty good idea. Here are 14 proposals, all endorsed by leading gun control advocates—and in some cases, even the NRA—that the White House and its subordinate agencies could push through on their own:

DETAILS: 14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress | Mother Jones

The Left is all over finding ways to usurp The Constitution and Congress via The 14th Amendment, Executive Order, etc. These means can all come back to bite in the ass one day.
Just to pick one: how would adding a second serial number to a gun help anything?

That is an incredibly stupid idea. Only a leftist bureaucrat could come up with the idea that since serial numbers don't work, let's add more.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

Rep coming.
Just to pick one: how would adding a second serial number to a gun help anything?

That is an incredibly stupid idea. Only a leftist bureaucrat could come up with the idea that since serial numbers don't work, let's add more.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

Rep coming.

The idea was twisted around a bit. The idea was to put a hidden second serial number and to place existing serial numbers in areas harder to remove.
By Tim Murphy and Adam Serwer

By Thursday afternoon, it was clear that Vice President Joe Biden's charms weren't going to be enough to persuade the National Rifle Association to get on board with gun control legislation. Following a 95-minute summit at the White House, the NRA issued a curt press release vowing never to surrender. "We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment," the organization said. Instead, the nation's leading gun group pledged to take its "commitment and meaningful contributions" to Congress.

Fortunately for the White House, there's a Plan B. Just one day earlier, Biden signaled that the White House might take unilateral steps on gun control, noting "there are executive orders, executive action that can be taken." What those steps were, Biden wouldn't say. But we've got a pretty good idea. Here are 14 proposals, all endorsed by leading gun control advocates—and in some cases, even the NRA—that the White House and its subordinate agencies could push through on their own:

DETAILS: 14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress | Mother Jones

Oh no! He's a DICTATOR! Obama isn't allowed to do ANYTHING w/o Congress, haven't you read the Constitution? He's not even allowed to get out of bed in the morning without approval from Congress. Says so in Article STUPID.
I was a Civil Engineering troop -- base infrastructure support. No USAF support troops are allowed to qualify on full auto. They teach us basic marksmanship...no Rambo stuff.

The wonderful thing about .223's is that they are incredibly accurate. Even a 5.56mm fired in the same weapon lacks the precision of of a .223 (all in my opinion)

Putting a .223 into full auto or even burst mode makes no sense, since you lose the precision of the rifle. I know that with my Mini-14, I will hit what I aim at - 100% of the time. Shot a buddy's M-4, and first off, it's inferior to the Mini-14 in general, but when toggled to burst, I couldn't hit shit with it. In semi, I did just fine.
The idea was twisted around a bit. The idea was to put a hidden second serial number and to place existing serial numbers in areas harder to remove.

It's a very stupid idea.

First off, the "filing off" of serial numbers is a myth. Laser readers can pick the SN up in virtually all cases - file away. This is just one of the bullshit Hollywood ideas that leftists, who lack a grip on reality, accept as truth.
The idea was twisted around a bit. The idea was to put a hidden second serial number and to place existing serial numbers in areas harder to remove.

It's a very stupid idea.

First off, the "filing off" of serial numbers is a myth. Laser readers can pick the SN up in virtually all cases - file away. This is just one of the bullshit Hollywood ideas that leftists, who lack a grip on reality, accept as truth.

With today's technology, I could put a second serial number somewhere on a weapon that someone wouldn't be able to see. The part about changing the location would not be practical or a good solution in nearly all cases.

Now, why the fuck do all right-wing idiots assume they know what someone thinks about something without asking them? I simply told you the full story of the recommendation that right-wingers changed to a simple version. I know you are all too lazy to read the past posts.

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