14 Ways Obama Can Push Gun Control Without Congress

And not one of these 14 ways would have prevented the CT shooting, will not prevent any further mass shootings, will not make us or our kids any safer and will do nothing to stop gun related crimes one bit. The ONLY thing they will do is put restrictions on the law abiding among us.

You forgot grow government, if congress provides the funds and that's Maobamas intent. More repressive regulations and bigger bureaucracies. All part of the fundamental transformation.

You're right, I did forget that.
13. Create DOJ Unit to track Interstate weapons trafficking.

How did the DOJ do in the intercountry weapons tracking area?

Do right-wingers ever think before they open their mouths? If you have to create a DOJ unit to track interstate weapons trafficking, which is the ATF's job, why would there be an international DOJ unit? I don't know why a Department of Justice unit should be created to do the job of the ATF in tracking weapons trafficing, when their job is to prosecute a crime. Crimes are usually presecuted at the state level and not by the feds, unless it's really big.

Try using your brain before you spout out nonsense!
13. Create DOJ Unit to track Interstate weapons trafficking.

How did the DOJ do in the intercountry weapons tracking area?

Do right-wingers ever think before they open their mouths? If you have to create a DOJ unit to track interstate weapons trafficking, which is the ATF's job, why would there be an international DOJ unit? I don't know why a Department of Justice unit should be created to do the job of the ATF in tracking weapons trafficing, when their job is to prosecute a crime. Crimes are usually presecuted at the state level and not by the feds, unless it's really big.

Try using your brain before you spout out nonsense!

You mean really really big, like walking 3,000+ guns to Mexico, that kind of big. ATF did a fine job tracking them, didn't they? BTW ATF is an arm of the DOJ.
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High capacity clip is a misnomer - the 30 round clip (magazine) is the standard size for the AR-15. Many pistols and rifles have standard magazines larger than 10 rounds.
The others I can see might make a difference in crime but we certianly don't need more laws - they don't enforce the 2000+ that we have now.

Hmm, when I was active duty, (I retired my commission shortly after the fall of Bagdad) M16A2 standard issue mags were 20-rounds, and so were the ones with my M-203 and my M-4A1. We carried 100 rounds under most conditions, 1 mag in rifle and 4 mags in belt packs (of course, in combat patrols most troops would load up their packs with as many magazines as they could pack). This isn't to say that there weren't 30rd mags in any of the weapons carried, but they weren't standard issue, at least in the units I was attached to. I'm curious, how did a 30-round mag become the "standard size" magazine for the civilian market semi-auto varient of these weapons, the AR-15? I'm not challenging or doubting you, I just find it peculiar that the civilian varient would possess larger magazines than were standard issue for the military varients of this weapon since the late sixties when I joined the military.

Actually, most of these suggestions seemed to be oriented around enforcing laws already on the books, and enhancing a few regulatory techniques. The president can't unilaterally enact laws, only congress can do that. The only thing the president can do is focus the DOJ and various other federal agencies on enforcement of laws and the methods used to enforce those laws.
In my 20 years in the USAF, the 30-round magazine was standard...but we only loaded 20 rounds. Eliminated most feed problems.
I can live with all but number 14.
How can you live with ANY of them? :confused:

None of them violate the second as we understand it. Did you read them? Only the 14th is offensive because it seeks to deny access to weapons.

The law presently does that. The weapons allowed for import are very selective.

The AK-47 was designed to be easily made and I've seen documentaries of Pakistanis making them in crude areas near the Afghanistan border.

I don't want a ban of assault weapons and only want controls to make sure they don't get into the wrong hands. I use to have a lot of fun shooting them, understand how it's a hobbie for people and how some just like to collect guns. I just want controls to keep these most dangerous of weapons in the hands of responsible people. As far as foreign weapons are concerned, I say make them here.

Nothing like the left rooting for their Dear Leader to act like a fascist tyrant. :thup:

I have to be honest here. I've never seen the liberal leftists so openly willing our government to become a dictatorship. Fools.
The responsibilities of citizenship frighten them. They'd rather be subjects and have the government make all their decisions for them. SEE ALSO: "The pussification of America".
And not one of these 14 ways would have prevented the CT shooting, will not prevent any further mass shootings, will not make us or our kids any safer and will do nothing to stop gun related crimes one bit. The ONLY thing they will do is put restrictions on the law abiding among us.
And that is, of course, the goal. Controlling the law-abiding.
How can you live with ANY of them? :confused:

None of them violate the second as we understand it. Did you read them? Only the 14th is offensive because it seeks to deny access to weapons.

The law presently does that. The weapons allowed for import are very selective.

The AK-47 was designed to be easily made and I've seen documentaries of Pakistanis making them in crude areas near the Afghanistan border.

I don't want a ban of assault weapons and only want controls to make sure they don't get into the wrong hands. I use to have a lot of fun shooting them, understand how it's a hobbie for people and how some just like to collect guns. I just want controls to keep these most dangerous of weapons in the hands of responsible people. As far as foreign weapons are concerned, I say make them here.

Did you really just say that (in bold above)? Would they still be foreign, if we made them here? Damn, after your last 2 post on this thread, if I believed in negging you'd get one for being just so darned ignorant.
Nothing like the left rooting for their Dear Leader to act like a fascist tyrant. :thup:

I have to be honest here. I've never seen the liberal leftists so openly willing our government to become a dictatorship. Fools.

They've been told so long they can't do anything on their own, they're starting to beleive it. What a waste of prefectly good human beings.

I'd be hard pressed to disagree. But still, theses clowns are ACTUALLY advocating (by their deeds) the takeover of America by "the beloved Leader". These stupid fools actually CELEBRATE the executive orders that their boy does on a nearly daily basis. It boggles the mind, the ignorance of these bums.
High capacity clip is a misnomer - the 30 round clip (magazine) is the standard size for the AR-15. Many pistols and rifles have standard magazines larger than 10 rounds.
The others I can see might make a difference in crime but we certianly don't need more laws - they don't enforce the 2000+ that we have now.

Hmm, when I was active duty, (I retired my commission shortly after the fall of Bagdad) M16A2 standard issue mags were 20-rounds, and so were the ones with my M-203 and my M-4A1. We carried 100 rounds under most conditions, 1 mag in rifle and 4 mags in belt packs (of course, in combat patrols most troops would load up their packs with as many magazines as they could pack). This isn't to say that there weren't 30rd mags in any of the weapons carried, but they weren't standard issue, at least in the units I was attached to. I'm curious, how did a 30-round mag become the "standard size" magazine for the civilian market semi-auto varient of these weapons, the AR-15? I'm not challenging or doubting you, I just find it peculiar that the civilian varient would possess larger magazines than were standard issue for the military varients of this weapon since the late sixties when I joined the military.

Actually, most of these suggestions seemed to be oriented around enforcing laws already on the books, and enhancing a few regulatory techniques. The president can't unilaterally enact laws, only congress can do that. The only thing the president can do is focus the DOJ and various other federal agencies on enforcement of laws and the methods used to enforce those laws.

I bought a Colt AR-15 around '75 and it was 20 round. About 15 years ago, my older brother showed me his 30 round magazine for his AR-15. It wouldn't surprise me though that 30 round might be standard for new purchases. The manufacturers would do that to make the weapon more impressive, like the way they have doctored them up.
13. Create DOJ Unit to track Interstate weapons trafficking.

How did the DOJ do in the intercountry weapons tracking area?

Do right-wingers ever think before they open their mouths? If you have to create a DOJ unit to track interstate weapons trafficking, which is the ATF's job, why would there be an international DOJ unit? I don't know why a Department of Justice unit should be created to do the job of the ATF in tracking weapons trafficing, when their job is to prosecute a crime. Crimes are usually presecuted at the state level and not by the feds, unless it's really big.

Try using your brain before you spout out nonsense!

You mean really really big, like walking 3,000+ guns to Mexico, that kind of big. ATF did a fine job tracking them, didn't they? BTW ATF is an arm of the DOJ.

Does that change the DOJ's job? They have a different function.
The most idiotic proposals ever.
1) Why hasnt the president appointed a director of ATF? Maybe because the last one he tried was so enthralled to gun control there was no way the Senate would approve him.
2)They dont prosecute people who try to buy guns illegally because the burden to do so is too high. People who know they are prohibited dont buy guns from dealers.
3)If the gun is missing a serial number because it was ground off (and there are ways to recover it even if that was done) what will a second one do, that can also be ground off? Another useless proposal that costs money.
4) How many crimes are committed by employees of gun shops? What dealer wants a prohibited person working for him? If someone is prohibitied it is already illegal for him just to be in the shop.
5)Just because someone loses his license to paper work violations does not make him a prohibited person.
6) Manufacturers are private companies. Why would I report buyers to a private company? Bad enough I have to do it to ATF.
7) Yes guns get stolen. Dealers have adequate incentive to protect their investment already. Another useless proposal.
8) I guess privacy is a thing of the past.
9)I dont know what this means.
10)ATF does not have manpower to investigate thefts like that.
11)I dont even know what this means. Dealers must respond to trace requests. Trace requests turn up empty about 99% of the time. It is simply a numbers game. Sell more guns, get more requests.
12) Ditto.
13)ATF already investigates interstate gun trafficking. What will another duplicative bureaucracy achieve?
14) The number of AK47s, which are not imported btw, used in crimes is minimal. Stopping importation is a barrier to trade.

This crap is typical of ignorant people who have no idea what the gun industry is and how things function. It is total feel goodism.
None of them violate the second as we understand it. Did you read them? Only the 14th is offensive because it seeks to deny access to weapons.

The law presently does that. The weapons allowed for import are very selective.

The AK-47 was designed to be easily made and I've seen documentaries of Pakistanis making them in crude areas near the Afghanistan border.

I don't want a ban of assault weapons and only want controls to make sure they don't get into the wrong hands. I use to have a lot of fun shooting them, understand how it's a hobbie for people and how some just like to collect guns. I just want controls to keep these most dangerous of weapons in the hands of responsible people. As far as foreign weapons are concerned, I say make them here.

Did you really just say that (in bold above)? Would they still be foreign, if we made them here? Damn, after your last 2 post on this thread, if I believed in negging you'd get one for being just so darned ignorant.

There is no patent on an AK-47 and as far as the rest of the foreign weapons that could be purchased by Americans, make them here.

I told your dumbasses, I saw a documentary of AK-47s being made in a crude area of Pakistan along the Afghan border. The weapon was designed to be made anywhere.

What you are is a complete idiot!
Do right-wingers ever think before they open their mouths? If you have to create a DOJ unit to track interstate weapons trafficking, which is the ATF's job, why would there be an international DOJ unit? I don't know why a Department of Justice unit should be created to do the job of the ATF in tracking weapons trafficing, when their job is to prosecute a crime. Crimes are usually presecuted at the state level and not by the feds, unless it's really big.

Try using your brain before you spout out nonsense!

You mean really really big, like walking 3,000+ guns to Mexico, that kind of big. ATF did a fine job tracking them, didn't they? BTW ATF is an arm of the DOJ.

Does that change the DOJ's job? They have a different function.

No they have one function, enforcing federal law, doesn't matter if it involves banks, illegal aliens, guns or tootsie pops.
Obama is going to be despised enough as it is for his failed economy and that god awful Obamacare. Do you really want him to trash the constitution by taking away the 2nd amendment too? Even Obama isnt that stupid.

Holy shit, you're really dumb.

Thats a failed counter debate. Ive noticed this trend with you. You post nothing of value. Merely calling people pussies, morons and dumb is a clear indication of your weak debating skills.

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