14 Year Old Girl Denied Life Saving Prescription Two Days After Arizona Passes Abortion Law

A fourteen-year-old girl who became the first child in Arizona to be denied treatment for a debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis disease that she has suffered from for years. The girl was refused her refill prescription by Walgreen, and the company cited the drug methotrexate in the State’s anti-abortion bill, which helps provide comfort from her pain. The State of Arizona has banned methotrexate, when taken with misoprostol can be used to terminate a pregnancy.

Denying medicine to patients with debilitating diseases. Forcing women to carry dead babies around in their bodies until they are almost dead.

Welcome to the new Christofascist America.

How desperate are the Democrats?

A girl in AZ had a slight delay in getting her script and OH NO ABORTION.

It looks right now you all are gonna get the stuffing beaten out of you.
A fourteen-year-old girl who became the first child in Arizona to be denied treatment for a debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis disease that she has suffered from for years. The girl was refused her refill prescription by Walgreen, and the company cited the drug methotrexate in the State’s anti-abortion bill, which helps provide comfort from her pain. The State of Arizona has banned methotrexate, when taken with misoprostol can be used to terminate a pregnancy.

Denying medicine to patients with debilitating diseases. Forcing women to carry dead babies around in their bodies until they are almost dead.

Welcome to the new Christofascist America.
This is why any abortion laws are an overreach of the government.
A fourteen-year-old girl who became the first child in Arizona to be denied treatment for a debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis disease that she has suffered from for years. The girl was refused her refill prescription by Walgreen, and the company cited the drug methotrexate in the State’s anti-abortion bill, which helps provide comfort from her pain. The State of Arizona has banned methotrexate, when taken with misoprostol can be used to terminate a pregnancy.

Denying medicine to patients with debilitating diseases. Forcing women to carry dead babies around in their bodies until they are almost dead.

Welcome to the new Christofascist America.
how utterly absurd

If people followed Christ there would be NO abortion, no Post Abortion Syndrome that often destroys women.. There would be no fornication to produce "unwanted" children. There are no unwanted children when there are millions waiting a LONG time to adopt.

It is the anti-Christs who are fascists. But keep on lying and deceiving till your dying day.. you may get a few bites on your line.. the morons among us, the God-less, the lawless.. but those are the kind you like, i see... until you don't..
Not to mention he glossed over the fact that the error was corrected and the patient (a minor) had her medication prescription filled.
that's the way the Left operate: tell people half the truth, leaving out the most important part 90% of the time..

Satan tells them what to do. He is the puppeteer

But even if you don't believe in Satan.. what these creeps promote is sick, whether you are christian or just a person of good will
More proof leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are a mindless cult led by pure hate
yeh, you'd think the good people among us who are not hateful (except toward evil) could come up with some way to keep them from voting.. But maybe it's not possible in this "all inclusive (except for Christians) society we have (this monstrosity.. this Frankenstein society)
This is why any abortion laws are an overreach of the government.
Right. We should have no restrictions on murdering children.

so civilized.. so American..

The Declaration says we all have the "right to LIFE (liberty...etc)"

LIFE is the first thing mentioned. One should only forfeit his right to life if he has betrayed his country to the enemy in a time of war w/ said enemy

OR murdered someone.

So it looks like it is the abortionists who ought to be aborted, not innocent children who have committed no crime.

A fourteen-year-old girl who became the first child in Arizona to be denied treatment for a debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis disease that she has suffered from for years. The girl was refused her refill prescription by Walgreen, and the company cited the drug methotrexate in the State’s anti-abortion bill, which helps provide comfort from her pain. The State of Arizona has banned methotrexate, when taken with misoprostol can be used to terminate a pregnancy.

Denying medicine to patients with debilitating diseases. Forcing women to carry dead babies around in their bodies until they are almost dead.

Welcome to the new Christofascist America.

And a lie. Her doctor cleared up the matter with the pharmacist...but thanks for spreading the lie.

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