A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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This past Monday, a child abuse doctor in Ohio had a 10-year old rape victim in her office. She is six weeks and three days pregnant. She was obviously terrified, and instead of helping her, Ohio legislators turned on her. As soon as SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio outlawed all abortion after six weeks. The child discovered she was pregnant three days too late. There was no longer any access to an abortion clinic in the state, and there were no exceptions made for child rape. Even if there was a doctor who would take pity on this horrible situation, the doctor would be taking an extreme risk of prosecution—along with possibly the child.

No child should ever have to bear a child. This is definitely rape and it would be unconscionable to not allow his child to have an abortion.
The youngest girl any of my clients had sex with was a father and his seven year old daughter. He was caught when the girl spread gonorrhea to several high school boys, and daddy.

Right now there is a 13 year old and a ten year old in the family. Both have been repeatedly raped by a family member ( now doing 35 years. He will die in prison) Neither of those girls will ever recover. Neither of them will ever be returned to their mother.

To say there is a ten year old girl, pregnant and needing an abortion, bingo, right after this law passes doesn't pass the sniff test.
I hope you mean she deserves one. If anybody ever needed an abortion badly it is this child.
A child should not have to undergo the horror of an abortion at that age. THERE ARE OTHER Things that can be done under her doctor's care. First thing is arrest the bastard who got her pregnant in this fairytale.
Gee, that really is a problem then for Middle Eastern nations where often, girls as young as 12-14 years old are taken as wives!
It usually doesn't involve rape and incest. And our society knows better, well at least most of us do. Now go away freak, I've already wasted enough time on you today.
This is a bullshit story only put out there to enrage the left. Look how emotional these guys here are already.
A child should not have to undergo the horror of an abortion at that age. THERE ARE OTHER Things that can be done under her doctor's care. First thing is arrest the bastard who got her pregnant in this fairytale.
Do you want to continue the trauma. Abortion is the best solution in this case. She can be put to sleep while it's done. She's going to need years of therapy, and since there is incest involved, it's absolutely a good idea.
stann said:
It usually doesn't involve rape and incest. And our society knows better, well at least most of us do. Now go away freak, I've already wasted enough time on you today.

what in hell?? it's okay with you if a ten or twelve year old bride with no experience just into puberty or not is raped by her old husband or relative whom she was married off to? and then you get all wee weed up over a made up media story??
if you gave a damn about kids y'all wouldn't be promoting trans surgery, trans indoctrination, homo parades, grooming in schools and entertainment, sex ed in kindegarten and the murder of the unborn. Save your damn emotional outrage for someone who believes you're legitimate. LOL
This is a bullshit story only put out there to enrage the left. Look how emotional these guys here are already.
No it's what's happening because of these stupid abortion laws. Like the happily married mother who found out at her 20-week checkup that the child she was carrying had such bad genetic disorders it was non-viable. Her State past one of the terrible abortion laws and wouldn't allow her to have an abortion there so she had to go out of state only to arrive at a clinic where anti-abortion protesters jerred her as she entered the clinic. They are just as asinine as these laws are. Or the woman in Texas who tried to do a self-abortion. Then the state wanted to charge her. There was such a public outcry they dropped the case. Too bad they didn't drop the f****** law that caused the situation in the first place. These horrors are just beginning there's going to be a whole lot more of them, just like before.
No it's what's happening because of these stupid abortion laws. Like the happily married mother who found out at her 20-week checkup that the child she was carrying had such bad genetic disorders it was non-viable. Her State past one of the terrible abortion laws and wouldn't allow her to have an abortion there so she had to go out of state only to arrive at a clinic where anti-abortion protesters jerred her as she entered the clinic. They are just as asinine as these laws are. Or the woman in Texas who tried to do a self-abortion. Then the state wanted to charge her. There was such a public outcry they dropped the case. Too bad they didn't drop the f****** law that caused the situation in the first place. These horrors are just beginning there's going to be a whole lot more of them, just like before.
Oh stann stop lying, you don't know shit if it happened or not. All there is is this bullshit media story that is pretty vague.
You are all ready to believe any fake story they put out there right now about abortion aren't you.
The youngest girl any of my clients had sex with was a father and his seven year old daughter. He was caught when the girl spread gonorrhea to several high school boys, and daddy.

Right now there is a 13 year old and a ten year old in the family. Both have been repeatedly raped by a family member ( now doing 35 years. He will die in prison) Neither of those girls will ever recover. Neither of them will ever be returned to their mother.

To say there is a ten year old girl, pregnant and needing an abortion, bingo, right after this law passes doesn't pass the sniff test.
No one cares

It’s a true story
A true story here in America not off somewhere in Arab lands where they have an entirely different culture. There's no comparison. Here we know all that b******* is wrong. At least we're supposed to know better I guess you're an exception. Or maybe you're into f****** little girls. You sick bastard.
Pedo accusation reported.
Do you want to continue the trauma. Abortion is the best solution in this case. She can be put to sleep while it's done. She's going to need years of therapy, and since there is incest involved, it's absolutely a good idea.

Where did you get the idea this was an example of "incest"?
No one cares

It’s a true story
How do you know.?
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