A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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How does a 10 year old get pregnant? LET ME GUESS: the Left have a trove of surgically altered MIDGETS lined up now which you will seminally impregnate just so that you can march them out and say, SEE?

GET THIS THROUGH YOUR BRAIN: SCOTUS has done nothing but move the power to decide fetal rights and abortion BACK TO THE PEOPLE where it belongs at the state level. If your state is not reflecting your wishes, get off this site and on Tuesday, get your fat ass to the tele and call your state reps and TELL THEM.
The TRUMPCourt has opened the door to 10 year olds and victims of rape being forced to give birth
Ten year olds can get pregnant under certain conditions. Why would she need an abortion when there are alternatives that are safer and less traumatic than an abortion. I doubt this will be a common occurence but okay...there is always a possibility...a slim one but one just the same. I have to wonder at the sick perv who is attracted to a ten year old child though. I think probably if the situation even occured...those providing abortion services (not PP) would say no..we won't do that to this ten year old child and said, get her to her doctor......for physical and emotional care. So i'm callin' bullshit on the story.
Ten year olds can get pregnant under certain conditions. Why would she need an abortion when there are alternatives that are safer and less traumatic than an abortion. I doubt this will be a common occurence but okay...there is always a possibility...a slim one but one just the same. I have to wonder at the sick perv who is attracted to a ten year old child though. I think probably if the situation even occured...those providing abortion services (not PP) would say no..we won't do that to this ten year old child and said, get her to her doctor......for physical and emotional care. So i'm callin' bullshit on the story.
So you believe a ten year old needs her name splashed all over the media before you will believe her story?
I don't need her name...which none of you have anyway...not even the lying media that made up the story. I don't believe the story period. It is too convenient and abortion is too traumatic when there are other alternatives. it's bullshit...pure and simple.
rightwinger said:
So you believe a ten year old needs her name splashed all over the media before you will believe her story?

so you believe that child rapists should just get off scot free?
No you haven't because the Daily Kos is referencing the Columbus Dispatch article, This is not a Daily Kos story, it's a Columbus dispatch story.
You will notice, that Columbus Dispatch article?

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Is taken from the Indianapolis Star.

Both that paper and town, are known to be, middle of the road, if not slightly conservative.
I don't believe the story...it's just too convenient after what just happened at the supreme court. BUT...we need better parenting, we need parents to know where their children are and what they're up to and who they hang with. We need teachers to stop pushing sex and gender crap and start teaching relevant studies for all grades. Sex offenders...no matter who they daddy is, need to be in jail or depending on the severity of the cases....eliminated.
No one cares

If it does not advance YOUR agenda

It must be a LIE

This poor kid, through no fault of her own , goes from victim to perp because you folks just have to politicize her plight?


rightwinger said:
Who has said such a thing

You are the one calling a ten year old a liar

You don't like it when folk put words in your mouth do ya. WELL NEITHER DO I!!

secondly...there is no ten year old to call a liar.
At the least you have apologized for her need to be taken away to a safe place to receive an abortion.

You won't hear many other apologies for America's behaviour on abortion. The Christian right's intent is to stop all abortions, including little children as in this example.
The youngest girl any of my clients had sex with was a father and his seven year old daughter. He was caught when the girl spread gonorrhea to several high school boys, and daddy.

Right now there is a 13 year old and a ten year old in the family. Both have been repeatedly raped by a family member ( now doing 35 years. He will die in prison) Neither of those girls will ever recover. Neither of them will ever be returned to their mother.

To say there is a ten year old girl, pregnant and needing an abortion, bingo, right after this law passes doesn't pass the sniff test.
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