14 years ago today: September 11, 2001


And that Trinity Church was unharmed

Truly Miracles
I lived in the Big Apple and again saw the towers daily from Governor's Island when in military school. It was part of the landscape of NYC.

On 9/11/01 I was drawing with the TV news on and they mention a plane went into a tower. I thought they meant a Cessna or something. As I was watching it an airliner hit the other one. I remember that feeling and knowing this was a major event. I had no idea they would come down, it went from shocking to bizarre.
Hard to believe how much our world changed after 9-11

We took so much for granted
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
You managed to make Odium look not all that bad. That takes talent.
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
You managed to make Odium look not all that bad. That takes talent.
Ever done some research?
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
You managed to make Odium look not all that bad. That takes talent.
Ever done some research?
Do you ever back up your shit? How did the Jews get al Qaeda to attack the US and what for?
I think Bush and Donald Rumsfeld had their finest hours in the aftermath of 9-11, my political views were forever changed on that day, I was working on things that were forever changed and have evolved into the best weapon system that has been used in the global war on terror, and I am proud of the payback my work has provided
Hard to believe how much our world changed after 9-11

We took so much for granted
What did you take for granted?

That terrorists can't get us here
That it is a problem in other places
That we are protected

I never thought that.

Have you forgotten the numerous attacks against Americans prior to 9/11? Have you forgotten the WTC bombing of 1993?

You need to consider new sources of information, as the ones you use now, don't inform you.
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
You managed to make Odium look not all that bad. That takes talent.
Ever done some research?
Do you ever back up your shit? How did the Jews get al Qaeda to attack the US and what for?
Al Qaeda didn't do it. Duh. Mossad did. Ya ever read Mossad's motto? By way of deception, thou shalt do war
I was up the Twin Towers in July of that year. The second time I'd been to the top. I was supposed to fly out of Newark on the 18th September but instead went in August.
A turning point in history, unfortunately one that benefits the right. They seem to get off on their wars. The conservative Muslims who are getting people angry at American, and the conservative Americans getting people angry at Muslims, all to further their goals.

It's a sad event
You managed to make Odium look not all that bad. That takes talent.
Ever done some research?
Do you ever back up your shit? How did the Jews get al Qaeda to attack the US and what for?
Al Qaeda didn't do it. Duh. Mossad did. Ya ever read Mossad's motto? By way of deception, thou shalt do war
Well look what they did to Hitler. Drove the poor man mad. Never was the same after coming out of the national archives. This is just another thinly veiled attempt to get us to exterminate the entire race.

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