14 years ago today: September 11, 2001

Hard to believe how much our world changed after 9-11

We took so much for granted
What did you take for granted?

That terrorists can't get us here
That it is a problem in other places
That we are protected

I never thought that.

Have you forgotten the numerous attacks against Americans prior to 9/11? Have you forgotten the WTC bombing of 1993?

You need to consider new sources of information, as the ones you use now, don't inform you.

Yes, there were attacks
4-5 people would be killed in a bomb blast

Oklahoma City was much worse than the foreign terrorists could kill on our soil. 9-11 showed they could get us from the other side of the world
I will never forget 9/11 as long as I live. I also appreciate my fellow Americans putting politics aside on here. It reminds all of us that if something happens, we can count on each other.

To this day, I wonder how much bravery it took for the police and firefighters to enter those buildings, to try and save every one they could, knowing they had a good chance of losing their own lives in the process. They were the heroes, along with the people on the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. The theory I have heard was that plane was going to try and hit the Whitehouse or the Washington Monument. Can we imagine if that had happened?

Feel free to commemorate and remember those who perished, those who showed immense bravery, fortitude and kindness - and please remember, we are one American family, no matter where we are.

I am in awe of the courage of the firefighters and policemen who rushed into the Towers as they were burning and tried to rescue those there- both those who survived- and those who died trying

What great Americans and great persons they were.

Feel free to commemorate and remember those who perished, those who showed immense bravery, fortitude and kindness - and please remember, we are one American family, no matter where we are.

I am in awe of the courage of the firefighters and policemen who rushed into the Towers as they were burning and tried to rescue those there- both those who survived- and those who died trying

What great Americans and great persons they were.
Americans are great people. Sadly, our political leadership are entirely corrupt and criminal.

Feel free to commemorate and remember those who perished, those who showed immense bravery, fortitude and kindness - and please remember, we are one American family, no matter where we are.

I am in awe of the courage of the firefighters and policemen who rushed into the Towers as they were burning and tried to rescue those there- both those who survived- and those who died trying

What great Americans and great persons they were.

Yes, they were

A reminder when we take them for granted
Hopefully they engineered that new tower so it does not implode on itself as a consequence of a low heat fire.

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