145 million for 6 miles of wall

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

That is more than 24 million per mile.

What a stupid waste of money we don’t have

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Good lord. I can’t believe Trump got Mexico to pony up all that money. Too bad it will be ineffective.

Yup, but your commute time will triple...dumbass.
$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

That is more than 24 million per mile.

What a stupid waste of money we don’t have

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The price of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

Do you really think Open Borders is really a good policy?

Is the pocketbook of John Q Taxpayer really that bottomless to support these people?
$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

That is more than 24 million per mile.

What a stupid waste of money we don’t have

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A waste of money given the fact Trump’s wall of bigotry and hate won’t work:

‘To put it most simply, border barriers will never stop illegal immigration, because a wall or fence cannot apprehend crossers. The agents that Fox News spoke to called a wall “meaningless” without agents and technology to back it up. Mayor Michael Gomez of Douglas, Arizona, labeled the fence a failure in 2010, saying “they jump right over it.” Former Border Patrol spokesperson Mike Scioli has called the fence little more than “a speed bump in the desert.”’

Well by all means spend a half trillion and GET THAT WALL BUILT then
The alternative, more than a hundred million more illegals coming into this country to climb onto the American Welfare Gravy Train is a lot more expensive.

Global polling indicates that about 170 million people want to come to the US to sponge off the beleaguered taxpayer, mostly from Turd World countries and mostly people without the skills to successfully compete in the American economy.
And of course they will vote for our Communist Party. Say good bye to America as we knew it.
And of course they will vote for our Communist Party. Say good bye to America as we knew it.

Has it occurred to anyone else that all these anti-American, seemingly Communist sympathizers.....

COULD BE the now of voting age offspring of the millions of Communists that have been allowed here over the last few decades through the stupid birther laws, and their Communist parents / handlers are finally getting from them what they've been waiting for all these years? (Their votes and support)

Just as the Mexicans that have flocked here by the millions are producing nearly half a million LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN babies each year....and as they reach voting age, can vote you right out of your homeland? By the time enough people realize they've been had on a Grand Epic Scale, it'll be too late.

The US Federal Government will have facilitated the demise of the American people it was supposed to represent and protect.

Pretty slick huh?

While America had a great foundation....it had cracks that were exploited and people too stupid to fix it early on. We The American people created the greatest Idiocracy history has ever known.
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A waste of money given the fact Trump’s wall of bigotry and hate won’t work:

‘To put it most simply, border barriers will never stop illegal immigration, because a wall or fence cannot apprehend crossers. The agents that Fox News spoke to called a wall “meaningless” without agents and technology to back it up. Mayor Michael Gomez of Douglas, Arizona, labeled the fence a failure in 2010, saying “they jump right over it.” Former Border Patrol spokesperson Mike Scioli has called the fence little more than “a speed bump in the desert.”’

Obama had a wall when he was president. He had Mexican laborers build a "wall of hate and bigotry" around his new residence
Native born Americans commit more crimes then documented and UnDocumented immigrants.
There is no such thing as “undocumented immigrants”, sweetie. That’s like saying “unconsented intimacy”. Uh...it’s rape. And those people are illegal aliens.

No matter how hard you try, we will never allow you to romanticize criminal behavior. The left’s attempts to alter the meaning of our language for their anti-American agenda is absolutely repulsive.
$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

That is more than 24 million per mile.

What a stupid waste of money we don’t have

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Because of the solar panels constructed on top of that wall, Mexico should get a good bit of the money back that they paId for the wall by selling the electricity produced from those panels to the United States.
$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

That is more than 24 million per mile. What a stupid waste of money we don’t have
As we already established in our thread about taxes, basic math is well beyond your grasp. But here - please ask an adult to read this and then explain it to you.

Trump's Wall Costs $21 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148 Billion Yearly—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
Should Democrats win control of the House this month, Trump’s wall of bigotry and hate is dead.
And so will the Dumbocrat Party’s chance for elections in 2020 if that happens. The American people specifically elected President Trump to build a wall. You’d think the left would learn at some point...but not so much. :laugh:

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