148,000 jobs added in December

People know their own situation and that of their friends and neighbors.

Yes silly, that is all they know (apart from what Trump tells them) and why we need actual NATIONAL statistics to talk about our economy as a whole in any sort of coherent way.

Just because me and my neighbors are doing well (or not well) does not mean everyone and their neighbors are doing well.
yet another trump voter denier. You support everything the oversize orange man does.

As Trump's fuck ups mount, there will be a lot of "deniers" on here stating, "Oh, NO, I never voted for Trump nor am I a right wing moron......
I just hate Hillary"..........LOL
I do know federal govt employment is down by 16% over the last 12 months. A winner!

People know their own situation and that of their friends and neighbors.

Yes silly, that is all they know (apart from what Trump tells them) and why we need actual NATIONAL statistics to talk about our economy as a whole in any sort of coherent way.

Just because me and my neighbors are doing well (or not well) does not mean everyone and their neighbors are doing well.
Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

Can the lies get any funnier?

OK,right wing moron.....explain this ONE simple question.........

How do you enter into TWO costly wars......AND, STILL give tax cuts at the same time???
Last edited:
Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.

BULLSHIT, In Dec16-Dec17 Federal employment data there is almost no difference.

Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.


IDK about percentage but i know its around 11K jobs
Thank gawd
Bull. Read it and weep-
And, from snopes.com -


The Truth Division article accurately describes the extent to which the national debt fell between the inauguration of Donald Trump in January 2017 and the end of July of the same year. And it rightly describes this fall as “surprising”, since it ranks among the very largest 131-day declines in the national debt since July 1993, both in absolute and percentage terms.

Similarly, the decline in both components of the national debt — public debt and intragovernmental holdings — was highly significant between 20 January and 27 July 2017, both in absolute and percentage terms, and as we have shown, the national debt has fallen by an estimated 2.25 percent since Inauguration Day — even when measured against the size of the overall Unites States economy.

Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.


Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.


IDK about percentage but i know its around 11K jobs
Thank gawd

Just so you understand how insignificant that is - Federal employment is about 2.8 MILLION.
Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.


IDK about percentage but i know its around 11K jobs
Thank gawd

Just so you understand how insignificant that is - Federal employment is about 2.8 MILLION.
I know its a lot. I dont consider that insignificant though.
Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years -

Who the fuck is "seething with rage" moron???

Blacks know well, that the racist orange clown had NOTHING to do with employment for blacks.........Obama brought down the unemployment rate for ALL from 10% to 4.7%........

Besides, we always have these quotes form Trump......

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is.
wasnt it around 4.7 when he got inaugurated?

Find a grown up to research it for you.....Obviously, your GED classes haven't covered how one can do that.....
/----/ Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years - CNS News
Dec 18, 2017 - (CNSNews.com) -- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics( BLS), the unemployment rate for black Americans is the lowest it has been since the year 2000, 17 years ago. In November, the national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, was 7.3%. The last time it was 7.3% was in the ...
/----/ Now why would Nat rate this news as funny? Does he not believe it or is just pizzed because democRATS want to keep Blacks on the dole?
Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years -

Who the fuck is "seething with rage" moron???

Blacks know well, that the racist orange clown had NOTHING to do with employment for blacks.........Obama brought down the unemployment rate for ALL from 10% to 4.7%........

Besides, we always have these quotes form Trump......

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is.
/----/ "Lowest in 17 Years -" Libs need a permanent underclass dependent on democRAT socialist programs. This news undermines their socialist agenda.
Bull. Read it and weep-

Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.



HAHA way to make a fool of yourself - "16" is NOT %, it is THOUSANDS

"TABLE 3A. Employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted (in thousands)"

You confused * for %
wasnt it around 4.7 when he got inaugurated?

Find a grown up to research it for you.....Obviously, your GED classes haven't covered how one can do that.....
/----/ Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years - CNS News
Dec 18, 2017 - (CNSNews.com) -- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics( BLS), the unemployment rate for black Americans is the lowest it has been since the year 2000, 17 years ago. In November, the national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, was 7.3%. The last time it was 7.3% was in the ...
/----/ Now why would Nat rate this news as funny? Does he not believe it or is just pizzed because democRATS want to keep Blacks on the dole?
It's stupid, not funny
Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.

Let's see you cheer on Obama who brought the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7%.......Trump's "contribution" in a year in office, is 0.3% to 4.4% unemployment.

Hope THAT clears things up for your half brain.
Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.


IDK about percentage but i know its around 11K jobs
Thank gawd
Proud thatTrump's leadership is so bad that good people are fleeing?
The left are just pissed that Americans got their biggest pay increase in a decade. And it was instant.

Moron.......idiots like you got some crumbs from the $1.5 TRILLION LOAN that YOU will have to pay back, but NOT the rich who gotthe largest share and do NOT have to pay a penny of it back.............Idiots like you are so easily bought and suckers.

Well, I admit I screwed up. Should have read 16,000. Now, I was right, federal emp is down. Or are you claiming that made no difference in spending?.
Bull. Read it and weep-

Federal employment is down 16% in 12 months. That is a lot of cuts.
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.



HAHA way to make a fool of yourself - "16" is NOT %, it is THOUSANDS

"TABLE 3A. Employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted (in thousands)"

You confused * for %

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